The Ineffability of God's Will

sorry. this forum is heavily male though, and you don't sound like a typical woman (that's a good thing). i suppose i am a bit sexist. :eek:

I also assumed she was a dude. I had to look at her profile to get the facts. Whoops! :eek:
I also assumed she was a dude. I had to look at her profile to get the facts. Whoops! :eek:

i do that all the time. i thought heart was a guy too at first. unless someone overtly says something about being a female, or goes on some psycho emotional tirade like bells does every five fucking minutes, i assume it's a guy.
it makes me angry that no one wants to admit that there's anything wrong with them.

Well...the thing is to both clearly see what shambling wrecks they are and hold them in compassionate affection anyway. Because anger doesn't help them to move past their mess-uppedness. In fact it'll generally make them contract around those dysfunctional coping mechanisms.


(cute shambling wrecks...)
Not easy, well, easy for me if they are harmless...much harder if their dysfunction is hurting others.

And really evil people...I don't run into real evil very much...but if someone puts an icy sensation down my spine when they walk into a room...I don't want to get near to find out why.

unless someone overtly says something about being a female, or goes on some psycho emotional tirade like bells does every five fucking minutes

Gee...issues with one's own gender thing I like about figuring out that I'm female but androgyne?
There's no playbook in the western culture. I get to mix and match.

Asgard and Giambattista are a bit prone to emotionality/hyperbole in their posting styles.
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Guess I should clarify the above: that wouldn't mean to not hold them responsible for their actions.

Just because you understand a person is suffering, does not mean you let them get away with harming people.
Referring to "God works in mysterious ways" is fine and well - as long as a person or a group of people does not rise up and less or more violently suppress another in the name of God.
why not?

So per you, belief in God is basically a matter of strenghtening one's us vs. them position - a matter of survival (in the physical, psychological and spiritual sense)?
where the hell did that rant come from? you're the one who brought up masturbation. that wasn't an insult; it's just a fact that you attest to yourself. :confused:

It was set off by your comment
without masturbation you'd be celibate

Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by that specific comment, but you have told me several times throughout the years that homosexuals do not have sex. How it's just assisted masturbation. If you told me that once you have told me that a billion times. It finally got to me when I read the above comment. If you didn't intend it to mean that, then what did you mean because my partner and I are not celibate so... :confused:

also, that is not how i've treated you or what i've expressed to you during discussions about homosexuality.

Really? You've never told me that homosexuals don't have "sex"? You never have told me that homosexuality is not what God wants because there is a penis and a vagina and how he wants people to procreate and being a homosexual one can't do that. You have never told me that just because someone loves another doesn't mean they should have sex or be with that person- meaning that it doesn't make homosexuality right. What about the time I didn't want to hear what your preacher was preaching on the TV about homosexuality so I went upstairs only for you to turn the TV up full blast for me to hear? I'm sure all of those things are a figment of my imagination???

Maybe you aren't aware how you come off or the things that you've said- but I do because they are offensive to me. I blew when I saw this post especially because I felt you were insinuating that my all my partner and I have is "assisted masturbation" as you put it. I realize that my response wasn't the ideal it came out in anger. For that I do apologize. But as to the rest, yes you have said those things to me over the years repeatedly. You have gotten better about not doing it like you did, but as I said when I saw that post I lost it a little and for my reaction I do apologize.

as far as god is concerned; god isn't a human, so trying to think of god in human terms and with human attributes and emotions is not correct. i don't like that the bible does it. from what i know it's inaccurate. when i say god is a dick, what i mean is that god isn't emotional like a human. god is law, and the law is correct.

Then he shouldn't react on his emotions in the Bible if we aren't to see him in that light when he gets pissed off and kills someone just because he is angry. God is full of emotion in the Bible. He also advocates lying in the Bible. But...I know he's a "Do as I say, not as I do" type of God
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God killed them for lying . Not for holding there money back . Kind of like Al Capone would do . So is God a Thug? Someone said that already didn't they ?

You are correct about that. He did kill them for lying about holding the money back. But regardless, I think killing people for lying about something like that is way over the top, don't you? Would you kill your child if they lied to you? After all the Bible tries to frame up God as being our "heavenly father" and how much more he would care and love us even more so than the earthly what kind of father kills their children for lying? I'd say that would classify as thug to me.
It was set off by your comment

i see that.

Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by that specific comment, but you have told me several times throughout the years that homosexuals do not have sex. How it's just assisted masturbation. If you told me that once you have told me that a billion times. It finally got to me when I read the above comment. If you didn't intend it to mean that, then what did you mean because my partner and I are not celibate so... :confused:

well maybe i'm confused because i wasn't under the impression that masturbation was something that you had to do to yourself or by yourself. someone brought it up earlier in the thread.

