The Creator Loves You

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Silas said:
This is based on the incorrect assumption that because you have God constantly knocking on your skull and sitting on your shoulders, that the rest of us have God similarly intertwined with our psyches and are choosing to shut our eyes and ears to it. This is not the case. We simply have no connection with God - we don't see him, we have never seen objective evidence for him, and we don't believe a Book about him a) because the Book is wildly inconsistent, and b) it is only a Book with nothing but its own contents to support its assertions.

We are atheists - there is no God. Believe it!

Like I said - atheism is just a fantasy created to deny The Creator. It was cleverly designed by demonic individuals under the guise of science. Wake up!!
Hapsburg said:
Oooh, I've was savin' this for the "harry potter" thread (you know, where Jadon said that a fictional book is incredibly dangerous because it talks about magic and witches :rolleyes: )
It'll suffice, it's purpose will be obvious for even retarded Jadon here:

Damn, photoshop is fun! :p

Get your facts straight - I did not say anything about magic and witches - I used the word demonism or whatever!!

Grow up rich adult!!! (I hope you are not a glutton because it is a sin!!)
Lawdog said:
Try not to insult each other.

I am not the one doing the insulting - you have to be really good to be able to irk me !!

Like I said I am Christian Cool!!

I am so Cool you cant touch me!!

Enemies of mine, be mine!!!
Hapsburg said:
Spoiled rich adult? What the fuck do you get that from?
I'm 15, live with my parents, and I definently do not have a lot of money, nor am I spoiled.
You, on the other hand, seem to be a spoiled, bratty, little fucktard who has no idea of what he is talking about.

It hurts when someone gets to the truth about you doesn't it?

Who are you kidding ? - with a vocabulary like that, I'd say you are way over 15 - perhaps still wishing you were?

Oh please - do not be a wierd perverse elderly person? Yuck!!!

Back to the topic of the trinity:

After the Great Flood which saw the destruction of all sinners, Prophet Noah and his Family began to multiply. Within a short period, the numbers became great and a few generations later, mankind were already turning away from GOD. The Scriptures describe the rise of a great grandson of Noah - Nimrod. This man was to begin the movement away from the worship of GOD. The first ancient civilization began in the Mesopotamian region - apparently due tot the influence of Nimrod.

Although the Scriptures are 'silent' on the reasons for The Creators causing a confusion during the building of the Tower of Babel, it can be spiritually understood that there must have been so much evil and demonistic activity going on. The Creator could not simply wipe out everyone again and start afresh as in the case of Noah, but in HIS mercy, HE decided to introduce different languages - the purpose was achieved when that great civilization crumbled when men dispersed into the rest of the world.

Now here comes the interesting part - when these people (albeit our ancestors) dispersed, did they throw away their false demonistic beliefs? The Scriptures does not say so, otherwise there would have been a clear indication. The ramifications were that all civilizations that sprang up after that would manifest similar demonic teachings.

Theological and Archeaological evidence have conclusively pointed out that several main demonic teachings persisted, but that thay all began during that first ancient civilization of which Nimrod was a king or ruler.

One of those demonic teachings??

Wait for it ---- the trinity!!!!

Yes, you read me right.

Like I said, you again argue like a small child - try and listen or try and understand my message.
You appear to be looking into a mirror as you write your diatribes.

You are young - that is true, as can be seen by your overeager mind, which is causing you to stumble!!!
Well now is that the best you can do, just repeat what I have said to you. At least make an attempt at original commentary.

So how old do you think I am. And what stumbling?

I notice you don't dare answer any of my questions. Too difficult for you I suspect - they do require you to think.

You appear to be preaching but no one is listening.

This is a debate forum. Please try to engage in debate rather than just hurl insults at everyone. If you do not wish to debate the issues then this site is not for you. Debate requires listening and responding to the questions of others as well as trying to use reason to make your case.

Please also check the rules of this forum before you post again.
Jadon said:

Like I said, you again argue like a small child - try and listen or try and understand my message.

Your message is self-promotion, but you've wrapped it in the guise of religion. It's truly the antithesis of the purported point of religion. Summarlily, you're a not-so-bright jerk, talking smack to people that are much smarter and wiser than your pathetic self.

You are young - that is true, as can be seen by your overeager mind, which is causing you to stumble!!!

LOL. Did god tell you Cris's age or something? Oh man you're SO out of your league. You're the annyoing christian version of chicken little, without the comedic repreive.

