The Ineffability of God's Will

yeah, i do remember that. hahaha. that's funny.

Maybe for you it was. It was not for me. It was frustrating as hell because you do not listen. At least not back then. As much as you want to say you don't, you shoved your opinion and tried to get me to change me because of a belief you have. I felt like your science project sometimes instead of a friend when it came to that. You sure the hell didn't care what I was saying, only that you could prove what you felt was your point/belief.

the second time was maybe a decade ago, when i was trying to figure out this whole sexuality thing, so i could have an educated conversation with you. so, i watched lesbian porn for you heart. so there. :p

So you figured you would try to find out what it was like to be a homosexual so you thought you would get that education by watching a lesbian porn flick? That's just fucking and those girls probably aren't true lesbians anyway, just paid actresses. There is a whole lot more to it. IF you truly wanted to understand your source shouldn't have been a lesbian porn, Lori. Perhaps some good documentaries which spoke what it's like, etc...but porn, really?

again, i don't like the fact that you discriminate against an entire gender when there's absolutely no valid reason to.

Oh please with the discrimination.

no i don't think that's the only reason for a man and a woman to be together, and i think that this world and the lives we lead are so far off the mark, that singling out something like sexuality is like straining a maggot out of a cesspool to try to clean it up.

So, what you're saying is that because your belief that homosexuality isn't "ideal" in God's eyes that my relationship is in a cesspool and we are just another maggot? wtf? You want to nitpick your relationship isn't "ideal" in God's eyes either because your divorced and your ex husband is still alive so you are still living in sin. I mean really? Nobody is superior here. People are people.

and by "natural" you mean, what you're conditioned to accept as normal. i would tell a heterosexual man that men are not gross. i doubt if he thinks of himself as a gross person. and i'm sorry heart, but you must have used the word gross 87 times when referring to a man in sexual reference. i remember the look on your face as if you were going to vomit. and i'm telling you, that's ridiculous.

I was never taught that being a lesbian was normal. My father told me it was bad very bad.

Quit being obtuse! I was not saying a man would feel his own body was gross, you left out the part where I said the idea the thought of a guy having sex with another guy, there are some guys that are repulsed by that thought, there are some that would say no way Jose. You cut them slack and dog on the homosexual because you always go back to your default statement by saying how heterosexual good homosexual bad. :rolleyes:

i'm just saying that i know and am friends with plenty of gay people and i don't go around having these types of conversations with them. the only reason we ever did, is because of this forum, and that you actively engaged in these conversations as much as i did.

OMG, first, I highly doubt you have a butt load of true gay friends....secondly, I bet you haven't spoke to them like you had me. Do you realize the conversations we've had is because you drive me insane with you trying to have changed me back then. But you don't get that, you'll never get that.
Maybe for you it was. It was not for me. It was frustrating as hell because you do not listen. At least not back then. As much as you want to say you don't, you shoved your opinion and tried to get me to change me because of a belief you have. I felt like your science project sometimes instead of a friend when it came to that. You sure the hell didn't care what I was saying, only that you could prove what you felt was your point/belief.

that's ridiculous and you're not being fair at all. like i said, the ONLY reason we discuss these things at all is because we met on a discussion forum, and you actively engaged me in these conversations. you were just as willing if not more to debate these things than i. i could also say the same thing in regards to your inclinations to bash me because i'm a christian. i suppose you don't recall how you attacked me when we first met. how convenient for you.

So you figured you would try to find out what it was like to be a homosexual so you thought you would get that education by watching a lesbian porn flick? That's just fucking and those girls probably aren't true lesbians anyway, just paid actresses. There is a whole lot more to it. IF you truly wanted to understand your source shouldn't have been a lesbian porn, Lori. Perhaps some good documentaries which spoke what it's like, etc...but porn, really?

no, i wasn't trying to find out what it was like to be a homosexual. i would imagine it's not much different than being a heterosexual. the thing is that i had never really questioned sexuality before. my sexuality when i was growing up was whatever wouldn't piss off my dad, and that meant white men. then as i got older it became drug addicted unemployed rednecks. i was a drugaddictedunemployedredneckexual. and now i consider myself a practicalsexual. i have absolutely no idea why people jump through hoops trying to simulate vaginas and simulate penises when the real thing is out there, and i have no understanding of how it can all come down to one inherent physical attribute when there are so many important things to consider in a relationship.

anyway, what i was doing was testing myself to see if when i looked at a woman who was being grotesquely displayed as a sex object would i get sexually aroused. the answer was yes. now then, i bet you think that means i'm a bisexual don't you? no, it just means i'm not jaded and believe the kind of lies that many people tell themselves, which is that women are unattractive just because they're women, and men are unattractive just because they're men. it's just not true. it's a fucking lie.

