The Ego of the Atheist

It doesn't say anything about whether or not Hitler is atheistic.
Show me where you got it from.

I don't recall saying Hitler is an atheist, I specifically mentioned Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot who made atheism in society their official stance.

I believe he was though based on his speeches on utilising people by propaganda combined with his private revelations about Christianity.

Hitler’s private statements about Christianity are largely negative. Hitler’s intimates, Goebbels, Speer, and Bormann, report many such statements, although the historical validity of some remarks has been questioned, particularly the collection called Table Talk. Although most historians consider it a useful source, they do not regard it as wholly reliable. Ian Kershaw makes clear the questionable nature of Table Talk as a source;[15] however, although Kershaw recommends treating the work with caution, he does not suggest dispensing with it altogether. Richard Carrier goes further, contending that certain portions of Table Talk, especially those regarding Hitler's hatred of Christianity, are inventions. [16]

There is less controversy about other statements. Joseph Goebbels notes in a diary entry in 1939: "The Führer is deeply religious, but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay." Albert Speer reports a similar statement: “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[17] In the Hossbach Memorandum Hitler is recorded as saying that "only the disintegrating effect of Christianity, and the symptoms of age" were responsible for the demise of the Roman Empire.[18] In 1941, Hitler praised an anti-Christian tract from 362, Julian's Against the Galileans, saying "I really hadn't known how clearly a man like Julian had judged Christians and Christianity, one must read this..."'s_religious_beliefs

Besides, he behaved exactly like all atheist leaders have, so far, when given power.
Christianty has no better a record of preventing genocide. The opression of the indians of the Americas was done in the name of Christianity. Therefore, there is nothing special about religion that makes people act morally. Citing examples of officially atheist regimes doesn't support the idea that religion is better than no religion. It only says that all things being equal, people act as they always have, with greed, ambition, sometimes good and sometimes evil. Atheism never claims to prevent evil, it is not an ideology or way of living.

Name one moral act a religious person could do that a non-religious person cannot.
The important word is "in the name of Christianity". Did Jesus declare that native Americans be oppressed? Weren't the founding fathers of the US not religious?
Hans Koning wrote:

"From the beginning, the Spaniards saw the native Americans as natural slaves, beasts of burden, part of the loot. When working them to death was more economical than treating them somewhat humanely, they worked them to death. The English, on the other hand, had no use for the native peoples. They saw them as devil worshippers, savages who were beyond salvation by the church, and exterminating them increasingly became accepted policy."

The Americas were conquered way before the USA was established.
Hans Koning wrote:

"From the beginning, the Spaniards saw the native Americans as natural slaves, beasts of burden, part of the loot. When working them to death was more economical than treating them somewhat humanely, they worked them to death. The English, on the other hand, had no use for the native peoples. They saw them as devil worshippers, savages who were beyond salvation by the church, and exterminating them increasingly became accepted policy."

The Americas were conquered way before the USA was established.

Which part of that is taught by Christianity?

And what did the secular USAmericans do different, considering they were not religious?
The issue that is being confused here is this: atrocities committed in the name of religion and the atrocities committed in the name of atheism. There is no contest in this matter. No state has ever justified their crimes in the name of science and/or atheism. Meanwhile, religious fundamentalism can be and has been the justification for countless atrocities and conflicts.

There is no arguing that there have been atheists who have done horrible things. You can't argue against that. There are bad people in all walks of life. However, only religion can make otherwise good people do bad things.
The part that says people that aren't Christians are evil.

Where does it say in Christianity that people who aren't Christians are evil?

And could you also show me the part in atheism where it says theists are delusional?

Laws are based on ideas of right or wrong. Laws in all societies have risen from religion. If gay marriage is illegal, its because the religion in that society says so, not from any appeal to nature.

There's no evidence that the religions came before the laws. It could well be that pre-existing laws were included in religious codes.

It is interesting that you pick gay marriage as an example here. Marriage, as you know, was originally a contract between families to cement inter-familial alliances, mostly by trading away a daughter. As a contract, the laws relating to marriage sprang from the same place as other laws relating to trade in goods. None of this has much to do with religious beliefs. Trade laws grew up to regulate commerce in society. They are practical - aimed at preventing or deterring bad business practices.

Now, gay marriage is of a different ilk. It's proscription follows from a general fear of difference, manifesting itself in homophobia. That homophobia of course has worked its way into the written texts of many religions, which attempt to "outlaw" all forms of homosexual behaviour.

So, you're half right. While laws spring from ideas of right and wrong, you have no evidence that those ideas started with religion. In fact, religion most likely adopted pre-existing ideas of right and wrong.

Whats a good law?

If a majority of Christians decide prostitution, homosexuality and profaning the sacred no longer merits a death sentence, is that a good law? Or a bad one? For whom?

To answer what is a good law, you first need to ask "what is good?". Some religions preach that death to gay people is "good", because homosexuality is "evil". Humanist philosophy says that homosexuality is a normal variant of human sexuality and is in and of itself harmless. The notion of "harm" is different in each case, as is the notion of "good". Religions tend to be simplistic: what is in the Qur'an is necessarily "good"; if the Qur'an says something is evil then it is evil. There's no need to think - just read the book and believe. Humanist philosophies, on the other hand, tend to reach moral conclusions based on more general principles, such as utilitarianism or the idea of personal autonomy.

In my personal opinion, a good law is one that achieves or promotes a worthy social aim, to benefit society in general or to protect the individual from harm. Good laws ought to respect the [enc]intrinsic value[/enc] of all human beings, and allow them freedom of action except where this might unduly infringe on the freedoms of others.

