The Evangelical Atheist

A good hypothesis is testable. But the theory of a god is one that attempts say something absolute about this world. A world with a god is much different from one without. So I'll repeat my point from before:

Is somebody disagreeing with you about something and explaining why they disagree with you evangelism? If I argued what caused WWI and gave some explanations which indicate why I'm right, would you call it evangelism?

Only when he says his unfalsifiable beliefs are better than my unfalsifiable beliefs.

Everything he did had nothing to do with the claims of theists.

Yours is a twisted deranged view, unfounded and biased in every way.

But, you are free to demonstrate that Pol Pot did what he did in the name of atheism.

You're on deck, sam, go for it...

"The Khmer Rouge targeted Buddhist monks, Western-educated intellectuals (apart from themselves), educated people in general, people who had contact with Western countries or with Vietnam, people who appeared to be intellectuals (for example, individuals with glasses), the crippled and lame, and ethnic minorities like ethnic Chinese, Laotians and Vietnamese."

So? Theists kill other theists don't they, even within a religion? No big deal. He was a narrow minded atheist with no vision or intellect. There are plenty of those. He not only killed people who opposed his beliefs he killed everyone who opposed him.

The athiest regime in Soviet Union sent people to the gulags for showing up late on work too. Militant atheists are crazy people.:shrug:
Only when he says his unfalsifiable beliefs are better than my unfalsifiable beliefs.

Okay then, so let's say hypothetically that you believed in teletubbies partying underground under the planet Pluto (we can't prove that), and I say that there aren't any there (we can't prove that either). Me telling you and explaining why your belief is absurd is evangelism?
Okay then, so let's say hypothetically that you believed in teletubbies partying underground under the planet Pluto (we can't prove that), and I say that there aren't any there (we can't prove that either). Me telling you and explaining why your belief is absurd is evangelism?

Lets say you believed that the teletubby evolved from natural selection. And I insisted it was created on Pluto. If I insisted I was right (even though neither of us could prove it) would it be a scientific hypothesis?
Only when he says his unfalsifiable beliefs are better than my unfalsifiable beliefs.

So? Theists kill other theists don't they, even within a religion? No big deal. He was a narrow minded atheist with no vision or intellect. There are plenty of those. He not only killed people who opposed his beliefs he killed everyone who opposed him.

The athiest regime in Soviet Union sent people to the gulags for showing up late on work too. Militant atheists are crazy people.:shrug:

You see, you were totally unable to make any connection between what Pol Pot did and atheism.

Theist rants are all you evidently provide.
You see, you were totally unable to make any connection between what Pol Pot did and atheism.

Theist rants are all you evidently provide.

Considering that atheists have no code or creed, they just make it up as they go along. Which is why you'll find officially athiest states killing people for wearing glasses, laughing inapproriately, being born deformed, reading bibles etc. Its called independent thinking, athiest style.
Considering that atheists have no code or creed, they just make it up as they go along. Which is why you'll find officially athiest states killing people for wearing glasses, laughing inapproriately, being born deformed, reading bibles etc. Its called independent thinking, athiest style.

You continue to demonstrate my point and fail at demonstrating yours.

No connection of Pol Pot to atheism yet? What a surprise. :rolleyes:
Atheism is falsifiable. The God delusion isn't.

Accusing the non-belief in a God of leading to murder is like saying the temperance movement could lead to murder of drinkers of alcohol.

The US is not an example of an atheist state. Although secular in nature, it contains more fervent believers than most European countries.
You continue to demonstrate my point and fail at demonstrating yours.

No connection of Pol Pot to atheism yet? What a surprise. :rolleyes:

You're cho chweet when you pretend to be clueless.:)

Atheism is falsifiable.

Go right ahead and prove it.
Accusing the non-belief in a God of leading to murder is like saying the temperance movement could lead to murder of drinkers of alcohol.

Except when athiests declare they are setting up an officially athiest state, write a plan to wipe out God from society and eliminate thiests to eliminate thiesm.
The US is not an example of an atheist state. Although secular in nature, it contains more fervent believers than most European countries.

So the war on Iraq is a religious Crusade? Interesting.
You're cho chweet when you pretend to be clueless.

