The Nonsense of Atheists

I am sincerely curious about something.

Why almost all of the threads of this sort started by theists?

Because their faith is not enough. Plus, they know their God isn't the same as everybody elses, certainly the three Gods of the Abrahamic schisms are not the same, ... but they are loathe to admit that, ... so to cover up their own misgivings, about not accepting another theist's credo, they instead bash atheists, while being guilty of exactly the things they accuse us of, but towards other faiths.

That, is irony.
Because their faith is not enough. Plus, they know their God isn't the same as everybody elses, certainly the three Gods of the Abrahamic schisms are not the same, ... but they are loathe to admit that, ... so to cover up their own misgivings, about not accepting another theist's credo, they instead bash atheists, while being guilty of exactly the things they accuse us of, but towards other faiths.

That, is irony.

On the contrary, I think, by posting these threads, theists are practising their religion in a very freudian manner. They feed on it greedily. They need atheist bashing to reach some sort of a climax.

It's a common public sado-masochistic sexual relationship. It's legal and safe. In this case the masochistic part (theists) tease atheists with embecilic dogmas -any of them can drive an avarage intelligent human mad- and get their dose of turture and abuse for their required extacsy.

I mean, *chuckles* look at the title. The Nonsense of Atheists=Come and hit me. Lol, I am tempted to ask for the safe word.

Atheists are by nature critical, argumentative people. They don't put up with crap. They would point out any holes in any idea, not just in religions or theism. They are loud and they have to be bold to a point to clash with the old world systems and the 95% of the planet. They are characteristically dominant people.

In this forum, I have seen many theists and atheist clashes. One thing never changes. The theist or the religious freak telling his/her god found moments over and over again, replenishing the source of faith. And when slapped by an atheist, they start defending their delusion fervently, they provide themselves a position that imitates an altar to let atheists (demons) to torture them and thus make them more holy or righteous; more saint like? and so delivered.

I don't get in to any discussions with theists on the subject and mostly -not all of them- they don't contribute anything to the forum. You can see them in the sort of this threads.

I also feel uncomfortable because either they suffered from drug or alcohol abuse, lost somebody, had an abortion and stopped slutting around (instead of using contraceptives and what technology offers, but they all have computers and cell phones I am sure) and so on, which are certainly personal experiences could make a human suffer. Aaand they meet Jesus, Mohammed,Zeus,Abraham,Kali,Kybele...Buddha, whatever.

So these threads are some sort of warm shells and mediums for little martyrdom moments without death. And the internet is slowly becoming the vast combination of cathedrals,mosques,sinegogs...temple of these people.

Well, that's what I think.

You sure, when it's the common denominator between those two and Hitler?

I cite Mao and Stalin and Pot and YOU bring in Hitler. He was a raving socialist, like Mao, like Stalin, like Pot, like Barack Obama. This is why discussions with Leftists are absolutely impossible. Leftists simply spin and deny, and drag the discussions down to their level, where they beat everyone else to death with nonsense and lies and condescension.

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” ~ Adolf Hitler, May 1st, 1927

When Hitler fired Chief of General Staff General Franz Halder he told him, "We need National Socialist ardor now, not professional ability."

Ah, there's your problem, right there. Atheists aren't a group, just like people that don't collect stamps aren't a group. You named some individuals and you blamed their atrocities on atheism. It's the same tired old crap we hear too often. But it's a totally fallacious argument, smacking of desperation if that's all you have.

Atheists aren't a "group" but Christians are. And "fundies" are. And Tea Baggers are. But google atheists and you won't find any atheist websites other indicators of groupiness, will you....

It's just those SIMPLETONS whom you call "right wing religioius extremists" who group together.....


You go on the ignore list for being a complete waste of time.

I do not suffer fools gladly.

What would you have us atheists/agnostics do ?

What do you want from us ?

Why do you appear to hate us ?

What have we actually done to you ?

Do you despise science or just the occasional scientist ?

Do you despise people who believe in another god than you ?
Yet two years later, in 1929, Hitler backtracked, saying that socialism was "an unfortunate word altogether" and that "if people have something to eat, and their pleasures, then they have their socialism." Historian Henry A. Turner reports Hitler’s regret at having including the word socialism in the Nazi Party name.​

Hitler was a fascist, and many in his party were protestants and pagans, not atheists. The sooner you get on an idiot's ignore list, the better. Then they can go around talking to themselves like they probably do anyway.
The Pope has offered his profoundest apologies for these many evil deeds.

And atheists would condemn pedophilia under what standard of morality, exactly?

Nor did I name "a person" when in fact my thread names an entire worldwide group, viz. "atheists."

Please pay attention, junior.

Yes I suppose some empty words really can make up for decades of children being raped.

The standard of morality is simple, if you don't understand it then perhaps you never will. Ask yourself why it is wrong to rape children. :rolleyes:
theists are disproved by chaos, uncertainty, and common sense.