What do you do for a living Jadon?
Jadon said:
Who are you kidding ? - with a vocabulary like that, I'd say you are way over 15 - perhaps still wishing you were?
Wow, you obviously haven't heard of a little thing called "School".
It's where you learn things, moron. You obviously haven't even gotten a kindergarten-level education... :rolleyes:
Jadon said:
Unfortunately, in order for this to take place, there will be great violence and bloodshed on this planet - it will be a "War caused by Man and fought by Man" - it will lead to the destruction of all forms of Religion (yes, atheists will get their wish and their dreams fulfilled).
Don't you want this too? I mean, if the destruction of all forms of religion, or more accurately, the adoption of a one-world religion, leads to Armaggedon and thus to Christ's thousand-year reign on Earth, shouldn't you be trying to advance the cause of a one-world religion simply because it will bring you all just that one step closer to judgement and eternal bliss? Why don't you stop trying to fight a one-world religion and come up with a plan to create one? Or do you think that is impossible? Too many interests involved? Or do you just want to condemn your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren to a possible life of toil and misery and heartache too? Instead of harping on about how your religion is the only right one, why don't you look for some acceptable common ground for all religions, and thus attempt to push for a one-world religion? Too presumptious I guess? Think God will find you out?

Or is it that you think it will be impossible for mankind to come to some sort of agreement about one religion? Can you honestly ever see us agreeing on one religion? I guess it will take the anti-christ to unite us in this fashion huh? So, why are you even worried about spreading your word of God? Why not just wait for the anti-christ to come? Oh, I know, because then you will not have done your best to convert the rest of us, right? To save us from ourselves, right?
Jadon said:
Firstly, the entire Scriptures is full of scientific proof as the creator is the Master Scientist.
nearly fell of my f@*king chair, and spat my coffee over the screen, you are having a laugh ar,nt you.
Jadon said:
If you want, the sequence of the creation days can be likened to the scientific sequence of which things came first on this planet
no your not having a f@*king laugh, your serious?. WOW!
Jadon said:
What the creator has done for you lately? Well, your very existence should be an indicator,
could'nt agree more but you missed out the "S" creator should be pluralised, creators.
Jadon said:
but the thing is people are always asking what the creator has done for them - it is always the 'me, me, me' complex.
I surpose we do, do that to our parents.
Jadon said:
Not surprising as we are living in a selfish world.
we all can be selfish, but the religious are the worst.
Jadon said:
But I can assure you that everything is happening exactly as stated in the Scriptures
especially in your mind.
Jadon said:
obviously you will have to be spiritually moved in order to 'see' the messages in them.
or halucinating, delusional, or absolutely crazy.
Jadon said:
But for those that can See the Truth (like me),
sorry to break your bubble, as god is invisible to all rational men, truth is to you.
Jadon said:
we are waiting for the final proof that THE NEW WORLD ORDER will soon rise.
as am I, when we've taken god/gods/religion out of the mindsets of men, there will be a new much more peaceful world.
Jadon said:
Unfortunately, in order for this to take place, there will be great violence and bloodshed on this planet
will there, in your mind perhaps, but in reality, no religion no violence.
Jadon said:
it will be a "War caused by Man and fought by Man"
if this happened which it wont, it wont be a war fought by anybody else but men would it. what a completely moronic statement.
Jadon said:
it will lead to the destruction of all forms of Religion (yes, atheists will get their wish and their dreams fulfilled).
fan f@*king tastic. but we'll get there in the end anyway without no violence.
Jadon said:
For devout christians like me, in order to hold on to our beliefs, we will either lose our lives or be driven underground.!!!
this wont happen, you certainy wont be killed by an atheist, another religious sect would.
but you will realise your the error, and become enlightened to the truth. then you will strive for the betterment of all mankind.
Jadon said:
Oh, alot of you correspondents reading this will be my persecutors - I can only imagine what type of person Hitler was, you will actually become new hitlers.
that would mean becoming xian, we are rational clearthinking people.
Jadon said:
'If anyone wants to drink out of the water that gives everlasting life.
then go to the nearest supermarket to buy some, or turn on the tap/fosset.
Jadon said:
the creator loves You'
you've missed the "S" again, and my mum and dad do/did, they have ceased to exist, but not in my heart.
What the creator has done for you lately? Well, your very existence should be an indicator,

My name is Samoli, I am an 8 year old boy who was born in, and lives in Africa. Your question made me sit down and have a think.. Worms are eating away at my feet, flies lay their eggs on me, mosquitos give me 1000 diseases..

Nothing grows here, we have no food and the majority of people here die before they reach 20 in the most gruesome and painful way imagineable.

My mother has to walk 20 miles in 110 degree weather just to find a cup of water, and will most likely get chomped on by an alligator when she gets to the nearest river.

