The Creator Loves You

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superluminal said:
Yes Silas, well said.

And my personal antagonism towards Jadon is not because he's a sincerely believing Christian, but because he believes that all atheists are condemned to hell.

And he demonstrates a lack of tolerance you say? He's an IDIOT. Are you suggesting rational debate with Jadon? If you are then you are, umm, welcome to it. I'm here to squash him as much as possible, and have some fun doing it.

Our young friend Hapsburg simply formed a nice turn of phrase. Hapsburg, quit saying fuck (or one of it's nearly in-fucking-finite permutations) so much, it fucking offends people.

Yuo mean young (old perverse) friend - Hapsburgh.
Hapsburg said:
Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of insanity. You are a hypocrite to be calling me a maniac.

Common Sense tells me that you sound like a hypocrite and a maniac - get out of my string please!!!
Angelic Being said:
The purpose of these discussions is to stimulate the mind to action - I am challenging you, you try and convince me that you are right!!
This is a two way street oh Angelic Being you. I challenge you; you try and convince me that you are right. You can't, obviously, so that is why you will not even try. Neither can I prove to you that He doesn't exist, so we will always end in stalemate. How about you tell us, from your perspective, why you think the Creator Loves Us. You are taking the side of the original poster in this thread (wait, I think you just said this is your "string," so you, I guess, are JADON), so we feel like it is incumbent upon you and others who take this position to throw out an argument, and then we will rebut.

The Creator Loves You.
Prove it.
Cris said:

The rules are here for the benefit of everyone. Please follow them.

Does that mean you are not aware that you are offensive, or you simply don't care?

I am beginning to think that you are a young woman - abit of a blockhead - but if you insist then I shall admit that I am wrong - about your character that is.
Angelic Being said:
Yuo mean young (old perverse) friend - Hapsburgh.
You retard, I know it's you.
And, if you're going to spell my nick', spell it right, fucktard.
Cottontop3000 said:
Super, from what I have been taught, by people with different takes on the matter, to sin against the Holy Spirit is either to reject the Holy Spirit (and thus Christ Jesus) or to take your own life, and thus remove your self volutarily from the presence of the Holy Spirit. Either one or the other, or both, will send you to Hell. Both are bogus, imo. How good such a loving God not feel sorrow and mercy for someone who is so miserable that they feel like they have to take their own life? How could the same loving God not feel the same way for a flawed Human who is taught nothing but hate by other humans and through this hate turns on God Himself? Kind of like the prodigal son, but surely God realizes that He is to blame for this son's withdrawal? All this is based on the premise that the Christian God exists.

Youre wrong - try again!! But this time do your own research instead of using - "from what I've been taught.............." blah blah blah blah blah.

(Yawn!!) You do bore me!!!
Hapsburg said:
Fuck no. I can say it as much as damn well please. Ya'll can't control me, govvie!

You seem to be infatuated with your bodily excretions which is why you have a favourite swear word!!

Once again - Yuck!!

If you really are a child, then I feel sorry for whoevers cleaning up after you!!!

Oh, and get off my string - be a good lad - and take your mess somewhere else.

I will not be replying to you from now on!
Cottontop3000 said:
This is a two way street oh Angelic Being you. I challenge you; you try and convince me that you are right. You can't, obviously, so that is why you will not even try. Neither can I prove to you that He doesn't exist, so we will always end in stalemate. How about you tell us, from your perspective, why you think the Creator Loves Us. You are taking the side of the original poster in this thread (wait, I think you just said this is your "string," so you, I guess, are JADON), so we feel like it is incumbent upon you and others who take this position to throw out an argument, and then we will rebut.

Prove it.
Have you really read my posts - all the messages in them are interrelated.

I have chosen the topic - trinity and I would therefore like you guys and gals to argue on it - I am building up to the main message which is - The Creator Loves You.

So if you just have patience - do as you are asked - you will get the answers that you want from me too - if you will not have discovered it yourself!!!
AB, why don't you sum it up for us and get to the God-damned fucking point. If you don't do this now, I will not get the chance to read whatever it is you are building up to, and thus have a chance at God's love, because I will never read another God-damned thing you ever right. Punk-ass pretender.
Angelic Being said:
Youre wrong - try again!! But this time do your own research instead of using - "from what I've been taught.............." blah blah blah blah blah.

(Yawn!!) You do bore me!!!

I may be wrong; we'll see. You may be a moron.
Angelic Being said:
You seem to be infatuated with your bodily excretions which is why you have a favourite swear word!!

Once again - Yuck!!

If you really are a child, then I feel sorry for whoevers cleaning up after you!!!

Oh, and get off my string - be a good lad - and take your mess somewhere else.

I will not be replying to you from now on!
He can't present a rational arguement to me, because I keep kicking his ass in debating, so he has to act like a moron twit, ignoring me.
How childish...
Run along, little boy. Go home, dumbass.
Angelic Being said:
I have chosen the topic - trinity and I would therefore like you guys and gals to argue on it - I am building up to the main message which is - The Creator Loves You.

So if you just have patience - do as you are asked - you will get the answers that you want from me too - if you will not have discovered it yourself!!!
Hasn't it occured to you yet that your dramatic "build up" is tiring and boring people not to mention patronising?

I realise you can't help trying to convert others to your way of thinking. But boring everyone to death and preaching constantly won't help you attain your goal. And Jadon/AB and whatever else you wish to call yourself, people don't need to do as you ask or tell them. What you fail to realise is that no one appears to want your answers. That is usually because no one wants to be converted. Do you get where I'm going with this now? Hmmm?
jadon, we will consider evidence. Nothing less. Give it to us so that we can make our own decision baby. C'mon. :)
The concept of love is a creation of human/animal psyche, it is not a property of the Universe at every aspect of it.
And a creation of psyche (love) is by no means permanent. There it is and there it goes.
The creator loves you only as much you love yourself and all other things in this universe,
because human or any other living being is a self creator and the creator of everything else (as a part of the Universe which we all are).
We are the manifestations of the universe and the universe is us. We created ourselves. Love as a mind game has no part in this.
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