So what? Hitler in private conversations considered Christianity to be the biggest evil there is....

How are you privy to Hitler's private conversations?
They caused the deaths of over 20 million people to achieve their goals, a failed society of atheists. I call THAT a pitiful denial of history.'s_religious_beliefs

Besides, he behaved exactly like all atheist leaders have, so far, when given power.

HHmm I don't think you read this link properly as it portrays hitler as a deeply (twisted) religious man..

Q'Hitler claimed that during the time he served in World War I, he had a religious awakening; specifically when he was in the hospital, temporarily blinded from an enemy gas attack in October 1918. This religious awakening may be attributed to a hallucination, possibly induced by a Dr. Forster.[5] Another alleged incident was that a mysterious voice told Hitler to leave a crowded trench during a minor barrage. Moments after he left the area, a shell fell on that particular spot. Hitler saw this experience as a message that made him believe that he was a uniquely illuminated individual who had a special task to fulfill.[6]

Q'especially at the beginning of his rule, Hitler frequently spoke positively about the Christian heritage of German culture and his belief in the "Aryan" Christ

Q'he addressed the Reichstag: "The National Government regards the two Christian confessions (i.e. Catholicism and Protestantism) as factors essential to the soul of the German people. ... We hold the spiritual forces of Christianity to be indispensable elements in the moral uplift of most of the German people."[9] At one point he described his religious status: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."[10]

Q'Notable Hitler biographer John Toland writes of Hitler's religion and its effect: "Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy, he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of god. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of god..."

Q'Hitler rejected the idea of Jesus' redemptive suffering, stating in 1927:

"My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."[22]

Q'"The individual may establish with pain today that with the appearance of Christianity the first spiritual terror entered into the far freer ancient world, but he will not be able to contest the fact that since then the world has been afflicted and dominated by this coercion, and that coercion is broken only by coercion, and terror only by terror. Only then can a new state of affairs be constructively created. Political parties are inclined to compromises; philosophies never. Political parties even reckon with opponents; philosophies proclaim their infallibility. "[13]

Q'Elsewhere in Mein Kampf Hitler speaks of the "creator of the universe" and "eternal Providence." He also states his belief that the Aryan race was created by God, and that it would be a sin to dilute it through racial intermixing. Hitler writes:

"The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfill God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will."

He quite simply was not an atheist..

Religious neutrality
Hitler was opposed to state atheism

And stalin was religious up to and in a way after a point..

Stalin's beliefs are complicated and sometimes contradictory. As the historians Vladislav Zubok and Constantine Pleshakov noted, he received his education at Theological Seminary at Tiflis (Tbilisi), where his mother sent him to become a priest, but he became a closet atheist.[85] Zubok and Pleshakov further noted, "Many would later note, however, that his works were influenced by a distinctly Biblical style" and "his atheism remained rooted in some vague idea of a God of nature."[85]

Regarding one famous claim about evolution, historians doubt one later Soviet claim that he read The Origin of Species at the age of thirteen while still at Gori, and told a fellow pupil that it proved the nonexistence of God. The story fails on several obvious accounts, including Stalin's remaining religious, even pious, for some years longer.[86] In fact Professor of Religion Hector Avalos noted, "Stalin, in fact, had a complex relationship with religious institutions in the Soviet Union."[87]

Stalin's attitude changed and "Whatever the reason, after his mysterious retreat, he began making his peace with God. Something happened which no historian has yet written about. On his orders many priests were brought back to the camps.
So it was not Atheism which caused these deaths at all.....:bugeye:
There is nothing comparable in being Atheist to the loss of life through religions blunders/ignorance, as which you claimed.......

1. The evidence of atheist societies is like a holocaust ad nauseum compared to any theocracy on earth
3 atheists have done more damage than many many theists put together.
By that toll alone, I think we could not take more than a few years of atheism at a time, without annihilating the human species.

It simply not true..
Ah, SAM banging on that atheists have killed people. Not in the name of atheism in any case, and both Stalin and Hitler had religious backgrounds.

SAM really does have to lie, and twist, and keep digging up old falsehoods to try and make her point. Hitler/Stalin have been been done to death, but she keeps trotting it out like it's relevant.
HHmm I don't think you read this link properly as it portrays hitler as a deeply (twisted) religious man..

He quite simply was not an atheist..

And stalin was religious up to and in a way after a point..
So it was not Atheism which caused these deaths at all.....:bugeye:
There is nothing comparable in being Atheist to the loss of life through religions blunders/ignorance, as which you claimed.......

It simply not true..

You're showing me HItlers publicly professed statements as evidence that he was not an atheist? The same man who wrote on the value of using people's beliefs to use them as compared to his privately expressed sentiments to his close friends?:rolleyes:

As I said the ultimate desire of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot was to have a religion free society that worshipped only their ideologies. As atheists, they merely adopted some other ideology that they wanted instead of religion. Dawkins has adopted science, does that make him less atheist? One cannot fight anything in the name of atheism, since atheism stands for nothing. You cannot build a society on a negative. Even atheists recognise that. Which is why, unlike religions which promote their own qualities, all atheists do is oppose religion. They have no qualities to promote. But it did not stop them from killing millions of people who did not share their ideas.
You are confusing atheism for anti-religion.

I haven't met any theistic atheists. Or any that are pro-theism. I'd be lucky to meet one who does not think atheists should have a disproportionate influence in all societies. Have you?
Sure, which explains why Stalin and Co were not restricted to killing only theists.