The Creator Loves You

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Jadon said:
My beliefs will show people back to The Truth!!
belief=lack of knowledge,..thats why its called belief ;)
The Creator is Real.
yes my parents are real,or did you have some kind of universal creator/god in mind?

then who created that Creator? infinitum...

in case you'd like to pull out the old "god is uncaused" krap and still claim that god exists,remember that
if everything that exist has a cause than god must be caused also,
which would make
god imposible to be the first uncaused cause,and so on and so forth..

I suggest that you give it ,up since no one has yet suceeded in proving god and you wont either
The Creator Loves You.
how do you know?
have a direct hotline to the Creator :rolleyes:
Hey Yorda,

What about these

"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." John 14:28.

"As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone." Mark 10:18
Joeman said:
Hey Yorda,

What about these

"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." John 14:28.

"As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone." Mark 10:18

Appreciate the reply, but I think it would be better if she follows the Advice I have given her

The trinity was invented to explain the paradox of Jesus being a god when the bible says there is only one god.

Isn't the son of a god also a god?

If Jesus is not a god what is he?
The idea of someone citing "scripture" makes me hurl. Your investment in those words does not mean they are of any significance in the tao. They are but flailings into nothingness to me. The audacity of some asshat to proclaim his writings as "inspired by god"... well, that's as offensive as it gets to me.

Why do we not bow to the bum on the street who rambles of salvation? Why are his babblings not scripture? Why are these words in this thread not scripture? Why is your bible better than my bible? Why is a bible good in the first place?

Because you think it so.

I don't.
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Because it is god's word. Poor wes. It is gods word because it says so in the bible. Don't you get it?
superluminal said:
Because it is god's word. Poor wes. It is gods word because it says so in the bible. Don't you get it?

This whole time I was looking at the Qu'ran (or however the hell you spell it). I kept wondering what all those squiggly lines were supposed to mean. I'm SUCH an idiot.


If you're going to flail into nothingness, you might as well do it how the good lord intended you to, with the gifts he gave you.

To me, if god gave you some the gift of life - he'd be big enough not to expect anything in return... no? What is a gift with strings attached?

Does that mean you should go around fucking up everyone elses gift? That's a matter for another thread about psychiatry perhaps.

God renders itself moot by giving you the gift of life. If he asks you to serve him for such a gift, I'd rather burn in hell. Fuck a manipulative sky-daddy's sorry universal ass.

On the other hand, I love life... and I do think of it as a gift that I cherish. The opportunity to explore what my mind percieves with you people, and all the others in my life is a wonderful, inspiring piece of art that fills me with all kinds of internal goodness that I reflect back upon those I encounter.

Is this not what a gift is intended to do....?

Your deity is moot in the face of the gift you say he gave you - apparently by his own design. That you grovel to express your appreciation for it makes your nose universally brown.
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wesmorris said:
The idea of someone citing "scripture" makes me hurl. Your investment in those words does not mean they are of any significance in the tao. They are but flailings into nothingness to me. The audacity of some asshat to proclaim his writings as "inspired by god"... well, that's as offensive as it gets to me.

Why do we not bow to the bum on the street who rambles of salvation? Why are his babblings not scripture? Why are these words in this thread not scripture? Why is your bible better than my bible? Why is a bible good in the first place?

With a face such as yours (I presume thats your actual appearence), I understand where all your bitterness is coming from. But rather then trying to do something about it (like perhaps getting a new attitude), you prefer to condemn the Holy Scriptures.

Well I've got some news for you, not everyone is as shallow minded as you. It is not your looks that will make people get along with you - it is your attitude. Unfortunately, with your present attitude, I doubt if people around you actually value your company.

Because that person on the street most likely could have been a drug abuser, could have been a victim of abuse, could have been a victim of the ills of society, - and just could not rationalise why he or she went through those things. That person on the street is no different from you. The only difference between the two of you is that:

1. His mental disease is judged "crazy" by 'society'
2. Your mental disease is judged "okay" by 'society'

It is my duty to help people like you and people like that person on the street. In my experience it is easier to help people on the streets and restore them back to sanity, then to help people like you who prefer to remain in their insanity.