Oh please with the discrimination.

what else would you call it? you are eliminating approximately half of the human population because they posses a god given physical characteristic that ironically is necessary for you to have coitus, and that you have to then substitute dildos or fingers or whatever the hell you substitute for it. it makes no sense. you may as well say that you won't have sex with anyone with blonde hair, or a big nose, or black skin. it's ridiculous.

So, what you're saying is that because your belief that homosexuality isn't "ideal" in God's eyes that my relationship is in a cesspool and we are just another maggot? wtf? You want to nitpick your relationship isn't "ideal" in God's eyes either because your divorced and your ex husband is still alive so you are still living in sin. I mean really? Nobody is superior here. People are people.

i'm saying that nothing in this world is ideal. i'm saying that you probably have some really good reasons why you're a lesbian, and that those reasons wouldn't exist in a perfect world full of perfect people. that's what i think.

I was never taught that being a lesbian was normal. My father told me it was bad very bad.

i'm sure he did. i wonder what he thinks about what he's done.

Quit being obtuse! I was not saying a man would feel his own body was gross, you left out the part where I said the idea the thought of a guy having sex with another guy, there are some guys that are repulsed by that thought, there are some that would say no way Jose. You cut them slack and dog on the homosexual because you always go back to your default statement by saying how heterosexual good homosexual bad. :rolleyes:

no i don't. i think that sexuality, hetero or homo, is a load of romantic bullshit.

OMG, first, I highly doubt you have a butt load of true gay friends....secondly, I bet you haven't spoke to them like you had me. Do you realize the conversations we've had is because you drive me insane with you trying to have changed me back then. But you don't get that, you'll never get that.

omg i've worked in restaurants for over half of my career, and yes i do and have had plenty of gay friends that i love dearly and they love me. and that was my i have not spoken to them the way i have to you, and they have not spoken to me the way you have to me. the reason being, we didn't meet on a discussion forum where YOU jumped my ass for being a christian and proceeded to bring the topic up, not appreciate my response, and then want to argue with me about it ad infinitum.
i don't like the fact that you discriminate against an entire gender when there's absolutely no valid reason to.
So, you must believe that bisexual is the best way to be. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...)
So, you must believe that bisexual is the best way to be. (Not that there's anything wrong with that...)

To me it makes sense to have sex with someone of the opposite gender because they have a complimentary sex organ. It does not however make sense to me to say that men are unattractive just because they're men and women just because they're women. I think that's foolish.
that's ridiculous and you're not being fair at all. like i said, the ONLY reason we discuss these things at all is because we met on a discussion forum, and you actively engaged me in these conversations. you were just as willing if not more to debate these things than i. i could also say the same thing in regards to your inclinations to bash me because i'm a christian. i suppose you don't recall how you attacked me when we first met. how convenient for you.

I did not come out on the forum until after I had been there awhile. You're right, I was very much out of line there and behaved badly at times- but it didn't have to do with my sexuality, but yes it did have to do with Christianity in general. I, which didn't make it right, was kicking the dog at that time in my life and unfortunately you and some others took the bad end of it.

What you forget is we developed a friendship during the time we discussed those things when you were still behind the scenes trying to convince me that I should not discriminate and be with a guy that is when it became personal and no longer a debate in my eyes. Most of the time on that issue we discussed those personal things via email and not near as much or in detail on the debate forum.

i have absolutely no idea why people jump through hoops trying to simulate vaginas and simulate penises when the real thing is out there, and i have no understanding of how it can all come down to one inherent physical attribute when there are so many important things to consider in a relationship.

and you never will. I can tell that just by the answer in your post. It's not about getting off Lori. Look you can look at a relationship in a business like way of what you think is most productive for you in God's eyes and that's great for you. Doesn't mean that all should follow suit or that it's great for them.

anyway, what i was doing was testing myself to see if when i looked at a woman who was being grotesquely displayed as a sex object would i get sexually aroused. the answer was yes. now then, i bet you think that means i'm a bisexual don't you? no, it just means i'm not jaded and believe the kind of lies that many people tell themselves, which is that women are unattractive just because they're women, and men are unattractive just because they're men. it's just not true. it's a fucking lie.

No, I'm not labeling you just because you got aroused. Look, it's just like an aunt of mine asked me, "How do you know you're homosexual?" I asked her, "How do you know if you're heterosexual?"

Bottom line is I have found the worlds most perfect person for me. I'm head over heels in love with her. Anyway, for whatever reasons you find works for you great. Same here.

what else would you call it? you are eliminating approximately half of the human population because they posses a god given physical characteristic that ironically is necessary for you to have coitus, and that you have to then substitute dildos or fingers or whatever the hell you substitute for it. it makes no sense. you may as well say that you won't have sex with anyone with blonde hair, or a big nose, or black skin. it's ridiculous.

