The Creator Loves You

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Jadon said:
I am supposed to believe in the words of a maniac? Yuck!!!!
Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of insanity. You are a hypocrite to be calling me a maniac.

stop waving rules about like a small child - grow up!!
The rules are here for the benefit of everyone. Please follow them.

If I am offensive, then you are a woman!!!!
Does that mean you are not aware that you are offensive, or you simply don't care?
I was just thinking that, well he's most definitely crazy, thats for sure.
david koresh, jimmy jones come to mind etc...
I'm sorry, but can people please not attack Jadon for being offensive and at the same time be offensive in return? And I'm not in favour of praising 15-year old netsurfers for calling people "fucktard" online. We could all stand to improve our Netiquette a little, I think.

Horseman42 said:
All I meant was there seems to be a lot of negativity towards you here. Most of it related to the fact you seam ignorant on a lot of things regarding science and atheism.
I prefer to think that the negativity is to do with the fact that he came onto a science forum (a place where he is more likely to encounter atheists and agnostics) and simply preached at us. We do not like preaching and we are not in the market for conversion. My personal antagonism towards Jadon is not because he's a sincerely believing Christian, but because he believes that all Catholics are condemned to hell. It may seem strange for someone who disbelieves in Heaven and Hell equally should find something objectionable about a statement which consigns a group to one non-existant place or the other, but it indicates a profound lack of tolerance. And intolerance is the only thing I'm intolerant of!

As to the rest of his statements, Jadon is evidently an Evangelical Christian. You cannot make "rational" arguments against the beliefs of ECs, because they will rationally tell you that they have met Jesus. They have had an experience that has not been shared by the rest of us (other than those who have undergone it and then later renounced it) and there really isn't anything you can say that works as a totally logical argument which they cannot reject with logic and their own subjective evidence. And even our objectivity can't surpass it, because there is nothing to say that their experience wasn't a real manifestation of something (in addition to being real for them, which is beside the point). It is this that is behind Jadon's disbelief in atheism, because he simply cannot understand a world or a life without God. It does not even make sense to him.

I'm learning a lot about ECs from Barbara Victor's The Last Crusade. Somewhat chilling reading. For one thing, I owe someone an apology for having on these forums downplayed the number of people influenced by "rapture" beliefs, it really is in the millions!

Cover photo is the classic Presidential picture of all time, I think!
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Well said - thanks.

What then is the best approach for delaing with ECs that do not respond to reasoned debate - simply ignore them?
Yes Silas, well said.

My personal antagonism towards Jadon is not because he's a sincerely believing Christian, but because he believes that all Catholics are condemned to hell.

And my personal antagonism towards Jadon is not because he's a sincerely believing Christian, but because he believes that all atheists are condemned to hell.

And he demonstrates a lack of tolerance you say? He's an IDIOT. Are you suggesting rational debate with Jadon? If you are then you are, umm, welcome to it. I'm here to squash him as much as possible, and have some fun doing it.

Our young friend Hapsburg simply formed a nice turn of phrase. Hapsburg, quit saying fuck (or one of it's nearly in-fucking-finite permutations) so much, it fucking offends people.
superluminal said:
And he demonstrates a lack of tolerance you say? He's an IDIOT. Are you suggesting rational debate with Jadon? If you are then you are, umm, welcome to it. I'm here to squash him as much as possible, and have some fun doing it.
Well, not to put too fine a point on it, I'm here for rational debate with anyone, not picking on one set of beliefs that are different from mine, and squashing its proponents. Going out of your way to be offensive to sincere believers simply plays into the hands of people like cool skill and actually make some of what he says about atheists (at least the ones on the board) somewhat valid. I have no interest in doing that, whatever side I'm on.

I have no objections to Hapsburg saying "fuck". I object to his calling people fucktards and retards and other derogatory names. That is not what we're here for. And it was all in the middle of Cris chastising Jadon for being offensive. If you were in a face-to-face debate with Jadon you wouldn't call him names and expect other people watching to accept your argument over his.
Silas said:
I'm sorry, but can people please not attack Jadon for being offensive and at the same time be offensive in return? And I'm not in favour of praising 15-year old netsurfers for calling people "fucktard" online. We could all stand to improve our Netiquette a little, I think.

I prefer to think that the negativity is to do with the fact that he came onto a science forum (a place where he is more likely to encounter atheists and agnostics) and simply preached at us. We do not like preaching and we are not in the market for conversion. My personal antagonism towards Jadon is not because he's a sincerely believing Christian, but because he believes that all Catholics are condemned to hell. It may seem strange for someone who disbelieves in Heaven and Hell equally should find something objectionable about a statement which consigns a group to one non-existant place or the other, but it indicates a profound lack of tolerance. And intolerance is the only thing I'm intolerant of!

