The Holy Bible vs the Koran

most people are not clairvoyant anymore so they can't see that kind of things, but some people can. you'll get your proof later when you become clairvoyant yourself. the existence of spirits (incubus) can be proven with logic though.
Try me.

lol, and you're tellling me that i have to read the bible? check genesis 6:4.

Moses was also a "son of god".
In the whole of Genesis 6 there is no mention of Moses whatsoever.
Moses was the son of Amram, the son of Kohath.

Some have claimed that the nephilim, or the “sons of God,” both mentioned in Genesis 6:2-4, were aliens. This is a wild extension of a common view that the “sons of God” who married the “daughters of men” were fallen angels, and that the nephilim were products of those “marriages.”

“Sons of God” is clearly used of angels in Job 38:7. The Septuagint (LXX) here translates “sons of God” as “angels of God.” This need not mean that evil angels, or demons, actually cohabited with women—Jesus made it clear that angels do not engage in sexual activities, at least not angels in heaven (Matthew 22:30). Nevertheless, evil angels on earth could have used the bodies of ungodly men, by demonic possession, to achieve their evil purpose of producing an evil generation of people (Genesis 6:12).
God is always acting through everyone, because he's omnipresent. When I lift my hand, I don't say that God lifts my hand, but it is "God" that lifts it.

Also, remember that Jesus was God, so when you say that he asked God to perform miracles, then he just asked himself, so yes... he could perform magic.

If I put my hand on your private parts will you accept that it's god who is making me do it ?Let the g(o)od times roll!
Yeah, atheists are obsessed with religion. I don't know any theists who spend that much effort on it. :D
yeah, i also used to think that the various "holy scriptures" were nonsense. but that was before i found out that the bible was written by 'aliens'. and since the aliens were very intelligent, i now have reasons to believe in the bible, even though many things in the bible sound weird. they sound weird because the aliens spoke to primitive humans so they had to write in primitive language, but if you decode the metaphors and stuff, you find the true meaning.

similarly, i have to speak in primitive language now, so that people will understand some of what i'm saying here.

That is very possible.
Yeah, atheists are obsessed with religion. I don't know any theists who spend that much effort on it. :D

Religion is obsessed with atheists. Our very existence as skeptics and disbelievers troubles religious people, because many of them know that if what they believe were in fact demonstrably true on a daily basis, noone would doubt it. It's embarassing for one to admit that they might in fact be worshipping a nonexistent sky fairy.
I picked my arse off the bed. That was enough mountain moving for me. hehe
Anyway I should have resisted the urge. Let the christians and muslims duke it out between themselves, and then we'll take care of whatever's left :D
Didn't read the thread, did you? Its a lot of atheists trying to re-brainwash one Christian to their way of thinking. heh
One cannot and should not be brainwashed into atheism/agnosticism. That defeats the whole point of critical thought, and it just leads to all those born again christians coming out and saying "I was an atheist just like all y'all, 'til Christ touched my heart".
Yeah, but all those atheists are brainwashed. Of course, now, if they had just listened to their Fitra, they would all have become Muslims.

Frankly the atheists and agnostics should refrain from adding too much input to this thread. The muslims, christians and jews fighting amongst each other for their little scraps of truth do more for the atheist cause than the atheists do themselves.
Yeah, its why I make threads about athiests. Those guys should have some fun too.