The moon isn't real

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You will have to find out what a gman is,and when you find out what it is,it cant be found in no dictionary,look into the past,and you will know what i am.
I will make a thread here that will answer everything.I will make that thread when i know people are ready for it,and it will show evidence.Dec,2003.I will come on here and use tactical decourses and then i will show the pictures.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
You will have to find out what a gman is,and when you find out what it is,it cant be found in no dictionary,look into the past,and you will know what i am.

I assumed that you meant a G-man, or someone working for the government, like some sort of secret spy for the FBI or CIA, or the like. Was I wrong in this?

Originally posted by MrMynomics
I will make a thread here that will answer everything.I will make that thread when i know people are ready for it,and it will show evidence.Dec,2003.I will come on here and use tactical decourses and then i will show the pictures.

When did you become a nut bar? You sound a lot like this website a friend showed me once where one similar nutbar claimed he found an old camera by the side of the road or something, and found film in it, had it developed, and inside were earth shattering discoveries about nothing in particular, and that the government was now after him for having found the camera, and that he was on the run and would show the pictures at some specific date.

You're not that guy are you? Have you got a web site about your particular flavor of craziness?
Originally posted by MrMynomics
All i have to say to you is just wait.

I'll wait, get bored, and then forget, I wanna' hear your crazieness now so that I can laugh at it while I still care about laughing at you spacificaly. Come one, what has December got that May hasn't? Just tell us now and get it over with, rip off the band-aid.
Im not allowed to tell you,but in december i can for some reason,just come back at that date and see what i have to show you.

Your some what new here so I will tell you that your lucky we ban people by vote *cough* moderator vote actually, but that does not mean that the common man here cannot call for a vote. People like you have been a common problem here on this forum many we just don't listen to and eventually they leave or learn, you have to show us facts and evidence for you claims, not doing so is enraging and punishable. Some though have been so ass-like with their BS that they are banned.
I knew this would happen. That's why i don't tell people my theory. Mystech is a typical example of people who loves to scrutinise my argument with weak unintelligable arguments, and i have to waste my time defending against all the pathetic rebukes. all i have to say to him is think carefully. He probably thinks he's very smart rebuking me with those words. A dumb person can never understand a more intelligent person. maybe i was wrong in asking him to think carefully. Your iq of let'say 90 limits you to think beyond. You are only 20 years old and you think you are so smart.
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have you ever spoke to a down syndrome person before? if you did you will find that no matter how hard you try, you cannot get him to understand what you understand. Like a stubborn frog in a well, all you see above you is a small part of the sky and you think that's everything. And no matter how hard you try, you cannot see beyond. Just as the walls of the well restrict the frog, your iq restricts your thinking.
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g-man... where else have I heard that before... its not evil government guy like x-files smoking man... where, where...


So your one of those guys that works for the inter-dimensional beings from Xen?
Originally posted by Cymatoperior
Have you heard of the woman who lifted the car to save her child? The two groups of researchers who successfully created a ghost?

I've heard of the first, but not the second, but I still don't see how urban legend supports your little theory.

Have you ever heard of substantiating claims, or factual evidence?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
g-man... where else have I heard that before... its not evil government guy like x-files smoking man... where, where...


So your one of those guys that works for the inter-dimensional beings from Xen?

Acctualy I think that the G-man was against the inter-dimensional beings from Xen, he seemed pretty damned happy when you killed them, anyway, and if you read any reviews of Half-Life2, it appears that you're fighting them Xen creatures again, only this time in the employ of the G-man's agency.
Originally posted by Cymatoperior
A dumb person can never understand a more intelligent person. maybe i was wrong in asking him to think carefully. Your iq of let'say 90 limits you to think beyond. You are only 20 years old and you think you are so smart.

Might I ask you to get off your high horse for a while and actually do a little looking into what it takes to build an argument, or possibly even a credible theory? I'm not here to get into a pissing match with you, but if you want to get into it, yeah at the end of the day I'm pretty sure that my dick is bigger than yours. Now that that's out of the way, maybe you can get back to the task of explaining your theory in a clear and logical manor, and don't forget to support your points, that's very important.
About the "G-man"

His actually working for one alien group that’s fighting the other, it just so happens that those other aliens want to kill us as well so we have mutual needs here.
The funny thing is though,you think your intelligent because you come on here you dumb bastards.Iv'e got a higher iq than all of you.Its funny how you people can argue over the stupidiest things,i set you up hook line and sinker.
Originally posted by Mystech
yeah at the end of the day I'm pretty sure that my dick is bigger than yours.
yes, i agree your dick is larger, but that's because you are caucasion and i am chinese. But you know what? I Know Kung Fu and i can kick your dick anytime. And i'll kick so hard i'll jam it in until it looks like a pussy. And i am not kidding when i say i know kung fu.
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You Posters take Pseudoscience seriously,you are idiots to make arguments or maybe not if thier is a certain reason for it,but some just argue because thier brain is up thier arse,the phrase also takes from the word ego or bighead.If you argue with people,it proves that your a simple person,who stays on the same track,yet some criticise all the time and they will never have a decent thread because they are thinking as if they are bigger that the other people who come on this thread,so then he wouldnt listen or give options because he thinks hes got higher opinions than everybody else,the person will know who im talking about.Well i am crazy in some ways,but i am a inventor,i am in the making of a mathematical 3d puzzle,i could get into this but,i wouldnt waste my time explaining it to you posters simply because this hasnt got anything to do with this.All of you post to get answers or discuss uninportant subjects that will never get an answer,its a shame some people havent got an open mind.
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