The Creator Loves You

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Without death there would be no life and no progress, without death there would be no evolution. If stars didn't "die", humans wouldn't appear, and why would anyone in their sane mind think that humans are the ultimate creation of the universe? Earth still has 4 billion years of evolution before it is engulfed by the Sun.
~4 billion years took for a single celled organism to evolve into a scientist, there are 4 billion years more for the scientist to go.
If we don't kill ourselves off before this can happen. I think if we want to survive another 4 billion years, in any form, we have two choices to make:

1.) Change the ways we think about certain things like god and religion, or we will fulfill the prophecy of Armaggedon whether there is a god or not, thinking that Armageddon will happen no matter what we do, so why try to avoid it.

2.) Get off Earth soon and colonize the Moon or Mars, so that if we do succeed at Armageddon here, at least there will be some of us to carry on and thus overcome our deficiencies in another fashion.

The problem of now existing religions is that they are stuck in their metaphors. God is a metaphor, paradise is a metaphor and so is hell.
But now that they have one holy land and no other, and now that god was creature looking like an old hairy man who told to kill all the male children of the enemy camp /giggles/
That is the problem: reading mythology as prose and fact, not as poetry and misticism, from there come all the problems, clashes and ills of modern society.
And the people try to imitate the god of 2000 years ago, not be themselves gods of today.
Good point, Avatar, but I would go further. God isn't the only metaphor that distorts our view of reality, it's no different from nationalism and in fact all culture in general. The motivation that makes one cheer for a football team is the same that leads to war. Pride in one's cultural heritage is the same thing that leads to war. Family values are the same thing that leads to war...
The creator loves you my ass... whatabout thousands of starving children in Afrika?
Of course, spidergoat! And I firmly agree.
Humans asociate themselves with their little societies and problems, with the creations of their psyche and body, but not what they are - manifestations of the universe.
Thus they have their important quests and problems, because they asociate themselves with them and an attack towards their country becomes an attack towards themselves,
alas those who associate themselves with the universe can not be threatened, can not be harmed and can not be killed, thus are gods, clear minds with actions not polluted with problems in the field of time (culture and society).

The next logical step for the casual human being towards godhood is to asociate itself with the society of this planet, the Earth and not with his little corner. Small step at a time so to say,
a crowd is stupid, you can't ask much from it.
But what is holding it back are the nationalistic regimes (like Bush and the USA) and old religions, which encircle their followers as the only ones that matter.
Horsemen 42,
will you not understand what I am saying?
I do know what atheism means? Technically this is what its proponents claim. I am insisting that it is a Lie created by liars.


I was trying to be civil with you honestly, but to suggest that atheists are liars is not only highly presumtuous but also hypicritical of you!

First off how do you know what I believe and what I don't believe. Even if I believe something false you say I don't really believe it. HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?! This is being presumtuous assuming I know something that I may not.

Secondly you are an atheist of sorts as well. How can I say this, simple. You yourself don't believe in many, many different gods. There are over 40,000 different gods out there and you disbelieve in 39,999 of them, and we can agree on this fact. This makes you atheistic towards every god, but one! Now how would you feel if someone came up to you and said that Baal was the only true god, and that you were only in denial of the fact that he exists? This is what you are saying to us.

As an asside please stop preaching about the trinity. It's like telling us that Santa's sleigh is really green not red.
Jadon said:
Let me clear out one of the biggest lie that has entrenched itself within the Chritian Faith - the Trinity Doctrine.
NO the biggest lie is that the mind is not what it thinks it thinks, be it the body, gods and universe.

Jadon said:
To demonstrate the sillyness of the trinity - "Nothing great comes out of nothing"
Thoughts come out of nothing to return into nothing to be nothing. Thoughts like the universe and everything in it, like gods and their devils.

Jadon said:
I urge all Christians out there to renounce the trinity. Make this your first Step towards Enlightenment.
Enlightenment is to throw out everything you have ever learned to leave the same Joy of playing-puppies and laughing-children. Take just one thought seriously, like god or devil or the universe, and it will expand the universe just as fast as the thoughts that feed it to create it.
-- just words
Jadon/Angelic Being:

Multiple user names are discouraged on sciforums, since they can be used as sock puppets. Your "Jadon" name has been cancelled, but you may continue to use Angelic Being, since this seems to be your preferred name.

Please do not insult other posters, or further moderation action may be necessary. I advise you to read the forum rules linked by Cris above, if you have not already done so.
Cue cool skill pointing out that AB received a great deal more gratuitously offensive insults than he/she gave out. And cue me pointing out the same thing. I'm sorry, but I am getting increasingly tired of the double standards around here.

Hapsburg, just because it's not face to face does not give you the right to heap abuse on someone. Neither does winning an argument. Be a man, take the higher ground.

Angelic Being - that's one hell of an egotistical name! Beware of the sin of Pride, Christian!
Bells said:
Hasn't it occured to you yet that your dramatic "build up" is tiring and boring people not to mention patronising?

I realise you can't help trying to convert others to your way of thinking. But boring everyone to death and preaching constantly won't help you attain your goal. And Jadon/AB and whatever else you wish to call yourself, people don't need to do as you ask or tell them. What you fail to realise is that no one appears to want your answers. That is usually because no one wants to be converted. Do you get where I'm going with this now? Hmmm?

But I am not trying to convert you - haven't you understood my posts yet???

Whatever you do is your business - I don't really care! I am bringing a different message - one that is different from what you as an atheist believe to be Christianity.

You and people like you have no right to accuse THE SCRIPTURES of what it actually does not say.

If you disagree with me - then give your proof!! Dont give me scientific information that actually has no merit and which were introduced on society because ' its proponents shouted the loudest'!!
Cottontop3000 said:
AB, why don't you sum it up for us and get to the God-damned fucking point. If you don't do this now, I will not get the chance to read whatever it is you are building up to, and thus have a chance at God's love, because I will never read another God-damned thing you ever right. Punk-ass pretender.

Have Patience My Child!!
Cottontop3000 said:
jadon, we will consider evidence. Nothing less. Give it to us so that we can make our own decision baby. C'mon. :)

Debate on the trinity.

Do I have to do everything??

Okay, Question:

Is it scientifically possible to have a trinity??? Can three people be one and the same???
If they are the same, then there is no three, but it's supremely silly to ask if a holy trinity is scientifically possible.
Avatar said:
The concept of love is a creation of human/animal psyche, it is not a property of the Universe at every aspect of it.
And a creation of psyche (love) is by no means permanent. There it is and there it goes.
The creator loves you only as much you love yourself and all other things in this universe,
because human or any other living being is a self creator and the creator of everything else (as a part of the Universe which we all are).
We are the manifestations of the universe and the universe is us. We created ourselves. Love as a mind game has no part in this.

Good point, but you have approached the topic of love from that of a purely human point of view. If this is your thinking, then I am speaking to a true atheist.

If you can ponder over this point perhaps you can then understand what love means to Christians like me:

' What did The Christ mean when he said " I Am"?'
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