The Ineffability of God's Will

No. By my standards you are a petty little idiot.

That aside, you cannot be what you simply are not (in your case intelligent). That means if you are homosexual, you will not want to have sex with the opposite sex.. because it is unnatural to you. While I will say that certain women are attractive or pretty, etc. Does not mean that I find them sexually attractive or would even want to have sex with them. Because I am not homosexual.

Heart, it appears, is homosexual. So she (I am assuming it is a she) is not sexually attractive to men - in other words, she has no desire to have sex with a man because he is a man - because for her, it is natural to be attrated to women.

Do you get it now?

There is nothing wrong with that. Nor is it abnormal. Not everyone is the same. To say that Heart should be wanting to have sex with men because they have a penis while she has a vagina is silly. Because that is not who she is.

From what you have been discussing, it appears as if you accused her of discrimination because she is a homosexual.. What the hell Lori?!

You are homophobic. Comments like that are homophobic and yes, hurtful to your friend. Now you call me a bitch, retarded, whatever. That's fine. I don't give a shit about you to be honest so your words mean nothing to me. But it seems as if Heart is your friend. Even after all you have said to her in this thread, she may still be your friend. If you value her as a friend, which I am assuming you do, then you should respect her as a person and as your friend. Respect means acceptance. You should thank her for still even speaking to you after what you have said to her in this thread.

everybody discriminates, and i would argue that it's prudent to be discriminating when it comes to a sexual partner. i'm just questioning the basis of the discrimination. i myself would think it intelligent to discriminate based on things like morality, ethics, generosity, kindness, responsibility, honesty, intelligence, and not some inherent physical attribute.

and yeah, i discriminated based on all of those attributes, and decided that heart would make a great friend, and i was right. so why don't you go shove another ham sandwich down your piehole and mind your own business?
Surely that should be attracted to men. I'm sure there are plenty of lesbians that are attractive to men. :p

Down boy..

Lori 7 said:
everybody discriminates, and i would argue that it's prudent to be discriminating when it comes to a sexual partner. i'm just questioning the basis of the discrimination. i myself would think it intelligent to discriminate based on things like morality, ethics, generosity, kindness, responsibility, honesty, intelligence, and not some inherent physical attribute.
You don't quite understand what I meant..

and yeah, i discriminated based on all of those attributes, and decided that heart would make a great friend, and i was right. so why don't you go shove another ham sandwich down your piehole and mind your own business?
Maybe you should not post your business on an open forum and have it open for discussion...:shrug:

If you do not like being told to stop being such a bitch to your friend, maybe you shouldn't be such a bitch to your friend.
Having a difference of opinion does not equate to being a bitch. She doesn't agree with me about Christ and tells me about it all the time. Does that make her a bitch? If you want to express your own views about the op or sexuality go right ahead, but you have no business telling me what I need to be doing in regards to a friendship you know nothing about.
Lori said:
everyone in this world is suffering, in some way, and to some extent, some worse than others. people are sick, people are sad, people are enslaved, people are victimized...all of us in some way. we're popping pills, doing other drugs, having surgery, crying our eyes out, lonely, getting divorced, hitting each other, hating each other, stressed out, anxious, afraid. most kids don't like school for the same reasons most adults don't like their jobs and how much of our lives do we spend doing what we don't want to do, and the rest trying to escape it. we're polluting the world, destroying the world, the economy is failing, people are losing their homes, living on the street, in jail, and none of this is even as bad as what's going on in the op (and war), and violence and war is rampant...
Yep, general insane-asylum-of-the-galaxy stuff here...
the only thing you're really accountable for, and responsible for, and have some control over in this world is yourself
But really even taking that control is a difficult project.
And it's not one that's culturally-encouraged here...
In a related fact, advertising is designed to feed us the idea that something external will make us by the time we hit adulthood we've been indoctrinated hundreds of thousands of times that happiness comes from outside. Oh, and that we ought to be happy all the time.
No. Every emotion has its' place, the goal is not to cling or resist them.

Gmilam said:
Me too.. then again, I'm straight. But face it, we also "discriminate" against an entire gender... The only ones who don't are bi-sexual.
Yeah...if I have substantially the same sort of relationship with a woman as a man it's not socially-sanctioned. I find this annoying, but not annoying enough to not have married my wife. Disapproval fail, wah-wah-wahhhhh.
My strong suspicion is that sexual attraction and gender are hardwired in the brain from birth...partly based on research. But also, based on my observation that nobody wakes up one morning and says "Gee, I want to be a second-class citizen!" or "Gee, I think I'll have my penis filleted surgically and have them add a pair of boobs while they're at it! "
These things are things that are uncomfortable and that you come to your own personal adjustment and terms with.

Dwyddyr said:
I'm sure there are plenty of lesbians that are attractive to men.
Hey, keep your over-consonanted person away from my missus!
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Yep, general insane-asylum-of-the-galaxy stuff here...