The only things we know here are death, disease, famine and suffering.

You ask what god has done for us lately? The answer is: Not a fucking lot.

Kindest regards,

Samoli, (8 year old African who will most likely be dead this time next week because god is seemingly racist).
SnakeLord said:
My name is Samoli, I am an 8 year old boy who was born in, and lives in Africa. Your question made me sit down and have a think.. Worms are eating away at my feet, flies lay their eggs on me, mosquitos give me 1000 diseases..

Nothing grows here, we have no food and the majority of people here die before they reach 20 in the most gruesome and painful way imagineable.

My mother has to walk 20 miles in 110 degree weather just to find a cup of water, and will most likely get chomped on by an alligator when she gets to the nearest river.

The only things we know here are death, disease, famine and suffering.

You ask what god has done for us lately? The answer is: Not a fucking lot.

Kindest regards,

Samoli, (8 year old African who will most likely be dead this time next week because god is seemingly racist).

I think that instead of the question - "what has GOD done for me lately?, the question should be - "what evil has Men done to me lately??

Get it? There you go!!!
Damn the men for creating the flies and the famine and the worms. It's all their fault. What you say? They could ameliorate the boy's distress?

Prevention is better than cure buddy.
Cottontop3000 said:
Don't you want this too? I mean, if the destruction of all forms of religion, or more accurately, the adoption of a one-world religion, leads to Armaggedon and thus to Christ's thousand-year reign on Earth, shouldn't you be trying to advance the cause of a one-world religion simply because it will bring you all just that one step closer to judgement and eternal bliss? Why don't you stop trying to fight a one-world religion and come up with a plan to create one? Or do you think that is impossible? Too many interests involved? Or do you just want to condemn your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren to a possible life of toil and misery and heartache too? Instead of harping on about how your religion is the only right one, why don't you look for some acceptable common ground for all religions, and thus attempt to push for a one-world religion? Too presumptious I guess? Think God will find you out?

Or is it that you think it will be impossible for mankind to come to some sort of agreement about one religion? Can you honestly ever see us agreeing on one religion? I guess it will take the anti-christ to unite us in this fashion huh? So, why are you even worried about spreading your word of God? Why not just wait for the anti-christ to come? Oh, I know, because then you will not have done your best to convert the rest of us, right? To save us from ourselves, right?

Very good, I like this kind of serious points (although it may be done with malice in mind).

The Scriptures say that before the Second COming, all forms of religion will be wiped out. I admit that I have said before that there is no such thing as having no religion (or something to that effect), but you are correct when you say there could be 'one religion' for all. The only difference is that mankind at that time will not realize this - to them they think that all forms of all religion was wiped out.

You see, these are the designs of the devil - this will be his final 'hand'.

In the meantime, the devil is testing the 'idea' by using 'atheism'. Not surprisingly, he is succeeding - we have people like you to testify to that.

Atheists therefore will have a prominent hand in the final 'end to all forms of religion'

And no, as Christians we cannot lend a hand to something that will give more people to the devil. We know the inevitable - it is coming - but we will hold on to our faith - we shall have Everlasting Life.

The Creator loves you!!!!
Hapsburg said:
Wow, you obviously haven't heard of a little thing called "School".
It's where you learn things, moron. You obviously haven't even gotten a kindergarten-level education... :rolleyes:

Again your presumptions are typical of that of a little spoilt adult!!
wesmorris said:
Your message is self-promotion, but you've wrapped it in the guise of religion. It's truly the antithesis of the purported point of religion. Summarlily, you're a not-so-bright jerk, talking smack to people that are much smarter and wiser than your pathetic self.

LOL. Did god tell you Cris's age or something? Oh man you're SO out of your league. You're the annyoing christian version of chicken little, without the comedic repreive.

What do you do for a living Jadon?

Tell me, are you sure that you are smarter then me?

I scored 150 in my IQ Test - AND I AM STILL A CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!

You are not one to try and intrepret the meaning of smart - read my past posts - 'there has been no true geniuses since einstein'
You all think you are so smart! Guess what, I don't have all the answers like you all!!!! Guess that means I'm stupid because only you all are smart!!!! Who here knows there is a God, and who here knows there is not? The first thing we all need to do is realize that.
Cris said:

You appear to be preaching but no one is listening.

This is a debate forum. Please try to engage in debate rather than just hurl insults at everyone. If you do not wish to debate the issues then this site is not for you. Debate requires listening and responding to the questions of others as well as trying to use reason to make your case.

Please also check the rules of this forum before you post again.

I think the problem is this - I see alll the colors of the rainbow, you see black only - which is why you will find it hard to grasp my message.
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