And, there is only one Holy Scriptures!. What people like me are trying to do today is to restore the Scriptures to ITS Accurate Form.
If you do study the Scriptures without bias you will find that two thousand years have allowed some misguided individuals to change certain contents to fit their demonic thinkings.( I do hope you try and do your research)

"Because you think it so.
I don't." - wesmorris.

I dont think so - I believe so!!

And you are right - you dont think, and worse you dont believe!!
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"religioabsurdus ignoratus - First identified in humans as evidenced by early rock drawings depicting stick figures gesturing at mystical blobs in the sky."

"It has been theorized however, that these blobs were actually the droppings of a large, extinct type of ostritch with flight capability. The stick figures can be clearly interpreted as running in terror from the rain of fecal matter from the sky."

From "Foundations of Religion", by SL, 2005.

Your entire post is nothing more than a personal attack of the most shallow nature. You attack my looks? You attack my attitude? You attack my intellect? You fantasize that people don't like me?

You have no basis for any of the criticisms above except that I attacked something you hold dear. You extend your ego to it, and take offense when it's attacked. You're a book that's already been written. You're a lemming that believes everything he reads, as long as it's been deemed "the one true scripture".

You're a drone, and you can't see it.

That last thing you'd want to do, I understand that drones have little choice in this... is to attack the actual argument.

You have refuted / debated nothing, yet cheerfully pat yourself on the back as if you've said something important. You're incapable of actually engaging what's been put forth, because...

You're a godaumaton.

Do you have any analysis to offer?

Grovel to your sky-daddy, bitch.
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wesmorris said:
This whole time I was looking at the Qu'ran (or however the hell you spell it). I kept wondering what all those squiggly lines were supposed to mean. I'm SUCH an idiot.


If you're going to flail into nothingness, you might as well do it how the good lord intended you to, with the gifts he gave you.

To me, if god gave you some the gift of life - he'd be big enough not to expect anything in return... no? What is a gift with strings attached?

Does that mean you should go around fucking up everyone elses gift? That's a matter for another thread about psychiatry perhaps.

God renders itself moot by giving you the gift of life. If he asks you to serve him for such a gift, I'd rather burn in hell. Fuck a manipulative sky-daddy's sorry universal ass.

On the other hand, I love life... and I do think of it as a gift that I cherish. The opportunity to explore what my mind percieves with you people, and all the others in my life is a wonderful, inspiring piece of art that fills me with all kinds of internal goodness that I reflect back upon those I encounter.

Is this not what a gift is intended to do....?

Your deity is moot in the face of the gift you say he gave you - apparently by his own design. That you grovel to express your appreciation for it makes your nose universally brown.

Get your doctrine straight!- Where did you get the idea that The Creator is going to give you a gift.

Dont you get it? You are the gift - you are so vain you cannot see that.

When The Creator made Man, Man was to be Everlasting - even I cannot understand why The FATHER wants this so.

What you misunderstand as a gift is actually an invitation to take what is ours in the first place - Everlasting Life.

I repeat, there is no gift in the way you think it to be. 'Get over yourself' - Take time to think about yourself, try and feel good about yourself - you still have hope!!!!
Jadon said:
Get your doctrine straight!

The doctrine only exists in your mind, and those of the other godaumotons. To humans with functioning minds, it's words and ideas in a book.

- Where did you get the idea that The Creator is going to give you a gift.

Didn't. Gift was given. It's evident in the capacity for me to engage in this interaction.

Dont you get it? You are the gift - you are so vain you cannot see that.

No, you're too caught up in your god-speak to understand that's what I said.

You really should apologize for that, and for all your personal attacks.

Since the rest of your nonsense is based in your total disregard for what was said, I'll ignore it.
wesmorris said:

Your entire post is nothing more than a personal attack of the most shallow nature. You attack my looks? You attack my attitude? You attack my intellect?

That last thing you'd want to do, I understand that you have little choice in this... is to attack the actual argument.

Thus, you have refuted / debated nothing.

Grovel to your sky-daddy, bitch.

Did I?
Did you not get the point of my statement? No one cares about your looks - stop your bitterness.