Theists are wrong, end of story.

What would you have us atheists/agnostics do ?

Excellent question. I have said it again and again, but here goes again.

1. Stop the condescension.
2. Stop pretending to be the arbiters of science and reason and logic.
3. Stop changing the subject and bringing in the Bible and then blaming others for bringing in the Bible.

What do you want from us ?

Asked and answered.

Why do you appear to hate us ?

I point out atheist condescension, and arrogance, and intellectual pretensions, and you transpose that into "hating"?

All you need to do is go to any thread on Darwinism to see the hateful comments spewed like so much venom by atheists. In fact, I'll put together a series of them and dedicate it to you.

What have we actually done to you ?

Do you despise science or just the occasional scientist ?

Are you intentionally dense or are you just feigning density?

Why can't you comprehend simple English?

It's almost impossible to discuss science with an atheist, like you.
You instantly drag the conversation down to silliness like "do you despise science or just the occasional scientist?"

Are you pretending to be a scientist or are you really one?
In either case, please post your most scientific, most informative message of the past week. I'd really love to learn some science from you.

Do you despise people who believe in another god than you ?

Wherever do you get such nonsense?

You see, I quote you precisely and then address your points.

You, like so many atheists, fabricate one thing after another and then blink as if you SAID something. (You didn't)
Yes I suppose some empty words really can make up for decades of children being raped.

The standard of morality is simple, if you don't understand it then perhaps you never will. Ask yourself why it is wrong to rape children. :rolleyes:

Please give me your "standard of morality."
Provide references and the authority by which you determine your "standard of morality".

Your incredibly ignorant and hateful intimation that I approve of such vile conduct is despicable, but typical of the left. The left traffics in lies.
It is your sine qua non.
Please give me your "standard of morality."
Provide references and the authority by which you determine your "standard of morality"...

Secular Humanism is as good a standard as anything. There are exceptions for which even religion has no answer. The authority is personal judgment, just as you used your personal judgment to decide to follow a religion.
Talk about your pot calling the kettle black. :rolleyes:

This is a sample of the atheist condescension from the first fifty-one of these ninety+ posts.

Nah. Probably just smarter than you. – JamesR

Yes you are stupid for following a religion. All of which where (SIC) invented by mankind to control the masses for the benefit of the power hungry few. – Blindman

piss-poor reasoning and not only that, unrealistic reasoning. – Birch

If I say there is a blue insect god is that cause for you to believe in it? Can I call you close minded if you don't? – visceral instinct

Don't bother arguing with an atheist, however. It's simply futile. ”
True. And tragic. Then again, it will take a couple of generations for the atheistic movement to find its own voice and stop imitating its theistic progenitors. – tiassa

[Nota bene: Christians are ineluctably “stupid” and “anti-science” but we are “imitated” by atheists. Is this all clear now?]

Silliness. – AlexG

Being Christian (SIC) was a defensive position for the scholarly at the time more then (SIC) a belief. – “Scholarly” KRReagan

Sorry, The more of the non-sense (SIC) I read from you the more I see that you are truly lost. Forget that I have responded to you... I'd hate to feed the ignorance and hate... - KRReagan

Utterly brilliant. How could it be otherwise....
The point being, you're no better. You've been an arrogant obnoxious asshole since your first post.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl

What would you have us atheists/agnostics do ? ”

Excellent question. I have said it again and again, but here goes again.

1. Stop the condescension.
2. Stop pretending to be the arbiters of science and reason and logic.
3. Stop changing the subject and bringing in the Bible and then blaming others for bringing in the Bible.

It appears you want us to stop being atheists or agnostics for that matter. Clearly if we don't believe as you do we are arrogant and condescending.

It appears that you believe that, even if you don't, because of your statements. It works both ways.

How can you expect us or me, more specifically to treat you in a manner of respect, which I would do (whether you believe me or not) if all you are going to do is throw out insults.

I don't know you, but from the OP it appears you are angry with those of us who don't believe. Do you treat other theists that way ? is a valid question.

So is questioning the bible, if you want to use it as a basis for your beliefs.

If you have a problem with that, you shouldn't be here.

I haven't treated any theist here, not one with such contempt unless OR until they start to do what you accuse us/me of. Changing the subject, shifting and squirming which is what many of them do when confronted with questions they are not comfortable with. Should we just excuse it and believe ?

Would you ?

Tone down the rhetoric and you will find that most here will listen and converse. And yes, some here will still be rude and condescending, you can put them on ignore as needed.
Excellent question. I have said it again and again, but here goes again.

1. Stop the condescension.
2. Stop pretending to be the arbiters of science and reason and logic.
3. Stop changing the subject and bringing in the Bible and then blaming others for bringing in the Bible.

Asked and answered.

I point out atheist condescension, and arrogance, and intellectual pretensions, and you transpose that into "hating"?

