The Holy Bible vs the Koran

I know Jesus is real because I have personally met him, so there is no way I could believe otherwise. If I hadn't met him personally then I would be prey.

Where did you meet him ?
- What was he doing there ?
How did he look ?
- Eye color ?
- Hair color ?
- How does he dress ?
- Did he have a beard ?
- What was his height ?
- What ethnicity does he have ?
What are his hobbies ?
- Does he play any sports ?
What did he say to you, if anything ?
- Did he have to say anything about the Middle-eastern conflict ?
How did you know it was Jesus ?
Where did you meet him ?
- What was he doing there ?
How did he look ?
- Eye color ?
- Hair color ?
- How does he dress ?
- Did he have a beard ?
- What was his height ?
- What ethnicity does he have ?
What are his hobbies ?
- Does he play any sports ?
What did he say to you, if anything ?
- Did he have to say anything about the Middle-eastern conflict ?
How did you know it was Jesus ?

You ask some really stupid questions,. kaaskopp. Just take Linda's word for it!

Eyes, brown
Hair , brown
He dresses in the opposite manner to which he undresses
Of course he had a beard. Would you shave with broken glass ?
Ethnicity, semitic
Hobbies: Walking on water , feeding multitudes on 2 burgers and 5 french fries
Sports, Pharisee baiting, chasing swine over cliffs, money-changer tossing out of temples.
He said : I am Jesus, for Christ's sake.
How did she know ? He told her he was Jesus and Jesus never lies.
You ask some really stupid questions,. kaaskopp. Just take Linda's word for it!

Eyes, brown
Hair , brown
He dresses in the opposite manner to which he undresses
Of course he had a beard. Would you shave with broken glass ?
Ethnicity, semitic
Hobbies: Walking on water , feeding multitudes on 2 burgers and 5 french fries
Sports, Pharisee baiting, chasing swine over cliffs, money-changer tossing out of temples.
He said : I am Jesus, for Christ's sake.
How did she know ? He told her he was Jesus and Jesus never lies.

LOL I didn't really expect to get an answer.. :D
How did he look ?

This is what he looked like:

So why do Muslims think the Koran is the word of God when it basically borrows from the Holy Bible?
It also teaches that God doesn't have a Son.
How could Muslims think they could get Christians to believe their Koran and not the blessed Holy Bible?
The Torah was given to us about 2500 years before Muhammed was even born, so why would I think I should believe the Koran later and not Holy Bible before?
We're talking the Ten Commandments here! The Prophets, the Psalms, Proverbs, the history of the world, the birth of Christ, his death, his resurrection, his ascension...the acts of the apostles, the epistles, the future of the world, Revelation of Jesus Christ book by John.
It is a complete record of everything called reality.

Why do Muslims think the Koran could compete with the Book?
(I recently got a Koran)
I hear some say they believe the Bible is corrupted.
How can the Ten Commandments be corrupted?
Not possible.
They teach that Jesus wasn't crucified.
Where do Muslims come up with this stuff written millenniums after Sinai?
How can they expect it to be believed?
If there is a Muslim on board, maybe he would like to present his belief.
Just wondering.......
bible or quran its all man made fantasy and not a very good one at that
bible or quran its all man made fantasy and not a very good one at that

I opened your page on the Quran. The verse 40:63 was translated as "Thus are they perverted who deny the revelations of Allah." This is an incorrect interpretation of this verse. In English translation, perverted or wrong mean completely different things.

According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation of Holy Quran translation is as follows:

40:61 It is God Who has made the Night for you, that ye may rest therein, and the days as that which helps (you) to see. Verily God is full of Grace and Bounty to men: yet most men give no thanks.
40:62 Such is God, your Lord, the Creator of all things, there is no god but He: Then how ye are deluded away from the Truth!
40:63 Thus are deluded those who are wont to reject the Signs of God.

Source Provided by The Islamic Computing Center:
I opened your page on the Quran. The verse 40:63 was translated as "Thus are they perverted who deny the revelations of Allah." This is an incorrect interpretation of this verse. In English translation, perverted or wrong mean completely different things.

According to Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation of Holy Quran translation is as follows:

Source Provided by The Islamic Computing Center: Yusuf's translation ? He might be wrong.
Bells said:
Because only sane people would believe in some mythical super natural being, who impregnated a virgin,

I wonder if Jesus was the result of an incubus. Merlin was born from a human and an incubus, that's why he got many supernatural powers. Jesus was also a wizard because he could perform magic. At least that would explain how a "virgin birth" could be possible.
I wonder if Jesus was the result of an incubus. Merlin was born from a human and an incubus, that's why he got many supernatural powers. Jesus was also a wizard because he could perform magic.

Uhm no.. Jesus could not perform magic, he always asked God to perform the miracle for him.
In other words: God was acting through Jesus.

At least that would explain how a "virgin birth" could be possible.
So you're saying that Jesus magically got himself to be conceived ? lol
Uhm no.. Jesus could not perform magic, he always asked God to perform the miracle for him.
In other words: God was acting through Jesus.

God is always acting through everyone, because he's omnipresent. When I lift my hand, I don't say that God lifts my hand, but it is "God" that lifts it.

Also, remember that Jesus was God, so when you say that he asked God to perform miracles, then he just asked himself, so yes... he could perform magic.
God is always acting through everyone, because he's omnipresent. When I lift my hand, I don't say that God lifts my hand, but it is "God" that lifts it.

Also, remember that Jesus was God, so when you say that he asked God to perform miracles, then he just asked himself, so yes... he could perform magic.

I'm just wondering.. did you ever read the bible ?
Besides incubuses are demons that rape their victims. Are you saying Jesus is half demon ?
Also, that's not exactly an immaculate conception.
So you're saying that Jesus magically got himself to be conceived ? lol

There's nothing magical about an incubus, or astral entity.

I'm just wondering.. did you ever read the bible ?

i haven't read it because it's too boring and long, but i have read the interesting parts. i don't need to read it all because i magically know what it says anyway.
i haven't read it because it's too boring and long, but i have read the interesting parts. i don't need to read it all because i magically know what it says anyway.

I sure hope you're joking here.
You should read it first before you make claims about it.
Are you saying Jesus is half demon ?

merlin was a good person, even though he was "half demon". half demon, half god... what's the difference?

but... it's just a thought. i don't really believe it. i believe jesus had magical gifts for the same reason that the other sons of god had them. and i don't believe in the virgin birth... but the incubus thing seems to have something to do with it.
merlin was a good person, even though he was "half demon". half demon, half god... what's the difference?

but... it's just a thought. i don't really believe it. i believe jesus had magical gifts for the same reason that the other sons of god had them. and i don't believe in the virgin birth... but the incubus thing seems to have something to do with it.

Incubuses are mythological creatures. You'll have to prove their existence first.
And what other sons of God ?
Incubuses are mythological creatures. You'll have to prove their existence first.

most people are not clairvoyant anymore so they can't see that kind of things, but some people can. you'll get your proof later when you become clairvoyant yourself. the existence of spirits (incubus) can be proven with logic though.

And what other sons of God ?

lol, and you're tellling me that i have to read the bible? check genesis 6:4.

moses was also a "son of god".