The Holy Bible vs the Koran

If only there were some scientologists around here adding their 2 cents, I'd be busting out the popcorn right now!
Child, you are the lost lamb. :(

But don't worry the aliens will be here to save you.

They might reek a bit of marsala and have long limp thingies that touch you [the perverts], but I hear the meatballs are worth it. :D
Not sure what that's supposed to mean. I'm certainly not sitting around waiting for any spaceships to show up, I'm just looking for laughs at the expense of those who are. Who would be stupid enough to follow a religion invented by a known science fiction writer? Oh wait, I forgot about the psychotic Hollywood stars, nevermind...
If I put my hand on your private parts will you accept that it's god who is making me do it ?Let the g(o)od times roll!

yes... sex is a way of connecting with god (that's why it feels like heaven). men and women only love each other because they have fallen from the unity of god. all opposites always try to reach equilibrium (god). the bible also says that god is love.

when we are small children, we're not interested in the opposite sex because we are still one with "god" (one with our self). but when we grow up we notice that we "are" men and women, so we fall into the world of duality. symbolically speaking, we eat from the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

i'm being too serious again..
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yes... sex is a way of connecting with god (that's why it feels like heaven). men and women only love each other because they have fallen from the unity of god. all opposites always try to reach equilibrium (god). the bible also says that god is love.

when we are small children, we're not interested in the opposite sex because we are still one with "god" (one with our self). but when we grow up we notice that we "are" men and women, so we fall into the world of duality. symbolically speaking, we eat from the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

i'm being too serious again..

Sounds right to me. When can we get started ? I feel like doing a bit of begetting as long as you are not into smiting.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean. I'm certainly not sitting around waiting for any spaceships to show up, I'm just looking for laughs at the expense of those who are. Who would be stupid enough to follow a religion invented by a known science fiction writer? Oh wait, I forgot about the psychotic Hollywood stars, nevermind...

Everyone has a religion, they just give it different names.
Everyone has a religion, they just give it different names.

Not true, SAM. You really must not eat so much curry ( kari ).

The word religion refers to a set of beliefs, usually centred around some deity or other power. Atheists have no common set of beliefs.
Not true, SAM. You really must not eat so much curry ( kari ).

The word religion refers to a set of beliefs, usually centred around some deity or other power. Atheists have no common set of beliefs.

They do, they all believe there is no God. Quite vehemently, some of them. :p
They do, they all believe there is no God. Quite vehemently, some of them. :p

That is not a set of beliefs. It is one belief among many. Atheism is not a religion, whatever you say. There are no gatherings, rituals and all the other paraphanalia associated with a religion.
Everyone has a religion, they just give it different names.

But where in the Bible and the Quran does it say "just for your info, this book you're reading now could be totally 100% wrong and full of sh-t"? That's what defines a religion to me, when this candid and truthful admission is omitted.
Atheism is a collective term used today to mean "those who don't hold a belief in a supernatural creator". It's no longer used to refer exclusively to those who believe "there cannot possibly be any god of any shape or sort, no matter what". Very few people who call themselves atheists would qualify as atheists under the latter definition, because it's a foolish position to assert- you can't prove a negative.
But where in the Bible and the Quran does it say "just for your info, this book you're reading now could be totally 100% wrong and full of sh-t"? That's what defines a religion to me, when this candid and truthful admission is omitted.

Does any book say that?

However, the Quran does say:

[20:114] Do not be in haste with the Qur'an before its revelation to you is completed, but say, "O my Sustainer! Increase my knowledge."


"[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."

But as the Quran also says:

"[22:46] Did they not roam the earth, then use their minds to understand, and use their ears to hear? Indeed, the real blindness is not the blindness of the eyes, but the blindness of the hearts inside the chests."

Originally Posted by CptBork
But where in the Bible and the Quran does it say "just for your info, this book you're reading now could be totally 100% wrong and full of sh-t"? That's what defines a religion to me, when this candid and truthful admission is omitted.

Does any book say that?

Sure, it's the essence of the scientific method. The means of delivering that message is usually politically correct, but it's standard in virtually all scientific texts to point out that if the evidence on the ground doesn't match what's in the book, then the book is wrong, period.

However, the Quran does say:

[20:114] Do not be in haste with the Qur'an before its revelation to you is completed, but say, "O my Sustainer! Increase my knowledge."

And [20:115] should have said: "By the way, none of you have received the complete revelation. Not any single one of you. So don't any of you get cocky and go preaching this stuff to anyone else, because you still don't have any proof."


"[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."

And as is the norm with religious texts, this quote applies to everything but the actual book in which it was written. Otherwise there'd be no point to having faith in Islam now, would there? If you say faith is not required, then I presume at some point in your life you've seen entire mountains teleport?

But as the Quran also says:

"[22:46] Did they not roam the earth, then use their minds to understand, and use their ears to hear? Indeed, the real blindness is not the blindness of the eyes, but the blindness of the hearts inside the chests."

Religions tell you to follow your heart. I, on the other hand, choose to follow that self-consistent reality which I can see, touch and test, and which only exists insofar as I can do these things.