The Creator Loves You

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(Q) said:
Kiddie , read The Emperor's New Clothes!!!

Angelic Being is naked!!!

Dunce, if U had got the message it would have been like this - U have cloaked yourself with the cloaks of atheism, it so so grand so fine, the whole world is amazed by the brilliance of your cloak.

But wait - one day U will admit to yourself that what U have cloaked yourself with is a complete LIE, U yourself have been fooled by yourself (does that make sense? It should to "wise" "geniuses" like U).

All I am saying is that the reality is one day the whole world will wake up to the LIE - so enjoy your fantasy right now, have great fun in it, love it like it was your child - because one day U yourself will throw it out the window!!!!

The Creator Loves You!!!!
AB Jadon,

U r so wrong. One day U will see ur religion for what it is - a LIE! And U will throw it out the window like a bad smelling sock. U have fooled ur self into believing a silly superstition, but a smart person like U will see the truth sooner or later. I hope it's sooner for ur sake.

The Universe is Indifferent to You!!!! :)
superluminal said:
AB Jadon,

U r so wrong. One day U will see ur religion for what it is - a LIE! And U will throw it out the window like a bad smelling sock. U have fooled ur self into believing a silly superstition, but a smart person like U will see the truth sooner or later. I hope it's sooner for ur sake.

The Universe is Indifferent to You!!!! :)

This from a man who has two Beautiful daughters - how are they by the way - can I call you Uncle Superluminal?? Please, Please!!!

ha! ha!ha!ha!
It's three, you asshole pervert. You are going to HELL! God will strike you down for your sins! And yes, you can call me uncle. As I'm ramming a hydraulic scissors jack up your ass and expanding it. Then you can try to explain to your god why you died with a 2 ton lift in your colon.

Ahhh... such a pleasant thought!
superluminal said:
It's three, you asshole pervert. You are going to HELL! God will strike you down for your sins! And yes, you can call me uncle. As I'm ramming a hydraulic scissors jack up your ass and expanding it. Then you can try to explain to your god why you died with a 2 ton lift in your colon.

Ahhh... such a pleasant thought!

You are the pervert - I am asking an innocent question and U are thinking bad thoughts just from that - Remember your blood pressure, we dont want it getting too high.

I think I will stick to superluminal for now - so much hostility and that from an avowed atheist!!!

The Creator Loves You!!!
AB Jadon,

When are you going to admit that you know deep in your heart that you are a sham and have no real belief in any god? That you are a comic book figure with the depth to match. Why not just come clean and admit you are lost and need serious mental help?
Jadon, you're a moron. You sound like an idiot, and pretty much everyone thinks you are.
Once Again, for good measure:

On the right we see Jadon, emerging from his box, about to have a sicssors jack materialized in his lower intestinal tract...
superluminal said:
AB Jadon,

When are you going to admit that you know deep in your heart that you are a sham and have no real belief in any god? That you are a comic book figure with the depth to match. Why not just come clean and admit you are lost and need serious mental help?

My message is so real it is unbelievable atheist. But thats the way TRUTH goes - it is a shock at first but eventually people will SEE THE LIGHT.
superluminal said:

On the right we see Jadon, emerging from his box, about to have a sicssors jack materialized in his lower intestinal tract...

And the atheists are having a fun party - super and hasbeen sitting by their p.c., one has children another is a freak, go on eat candies daddies dont be mean, dont worry about your pretty clothes, because thereis nothing really on.

Oh man, the picture of two bitter old men having a party is just hilarious!!!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

You are one intolerant christian™. Don't you love us? Don't you want to save us anymore?


dont worry about your pretty clothes, because thereis nothing really on.

How did you know I was naked? Freaky...
Angelic Being said:
Oh man, the picture of two bitter old men having a party is just hilarious!!!
I'm not an old man you bufoon. I am bitter, though, pissed at a lot of people because I feel like not liking people. Especially you. I think you should be shot.
Spare the bullet Haps, he's not even worth that.

*That you are a comic book figure with the depth to match*

The idiot is not comparable to a comic book figure, a comic book at least brings forth good entertainment this dim-wit has not brought forth nothing but farts in the wind. It's begining to stink of crap around here.

All I am saying is that the reality is one day the whole world will wake up to the LIE - so enjoy your fantasy right now, have great fun in it, love it like it was your child - because one day U yourself will throw it out the window!!!!
First off I could easily say the same thing about Christianity. One day you will realize that it's all a farse and be an atheist like us. Why don't you give us a reason to understand why your religion is the correct one rather then belittle us?

Also if Christianity or Hinduism, or some other religion proves to be true one day you bet I'll make the switch. You see AB this is what's known as intellectual honesty, something you do not have. People like you who cling to religions for NO reason whatsoever (at least you haven't presented us with a reason) will not be the ones who will make that change.
superluminal said:

You are one intolerant christian™. Don't you love us? Don't you want to save us anymore?


How did you know I was naked? Freaky...


Could you please don't use the word "christian" abusively?

superluminal said:

This bothers you. Why? Is it offensive to you personally, or are you concerned for my soul?
Answer no. 1: It bothers me. Yes. Because there are false christians.
Answer no. 2: It's offensive for me who biblically knows what and who christians are.
Answer no. 3: Of course, not only you and your soul but all here who is not yet able to come to the knowledge of God.
So is it just the trade mark that bother's you - christian™ - or my usage in that particular post? Please try to be clear on this.
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