The Evangelical Atheist

Actually religion is associated with rise in scientific knowledge, athiesm has no code that defines creation as something that God has provided for man to study and enjoy. Science was born of religion. Atheists are just so much baggage going along for the ride.

You're losing it. Tell that to the ghost of Giordano Bruno.
You seem to respect Russell. From An Outline Of Intellectual Rubbish:

Throughout the last 400 years, during which the growth of science had gradually shown men how to acquire knowledge of the ways of nature and mastery over natural forces, the clergy have fought a losing battle against science, in astronomy and geology, in anatomy and physiology, in biology and psychology and sociology. Ousted from one position, they have taken up another. After being worsted in astronomy, they did their best to prevent the rise of geology; they fought against Darwin in biology, and at the present time they fight against scientific theories of psychology and education. At each stage, they try to make the public forget their earlier obscurantism, in order that their present obscurantism may not be recognized for what it is. Let us note a few instances of irrationality among the clergy since the rise of science, and then inquire whether the rest of mankind are any better.
Thats probably the effect of atheism in these countries (those professing to be religious, I mean).

What's this gibberish?

Knowledge and religion have always gone hand in hand.

Its a known fact of history.

Absolutely. Let's go back to their method of dating all historical artifacts from 4000 bc, chopping the top off someones head to release the demon that was giving them the headache, and establishing that someone was a witch by seeing if they'd [not] drown. :bugeye:
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You're losing it. Tell that to the ghost of Giordano Bruno.
You seem to respect Russell. From An Outline Of Intellectual Rubbish:

Throughout the last 400 years, during which the growth of science had gradually shown men how to acquire knowledge of the ways of nature and mastery over natural forces, the clergy have fought a losing battle against science, in astronomy and geology, in anatomy and physiology, in biology and psychology and sociology. Ousted from one position, they have taken up another. After being worsted in astronomy, they did their best to prevent the rise of geology; they fought against Darwin in biology, and at the present time they fight against scientific theories of psychology and education. At each stage, they try to make the public forget their earlier obscurantism, in order that their present obscurantism may not be recognized for what it is. Let us note a few instances of irrationality among the clergy since the rise of science, and then inquire whether the rest of mankind are any better.

Like I said, athiests are just a bunch of existential baggage looking for purposeful lives. :yawn:

Which is why Russel picks on a few clergy (who, if you believe Dawkins thesis on "intelligent" priests and politicians, were most probably athiests manipulating their power base) and ignores the vast library of science contributed by theists.

If it were not for thiests wondering at creation, there would be no science.
There is no evidence that atheists who are anti-theists can create a compassionate society.

There IS evidence that theism creates violent societies.

There is no evidence that atheists can create a compassionate society without some input from religious morality.

There IS evidence religious morality is immoral.

There is no evidence that atheists can create a tolerant society

There IS evidence theist societies are intolerant.

There is plenty of evidence for the reverse.

With none forthcoming. You are a liar.
Knowledge and religion have always gone hand in hand.

Its a known fact of history.

Lies are not facts.

Knowledge is learning and reasoning.

Religion is blind faith in the supernatural.
There IS evidence that theism creates violent societies.

There IS evidence religious morality is immoral.

There IS evidence theist societies are intolerant.

With none forthcoming. You are a liar.

All outliers. The vast majority are neither violent nor immoral nor intolerant.

The absence of sustenance of any atheist society is clear evidence that its a vestigeal organ of the universe. Like the appendix, its only a problem when it gets inflamed, then it must be excised. Otherwise, you can pretend it does not exist.
Are you claiming that those who used the anti-religion propaganda and killed people for being theists and banned religion were not atheists?

No, I'm saying that them being atheists does not tar all atheists with the same brush, because there is not central credo to atheism, no common thought nor goal. Also, I dealt with the fact that Marx saw religion as the symptom of a sick society, not the cause of the sickness, but you conveniently keep forgetting that, because you are incapable of debating honestly.

And aren't you, ironically, defending a belief system which you claim does not exist? Aren't all the atheists here?

