The Creator Loves You

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DeeCee said:
The creator loves Wes' face, or so I've heard.

I don't believe it though....
Dee Cee

You dastardly bastard.

Oh, and easy there humper. Hehe. DOWN BOY!
Guys - ease up a bit, Jadon is clearly only a brainwashed kid - he needs some polite guidance and not abuse. While his condescending and arrogant attitude is highly irritating we know this is typical of Christian conditioning and we have seen it many times before - it should not phase us any longer. Be patient, be precise, be respectful, and force him to think for himself.
jadon sez:

I dont think so - I believe so!!

That should be the Christian motto - bravo!
wesmorris said:
Obviously you did.

LOL. You really don't understand your own words or mind. You judged me as "bad looking", and tried to relate to my pain. Asshole.

"With a face such as yours (I presume thats your actual appearence), I understand where all your bitterness is coming from."

Read what you said. You made up a problem about me and then offered me a solution, when I don't have the problem in the first place. Your opinion on the matter doesn't really impact me, sorry. You're passive aggressive and socially retarded.

Man you are really a piece of work eh? Look here bright-boy:

"It is not your looks that will make people get along with you - it is your attitude. Unfortunately, with your present attitude, I doubt if people around you actually value your company."

It is simply pathetic that I have to point your own words out for you. No wonder you need religion so badly. It's too bad you won't even try to think. Must be that it just isn't your bag.

What bitterness? That there are some things that I find shallow and some stupid, is that bitter? If those are your evidence, then take your own advice. You've displayed nothing but shallow bitterness towards me, and proclaimed it otherwise. You must think I'm pretty stupid.

? You did nothing to show anything to be "shallow" and have not at all established my "bitterness", yet you proclaim it repeatedly. And you claim to offer wisdom? I'll pass thanks. It's pretty apparent that wisdom is far from your business. I'd prefer it if you suddenly became coherent and started an impressive argument.... but uhm... I won't be holding my breath.

You don't know how to use a dictionary?

Is english a second or third language for you or something?

How do you correlate "swear words" to rationality?

If you are the gift then obviously you are supposed to be a source of joy to people other then you (forgive the pun).

Seriously taken my message therefore demands of you a personality that warrants joy and affection from your neighbours.

I was therefore pointing out that I could sense that your bitterness is the result of your low self esteem, possibly of your appearence - hence you are not a gift to your neighbors if you maintain that attitude!!

What is a gift anyway? Permit me to tell you that the word gift was originally associated with only good things - this is in accordance with the Scriptures!!

Only now have evil men distorted the word by using - evil gifts, and therefore
causing great bitterness in this world.

When you presume yourself to be equal to The Creator ( just like your father the devil did), you are passing on evil tidings to innocent people, and therefore contaminate them with your evil 'gifts'.

Also, let me say that Christianity is not a need to me - it is the way I live!!!
Yorda said:
Please tell me what the original scriptures say so that I may find the truth, otherwise I might start believing in the demonic trinity

You already have my answer - you seem to be an intelligent person, so do your research on The Scriptures again - and please try not to get influenced by the devil this time!!!
Hapsburg said:
Jadon, go shove your creator up your ass.
Is your reference to the swear word indicative of the type of person you are?

I see you are the type of person who like to think themselves as 'grand' and 'fine', but who are in actual fact just spoilt little rich people who still think of themselves as kids!! -- GROW UP!!

Try and find Christian friends who are of your age group, so that you can learn that unruly words are for the the unholy, insane and sinners.

Nothing special about you now Uh?!!!!
Hapsburg: Jadon, go shove your creator up your ass. :mad:
M*W: Well, seeing as how the creator is omnipresent, I believe he's already fudge packed up Jadon's ass.
Jadon said:
If you are the gift then obviously you are supposed to be a source of joy to people other then you (forgive the pun).

Who are you to say I'm not?

Seriously taken my message therefore demands of you a personality that warrants joy and affection from your neighbours.

YOU have no message. You're a lemming. You pass the message along as if you've discovered something novel.

I was therefore pointing out that I could sense that your bitterness is the result of your low self esteem, possibly of your appearence - hence you are not a gift to your neighbors if you maintain that attitude!!

I have extreme distaste for people of your ilk. It only annoys me when it comes up. Your inference is simply assenine. You have no clue what you're talking about. To derive all that from a single post that obviously went WAY over your head, is in greivous error.

What is a gift anyway? Permit me to tell you that the word gift was originally associated with only good things - this is in accordance with the Scriptures!!

Making stuff up doesn't help, and lots of things are in accorance with the scriptures if you want them to be. That doesn't make those silly things relevant to anyone who isn't horrifically emotionally needy for that sort of thing. I'd ask you why you think the scriptures relevant, but I really don't feel like wading through the mess you'd create in explaining yourself.