You forget, I have had relationships with men in my long ago past, Lori. Jesus I was married, okay? I'm telling you that, for me, it is 100% unnatural and unless you can experience what that's like and know what the heck I'm talking about- I guess you'll never know or understand. Just like you with your spiritual experiences that you talk about. You say nobody can understand unless they've experienced it. Well in this case ditto.

i'm saying that nothing in this world is ideal. i'm saying that you probably have some really good reasons why you're a lesbian, and that those reasons wouldn't exist in a perfect world full of perfect people. that's what i think.

That's fine. You are entitled to what you think, just as I or anyone else. Just remember that thinking doesn't make it a fact or right for that person.

omg i've worked in restaurants for over half of my career, and yes i do and have had plenty of gay friends that i love dearly and they love me. and that was my i have not spoken to them the way i have to you, and they have not spoken to me the way you have to me. the reason being, we didn't meet on a discussion forum where YOU jumped my ass for being a christian and proceeded to bring the topic up, not appreciate my response, and then want to argue with me about it ad infinitum.

Well, that's not quite how it happened, Lori. At any rate like I said most of those discussions on that topic were done via email or in person and not on a debate forum.
To me it makes sense to have sex with someone of the opposite gender because they have a complimentary sex organ. It does not however make sense to me to say that men are unattractive just because they're men and women just because they're women. I think that's foolish.

Jesus F'n Christ, Lori....Please allow me to answer this ONCE and for all. I have told you that I can look at a guy and tell if a guy is considered attractive guy- BUT, that does NOT mean I want to sleep with him as for ME (not to be confused with YOU) it is unnatural. Period. I don't know how much clearer I can make this???
To me it makes sense to have sex with someone of the opposite gender because they have a complimentary sex organ.
Me too.. then again, I'm straight. But face it, we also "discriminate" against an entire gender... The only ones who don't are bi-sexual.

But the gay people I've met did not choose to be gay. That's the way Mother Nature (aka God) made them... They can't help who they are attracted to anymore than you or I can.
This thread sure has taken some strange twists and turns. Where are we now? We're talking about homosexuality?

I've decided that what people do has, regardless of their sexual orientation, no consequence on my life, providing they don't expect me to agree with their position. In other words, do what you please, but don't expect me to support your political and social agenda.
This thread sure has taken some strange twists and turns. Where are we now? We're talking about homosexuality?

I've decided that what people do has, regardless of their sexual orientation, no consequence on my life, providing they don't expect me to agree with their position. In other words, do what you please, but don't expect me to support your political and social agenda.

Agreed. I should have not allowed myself to go there as it is not relevant to the topic. Sorry for the detour everyone.

Didn't read your link till now...Should have seen that one coming ole Bowser
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Jesus F'n Christ, Lori....Please allow me to answer this ONCE and for all. I have told you that I can look at a guy and tell if a guy is considered attractive guy- BUT, that does NOT mean I want to sleep with him as for ME (not to be confused with YOU) it is unnatural. Period. I don't know how much clearer I can make this???

Heart, you don't have to agree with me and you don't have to think about this like I do. I don't know why you're so upset. Most people don't think like I do. It's not as if I dislike you or think you're a "bad person", we just don't see things the same way. Lots of things, and we never have. This is latent. I don't know why you want to resurrect this poor dead horse and beat it some more.
Heart, you don't have to agree with me and you don't have to think about this like I do. I don't know why you're so upset. Most people don't think like I do. It's not as if I dislike you or think you're a "bad person", we just don't see things the same way. Lots of things, and we never have. This is latent. I don't know why you want to resurrect this poor dead horse and beat it some more.

it's dead, it's done. agreed that it should be.

Agreed. I should have not allowed myself to go there as it is not relevant to the topic. Sorry for the detour everyone.

Didn't read your link till now...Should have seen that one coming ole Bowser

It's a sensitive issue, worthy of it's own thread.
Me too.. then again, I'm straight. But face it, we also "discriminate" against an entire gender... The only ones who don't are bi-sexual.

But the gay people I've met did not choose to be gay. That's the way Mother Nature (aka God) made them... They can't help who they are attracted to anymore than you or I can.

I can help it. I had to after the 3rd train wreck.

Then I spent 8 years celibate. A very cleansing experience.

I'm attracted to a lot of people for a lot of reasons, but that doesn't mean IMO that it's appropriate to have sex with them or marry them. To me, an initial physical attraction is pretty low on the priority list. Over time though, as I observe and appreciate more important attributes, and non-physical intimacy grows, the physical aspect becomes an appropriate progression.
what the hell is wrong with you? :confused:

that's it. to be able to live without suffering. isn't that enough?