Did I attack your attitude? never did I say any such thing. Will you not take wise advice? Stop your bitterness.

You it was that brought up a shallow argument - stop your bitterness.

Grovel? I am afraid am not familiar with the term - right is right and wrong is wrong. ( perhaps this is something that you use to get peoples attention)

Whats with the swear word? now who is irrational? Hmmm.....
wesmorris said:
The doctrine only exists in your mind, and those of the other godaumotons. To humans with functioning minds, it's words and ideas in a book.

Didn't. Gift was given. It's evident in the capacity for me to engage in this interaction.

No, you're too caught up in your god-speak to understand that's what I said.

You really should apologize for that, and for all your personal attacks.

Since the rest of your nonsense is based in your total disregard for what was said, I'll ignore it.

Again, you did not get what I was meaning! you distinctly referred to the gift as separate - I AM TELLING YOU that YOU ARE THE GIFT!!

Perhaps you should apologise to that person on the street??

Once again, I did not make any personal attacks - you are just too insecure and vain.
Jadon said:

Obviously you did.

Did you not get the point of my statement? No one cares about your looks - stop your bitterness.

LOL. You really don't understand your own words or mind. You judged me as "bad looking", and tried to relate to my pain. Asshole.

"With a face such as yours (I presume thats your actual appearence), I understand where all your bitterness is coming from."

Read what you said. You made up a problem about me and then offered me a solution, when I don't have the problem in the first place. Your opinion on the matter doesn't really impact me, sorry. You're passive aggressive and socially retarded.

Did I attack your attitude? never did I say any such thing.

Man you are really a piece of work eh? Look here bright-boy:

"It is not your looks that will make people get along with you - it is your attitude. Unfortunately, with your present attitude, I doubt if people around you actually value your company."

It is simply pathetic that I have to point your own words out for you. No wonder you need religion so badly. It's too bad you won't even try to think. Must be that it just isn't your bag.

Will you not take wise advice? Stop your bitterness.

What bitterness? That there are some things that I find shallow and some stupid, is that bitter? If those are your evidence, then take your own advice. You've displayed nothing but shallow bitterness towards me, and proclaimed it otherwise. You must think I'm pretty stupid.

You it was that brought up a shallow argument - stop your bitterness.

? You did nothing to show anything to be "shallow" and have not at all established my "bitterness", yet you proclaim it repeatedly. And you claim to offer wisdom? I'll pass thanks. It's pretty apparent that wisdom is far from your business. I'd prefer it if you suddenly became coherent and started an impressive argument.... but uhm... I won't be holding my breath.

Grovel? I am afraid am not familiar with the term - right is right and wrong is wrong. ( perhaps this is something that you use to get peoples attention)

You don't know how to use a dictionary?

Is english a second or third language for you or something?

Whats with the swear word? now who is irrational? Hmmm.....

How do you correlate "swear words" to rationality?
Jadon said:
Now if you do have the time, try and read or get a rendering of the New testament as it was written in the Greek and Aramaic (if you do have a very learned Greek friend, all the better), then make a thourough study of those Verses that you mentioned. Make sure to study also how those verses are inter-related.

Please tell me what the original scriptures say so that I may find the truth, otherwise I might start believing in the demonic trinity
Jadon said:
Again, you did not get what I was meaning! you distinctly referred to the gift as separate - I AM TELLING YOU that YOU ARE THE GIFT!!

Excuse me. Perhaps you simply can't understand. Here is your clue:

"God renders itself moot by giving you the gift of life."

How are you not your life?

Once again, I did not make any personal attacks - you are just too insecure and vain.

LOL. That's good shit dude! Personal attacks in the same sentence as claims to the contrary! Touche!
Jadon said:
With a face such as yours (I presume thats your actual appearence), I understand where all your bitterness is coming from.

Jesus Christ!

If there EVER was a lamer way to weasel oneself out of a tough spot.. I have lost all previous respect for that spineless viper Jadon. :(
§outh§tar said:
Jesus Christ!

If there EVER was a lamer way to weasel oneself out of a tough spot.. I have lost all previous respect for that spineless viper Jadon. :(

wes' face gives me a boner. And I'm not even gay.

So there.
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