I'm not, because I can't, because atheism is not a belief system, and again you are being dishonest and lying and twisting words to suit your warped perpective.
Also, I dealt with the fact that Marx saw religion as the symptom of a sick society, not the cause of the sickness, but you conveniently keep forgetting that, because you are incapable of debating honestly..

So was Marx an atheist as he considered religion as a kind of disease?
The vast majority are neither violent nor immoral nor intolerant.

That is a lie, biased in the extreme from the position of a cult promoting violence, immorality and intolerance.

The absence of sustenance of any atheist society is clear evidence that its a vestigeal organ of the universe. Like the appendix, its only a problem when it gets inflamed, then it must be excised. Otherwise, you can pretend it does not exist.

The cult member has no concept of any alternatives beyond the cult and can only make assumptions of what may be, which even by itself is a concept incomprehensible to the cult member.

The theist lives in a world without gods, but has been indoctrinated to deny such a world.
That is a lie, biased in the extreme from the position of a cult promoting violence, immorality and intolerance.

The cult member has no concept of any alternatives beyond the cult and can only make assumptions of what may be, which even by itself is a concept incomprehensible to the cult member.

The theist lives in a world without gods, but has been indoctrinated to deny such a world.

So its your position that the vast majority of theists are violent immoral and intolerant while athiests are fluffy bunnies?
So its your position that the vast majority of theists are violent immoral and intolerant while athiests are fluffy bunnies?

If the magnitude of silliness in your responses ever increases beyond the ratio of words you choose to elect as mine, I might begin to find humor in them.

As it is, theists can do little but accept the violence, the immorality and the intolerance of those doctrines they've been insensitively brainwashed to the point of desensitization.

"Atheists" don't accept it.
If the magnitude of silliness in your responses ever increases beyond the ratio of words you choose to elect as mine, I might begin to find humor in them.

As it is, theists can do little but accept the violence, the immorality and the intolerance of those doctrines they've been insensitively brainwashed to the point of desensitization.

"Atheists" don't accept it.

No they don't. They just shoot the religious buggers or ban religion when they get the reins in their hands.

Other times, they apparently just fester with hate.
Sam, read page 58 of that link. If Pol Pot was acting in the name of atheism, why would he destroy the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Issues, the Ministry of Information, Press and Culture and the Ministry of Economy and Welfare?

What does atheism have to do with these institutions and the need for their destruction?

If anything, atheism would promote those institutions.
Sam, read page 58 of that link. If Pol Pot was acting in the name of atheism, why would he destroy the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Issues, the Ministry of Information, Press and Culture and the Ministry of Economy and Welfare?

What does atheism have to do with these institutions and the need for their destruction?

If anything, atheism would promote those institutions.

I didn't say they were smart atheists.
You're a ******* *****, sam.

If you'd read carefully, you'd know they wanted to re-educate the people in their own belief systems. The existing institutions were corrupted by Buddhism I suppose.
No they don't. They just shoot the religious buggers or ban religion when they get the reins in their hands.
That's the same thing religious people do to people of other religions when they get the reins. Even if your assertion is true, the best you've done is provide evidence that atheists are no better than anyone else, not that we're worse.
Other times, they apparently just fester with hate.
Again, this is identical to the behavior of the religious when they don't get the reins.
That's the same thing religious people do to people of other religions when they get the reins. Even if your assertion is true, the best you've done is provide evidence that atheists are no better than anyone else, not that we're worse.Again, this is identical to the behavior of the religious when they don't get the reins.

Just so you know I am using the new Secular Freedom of Expression to Offend by Focusing on the Misdeeds of the Few and Ignoring the Contributions of the Many Act [sup]©[/sup]

Actuality: The vast majority of al-Qaida terrorists in the sample came from families with very moderate religious beliefs or a completely secular outlook. Indeed, 84 percent were radicalized in the West, rather than in their countries of origin. Most had come to the West to study, and at the time they had no intention of ever becoming terrorists. Another 8 percent consisted of Christian converts to Islam, who could not have been brainwashed into violence by their culture.