Really? You've never told me that homosexuals don't have "sex"? You never have told me that homosexuality is not what God wants because there is a penis and a vagina and how he wants people to procreate and being a homosexual one can't do that. You have never told me that just because someone loves another doesn't mean they should have sex or be with that person- meaning that it doesn't make homosexuality right. What about the time I didn't want to hear what your preacher was preaching on the TV about homosexuality so I went upstairs only for you to turn the TV up full blast for me to hear? I'm sure all of those things are a figment of my imagination???

wow, i don't remember doing that (with the tv). that was mean. i can be a real bitch sometimes and i'm sorry.

by "sex" i was referring to coitus, and yeah, it's my opinion that our genitals have a purpose greater than just to get us off. we can and do disagree on that and you know it. you've known it for a decade.

Maybe you aren't aware how you come off or the things that you've said- but I do because they are offensive to me. I blew when I saw this post especially because I felt you were insinuating that my all my partner and I have is "assisted masturbation" as you put it. I realize that my response wasn't the ideal it came out in anger. For that I do apologize. But as to the rest, yes you have said those things to me over the years repeatedly. You have gotten better about not doing it like you did, but as I said when I saw that post I lost it a little and for my reaction I do apologize.

i'm glad that you're in love and happy, and i don't discount your relationship just because it's a homosexual one. remember? i think sexuality's a load of romantic bunk, homo or hetero, so at least i'm fair. i just don't like that you believe that men are gross. that's a lie. men aren't gross just because they're men, just like women aren't gross just because they're women. i think there are many things that do make some people gross, but gender isn't one of them. i'm sorry, but it bugs me that you believe that. it's not really any of my business though, and if we weren't discussing these things on a discussion forum, and you weren't into discussing these things, then i'd keep my opinions to myself you know?

Then he shouldn't react on his emotions in the Bible if we aren't to see him in that light when he gets pissed off and kills someone just because he is angry. God is full of emotion in the Bible. He also advocates lying in the Bible. But...I know he's a "Do as I say, not as I do" type of God

no matter how the bible portrays god, god is not human.
Well...the thing is to both clearly see what shambling wrecks they are and hold them in compassionate affection anyway. Because anger doesn't help them to move past their mess-uppedness. In fact it'll generally make them contract around those dysfunctional coping mechanisms.


(cute shambling wrecks...)
Not easy, well, easy for me if they are harmless...much harder if their dysfunction is hurting others.

And really evil people...I don't run into real evil very much...but if someone puts an icy sensation down my spine when they walk into a room...I don't want to get near to find out why.

Gee...issues with one's own gender thing I like about figuring out that I'm female but androgyne?
There's no playbook in the western culture. I get to mix and match.

Asgard and Giambattista are a bit prone to emotionality/hyperbole in their posting styles.

you're right.
well maybe i'm confused because i wasn't under the impression that masturbation was something that you had to do to yourself or by yourself. someone brought it up earlier in the thread.

Lori, it's not the position, sexual parts or how one defines sex that offends me. It has always been your belittling homosexuals and "assisted masturbation" combined with your thoughts that only a man and woman were holy in God's eyes because they are the only ones that can procreate. Do you realize you tried to get me to watch an Elvis Presley video hoping I'd get turned on only because you found out I liked Elvis music? I mean argh!

Anway- As I and many others have pointed out on this forum, what about the husband &/or wife who cannot have children? It's like you put heterosexuals okay in God's eyes and homosexuals are wrong wrong wrong in God's eyes. That is what has pissed me off over the years. I can provide links of our convos in private and show you.

by "sex" i was referring to coitus, and yeah, it's my opinion that our genitals have a purpose greater than just to get us off. we can and do disagree on that and you know it. you've known it for a decade.

Do you realize how overpopulated we are today? You really think that is still the only reason a man and woman should be together? Anyway, so you think God thinks it's okay for a homosexual couple to be together?

i'm glad that you're in love and happy, and i don't discount your relationship just because it's a homosexual one. remember? i think sexuality's a load of romantic bunk, homo or hetero, so at least i'm fair.

To be honest the only convo I remember of us having is you saying how I was discriminating, well I or any homosexual was discriminating. Try to get me to see that I could and should love a man just like a woman in a sexual/partnership marriage way. Do you remember that?

i just don't like that you believe that men are gross. that's a lie. men aren't gross just because they're men, just like women aren't gross just because they're women. i think there are many things that do make some people gross, but gender isn't one of them. i'm sorry, but it bugs me that you believe that.

I never meant to imply that men are "gross" as you put it. If I did it was because you never could get through your thick skull that I'm not attracted to men in that way!!! You can call it discrimination all you want or label it how you want....but I wonder, do you ever question a heterosexual male who says they wouldn't want to have sex with another man....even if they used the word because it would be "gross" to them, not to mention not being/feeling natural.
it's not really any of my business though, and if we weren't discussing these things on a discussion forum, and you weren't into discussing these things, then i'd keep my opinions to myself you know?