All you need to do is go to any thread on Darwinism to see the hateful comments spewed like so much venom by atheists. In fact, I'll put together a series of them and dedicate it to you.

Are you intentionally dense or are you just feigning density?

Why can't you comprehend simple English?

It's almost impossible to discuss science with an atheist, like you.
You instantly drag the conversation down to silliness like "do you despise science or just the occasional scientist?"

Are you pretending to be a scientist or are you really one?
In either case, please post your most scientific, most informative message of the past week. I'd really love to learn some science from you.

Wherever do you get such nonsense?

You see, I quote you precisely and then address your points.

You, like so many atheists, fabricate one thing after another and then blink as if you SAID something. (You didn't)

For the most part atheists couldn't care less about what you chose to believe. Unfortunately you need to politicize religious ideology. It wouldn't be so bad if your group was a couple of rungs above intellectually brain dead.
This is a sample of the atheist condescension from the first fifty-one of these ninety+ posts.

Nah. Probably just smarter than you. – JamesR

Yes you are stupid for following a religion. All of which where (SIC) invented by mankind to control the masses for the benefit of the power hungry few. – Blindman

piss-poor reasoning and not only that, unrealistic reasoning. – Birch

If I say there is a blue insect god is that cause for you to believe in it? Can I call you close minded if you don't? – visceral instinct

Don't bother arguing with an atheist, however. It's simply futile. ”
True. And tragic. Then again, it will take a couple of generations for the atheistic movement to find its own voice and stop imitating its theistic progenitors. – tiassa

[Nota bene: Christians are ineluctably “stupid” and “anti-science” but we are “imitated” by atheists. Is this all clear now?]

Silliness. – AlexG

Being Christian (SIC) was a defensive position for the scholarly at the time more then (SIC) a belief. – “Scholarly” KRReagan

Sorry, The more of the non-sense (SIC) I read from you the more I see that you are truly lost. Forget that I have responded to you... I'd hate to feed the ignorance and hate... - KRReagan

Utterly brilliant. How could it be otherwise....

You asked for it when you started this thread. You don't want to be called stupid then quit starting threads with the title 'The Nonsense of Atheists'. Not to mention all the other dummy threads you've initiated. Let's just expand this slightly. You didn't title the thread 'The Nonsense of Atheism' you entitled it 'The Nonsense of Atheists'. Clearly your purpose was to troll this venue rather than to engage in a discussion. I noticed trolling is a way to make the ban list.
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Being Christian (SIC) was a defensive position for the scholarly at the time more then (SIC) a belief. – “Scholarly” KRReagan

And how does this quote relate to me being condescending? If you wanted to hold your position at many universities of the time, you sure did not talk about being a non-believer, at least not in public.

Sorry, The more of the non-sense (SIC) I read from you the more I see that you are truly lost. Forget that I have responded to you... I'd hate to feed the ignorance and hate... - KRReagan

This is the quote that precipitated my comment. It speaks for itself!

RenaissanceMan said:
Atheists lie that these fellow atheist murderers didn't "do it because of their atheism."

Uh huh. They didn't kill scores of millions because they were Christians, that is for sure.

As Dennis Prager said, "If people do not believe in God, they they will find a substitute for God, usually government."

For over two hundred years, America has developed as "One Nation, Under God."

Now stupid atheists continue to prattle the nonsense that they are discriminated against, that they cannot follow their own beliefs.

It is just one lie after another, beginning with the lie that the entire universe created itself, organized itself, energized itself, and so on.

Dawkins is the leader of this Huge Lie. He demands to know whence God got His power, else there can be no God.

Well, atheism is the contention that THERE IS NO GOD. Therefore it is incumbent on atheists to PROVE their/your contention.

Who has done this? WHO!

Nobody, that's who.


PS. Your statement about it being " incumbent on atheists to PROVE their/your contention" is quite telling about your (lack of) knowledge of the scientific method.
And how does this quote relate to me being condescending? If you wanted to hold your position at many universities of the time, you sure did not talk about being a non-believer, at least not in public.

This is the quote that precipitated my comment. It speaks for itself!


PS. Your statement about it being " incumbent on atheists to PROVE their/your contention" is quite telling about your (lack of) knowledge of the scientific method.

He's orbiting the dunce stool. It's not incumbent on atheists to prove there isn't a god anymore than it's incumbent on theists to prove there is a god. Calling this guy a theist is a stretch .... more like a thumper.
He's orbiting the dunce stool. It's not incumbent on atheists to prove there isn't a god anymore than it's incumbent on theists to prove there is a god. Calling this guy a theist is a stretch .... more like a thumper.

The theists have put forth the idea (theory) of god! So the onus is on them to prove their assertions if they want to be thought of anything but quacks. Atheists, on the other hand, simply reject their theory based on what they have presented to date in the way of evidence. Unlike the theists, we are not compelled to prove or disprove anything.