You conveniently skip over what these people, regardless of background, were radicalised into. They were radicalised into holding extreme fundamentalist religious views.

It's like you have a blind spot.

What tangent? According to Dawkins "real" scientists are naturalists; I am asking you if the religious beliefs of the unreal scientists (like Francis Collins) are a necessary discussion on a science podium.

I can't understand your point here. We've already established, I think, that science is the study of nature. Therefore, scientists' jobs require them to look for naturalistic explanations of nature. That does not, however, prevent them from having religious beliefs as well - Francis Collins is an example of that.

Religion isn't being discussed in the science journals; science is.

But maybe you have some kind of point that I'm missing?

Try any society where an athiest has used anti-religious propaganda to get fame or power. North Korea, China, Cambodia

Look what you just said! " atheist has used anti-religious propaganda to get fame or power."

And what you didn't say: "... an atheist has used anti-religious propaganda to advance the cause of atheism."

Now, think.

Yes. Religion alone is not enough to make a suicide bomber. But remove religion and then what?

The occupation goes away? People no longer fight? Kill each other? Except that evidence from primitive societies without "organised religion" shows they were more violent, not less.

Try to stay on topic. Specifically, we were talking about suicide bombings. Here, you are drifting into a discussion of warfare in general.

In Dark Nature, biologist-naturalist Lyall Watson takes a broader perspective on human nature by examining what he calls the natural history of evil. ... He also examines so-called evil in human societies, including his own experiences with the Asmat of Irian Indonesian New Guinea who are inveterate cannibals.

These tribal societies aren't atheistic.

In contrast, Dawkins makes a reasoned case against religion, or at least against belief in gods.

Not that I can see. He talks about child abuse then admits that most theists are not violent criminals, labels then admits that they may not persist and that children do get their values from parents, God being a scientifically testable proposition then adds a disclaimer that the scientists' God is a metaphor. In other words, he dissembles to make his point.

You haven't read the book, so you're hardly qualified to give a correct summary.

Briefly, he does regard indoctrination of children as a form of child abuse. I am surprised that you appear to think that indoctrination of children is not an abuse. Perhaps you would like to comment further on your views on that matter.

He says that certain particular notions of God are scientifically testable. His talk of Spinoza's god is not a disclaimer, but a deliberate and careful discrimination between fuzzy, non-specific concepts of God as an allegory of nature, as distinct from the traditional man with the beard who lives in the sky and answers your prayers and intervenes in the physical world. The God who makes the statues weep and who causes images of the Virgin Mary to appear in hot cross buns is scientifically testable. The God who supposedly heals people at Lourdes is scientifically testable.

I suggest you do some research into exactly how much harm Stalins propaganda did.

I suggest you think about the difference between Stalin's propaganda and his death squads. Apparently, you're struggling to tell the difference.

The fact is, so far you've made no link between atheist propaganda under Stalin and all those deaths you've talked about.

As for Dawkins, he isn't indoctrinating anybody. He is making an argument, which you and everybody else are free to accept or reject. He isn't telling you that you can't have an alternative point of view. He isn't suppressing other points of view. He isn't restricting your access to information.

No, he is merely misrepresenting theism and theists to support his own anti-religion stance.

No? What, in particular, are you saying "no" to in my statement. Which of my statements in the quoted paragraph, if any, is incorrect?

This deliberate diversion away from points you don't like is tiresome. You need to be honest, and look at things that are presented to you, rather than trying to divert onto a tangent every time somebody says something you can't refute.

Comparing Dawkins to Stalin invites the communist equivalent of Godwin's law. You ought to just give up and end the thread right here.

I see no difference between the two, both were aiming for some fantasy society where they could get rid of all the theists and live in a science filled utopia.

Dawkins doesn't advocate getting rid of anybody.

Really, I find your comparison immensely distasteful and dishonest. You must be able to see that yourself, too, which makes it all the worse.