As to the rest of his statements, Jadon is evidently an Evangelical Christian. You cannot make "rational" arguments against the beliefs of ECs, because they will rationally tell you that they have met Jesus. They have had an experience that has not been shared by the rest of us (other than those who have undergone it and then later renounced it) and there really isn't anything you can say that works as a totally logical argument which they cannot reject with logic and their own subjective evidence. And even our objectivity can't surpass it, because there is nothing to say that their experience wasn't a real manifestation of something (in addition to being real for them, which is beside the point). It is this that is behind Jadon's disbelief in atheism, because he simply cannot understand a world or a life without God. It does not even make sense to him.

I'm learning a lot about ECs from Barbara Victor's The Last Crusade. Somewhat chilling reading. For one thing, I owe someone an apology for having on these forums downplayed the number of people influenced by "rapture" beliefs, it really is in the millions!

Once again, you guys have misunderstood my message!!!!!

Please read my previous posts - you will find that I do not even believe that the idea of hell is Scriptural (I will deal with this topic later )

What is wrong with you guys - Can't you understand simple english?

And who said I believe that roman catholics will go to hell - why are you guys putting words in my mouth??? Is this the meaning of science to you?? - where someone says something and you interpret it in a totally different way?? ( I forgot - thats how we have ended up with alot of scientific lies today)


So I do not care what sin you are involved in (except this one) - all I can do is encourage you to turn back from the errors of your ways.

And once again - stop putting words ( frankly, you're not qualified enough) in my mouth.

You are all beginning to sound like old hags that nag and gossip!!!

By the way, I will be going by the name of ANGEL now, but I will still be arguing the same points - Thank You for your cooperation!!! :cool: :cool:

I appreciate your position. I would suggest you read my discussions with other theists and see how they evolved.


So I do not care what sin you are involved in (except this one) - all I can do is encourage you to turn back from the errors of your ways.

Jadon is evangelizing, not debating.

And who said I believe that roman catholics will go to hell - why are you guys putting words in my mouth??? Is this the meaning of science to you?? - where someone says something and you interpret it in a totally different way?? ( I forgot - thats how we have ended up with alot of scientific lies today)

And he is a fool.
Jadon (angel),


I will ask you one more time nicely. How does one do this? If you can't or won't tell me, then I will assume you have no idea what you are talking about.
superluminal said:
Jadon (angel),

I will ask you one more time nicely. How does one do this? If you can't or won't tell me, then I will assume you have no idea what you are talking about.

Sorry guys - there seems to be too many wannabe angels already so I have chosen a more appropriate name - ANGELIC BEING.

Once again, you have to find that out for yourself - i wouldn't be helping you if i just gave you the answers.

The purpose of these discussions is to stimulate the mind to action - I am challenging you, you try and convince me that you are right!!

So give your brain some exercise and stop using "borrowed wise words " that I am already aware of !!

The Creator Loves You.
superluminal said:

I appreciate your position. I would suggest you read my discussions with other theists and see how they evolved.

Jadon is evangelizing, not debating.

And he is a fool.

Then obviously you do not know the meaning of the word - debate.
Super, from what I have been taught, by people with different takes on the matter, to sin against the Holy Spirit is either to reject the Holy Spirit (and thus Christ Jesus) or to take your own life, and thus remove your self volutarily from the presence of the Holy Spirit. Either one or the other, or both, will send you to Hell. Both are bogus, imo. How good such a loving God not feel sorrow and mercy for someone who is so miserable that they feel like they have to take their own life? How could the same loving God not feel the same way for a flawed Human who is taught nothing but hate by other humans and through this hate turns on God Himself? Kind of like the prodigal son, but surely God realizes that He is to blame for this son's withdrawal? All this is based on the premise that the Christian God exists.
Silas said:
Well, not to put too fine a point on it, I'm here for rational debate with anyone, not picking on one set of beliefs that are different from mine, and squashing its proponents. Going out of your way to be offensive to sincere believers simply plays into the hands of people like cool skill and actually make some of what he says about atheists (at least the ones on the board) somewhat valid. I have no interest in doing that, whatever side I'm on.

I have no objections to Hapsburg saying "fuck". I object to his calling people fucktards and retards and other derogatory names. That is not what we're here for. And it was all in the middle of Cris chastising Jadon for being offensive. If you were in a face-to-face debate with Jadon you wouldn't call him names and expect other people watching to accept your argument over his.

Stop being petty Silas!!
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