Yeah. Apparently you're bad if you have surgery... Go figure..:rolleyes:

I'm waiting for her to start saying that she can pray away the gay.. There's only that left of her lunacy now.

Lori_7 said:
Having a difference of opinion does not equate to being a bitch. She doesn't agree with me about Christ and tells me about it all the time. Does that make her a bitch? If you want to express your own views about the op or sexuality go right ahead, but you have no business telling me what I need to be doing in regards to a friendship you know nothing about.

No. I don't know anything about your friendship.

But the fact that she even speaks to you after you said this to her:

"what else would you call it? you are eliminating approximately half of the human population because they posses a god given physical characteristic that ironically is necessary for you to have coitus, and that you have to then substitute dildos or fingers or whatever the hell you substitute for it. it makes no sense. you may as well say that you won't have sex with anyone with blonde hair, or a big nose, or black skin. it's ridiculous."​

You are her friend. But you just told her that because she has no desire to have sex with a man because he has a penis, she is somehow ridiculous. She may think that your belief in a deity is ridiculous. But you just told her she is ridiculous because she is a homosexual.. as in you told her she is ridiculous because of how she was born and who she is.. as in her identity and her self is ridiculous. There is a difference there.

And judging by her responses, that had an affect on her. Frankly, the fact that she is even willing to speak to you and still consider you her friend, after all that you have just said to her..

You should be thankful.
Hmm, the drama of it all. Can't we like someone regardless of their sexuality...even if we disagree with it? Is that forbidden? Give it a rest already.
Hmm, the drama of it all. Can't we like someone regardless of their sexuality...even if we disagree with it? Is that forbidden? Give it a rest already.
Personally, I consider someone's sexual preference a non-issue. But apparently some people still have issues with it. :shrug:
Personally, I consider someone's sexual preference a non-issue. But apparently some people still have issues with it. :shrug:

A topic for another thread, I think. This thread has derailed, however.
men are not unattractive just because they're men, and women aren't unattractive just because they're women. that's the truth. so if you believe otherwise, you're believing a lie, and i think that's foolish.

Heh ...
that women are unattractive just because they're women, and men are unattractive just because they're men. it's just not true. it's a fucking lie.
Since you appear to be talking about sexual attraction then I'd say (orientation taken into consideration) you're talking, as usual, bollocks.
E.g. hetero men don't (generally) find other men sexually attractive, lesbians don't find men sexually attractive etc etc.

no i don't. i think that sexuality, hetero or homo, is a load of romantic bullshit.
Because you're clueless?
it's not that i can't stand it, i just think that in this world, it's overrated or misused i guess. it's temporary and fickle, and lots of times based on something entirely erroneous or destructive. i mean, drugs make people happy, when someone's greed or lust is satisfied they're happy. someone could be really happy after they raped a child or murdered someone if they were fucked up enough.

i'm after something that is correct and permanent, and i'm not sure that happiness fits the bill. something beyond happiness...

surely you can understand my perspective.

You give happiness a bad name! :eek:
Yeah sorry signal, honesty sucks huh. It's been apparent you're not a big fan.

Now listen people, the truth is you can rub your junk up against just about anything and it's going to feel good. And if you close your eyes you have no idea if it's a man or a woman who's eating your pussy or sucking your dick, all you know is that it feels good. When it comes down to it, men and women aren't THAT different. We all have one head, one neck, two arms, two legs, eyes, ears, lips, hair, fingers and toes.

The truly open minded and honest people in this world are bisexual, because they're not hung up on all of these stupid lies you tell yourselves about your sexualities. Shit, most of the women in this world are having sex with battery operated devices. What kind of sexuality is that? Tell me there's a magical mystery gene that we just haven't found yet to explain that.

And to bells, until that magical mystery gene is found, I was born a Christian just as much as heart was born a lesbian.
Hmm, the drama of it all. Can't we like someone regardless of their sexuality...even if we disagree with it? Is that forbidden? Give it a rest already.

OF COURSE we can. OF COURSE. Some people are too stupid to understand that.
OF COURSE we can. OF COURSE. Some people are too stupid to understand that.

Isn't it like a commitment that Christians should love everybody? In other words, regardless of what someone might believe, you still value that person? I'm just going off what I have heard. It might be only practiced by some. :shrug:
Isn't it like a commitment that Christians should love everybody? In other words, regardless of what someone might believe, you still value that person? I'm just going off what I have heard. It might be only practiced by some. :shrug:

Yes it is. It's definitely not a prerequisit for me to agree with someone about everything or think about everything the same way as someone else in order to love them. That would be impossible.
Yeah sorry signal, honesty sucks huh. It's been apparent you're not a big fan.

You are the prophet, obviously, the Mother of the Kingdom. Who am I to disagree with you, right?

Here's a snapshot of Lori, while she is giving birth to The Kingdom -