I'm using Dawkins tools of association. Anti-religion propaganda led to the death of millions in this century alone.

This is pure hyperbole without foundation.

You have made no link between atheist propaganda and deaths of millions. Saying it is so does not make it so.

Under the Khmer Rouge which banned all religion and killed all the Buddhist priests for example, following the "model" of Chinese anti-religion propaganda, for instance.

Were the priests killed in the name of atheism? I think you will find they were not.

The same for the people killed daily for their faith in North Korea, the people killed for their faith in the Soviet Union, in China, in all communist societies run by atheists.

You claim that people killed for atheism, do you? Then find me a quote that says "These people had to die, because they weren't atheists", from the killers.

In a dense analysis of how violent terror became a way of life under Lenin and Stalin, Courtois concludes that "the real motivation for the terror ultimately was Leninist ideology, and the perfectly utopian will to impose a doctrine that was completely at odds with reality." This totalizing ideology, Courtois argues, generated murderous intolerance toward all those who were perceived as obstacles to the new regime: "Terror involves a double sort of mutation. The adversary is first labeled an enemy, then a criminal, and is excluded from society. Exclusion very quickly turns into the idea of extermination." That basic outlook, he writes, has been present, "with differing degrees of intensity, in all regimes that claim to be Marxist in origin."

None of this touches on atheism. The authors are not referring to atheism as the "doctrine that was completely at odds with reality", and you're smart enough to know that. This is just another attempt to make a connection that isn't there, and a dishonest one at that.

There is no evidence that atheists who are anti-theists can create a compassionate society.

But there's plenty of examples of theists failing to create compassionate societies.

There is no evidence that atheists can create a compassionate society without some input from religious morality.

How do you propose to disentangle the sources of morality?

There is no evidence that atheists can create a tolerant society

There's plenty of evidence that theists can create intolerant societies.

Actually religion is associated with rise in scientific knowledge, athiesm has no code that defines creation as something that God has provided for man to study and enjoy. Science was born of religion. Atheists are just so much baggage going along for the ride.

Religion has a long history of suppressing scientific knowledge. Atheism has no code defining creation, because atheism has no code defining anything. Atheism is not a belief system. Science was born in spite of religion; religion never helped the progress of science. Theists are just so much baggage along for the ride.

(See how useless this kind of rhetoric is?)

And going by the Dawkins principle that the most extreme define the system, I would say athiesm has no room for secular humanism.

That is totally at odds with the reality that many self-declared atheists are also self-declared secular humanists.

You can close your eyes to reality if you like, but it just makes you look stupid.

They have no code that says love your neighbor, sin to kill etc. Their lack of code makes it unnecessary for them to practise altruism, unless they have some exposure to religious teachings. Atheism per se has NOTHING to do with justice or morality.

Correct. Secular humanism, on the other hand, is a moral philosophy.
You conveniently skip over what these people, regardless of background, were radicalised into. They were radicalised into holding extreme fundamentalist religious views.

It's like you have a blind spot.

What "religious" views? Surely educated people from secular households should know better? Except for their lack of knowledge about religion, that is.

I can't understand your point here. We've already established, I think, that science is the study of nature. Therefore, scientists' jobs require them to look for naturalistic explanations of nature. That does not, however, prevent them from having religious beliefs as well - Francis Collins is an example of that.

Are you certain?

Debating in London on the subject: “Are we better off without religion?”, he said religion was like “a child with a dummy in its mouth. I do not think it a very dignified or respect-worthy posture for an adult to go around sucking a dummy for comfort.”

When his opponents, who included Rabbi Julia Neuberger and philosopher Roger Scruton, argued that “the religious gene” is in all of us, and it was part of the human condition to search for meaning, Dawkins replied: “Speak for yourself. It is not a part of me. It is not a part of the great majority of my friends in universities in England and the US and elsewhere.”

Look what you just said! " atheist has used anti-religious propaganda to get fame or power."

And what you didn't say: "... an atheist has used anti-religious propaganda to advance the cause of atheism."

Now, think.