But then if you wouldn't suffer, you'd be happy! :eek:

Lori - the h-word! The one you absolutely can't stand!
But then if you wouldn't suffer, you'd be happy! :eek:

Lori - the h-word! The one you absolutely can't stand!

it's not that i can't stand it, i just think that in this world, it's overrated or misused i guess. it's temporary and fickle, and lots of times based on something entirely erroneous or destructive. i mean, drugs make people happy, when someone's greed or lust is satisfied they're happy. someone could be really happy after they raped a child or murdered someone if they were fucked up enough. :shrug:

i'm after something that is correct and permanent, and i'm not sure that happiness fits the bill. something beyond happiness...

surely you can understand my perspective.
what else would you call it? you are eliminating approximately half of the human population because they posses a god given physical characteristic that ironically is necessary for you to have coitus, and that you have to then substitute dildos or fingers or whatever the hell you substitute for it. it makes no sense. you may as well say that you won't have sex with anyone with blonde hair, or a big nose, or black skin. it's ridiculous.

I cannot believe you just said that. I have seen you spout a lot of ignorance on this forum Lori. A LOT. But this.. Good grief.. What is wrong with you?

You cannot force something that is not right for you.

To me it makes sense to have sex with someone of the opposite gender because they have a complimentary sex organ. It does not however make sense to me to say that men are unattractive just because they're men and women just because they're women. I think that's foolish.

What the?!

Just because you wish to sleep with men because they have a penis and it feels natural to you does not mean that all women feel as you do.

I don't sleep with women because they are women. And that is because I am not attracted to women in any way, shape or form.. because I am hetrosexual. Which makes me as normal as a woman who does find women attractive in a sexual way and will sleep with women because they are women.

You should apologise to your friend. What you said was frankly homophobic.
I cannot believe you just said that. I have seen you spout a lot of ignorance on this forum Lori. A LOT. But this.. Good grief.. What is wrong with you?

You cannot force something that is not right for you.


What the?!

Just because you wish to sleep with men because they have a penis and it feels natural to you does not mean that all women feel as you do.

I don't sleep with women because they are women. And that is because I am not attracted to women in any way, shape or form.. because I am hetrosexual. Which makes me as normal as a woman who does find women attractive in a sexual way and will sleep with women because they are women.

You should apologise to your friend. What you said was frankly homophobic.

i think you're just as foolish for believing that women are unattractive just because they're women as heart is for believing that men are unattractive just because they're men. funny, whenever you enter a thread i have to repeat myself a million fucking times, but allow me to coddle your mental retardation...

men are not unattractive just because they're men, and women aren't unattractive just because they're women. that's the truth. so if you believe otherwise, you're believing a lie, and i think that's foolish.

so i suppose according to your ridiculous standards, i'm heterophobic as well. :rolleyes:
i think you're just as foolish for believing that women are unattractive just because they're women as heart is for believing that men are unattractive just because they're men. funny, whenever you enter a thread i have to repeat myself a million fucking times, but allow me to coddle your mental retardation...

men are not unattractive just because they're men, and women aren't unattractive just because they're women. that's the truth. so if you believe otherwise, you're believing a lie, and i think that's foolish.

so i suppose according to your ridiculous standards, i'm heterophobic as well. :rolleyes:

No. By my standards you are a petty little idiot.

That aside, you cannot be what you simply are not (in your case intelligent). That means if you are homosexual, you will not want to have sex with the opposite sex.. because it is unnatural to you. While I will say that certain women are attractive or pretty, etc. Does not mean that I find them sexually attractive or would even want to have sex with them. Because I am not homosexual.

Heart, it appears, is homosexual. So she (I am assuming it is a she) is not sexually attractive to men - in other words, she has no desire to have sex with a man because he is a man - because for her, it is natural to be attrated to women.

Do you get it now?

There is nothing wrong with that. Nor is it abnormal. Not everyone is the same. To say that Heart should be wanting to have sex with men because they have a penis while she has a vagina is silly. Because that is not who she is.

From what you have been discussing, it appears as if you accused her of discrimination because she is a homosexual.. What the hell Lori?!

You are homophobic. Comments like that are homophobic and yes, hurtful to your friend. Now you call me a bitch, retarded, whatever. That's fine. I don't give a shit about you to be honest so your words mean nothing to me. But it seems as if Heart is your friend. Even after all you have said to her in this thread, she may still be your friend. If you value her as a friend, which I am assuming you do, then you should respect her as a person and as your friend. Respect means acceptance. You should thank her for still even speaking to you after what you have said to her in this thread.