The Ego of the Atheist

All communists are atheists but all atheists are not communists?

There are atheists out there who do not think they know better than theists and that atheism and science trumps religion and tradition?

Who believe they should not have a disproportionate influence on social policy even when they are a minority?

Who are these atheists?

The communist creed was they knew the truth, absolutely and anyone who stood in the way was hindering progress. Atheism and Science was the way to human progress, welfare and happiness through a war on religion and tradition.
Just like when Roman Catholic Italy, Poland, and Hungary, all Christian, all adopted Communism.

Clearly communism doesn't depend on atheism.
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Just like when Roma Catholic Italy, Poland, and Hungary, all Christian, all adopted Communism.

The religious people adopted a creed which dictated that religion is harmful to society? What was the result of this "conversion"? Did they build churches to Christ, ordain priests and forcibly convert people to Christianity?

The religious people adopted a creed which dictated that religion is harmful to society? What was the result of this "conversion"? Did they build churches to Christ, ordain priests and forcibly convert people to Christianity?
I think you missed the point. In these cases they didn't become atheist. They became Christian communists. There was no conversion away from religion because they chose a communist rule.
They also encouraged atheism and suppressed religion. I call that a conversion.
Well this is no where near 20 million......? thats 400,000.....:shrug:
Coincidentally, they were all athiests.

No they were not Mao,stalin and hitler were not atheist's they were either brought up into a religion which they turn on or they opposed all who had different religious belief's (bit like the christian crusades/inquisition)
atheism was not to blame for the deaths..........

Perhaps it was the disillusionment of theism in stalins case when he was studying to be a preist which drove him to commit attrocities,but atheism was not the CAUSE

"Stalin's attitude changed and "Whatever the reason, after his mysterious retreat, he began making his peace with God. Something happened which no historian has yet written about. On his orders many priests were brought back to the camps."
So he was a theist he lost faith then returned to his religious belief......again atheism did not cause what you describe....

Are you sure that you are not confusing Communism with the only info you've given concerns Communism not Atheism, Mao/Stalin and communism I can relate to but like stalin mao was raised a buddhist, the constant is not atheism its communism
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Something "greater than himself", is not always a deity. Conditioning has led to this misconception. Just look outside at the stars, and you will see things greater than yourself, no God required.

Quite so, I feel humbled by some of the might of our natural world but do not believe in any deities...........nor do I feel the urge to commit mass murder
Did they build churches to Christ, ordain priests and forcibly convert people to Christianity?

That has already been done.

Taoism and Zen just doesn't strike me as a danger to mankind in the way of suffering....hmmm see thats a form of Atheist belief, Communist is a political stance.........And i'm sure politics would come out top on the killing fields (in which communism would be classed not in Atheism)
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Well this is no where near 20 million......? thats 400,000.....:shrug:

You missed something. Look again. ;)

No they were not Mao,stalin and hitler were not atheist's they were either brought up into a religion which they turn on or they opposed all who had different religious belief's (bit like the christian crusades/inquisition)
atheism was not to blame for the deaths..........

So Dawkins is not an atheist because he was brought up in a Christian school?
Perhaps it was the disillusionment of theism in stalins case when he was studying to be a preist which drove him to commit attrocities,but atheism was not the CAUSE

So he was a theist he lost faith then returned to his religious belief......again atheism did not cause what you describe....

Ah, he was so disillusioned with theism, he became an atheist, but this had nothing to do with his actions?

Are you sure that you are not confusing Communism with the only info you've given concerns Communism not Atheism, Mao/Stalin and communism I can relate to but like stalin mao was raised a buddhist, the constant is not atheism its communism

So Mao was practicising Buddhism when he banned religion in China?
You missed something. Look again. ;)

Nope....(i don't think so)....the shining path are not a bunch of Atheist's they are political guerillas, this graph is no reflection of atheism at all and irrelevant

Ah, he was so disillusioned with theism, he became an atheist, but this had nothing to do with his actions?
So Mao was practicising Buddhism when he banned religion in China?

mmm lets think again your on about communism and trying to make out Atheism was the cause......A disillusioned theist (would be classed as an atheist) would feel a great amount of anger at seeing his freinds,family,countrymen being brainwashed under a web of rhetorical deceit (religion) and would take the oppotunity (in his mind) to correct this....the failiure of his belief would be the cause, not their lack of belief in god...but I still think your on about communism.
Nope....(i don't think so)

I'll give you a hint. Its called the axis. And its a range, not a sum.

mmm lets think again your on about communism and trying to make out Atheism was the cause......A disillusioned theist (would be classed as an atheist) would feel a great amount of anger at seeing his freinds,family,countrymen being brainwashed under a web of rhetorical deceit (religion) and would take the oppotunity (in his mind) to correct this....the failiure of his belief would be the cause, not their lack of belief in god...but I still think your on about communism.
Ah so they killed over 20 million people for their own good? To save them from being brainwashed? Well that makes it alright then, like the liberation of Iraq.
Also 'Democide' is The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.

nothing to do with ATHEISM at all.................:bugeye:
I'll give you a hint. Its called the axis. And its a range, not a sum.
Nope don't get it.....

Ah so they killed over 20 million people for their own good? To save them from being brainwashed? Well that makes it alright then, like the liberation of Iraq.

No, you tried to blame Atheism and are wrong...

Depends on how you see it. The death toll under Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot beat any theocratic record. 3 atheists have done more damage than many many theists put together.

By that toll alone, I think we could not take more than a few years of atheism at a time, without annihilating the human species.

Athiesm did not cause it and you have shown no proof otherwise....Communism and Atheism are it Christian America that has invaded the middle east or is it Political capitalist america by your logic it is the christians.
I'm sure stalin starved 6-10 million ukrainians over a number of years but that wasn't down to religious belief just political incompetence