The moon isn't real

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I then wish that i could stand up so that i can use my hands to do things. over time, and with all the other fellow primates wishing the same thing we manage to do so.

That totally Lamarckian theory of evolution! Sorry its not original by over 300 years.

I have read about darwinism. it merely states that we all came from single celled creatures right?

No that is not true, that only a small segment of the result of Darwinian theory. Darwinian evolution specifies natural selection in that traits are generated randomly (or by a god for those of theological inclinations) not by sheer will! After the traits are generated they are selected for naturally in such traits that increase the prosperity of the organism survive and traits that are a detriment die off. I really advise you read more on these theories you seem quit lacking.
Originally posted by Cymatoperior
Buddha's theory was wrong, but he still became a god because of one universal law of nature, and that is that this whole world is in a state of limbo. Whatever you strongly want or believe in will come true. i have lots of evidence supporting this. This is my theory. One simple example is evolution. Scienctists say that evolution of a species only depended on the environment of which the species is in. So the species changed itself to survive better in the environment.

You really need to read up on evolution, if you think it supports that theory. Go read a book. Honestly, not even just a book on evolution, any book in general will do, start down your path toward learning something of value to someone somewhere in all the world.

Also, wanting something doesn't get you jack squat, I'm sorry to say, otherwise poor people would be rich, sick people would be healthy, and dead friends and relatives would be a lot more alive.
Originally posted by Cymatoperior
That's part of my theory. We are as real as the sun, moon, trees buildings aeroplanes we see around us. We are created out of belief and so are the other things around us.

You stole his idea from White-Wolf game studio's Pen and paper RPG "Mage: The ascension" but I guess that's ok, because their inspiration was from a bunch of other stuff, too.
Originally posted by Cymatoperior
I have read about darwinism. it merely states that we all came from single celled creatures right?

Ok, clearly you have NOT read about Darwin's theory. Do yourself a favor, head over to one of the real science forums and ask about evolution, it'll do you a world of good.
Dam Mystech your mean!
Originally posted by Cymatoperior
my theory is also explains how humans got our psychic powers, because we wanted it.Lemme ask you one question, have you ever seen anyone with a psychic power which hurts himself instead of helping himself?

I don't remember ever seeing anyone with psychic powers. In fact I remember those who believe in such things harming themselves by wasting their time focusing on such things when they could be doing usefull things like learning about evolution, rather than simply assuming they have correct ideas about the world without ever acctualy looking into these matters.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Dam Mystech your mean!

I'm in a particularly aggresive mood today, yes. Nice image by the way, very cute!
Originally posted by Cymatoperior
Who says man can't. Man did suceed. They did so by creating aeroplanes. Also another alternative is psychic levitation.

Yes, man can fly with the aid of an aeroplane. Aeroplane's, however did not come about by well wishing alone, however, principals of aerodynamics had to be studied, skills in construction and knowledge of combustion motors, and the actual physical labor to put everything together. Though it was motivated by the desire to fly, the invention of the Aeroplane did not come about by anyone wanting it enough, it came about by them acctualy physicaly putting the damn thing together.

No one has ever been able to fly by well wishing alone, Psychic levitation is not an alternative to powerd flight, if it were we'd all be using it rather than buying expensive airline tickets. I challenge you to find one person who uses this non-power.
Let me just brake this thread and bring in the greatest religous Figure Ever,Jesus.Historical Jesus or Biblical jesus or both,what do you think?.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
Let me just brake this thread and bring in the greatest religous Figure Ever,Jesus.Historical Jesus or Biblical jesus or both,what do you think?.

You don't have to break this already very broken thread to ask about that. You can head over to the religion forum if you want to get opinions about Jesus, that's what it's here for.
Originally posted by Mystech
Ok, clearly you have NOT read about Darwin's theory. Do yourself a favor, head over to one of the real science forums and ask about evolution, it'll do you a world of good.


Its hard to explain, let me put it this way: if he was fat instead of ignorant he would be so fat he would make Richard Simons cry! Now do you see how much suffering he would bring to the Biology forum?

By the way if you believing in theories is sad then what is better?
Fact and realisation without creativety of theories.Time takes its toll,and the theory by darwin was a triumph,it was such a truimph it swept the world,but at the end of the day it is just a theory.Its been such a huge theory it has been something for people to fall back on.
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The darwin theory was a great theory,but most theories fall short of his.It is sad that we would never know the truth,so we have to create theories.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
The darwin theory was a great theory,but most theories fall short of his.It is sad that we would never know the truth,so we have to create theories.

Ok, be careful here, because the message I'm getting from you is that you are claiming "We can not have knowledge" Ignorant of the fact that you have just claimed knowledge.

If you believe that all we can believe in is theories, then even that is a theory, and I must be forced to dismiss your ideas about the uncertainty of everything, and counter it with the knowledge that fact is knowable. A world in which we can never be certain of anything would not contain internet bulletin boards, your feeling that nothing can be known is likely based off of your uncertainty of all your own beliefs, in which case I’d have to urge you to study more and keep learning.
The problem is that i know something that all of you dont and i am not to say,so im gonna give you a clue,i was a gman once i was once.
They let you into a government job wherein you were privy to classified information which you are not at liberty to share with us, but they didn't even teach you spelling or grammar? I for one always imagined that you'd probably need these kinds of skills before you got into such a prestigious position, I suppose I was wrong.

Just for the record, MrMynomics, that last post was a joke, right?
I thought that would be the way the direction would go.The brake mistake,it wasnt a mistake,it was meant to slow the thread down.
Well yes everything is just a theory, well that’s not true many things are the alternative: Faith, total trust in something without any evidence at all! This sadly seems much worse then a theory.
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