The Creator Loves You

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jayleew said:
You all think you are so smart! Guess what, I don't have all the answers like you all!!!! Guess that means I'm stupid because only you all are smart!!!! Who here knows there is a God, and who here knows there is not? The first thing we all need to do is realize that.

No, I agree with you that we should not be trying to determine who is smart, which is why I have been very careful in trying not to insult anyones intelligence - if there is one sign of craziness, it is when people do exactly that.

( I can see that we all have different views on what it means to insult someone - as individuals we most probably would)

But as a Christian I can assure you that I see insults as petty and childish - something that will only cause a brain aneurism or high blood pressure and even heart attacks to the insultor.

It really does not matter to me !!!!

Like I said -Enemies of Mine, Be Mine.

The Creator loves You!!!
Jadon said:
Again your presumptions are typical of that of a little spoilt adult!!
No, my presumptions are typical of one with a brain, which is an organ you seem to be lacking.
Cris said:
You cannot be a Christian and a scientist at the same time, the term is an oxymoron, and the two disciplines are opposites of each other. Neither is there any precedent for Christianity ever contributing anything new to our knowledge base. There seems to be no justification for your assertion.
I don't necessarily agree that you cannot be a Christian and a scientist at the same time. However, Jadon professes to be a Christian Scientist, a cult started I believe in the early twentieth century by an American couple named Eddy. The oldest text of debunking on any subject I ever saw was an old book called Eddyism, miscalled Christian Science, dating probably from the 1930s. I'm afraid I didn't manage to read a great deal of it, but it was the earliest work in the tradition of Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins and Martin Gardner that I ever saw.
Does anyone see any signs of Jadon attempting to debate or is he just content to throw abuse at everyone. Is there any point trying to communicate with him? Does anyone want him to stay?
Cris said:
Does anyone see any signs of Jadon attempting to debate or is he just content to throw abuse at everyone. Is there any point trying to communicate with him? Does anyone want him to stay?

Ah, it might be dull around here without him.
Cris said:
Does anyone see any signs of Jadon attempting to debate or is he just content to throw abuse at everyone. Is there any point trying to communicate with him? Does anyone want him to stay?

You mean do any atheists want me to stay?

So sorry my child, but this is not a forum exclusive to atheists.

If you dont like what I am saying, then you are admitting that I am right.

'The Truth Hurts"!!!!!!!

Now go and have some bananas!!!!
Hapsburg said:
No, my presumptions are typical of one with a brain, which is an organ you seem to be lacking.

You again!!

I have a brain and I think with it - are you sure you know which of your organs is your brain???

Right now I am doubting that very much!!! Yuck!!!!!
Cris said:
Does anyone see any signs of Jadon attempting to debate or is he just content to throw abuse at everyone. Is there any point trying to communicate with him? Does anyone want him to stay?

You are welcome to leave my string!!!

I have got my message through to you anyway.

Be a good boy and go and pester atheists like you.

I am sure you might enjoy their company, wait a second, there is one called Hapsburg who seems to be very much deluded - take him with you - please!!!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! :)

Sorry it's been a while. I've been busy, life gets like that now and then.

How can I be discouraged? It would be like like living in the Sahara with no water to drink.
All I meant was there seems to be a lot of negativity towards you here. Most of it related to the fact you seam ignorant on a lot of things regarding science and atheism.

If you read my previous posts you would have seen that I am of the firm belief that there is no thing such as atheism - it is a stubborn attitude designed and believed by its proponents in order to deny The Creator - this is the kind of situation where 'if you keep on saying there is no Creator, your wish might become real' - unfortunately, no amount of wishing and fanciful thinking and fairytales will be able to deny The Creator and the fact that HE LOVES YOU!!!
Ok let me try and explain the atheism position because you seam not to be able to understand.

First off atheism is not a denial, or a stuborness against god. I was once a Christian, I examined the evidence for a creator or a god existing and I found the evidence severely lacking. What choice do I then have? I cannot believe in something I find no evidence for the existance of, anymore than you could force yourself to believe a chair was really a dog.

My belief that god doesn't exist doesn't come from wishing he didn't exist. I could accept an evil god, or one that creates a hell, or a god who was less than perfect (although we both can agree this would not be a Christian god though). There is no evidence for such a thing and you have not provided us with any "evidence" we have not already heard.