I did. I see dead priests, destroyed statues and places of worship and massacre of theists. Pretty similar to the Inquisition under Isabella who also got fame and power under similar conditions.

The fallout of increase in atheism or Catholicism was what the ultimate society desired was, a society that agrees with your beliefs.

Try to stay on topic. Specifically, we were talking about suicide bombings. Here, you are drifting into a discussion of warfare in general.

You mean there are suicide bombers in places without war or conflict? Where?

These tribal societies aren't atheistic.

Because they worshipped the skulls of the people they ate?
Does this mean that even the neanderthals who were bashing in skulls and collecting mass graves were theistic?

You haven't read the book, so you're hardly qualified to give a correct summary.

Briefly, he does regard indoctrination of children as a form of child abuse. I am surprised that you appear to think that indoctrination of children is not an abuse. Perhaps you would like to comment further on your views on that matter.

So my parents were abusing me. I see.

He says that certain particular notions of God are scientifically testable. His talk of Spinoza's god is not a disclaimer, but a deliberate and careful discrimination between fuzzy, non-specific concepts of God as an allegory of nature, as distinct from the traditional man with the beard who lives in the sky and answers your prayers and intervenes in the physical world. The God who makes the statues weep and who causes images of the Virgin Mary to appear in hot cross buns is scientifically testable. The God who supposedly heals people at Lourdes is scientifically testable.

Does he distinguish between theism and religion? Because his deliberate and careful discrimination between fuzzy and nonspecific concepts seems to keep overlapping the nonfuzzy parts.

As an aside, do you know ANY Christian who believes there is a bearded man in the sky? Because I don't. Does it matter? Not to Dawkins apparently.

I suggest you think about the difference between Stalin's propaganda and his death squads. Apparently, you're struggling to tell the difference.

The same between the Bible and their death squads. Or is killing 1000 people a day under one kind of propaganda less relevant?

The fact is, so far you've made no link between atheist propaganda under Stalin and all those deaths you've talked about.

Except that in all places that athiests "decided" to create this athiest utopia, they achieved exactly the same results: ban religion, kill theists, destroy all religious literature, worship and icons or statues.

No? What, in particular, are you saying "no" to in my statement. Which of my statements in the quoted paragraph, if any, is incorrect?

This deliberate diversion away from points you don't like is tiresome. You need to be honest, and look at things that are presented to you, rather than trying to divert onto a tangent every time somebody says something you can't refute.

All of it. He is not doing anything EXCEPT misrepresenting theism and thiests; if you watched the link from BBC I gave you earlier, you can see him admit it himself. (Yes most theists are not like that, yes I don't emphasize that enough, because it does not help my polemic, etc)
Dawkins doesn't advocate getting rid of anybody.

Really, I find your comparison immensely distasteful and dishonest. You must be able to see that yourself, too, which makes it all the worse.

Why? Because he does not advocate violence? He advocates intolerance and intolerance invariably leads to violence.

This is pure hyperbole without foundation.

You have made no link between atheist propaganda and deaths of millions. Saying it is so does not make it so.

Except when its theists, apparently. I see anti-theist propaganda directly leading to mass murder of theists, which apparently is insufficient association for you.

Can you claim that without the anti-theist propaganda, there would still have been such massacres, such destruction of books, statues, the re-reducation of priests, the ban on religion? Without an athiest at the helm would any of the societies under the communist black book have led to such destruction?

Were the priests killed in the name of atheism? I think you will find they were not.

They were killed for being theists.

You claim that people killed for atheism, do you? Then find me a quote that says "These people had to die, because they weren't atheists", from the killers.

I assume being theists is sufficient? Since people being killed as "infidels" are assumed as being killed for being atheists?

North Korea:
Vollertsen, in Washington, D.C. to discuss a possible congressional hearing on the subject, said North Korean defectors told him Christians are being tortured and killed for reading bibles. Some Christians, Vollertsen claimed, are forced to undergo biological warfare experiments.