Only now have evil men distorted the word by using - evil gifts, and therefore
causing great bitterness in this world.

There has always been great bitterness in the world. What's funny is that you'd call ME bitter. My words on this forum may come across that way, as is par for the course. I might say that your baseless personal attacks are far more representative of bitterness than my attack on ideas that you've completely failed to address. Rather than considering the merit of my criticism, or defending against it... you simply attack me, presuming I must be bitter to criticise that which you take for granted. You still owe me an apology.

When you presume yourself to be equal to The Creator ( just like your father the devil did), you are passing on evil tidings to innocent people, and therefore contaminate them with your evil 'gifts'.

Please demonstrate how I've presumed myself as such.

Also, let me say that Christianity is not a need to me - it is the way I live!!!

But it's the way you choose to live. You don't have to, yet you claim to. That's indicative that you need it, because we always choose what we think we need.

IMO, you're not very good at it either, as a christian should be bound by his own dogma not to judge, which is apparently the extent of your offering here.
Hapsburg said:
Go roll over in a corner and die.

Perhaps thats what people like you should do - you like to believe in atheism because to you it offers perverse opportunities that people like you like to be involved in!!

And I have already died - I died when I accepted the Messiah - and I arose spiritually to a new way of life.

You prefer to remain in your old flesh because you are just vain and evil - sorry but your time is up, Christians have let the insanity of atheism go on for too long.

The insignificance of atheism and the insignificance of its proponents are becoming more evident every day.

I want you to reject atheism, stop debasing yourself, you are more then a baboon like creature, you are a child of The Creator.

The evil inside of you is consuming you like fire - already your words are those of a rabid animal - your mind and your thoughts are infected with hatred and sickness - soon they will be manifested.
I really give flying fuck what you want, I don't care about your little bullshit beliefs and your crackpot opinions.
Hapsburg: Jadon, go shove your creator up your ass.
M*W: Well, seeing as how the creator is omnipresent, I believe he's already fudge packed up Jadon's ass.

Is that it Jadon? Do you have a creator up your baboon-like-creature-descended ass?

Maybe if you pull your creator out of your ass, it will relieve some of the pressure on your brain.

There. Now dosen't that feel better?

sorry but your time is up, Christians have let the insanity of atheism go on for too long.

Oh? Is that a threat? Up for another holy crusade are we? You little nazi puke. I'd squash you like the maladapted primate you are. Do us a favor and go ask your creator, in person, what you should do about us atheists.

Do I have to spell it out to you???

I did not insult you!!! Your ego which is just an extension of you covers what you are referring to as being insulted. Your ego is an unnecessary load!!

Apology? For something I did not do? Is this how atheists reason things??
I advise you to use another swear word (if you decide to) instead of insulting woman in general - perhaps they need an apology from you, or is this atheism working??

Actually, I view you as an equal and as a human being (adult), not as a baboon like creature that you seem to think.
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Medicine Woman said:
Hapsburg: Jadon, go shove your creator up your ass. :mad:
M*W: Well, seeing as how the creator is omnipresent, I believe he's already fudge packed up Jadon's ass.

The devil speaks!!


Also, do not refer to The Creator in words that were not found originally in The Scriptures - 'omnipresent'.

You should keep such words to your demonic rituals and perhaps sexual orgies. Or better still - omnipresent baboob like creature? or devil? whatever!!
Whatever pleases your satanic desires.

And stop being so descriptive about the type of relationship you have with the devil!!!!

Jadons foaming...

I'd love nothing more than to find that Jadon had a TIA and turned into an atheist. Ha!
Hapsburg said:
I really give flying fuck what you want, I don't care about your little bullshit beliefs and your crackpot opinions.

Then why are you replying?? Why dont you just go away and do whatever things you atheists do??

Whats the matter? Are you sad, are you confused, are you in trouble with the law?

If you are, I am not saying that I can help you, but I can suggest to you that you clean up your ways - there is nothing good in atheism, no, there is nothing at all in atheism.

The Creator is The Creator for everyone - stop blaming the troubles that you face on The Creator.!!!
Jadon said:
The devil speaks!!


Also, do not refer to The Creator in words that were not found originally in The Scriptures - 'omnipresent'.
We'll call your 'god' whatever the fuck we want to, and there is simply nothing you can do about it.
Your "god" is an egotistical, self-absorbed, self-righteous, pompous little prick, and does not exist. Your "god" is illogical, irrational, and impossible. If you accept THAT truth, little whippersnapper, you will be well-liked on the forum that it SCIFORUMS.

You should keep such words to your demonic rituals and perhaps sexual orgies. Or better still - omnipresent baboob like creature? or devil? whatever!!
Whatever pleases your satanic desires.
Um..... :bugeye:
No one here has said that they were satanists...
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