The Most Offensive Jokes Ever!!!

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The only joke is the people who don't realise there isn't one.
The only joke is the people who don't realise there isn't one.

who are these people who just cannot understand the point? and furthermore, why are they on the internet and not just colouring in with their wax crayons?
Q: What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?


Granted, this joke isn't near as funny written down as it is when you're being told it verbally, and the only reason its funny in the first place is its cynicism and randomness. Oh well.
In my US History class, we were studying the growth of the railroads and how RR companies with monopolies took advantage of farmers by setting unfairly high shipping rates.
My friend Alfred remarked, "Your mom is a railroad." I told him that didn't make any sense, to which he replied, "She abuses farmers."
What with the Olympics coming up (and , therefore, the Special Olympics), has anyone got any good retard/olympics jokes?

Something along the lines of (posted waaaaay back):
- What's better than winning the paralympics?
- Having both your legs.
I think the following one is already on this thread, but I don't feel like going back and looking, and it is a good one and worth repeating.
Q.Whats better than wining a gold metal at the special olympics?
A. Not being retarded.
There's excitement in the air over the Olympics...also lead, arsenic, benzene...
Been reading a few of these this afternoon, been LMFAO!! or rather giggling to myself in behind my monitor!
Dunno if they've been posted before, can't be bothered to look back through all of them and I won't be the first to have done so!

What does GAY stand for? Got Aids Yet?

What does AIDS stand for? Arse Injected Death Sentance

What's the best thing about fucking a 3 year old?
Kicking him to death afterwards.

A peado is walking through the forest at dusk one winter's night with a young boy.
The boy whimpers "Its getting dark, I'm scared"
The peado replies "You're scared?! I've got to walk back on my own!"
How do you get a paki pregnant?
Cum on her shoes and let the flies do the rest.
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