Which proves my point - if you cannot put an odds to something happening perhaps it is because you really know that it is impossible? - it can never happen!!
Wrong again. There are many things we cannot know statistically, and just because we don't doesn't mean that they cannot happen. You really need to study a course in finite mathematics.

THE CREATOR IS PERFECT - I did not say that HE desires our thanks, did I? I said, we as humans should give HIM the thanks that HE deserves - those are two different things.
Right you didn't say this so my appolgies here. Of course however it leads to the question why should we thank him then?

Not only this world, but this entire universe, and for you to argue that HE is to blame for creating this world is no different from a child claiming that he should have all the toys because he was born first (his younger siblings according to him should have nothing) - now, you want a creator that will agree with the child or, you are still stuck in your childhood fantasies, which is why you reason like a small child.
I have no idea why you used such a strange analogy here. If god created everything, and he knows everything he is responsible for it period!

The rest of your post is preaching and such drivel. Seriously you really need to study atheism, and some study on basic science and statistics wouldn't hurt either. Your arguments are very weak and not very convincing at all.
I think that instead of the question - "what has GOD done for me lately?, the question should be - "what evil has Men done to me lately??

Get it? There you go!!!

Hello again,

This question made me sit down and think for a while. Here is your answer:

Men have done a great deal for us over here in Africa dying of disease and famine. People we don't know, have never met.. infact didn't even know existed, have provided us with crops, with water, (and clean water at that, not our usual kind of water which contains certain long worm type things that end up causing us to die), clothes, and even education.

Men have given us tools, and wells, provided us with medicine and inoculations all from the goodness of their hearts.

You ask what men have done lately: More than you could imagine

You ask what god has done lately: The answer is still fuck all

Kindest regards,


You mean do any atheists want me to stay?
No, anyone. I doubt any Christians here would recognize your offensive style as Christian like.

So sorry my child, but this is not a forum exclusive to atheists.
But it does expect a degree of civility by everyone.

If you dont like what I am saying, then you are admitting that I am right.
Or that you are wrong. Your attempt at logic didn’t work again.

'The Truth Hurts"!!!!!!!
How would you know?

Now go and have some bananas!!!!
You appear to have finished them all.
Jadon said:
You again!!

I have a brain and I think with it - are you sure you know which of your organs is your brain???

Right now I am doubting that very much!!! Yuck!!!!!
Keep your mind out of the gutter, fucktard.
Okay, you have a brain, I'll give you that, but it's obviously been damaged in a way that you cannot grasp the simple concept that a teenager in highschool has a high-school level education.
Hapsburg said:
Keep your mind out of the gutter, fucktard.
Okay, you have a brain, I'll give you that, but it's obviously been damaged in a way that you cannot grasp the simple concept that a teenager in highschool has a high-school level education.

Teenager?? - yeah you wish!!!!!
Cris said:

No, anyone. I doubt any Christians here would recognize your offensive style as Christian like.

But it does expect a degree of civility by everyone.

Or that you are wrong. Your attempt at logic didn’t work again.

How would you know?

You appear to have finished them all.

Now you are putting words in my mouth!!!!
Again, stop waving rules about like a small child - grow up!!

If I am offensive, then you are a woman!!!!
SnakeLord said:
Hello again,

This question made me sit down and think for a while. Here is your answer:

Men have done a great deal for us over here in Africa dying of disease and famine. People we don't know, have never met.. infact didn't even know existed, have provided us with crops, with water, (and clean water at that, not our usual kind of water which contains certain long worm type things that end up causing us to die), clothes, and even education.

Men have given us tools, and wells, provided us with medicine and inoculations all from the goodness of their hearts.

You ask what men have done lately: More than you could imagine

You ask what god has done lately: The answer is still fuck all

Kindest regards,


You mean - men has taken everything from you, given you back little, and will continue to take more from you.

What has GOD done for you lately?
Putting people like me here on this earth to address this grievence!!

Point your finger at the right reason for so much suffering - OR ARE YOU BLIND???
Horsemen 42,

will you not understand what I am saying?

I do know what atheism means? Technically this is what its proponents claim. I am insisting that it is a Lie created by liars.
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