The Creator Loves You

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Silas said:
Michael, I think it's evident that Angelic Being is not going to answer your questions. I have to say that I'm not amenable to being stuck with Yes/No-answers-only questions myself, so if I were you I'd let it go. Which is a way of telling you that I'm getting irritated by your repetitions of the same questions. I don't accept that kind of badgering by godbotherers, I don't see why one of them should accept it from our side.

Angelic Being, if you want to be taken seriously here, kindly stop responding to posts with patronising phrases like "Just wait, my Child". It is not necessary to reply individually to every post written against you, unless you have something substantial to say each time. And we are none of us your children - we are all equals here. Please respect that.

I cannot help thinking of you guys as lost children who have wandered away from the Truth - I am sorry - but I find your answers (most of you) as childish and petty and really amusing. Sometimes my sherperding instincts get the better of me - Wasnt it The Christ ( The Great Sheperd) who urged us to walk in his footsteps.

Oh and if you read my previous posts, you will find that I consider you guys as my equal.

Thank You,
The Creator Loves You!!!
Okay, so thats trinity and hell out of the way, I think we should concentrate on the answers to the questions posed by Michael, and which I had promised to give by friday.

Meanwhile, I am going out for a sports meet, and I will be seeing your replies tomorrow!!

The Creator Loves You.!! :) :)

Instead of preaching, why don't you answer some of our questions? Like, how old is the world/universe?

Easy for an angelic being with a direct line to god, I would think.
sorry dont know what a sheperd is or a sherperd.

But I know what a sherpa is! Maybe a sherperd is someone who keeps mountain guides in line. Or maybe it's a nerdy sherpa (sherp-erd). I don't know.
AB, you fail to understand that no matter how much you repeat you contrived drivel, we aren't going to believe in it. This may have worked on you (Y'know, indoctrination), but we don't have weak minds, and we aren't as gullible as you.
So, as soon as you realize it's not going to work, the less public humiliation and insults ye shall recieve.

I'm still waiting for a response....

Just to remind you I'm waiting for some proof that you have that god exists. You seem to be withholding such information, I cannot fathom why. The very least you could do would be to tell us why you personally believe yourself.

Also you have not given us any evidence whatsoever on why you believe the fathers of atheism lied. If you are not going to address these points could you please, PLEASE just say so.
Angelic Being said:
Angelic Being, if you want to be taken seriously here, kindly stop responding to posts with patronising phrases like "Just wait, my Child". It is not necessary to reply individually to every post written against you, unless you have something substantial to say each time. And we are none of us your children - we are all equals here. Please respect that.
I cannot help thinking of you guys as lost children who have wandered away from the Truth - I am sorry - but I find your answers (most of you) as childish and petty and really amusing. Sometimes my sherperding instincts get the better of me - Wasnt it The Christ ( The Great Sheperd) who urged us to walk in his footsteps.

Oh and if you read my previous posts, you will find that I consider you guys as my equal.

Thank You,
The Creator Loves You!!!
There are a number of ways that I can't help thinking about you, that you wouldn't find enormously flattering. I know I don't represent everybody here, but I personally try not to reflect any such attitude in my posts. Stop being so patronising.

Re Atheists and evolutionsists:
Angelic Being said:
When in actuality they just have no physical proof of their assumptions.
But your previous argument against evolution was as follows:
Angelic Being said:
Tell me, do you really believe yourself to have evolved from a baboon like creature? Do you really believe yourself to be a distant cousin to the apes?
That does not reflect a careful consideration of the evidence of science, nor a dogmatic religious position attributing infallibility to Genesis 1. It is simply a homocentric view which expresses incredulity and not a little disgust at the logical consequence of the evolutionary theory - that we are descended from apes. I'm afraid that such an attitude is not really acceptable in any kind of rational philosophical discussion, because it primarily indicates an unwillingness to adopt an unbiased position.
superluminal said:

Instead of preaching, why don't you answer some of our questions? Like, how old is the world/universe?

Easy for an angelic being with a direct line to god, I would think.

It is as old as you wish - how old exactly really doesnt matter!!!
Horseman42 said:

I'm still waiting for a response....

Just to remind you I'm waiting for some proof that you have that god exists. You seem to be withholding such information, I cannot fathom why. The very least you could do would be to tell us why you personally believe yourself.

Also you have not given us any evidence whatsoever on why you believe the fathers of atheism lied. If you are not going to address these points could you please, PLEASE just say so.

That is for me to know and for you to find out - it is good when people find out for themselves that they are being duped - kinda like the story - 'the emperors new clothes'.
i guess some people have their genes wired the wrong way - for instance Mr Hasbeen - it seems his jaw has taken most of the space in his head that he keeps on yapping and yapping like a rabid horse.

It is as old as you wish - how old exactly really doesnt matter!!!


I wish you would stop being so childish. If you're not an adult, say so. But if you are, then please give adult responses.
superluminal said:

I wish you would stop being so childish. If you're not an adult, say so. But if you are, then please give adult responses.

I am willing to go along with scientific dates established for now - but you see there is no guarantee that fifty years from now our 'genius' scientists will revise the figures.

All I know is that the universe is definitely not the 6000 or 10000 years mumbo jumbo wrong interpretation that certain Christians claim today - it just does not make any sense, in fact it is just plain stupid.
THAT I must agree with. I've met some really stupid people in my days, and a few of them, even a teacher, thought that the earth was only 10,000 years old.
Humans aggravate me.
That is for me to know and for you to find out - it is good when people find out for themselves that they are being duped - kinda like the story - 'the emperors new clothes'.

What kind of response is this?

So you know why the "fathers" of atheism are liars but do not wish to devulge the information? You see this is what I mean by not being intellectually fair or honest. You make assertions but do not provide us with any evidence. How do you expect us to believe you??

I have no problem finding out I was duped. I was duped when I was a believer in Christainity and I came to terms with it. Again please tell me how I'm being duped, and this time give some evidence, or retract the claim.
Angelic Being said:

Are U Out There??/

Waiting For Your Input!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I'm flat-out at the moment - I mean, to write a reasonable response, which I will. I'll be away this weekend - so, I’ll try to write back this week.

Horseman42, I can't believe you still think this idiot will answer you straight?. Jadon/AB, is not only rude and rediculous, but he has no answers. This is why he keeps doging you, call you a child, and all sorts of nonsense. This idiot has shown his idiotic manner of debate. 'What debate?' He comes here with a chip on his shoulder and a bible on one hand and a loud microphone on the other. He don't hear you, he's too busy trying to preach to you.

Angelic Being said:
I cannot help thinking of you guys as lost children who have wandered away from the Truth - I am sorry - but I find your answers (most of you) as childish and petty and really amusing. Sometimes my sherperding instincts get the better of me - Wasnt it The Christ ( The Great Sheperd) who urged us to walk in his footsteps.

Oh and if you read my previous posts, you will find that I consider you guys as my equal.

Thank You,
The Creator Loves You!!!
So when you say you consider everyone here your equal, does that mean that everyone is an equally lost child like you... seeing that you think of everyone as "lost children" and then state that everyone is your equal? You think everyon'e response is as equally childish and petty as yours?

As to your sheperding insticts... are you seeing yourself as a reincarnation of Christ now?
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