The Ego of the Atheist

Where is your evidence ?

Uh, they established officially atheist states? :crazy:

There is no argument whether these guys were atheist or not. Its not a matter of contention but of historical record.
So the fact that these people self defined themselves as atheist is irrelevant? Thats your "rational" argument?:rolleyes:

Well where do they say they are atheist's , and if they did they were all brought up in religious godfearing households so perhaps it was their frustrations at the lack of proof.being lied to.etc that caused them to be so warped...yet all of them were brought up in strict religious household's of theist's......

so don't blame atheism on a whim when you have no proof to the contrary lets talk about the crusades and inquisition hey
Well where do they say they are atheist's , and if they did they were all brought up in religious godfearing households so perhaps it was their frustrations at the lack of proof..etc that caused them to be so warped...yet all of them were brought up in strict religious household's of theist's......

so don't blame atheism on a whim when you have no proof to the contrary lets talk about the crusades and inquisition hey

Who cares why they did what they did? They were atheists, they established officially atheist states and killed over 20 million people. Those are the facts.

I think 5 atheist states in one century are more than enough.
Who cares why they did what they did? They were atheists, they established officially atheist states and killed over 20 million people. Those are the facts.

I think 5 atheist states in one century are more than enough.

No they were not Atheist's thats b*llsh!t they were all either religious people or were brought up by theist's your claim of Atheist attrocities is crap compared to the amount of attrocities caused by theism and religious edict
Most commonly, it describes tautological, incorrect, misleading, or false language and statements. Literally, it describes the faeces of a bull. As with many expletives, it can be used as an interjection (or in many other parts of speech) and can carry a wide variety of meanings.
No they were not Atheist's thats b*llsh!t they were all either religious people or were brought up by theist's your claim of Atheist attrocities is crap compared to the amount of attrocities caused by theism and religious edict

Sorry, their own testament and historical records do not support you. By your criteria, no one who calls himself an atheist is one. But I think when you've appointed yourself God, it would take a lot of convincing to show that you were being denied freedom of expression.

Besides all atheists who argue with me here show the same qualities. They want not equality with theists (they are much to smart to sink so low), they want disproportionate influence over government, policy, law and society. They want to remove religious symbolism from public life and God from public society. And thats when they are minority. Give them some power and I bet they will instantly wield it.:shrug:
They were extreme Zealots not Atheist' are obviously not an atheist so are probably speaking with a degree of ignorance...
Sorry, their own testament and historical records do not support you. By your criteria, no one who calls himself an atheist is one. But I think when you've appointed yourself God, it would take a lot of convincing to show that you were being denied freedom of expression.

Besides all atheists who argue with me here show the same qualities. They want not equality with theists (they are much to smart to sink so low), they want disproportionate influence over government, policy, law and society. And thats when they are minority. Give them some power and I bet they will instantly wield it.:shrug:

yeah but you have no proof to back your claim up as anythig apart from BS..

What you have claimed Atheism is responsible for is b*llsh!t with no evidence apart from the contrary whatsoever.
They were extreme Zealots not Atheist' are obviously not an atheist so are probably speaking with a degree of ignorance...

So who said the two are mutually exclusive? You can be a zealous atheist, look at Dawkins, for instance. Is he an atheist, by your definition?
So who said the two are mutually exclusive? You can be a zealous atheist, look at Dawkins, for instance. Is he an atheist, by your definition?

Do not change the subject you have accused Atheism of causeing certain attrocities which is crap...........prove what you said was true...

and they were all still brought up by theist's.............
Do not change the subject you have accused Atheism of causeing certain attrocities which is crap...........prove what you said was true

Sure, they banned religious practice, published anti-religion publications, prohibited the teaching of religion to children or in public and converted religious structures into government institutions. All while murdering anyone who opposed them, including priests and nuns.
Sure, they banned religious practice, published anti-religion publications, prohibited the teaching of religion to children or in public and converted religious structures into government institutions. All while murdering anyone who opposed them, including priests and nuns.

Murdering anyone who opposed their religious belief.........its simple your claim of Atheist attrocities was wrong full stop..
Murdering anyone who opposed their religious belief.........its simple your claim of Atheist attrocities was wrong full stop.[SIZE=""].[/SIZE]

They also said that anyone who believed in God was delusional and unscientific and hence harmful to society. People caught praying were murdered. Christians caught with a Bible in North Korea, for example are tortured, entire families gassed to death, while scientists stand by and take detailed notes on their suffering. Even the word "God" is banned there.
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They also said that anyone who believed in God was delusional and unscientific and hence harmful to society. People caught praying were murdered. Christians caught with a Bible in North Korea, for example are tortured, entire families gassed to death, while scientists stand by and take detailed notes on their suffering. Even the word "God" is banned there.