You can act the idiot all you want, but you have yet to demonstrate your silly claims.

You've made no connection to Pol Pot's deeds and atheism, other than the fact you stated he was atheist.
You can act the idiot all you want, but you have yet to demonstrate your silly claims.

You've made no connection to Pol Pot's deeds and atheism, other than the fact you stated he was atheist.

When I see an atheist destroying temples, banning religion and killing believers or putting them in re-education camps to unlearn their religious beliefs, I always think. Gee, this has nothing to do with atheism.

But when I see a thiest putting an athiest to death, I always think. Thats because of religion!

Let's say hypothetically that you believed in teletubbies partying underground under the planet Pluto (we can't prove that), and I say that there aren't any there (we can't prove that either). Is me telling you and explaining why your belief is absurd evangelism?
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When I see an atheist destroying temples, banning religion and killing believers or putting them in re-education camps to unlearn their religious beliefs, I always think. Gee, this has nothing to do with atheism.

But when I see a thiest putting an athiest to death, I always think. Thats because of religion!

And that narrow-minded, biased, puerile view is why your responses are so idiotic.
Go right ahead and prove it.
[That atheism is falsifiable.]
Something like a large, perfectly formed rectangular slab of black rock, buried on the moon.

Except when athiests declare they are setting up an officially athiest state, write a plan to wipe out God from society and eliminate thiests to eliminate thiesm.
So what? Atheism is a philosophical position on the supernatural, not a moral code. One could murder people based on the belief that religion must be abolished by any means necessary, but that isn't atheism. One could murder people for any number of reasons, but historically, the most popular reason is religion. Murder isn't an atheistic trait, it's a human trait, which religion doesn't abolish. Atheism doesn't set itself up as a plan for society, leading to utopia. Our problems as humans transcend that of ideology. No ideology will save us or bring peace, none. Religion has already proven ineffective in preventing moral outrages. Atheism too, but it never claimed to do so.

So the war on Iraq is a religious Crusade? Interesting.
Wake up and smell the ritalin, YOU are the one that implied the US is an example of a non-theistic state, and gave the invasion of Iraq as an example of it's moral misbehavior.
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Something like a large, perfectly formed rectangular slab of black rock, buried on the moon.

Nope thats not it.
So what? Atheism is a philosophical position on the supernatural, not a moral code. One could murder people based on the belief that religion must be abolished by any means necessary, but that isn't atheism. One could murder people for any number of reasons, but historically, the most popular reason is religion. Murder isn't an atheistic trait, it's a human trait, which religion doesn't abolish. Atheism doesn't set itself up as a plan for society, leading to utopia. Our problems as humans transcend that of ideology. No ideology will save us or bring peace, none. Religion has already proven ineffective in preventing moral outrages. Atheism too, but it never claimed to do so.

Unless people who call themselves athiests take the position of certainty and attack theists for their belief. Atheism is after all the rejection of thiesm.

Wake up and smell the ritalin, YOU are the one that implied the US is an example of a non-theistic state, and gave the invasion of Iraq as an example of it's moral misbehavior.

Just confirming. Its a Crusade right?


Let's say hypothetically that you believed in teletubbies partying underground under the planet Pluto (we can't prove that), and I say that there aren't any there (we can't prove that either). Is me telling you and explaining why your belief is absurd evangelism?

Only if you write a book and make tours around the world to proclaim what you believe while denouncing what I believe, especially if what I believe is also what you believe I believe rather than what I really believe.

And that narrow-minded, biased, puerile view is why your responses are so idiotic.

Actually thats your view I was trying on for size. Doesn't fit. Too narrow...:m:
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Nope thats not it.
Then a billboard on Mars, "God wuz here".

Unless people who call themselves athiests take the position of certainty and attack theists for their belief. Atheism is after all the rejection of thiesm.

That's a personal problem, not a problem with not believing in God. I could want to kill all smokers, same thing.

Just confirming. Its a Crusade right?
If it were, it's the fault of Right-wing Christian fundamentalist Republicans. I happen to think they only worship money. Why didn't the most overtly religious President in history stop the war?