I've no clue what you're driving me and explain?

no matter how the bible portrays god, god is not human.

Lori, it's not the position, sexual parts or how one defines sex that offends me. It has always been your belittling homosexuals and "assisted masturbation" combined with your thoughts that only a man and woman were holy in God's eyes because they are the only ones that can procreate. Do you realize you tried to get me to watch an Elvis Presley video hoping I'd get turned on only because you found out I liked Elvis music? I mean argh!

yeah, i do remember that. hahaha. that's funny. you know how we were talking about porn at some point? well, i've watched porn twice in my life. once when i was a teenager and babysitting (the parents had insatiable in their video cabinet) and i was appalled. the second time was maybe a decade ago, when i was trying to figure out this whole sexuality thing, so i could have an educated conversation with you. so, i watched lesbian porn for you heart. so there. :p

Anway- As I and many others have pointed out on this forum, what about the husband &/or wife who cannot have children? It's like you put heterosexuals okay in God's eyes and homosexuals are wrong wrong wrong in God's eyes. That is what has pissed me off over the years. I can provide links of our convos in private and show you.

i remember. i still think the same way. in this world which is definitely not ideal, i don't compare homo vs hetero relationships and value or judge one over another just based on sexuality. i think it's so fucking hard to find and have a good relationship with anyone in this world, it's just irrelevant. in an idealistic sense though, again, i don't like the fact that you discriminate against an entire gender when there's absolutely no valid reason to.

Do you realize how overpopulated we are today? You really think that is still the only reason a man and woman should be together? Anyway, so you think God thinks it's okay for a homosexual couple to be together?

no i don't think that's the only reason for a man and a woman to be together, and i think that this world and the lives we lead are so far off the mark, that singling out something like sexuality is like straining a maggot out of a cesspool to try to clean it up.

To be honest the only convo I remember of us having is you saying how I was discriminating, well I or any homosexual was discriminating. Try to get me to see that I could and should love a man just like a woman in a sexual/partnership marriage way. Do you remember that?


I never meant to imply that men are "gross" as you put it. If I did it was because you never could get through your thick skull that I'm not attracted to men in that way!!! You can call it discrimination all you want or label it how you want....but I wonder, do you ever question a heterosexual male who says they wouldn't want to have sex with another man....even if they used the word because it would be "gross" to them, not to mention not being/feeling natural.

and by "natural" you mean, what you're conditioned to accept as normal. i would tell a heterosexual man that men are not gross. i doubt if he thinks of himself as a gross person. and i'm sorry heart, but you must have used the word gross 87 times when referring to a man in sexual reference. i remember the look on your face as if you were going to vomit. and i'm telling you, that's ridiculous.

I've no clue what you're driving me and explain?


i'm just saying that i know and am friends with plenty of gay people and i don't go around having these types of conversations with them. the only reason we ever did, is because of this forum, and that you actively engaged in these conversations as much as i did.
Straining a Maggot out of a cesspool . O.K. How bout if the Maggot is a good Maggot? One the fishes like to eat . Then would you strain a maggot
You are correct about that. He did kill them for lying about holding the money back. But regardless, I think killing people for lying about something like that is way over the top, don't you? Would you kill your child if they lied to you? After all the Bible tries to frame up God as being our "heavenly father" and how much more he would care and love us even more so than the earthly what kind of father kills their children for lying? I'd say that would classify as thug to me.

It is not acceptable today , but in the past it was. You can check out Hammurabi code of laws and see what kind of things the " Law killed you for back then . I think if you pet someones dog back then you might get stoned .
Straining a Maggot out of a cesspool . O.K. How bout if the Maggot is a good Maggot? One the fishes like to eat . Then would you strain a maggot

i was tired. i couldn't think of a better analogy. you know what i mean.
to readdress the op in summary,

everyone in this world is suffering, in some way, and to some extent, some worse than others. people are sick, people are sad, people are enslaved, people are victimized...all of us in some way. we're popping pills, doing other drugs, having surgery, crying our eyes out, lonely, getting divorced, hitting each other, hating each other, stressed out, anxious, afraid. most kids don't like school for the same reasons most adults don't like their jobs and how much of our lives do we spend doing what we don't want to do, and the rest trying to escape it. we're polluting the world, destroying the world, the economy is failing, people are losing their homes, living on the street, in jail, and none of this is even as bad as what's going on in the op (and war), and violence and war is rampant.

and everyone says it's someone else's fault. everyone says it's everyone else's fault. and i'm here to tell you that IT'S EVERYONE'S FAULT.

the only thing you're really accountable for, and responsible for, and have some control over in this world is yourself, so if you want to change the world, change yourself.

relevant music break...
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