No it is and was against those that did not agree with their religious beliefs atheism is not a belief it is a lack of it (to me).

the Jews also banned the word 'God'.... you made a claim based entirely on personal opinion...........Genocidal attrocities of which nothing comes near to that caused by religion including the holocaust which is a term which only applies to german jews and, the "Holocaust" we could talk 'Holodomor' but that was caused by political ignorance and it only refers to Ukrainians just as 'caust refers to Jews
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No it is and was against those that did not agree with their religious beliefs atheism is not a belief it is a lack of it (to me).

the Jews also banned the word 'God'.... you made a claim based entirely on personal opinion...........Genocidal attrocities of which nothing comes near to that caused by religion including the holocaust which is a term which only applies to german jews and the "Holocaust" we could talk 'Holodomor' but that was caused by political ignorance and it only refers to Ukrainians just as 'caust refers to Jews

I'm only going by what they said.

Here is an excerpt from Stalins policy:

One of the early Soviet regime's most ambitious attempts at social engineering, the League of the Militant Godless (Soyuz voinstvuyushchikh bezbozhnikov) was also one of its most dismal failures. Founded in 1925 as the League of the Godless, it was one of numerous volunteer groups created in the 1920s to help extend the regime's reach into Russian society. These organizations hoped to attract nonparty members who might be sympathetic to individual elements of the Bolshevik program. The word "militant" was added in 1929 as Stalin's Cultural Revolution gathered speed, and at its peak in the early 1930s, the League claimed 5.5 million dues-paying bezbozhniki (godless).

Organized like the Communist Party, the League consisted of cells of individual members at factories, schools, offices, and living complexes. These cells were managed by local councils subordinated to regional and provincial bodies. A League Central Council presided in Moscow. Despite the League's nominal independence, it was directed at each level by the corresponding Communist Party organization.

The League's mandate was to disseminate atheism, and, to achieve this goal, it orchestrated public campaigns for the closure of churches and the prohibition of church bell pealing. It staged demonstrations against the observance of religious holidays and the multitude of daily Orthodox practices. The League also arranged lectures on themes such as the existence of God, Biblical miracles, astronomy, and so forth. The League's Central Council published a raft of antireligious publications in Russian and in the languages of national minorities. Larger provincial councils issued their own antireligious periodicals.
I'm only going by what they said.
No it was what 'You' said........
Quote....Depends on how you see it. The death toll under Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot beat any theocratic record. 3 atheists have done more damage than many many theists put together.
You won't find these guys agreeing with you for instance:"see pic original post"
By that toll alone, I think we could not take more than a few years of atheism at a time, without annihilating the human species........
PPff it is a pitiful denial of history without predujice,when exegitical fact is taken into account all forms of denial is false as most if not all religious belief/product of disillusionment in religious upbrining has had genocidal consequences and can not be taken into account or equated, atheism is not a belief it is a lack of it

So he studied a religion which he saw for fraud (in his eyes..imo)..saw everyone he knew being taken for fools and............
WOOOO YEAHHH BABBY.....WOOOO...sorry about that just had my police tag taken off,the lady just came round.....YEAH i can walk the dog at 8pm woooo yeahlooool
Vented his frustrations as barbaricly as the 'crusades'.......(oh Karma see me now) he could learn from history but we have more history to learn from...........ciht i'm too drunk for this...
Uh, they established officially atheist states? :crazy:

There is no argument whether these guys were atheist or not. Its not a matter of contention but of historical record.

Lets see the historical records then..
No it was what 'You' said........

PPff it is a pitiful denial of history without predujice,when exegitical fact is taken into account all forms of denial is false as most if not all religious belief/product of disillusionment in religious upbrining has had genocidal consequences and can not be taken into account or equated, atheism is not a belief it is a lack of it

So he studied a religion which he saw for fraud (in his eyes..imo)..saw everyone he knew being taken for fools and............
Vented his frustrations as barbaricly as the 'crusades'.......(oh Karma see me now) he could learn from history but we have more history to learn from...........ciht i'm too drunk for this...

They caused the deaths of over 20 million people to achieve their goals, a failed society of atheists. I call THAT a pitiful denial of history.