The Creator Loves You

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Why dont you just go away and do whatever things you atheists do??


- Day job


- Rape
- Pillage
- Burn
(Christians only - big job)


- Rape
- Pillage
- Burn
(All other religions)

We have to do the christians on Saturday because we can't go into churches (it hurts... a lot).
Jadon said:
Then why are you replying?? Why dont you just go away and do whatever things you atheists do??
Because you are a prick, and I enjoy pissing you off.

[quoteWhats the matter? Are you sad, are you confused, are you in trouble with the law?[/quote]
No, far from it. I'm content at where I'm at. I have done nothing against the law.

there is nothing good in atheism, no, there is nothing at all in atheism.
You mean besides intelligent reason, rationalism, and enlightenment?

The Creator is The Creator for everyone - stop blaming the troubles that you face on The Creator.!!!
I don't blame my troubles on a nonexistant being. I blame them on the people that cause them. Christians like you blame every one of your problems on the jews, athiests, or anyone else who doesn't think like you.
Hapsburg said:
We'll call your 'god' whatever the fuck we want to, and there is simply nothing you can do about it.
Your "god" is an egotistical, self-absorbed, self-righteous, pompous little prick, and does not exist. Your "god" is illogical, irrational, and impossible. If you accept THAT truth, little whippersnapper, you will be well-liked on the forum that it SCIFORUMS.

Um..... :bugeye:
No one here has said that they were satanists...

Where have you been???
Dont you know that Christians do not hunger or yearn for affection or approval from misled ones?
Stop it - you did not descend from baboon like creatures so dont behave like one.


Except of course if you have sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT at which point I cannot do anything to help you!!!

Once again - The Creator loves you.

Well it's been 4 pages and still you have not shown us the proof that you claim you have that your god exists. Although honestly I've seen up to 80 pages of such drivel in the past and no proof whatsoever, so you have a long way to go to break the record.

Anyways I'm a little board I suppose. Just what proof do you have that your god actually exists (I'm assuming it's the Christian god). Please tell us all and enlighten us athiests, I'm really curious.
Jadon said:
Stop it - you did not descend from baboon like creatures so dont behave like one.
Yes, we are
Australiopithecus evolved from an ape-like mammal.
That evolved into Homo Erectus.
That evolved into Homo Habilis.
Which evolved into Neanderthal Man.
Which evolved into Cro-Magnon Man.
Which finally was refined, via evolution, into us:
Homo Sapiens.
Open up a biology book, twit. Oh, wait, people like you probably burn books rather than read them.
Jadon said:
Except of course if you have sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT at which point I cannot do anything to help you!!!
How can I sin against the Holy Spirit?
Once again - The Creator loves you.
Even if I have already sinned against the Holy Spirit? :)
Horseman42 said:

Well it's been 4 pages and still you have not shown us the proof that you claim you have that your god exists. Although honestly I've seen up to 80 pages of such drivel in the past and no proof whatsoever, so you have a long way to go to break the record.

Anyways I'm a little board I suppose. Just what proof do you have that your god actually exists (I'm assuming it's the Christian god). Please tell us all and enlighten us athiests, I'm really curious.

can you specify your question?
How can you expect me to help you when you dont give a clue about what you want???!!!!!!!! :)
Hapsburg said:
Yes, we are
Australiopithecus evolved from an ape-like mammal.
That evolved into Homo Erectus.
That evolved into Homo Habilis.
Which evolved into Neanderthal Man.
Which evolved into Cro-Magnon Man.
Which finally was refined, via evolution, into us:
Homo Sapiens.
Open up a biology book, twit. Oh, wait, people like you probably burn books rather than read them.
Know that - REJECTED IT!!.

Why? Check my previous posts. Thats all the answer you will get!!!!
Hapsburg said:
Because you are a prick, and I enjoy pissing you off.

No, far from it. I'm content at where I'm at. I have done nothing against the law.

You mean besides intelligent reason, rationalism, and enlightenment?

I don't blame my troubles on a nonexistant being. I blame them on the people that cause them. Christians like you blame every one of your problems on the jews, athiests, or anyone else who doesn't think like you.

So here we go again - you have me confused with some misguided individuals who pretended to be Christans but who were really demonists.

you are now clutching at straws - be a good loser and remove your 'personage' to another string!!!

You have argued your point and you have lost - can someone talk some sense to this 'personage'?????
superluminal said:
God damn it to hell Jadon you pussy. How do I sin against the HOLY SPIRIT!?

Again, ask medicine woman!!!

I have to play volleyball again.!!!

See ya tomorrow!!!
Oh, yes, run away you little pussy. Always playing volleyball and telling us to ask MW. You can't present a rational argument that could ever possibly convince us to believe your bullcrap, so you're running away.
Indeed, this is a pointless conversation. Jadon has nothing to offer, and everyone else is getting pissed off about it as he condescends to preach to them.

Jadon my young lad, you can and should do more to excercise your mind in critical thinking. In that department, you're hurtin for certain. ;) Good luck to you.
can you specify your question?

How can you expect me to help you when you dont give a clue about what you want???!!!!!!


Did you miss my question? Did anyone else miss my question or is it only Jadon who is being aloof?

Ok here it is again...

If you say you have proof god exists please for my sake and everyone elses please tell us what this proof is!!
Horseman42 said:

Did you miss my question? Did anyone else miss my question or is it only Jadon who is being aloof?

Ok here it is again...

If you say you have proof god exists please for my sake and everyone elses please tell us what this proof is!!

Your question is too general - you need to come up with something that you dont agree with concerning the Holy Scriptures, and then I will explain to you where you got your wrong ideas in the first place.
For instance, I have stated that I do not believe in the trinity - several correspondents have argued otherwise, so to end the argument, I suggested that there be a re-looking at the Scriptures in their original rendering.

There are countless copies of The Scriptures - some date back as far as 2000 years ago, but if you are able to get hold of at least 20 original sources, then it would only be a matter of time that you find out for yourself that the trinity indeed does not exist in The Scriptures.

Word of Advice - The trick (if I could use such a word) here is to try and get yourself as far away as possible from the contaminated doctrines of different denominations, otherwise you will have no chance at all in Seeing The Truth as I have Seen It!!!!

But beware not to stick too close too atheists - they have their uses but their designs are similar to demonists - I presume that you are not a serious atheist (just going along with the flow?? or monkey see, monkey do??)

So, pick a point you want to argue in The Scripture, and I will give you the Correct Interpretation. :)
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