Michael Horowitz of the Hudson Institute has been helping Vollertsen in his effort, lamenting "the almost complete lack of knowledge in the United States of the regime's lunatic character and why the president is precisely accurate to call it evil."\ForeignBureaus\archive\200203\FOR20020304i.html


None of this touches on atheism. The authors are not referring to atheism as the "doctrine that was completely at odds with reality", and you're smart enough to know that. This is just another attempt to make a connection that isn't there, and a dishonest one at that.
Have you read any Leninist ideology? Its ALL atheism.:)

Lenin wrote; "Marx said, ‘Religion is the opium of the people' - and this postulate is the corner stone of the whole philosophy of Marxism with regard to religion. Marxism always regarded all modern religions and churches, and every kind of religious organisation as instruments of that bourgeois reaction whose aim is to defend exploitation, stupefying the working class." (The Attitude of the Workers' Party towards religion, May, 1909)

"And when this act (the proletarian revolution) has been accomplished, when society, by taking possession of all means of production and using them on a planned basis, has freed itself and all its members from the bondage in which they are at present held by these means of production which they themselves have produced but which now confront them as an irresistible extraneous force; when then man no longer merely proposes, but also disposes - only then will the last extraneous force which is still reflected in religion vanish; and with it will also vanish the religious reflection itself, for the simple reason that then there will be nothing left to reflect."

Only in a fully socialist society can religion be expected to disappear completely for only then will the social basis of religion - the fear of the masses caused by their helplessness before the blind forces of production - cease to exist. Meanwhile, the CPSU, as its 1919 Programme put it, endeavoured;

"to secure the complete break up of the union between the exploiting classes and the organisations for religious propaganda, thus co-operating in the actual deliverance of the working masses from religious prejudices, and organising the most extensive propaganda of scientific enlightenment and anti-religious conceptions. While doing this, we must carefully avoid anything that can wound the feelings of believers, for such a method can only lead to the strengthening of religious fanaticism."

Of course Stalin, unlike Lenin did not worry about hurting the feelings of believers:
Starting in 1929 churches were forcibly closed and priests arrested and exiled all over the Soviet Union. The celebrated Shrine of the Iberian Virgin in Moscow - esteemed by believers to be the "holiest" in all Russia was demolished - Stalin and his Government were not afraid of strengthening religious fanaticism by wounding the feelings of believers as Lenin and Trotsky had been! Religion, they believed, could be liquidated, like the kulak, by a stroke of the pen. The Society of Militant Atheists, under Stalin's orders, issued on May 15th 1932, the "Five Year Plan of Atheism" - by May 1st 1937, such as the "Plan", "not a single house of prayer shall remain in the territory of the USSR, and the very concept of God must be banished from the Soviet Union as a survival of the Middle Ages and an instrument for the oppression of the working masses."!

^^^ that I believe is the "doctrine that was completely at odds with reality"

But there's plenty of examples of theists failing to create compassionate societies.

Except for all the ones that do exist.

How do you propose to disentangle the sources of morality?

There is no need to. Athiesm, by definition has no moral code. Religion, by definition does.
There's plenty of evidence that theists can create intolerant societies.

Sure and plenty of evidence otherwise, else not all societies would have survived as religious.

Religion has a long history of suppressing scientific knowledge. Atheism has no code defining creation, because atheism has no code defining anything. Atheism is not a belief system. Science was born in spite of religion; religion never helped the progress of science. Theists are just so much baggage along for the ride.

Too bad that a cursory glance at the history of shamanism proves otherwise. Witch doctors were the first healers, did you know?

(See how useless this kind of rhetoric is?)

Only when its baseless. ;)

That is totally at odds with the reality that many self-declared atheists are also self-declared secular humanists.

Like (Q)?
You can close your eyes to reality if you like, but it just makes you look stupid.

Clearly reality means the one defined by athiests.
Correct. Secular humanism, on the other hand, is a moral philosophy.

The kind that says religion is like sucking a dummy and the religious are delusional child abusers who need to be re-educated out of their stupidity?
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