The Ego of the Atheist

Source please? Actually none were killed in the name of atheism. No one was killed in the name of theism for that matter. People were killed in the name of Christian doctrine, of Islamic docrine, stc... but theism itself doesn't lead to killing.
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You are only listing those that were killing in total, for whatever reason. That number isn't particularly relevent to our discussion.
Actually none were killed in the name of atheism. No one was killed in the name of theism for that matter. People were killed in the name of Christian doctrine, of Islamic docrine, stc... but theism itself doesn't lead to killing.

The communist creed was they knew the truth, absolutely and anyone who stood in the way was hindering progress. Atheism and Science was the way to human progress, welfare and happiness through a war on religion and tradition.

I doubt there were any atheists who were in the list of the murdered.
Whatever, I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. All of them were. Are you happy now? Sheesh.
The communist creed was they knew the truth, absolutely and anyone who stood in the way was hindering progress. Atheism and Science was the way to human progress, welfare and happiness through a war on religion and tradition.

very good
logic and reason vs delusions
i see two options
the gulag or death
Atheism is essentially socialist and communist in nature. The fact that so many of the largest communist societies ever formed were done by atheists is no coincidence.

Wrong. Atheism is a position on the question of God, and possibly about the supernatural world, nothing more. Many religions dictate aspects of culture and society, so any other system that aims to do so can run into conflict with them.
And vice-versa.

very good
logic and reason vs delusions
i see two options
the gulag or death

Why do you suppose none of the atheists on this forum [besides yourself, when you represent atheism] embrace the communist credo of atheism+science vs religion+tradition?
Wrong. Atheism is a position on the question of God, and possibly about the supernatural world, nothing more.

Like it or not, a person devoid of belief in something greater than himself experiences the consequences of his "lack of belief" in more ways than one. You may think it's as simple as not believing in God, but that distinctness alone affects your outlook on different matters as well. Your atheistic state of nature affects your outlook on life, and thus society, in a variety of ways - whether you recognize it or not.
Something "greater than himself", is not always a deity. Conditioning has led to this misconception. Just look outside at the stars, and you will see things greater than yourself, no God required.
Something "greater than himself", is not always a deity. Conditioning has led to this misconception. Just look outside at the stars, and you will see things greater than yourself, no God required.

I don't consider stars to be greater than me; I don't see why anybody would.