The Creator Loves You

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Oh, of course they aren't. Most of them are pretty reasonable, and a few of them (which I have the honor of beings friends with), that I've met at school or at summer arts programs, are very rational about thier religion, and can give a reasonable argument for religion.
There are people on both ends of the spectrum: there are total retard fundies, like lapdog, and Jadon, and then there are very intelligent ones. Most religious people are in the middle.
why do you drag me into this? insulting when you know in truth the sublimity of my doctrine.
Lapdog, you are a joke. As long as you keep the view that anything really matters in an everlasting way, you will remain a joke.
Cris has disappeared yet Hasbeen still is!!!

I guess some things I said about Hasbeen must be close to the truth - After all, why the choice of language??

If I am correct, no one has sustained so much verbal assault from Hasbeen and yet brushed them cooly!!!

I guess as a Christian, we get subjected to such abuse but it is nothing new - The Christ suffered such abuse did he not??

The Creator loves You.
Angelic HasBeing,

Why are christians so preoccupied with being abused? Sounds like a mental condition to me, and I know a little bit about being "mental."
Godless said:
Haps; I figured it out just by the tittle however I gave him a chance. Plus I was bored and read everyone's answers as well. This is entertaining to me, that is why I'm here to entertain myself with other fellow atheist, in thrashing religious nut cases. But not all religious people are as nutty as this guy. ;)


Tell me, do you really believe yourself to have evolved from a baboon like creature? Do you really believe yourself to be a distant cousin to the apes?

Now who is nutty? Oh I forgot, apes like to eat nuts - ergo the choice of the word.

But I guess you might be bored now - oops I forgot again - apes have little attention span thus the reason for your being bored easily.

Thanks for reading this and not getting bored!!!!
Angelic Being said:
Tell me, do you really believe yourself to have evolved from a baboon like creature? Do you really believe yourself to be a distant cousin to the apes?
Yes. We are. Pick up a biology textbook, moron, or do you are your little KKK friends burn books instead? :rolleyes:
Jadon/AB you pathetic idiot, take the bible and cram it up your ass, perhaps there you may be able to make some sense of it. :m:

It is not wether I "believe" wether I come from an ape like figure or not it's were the facts are been discovered, even your pathetic ansestors happen to have been baboons. Take a class on evolution, genetic science, and biology, and get your head out of fairy tale books. Perhaps you just may learn something, or perhaps not!.

Godless said:
Jadon/AB you pathetic idiot, take the bible and cram it up your ass, perhaps there you may be able to make some sense of it. :m:

It is not wether I "believe" wether I come from an ape like figure or not it's were the facts are been discovered, even your pathetic ansestors happen to have been baboons. Take a class on evolution, genetic science, and biology, and get your head out of fairy tale books. Perhaps you just may learn something, or perhaps not!.


Read my previous posts - I have read them and I have rejected them - so instead of putting your foot in your mouth why dont you ask your fellow more esteemed atheists about the issue you have mentioned.

Why do atheists have the habit of repeating themselves point after point after point after point ....................!

When in actuality they just have no physical proof of their assumptions.

Once again - read my previous posts - perhaps you may become enlightened!!

Thanks for your patience in reading my message to you and I sincerely hope that you will also have the patience to read this one too.

The Creator Loves You!!!
superluminal said:

You are one motherfucking cool dude. Kudos.

I dont know what you mean.

The Creator Loves You!!!

I didnt think I would be asking you a favour, but could you gently advise Hasbeen to leave my thread alone??
Michael said:
Angelic Being, in case you get some time on Friday: Again, lets keep this simple - just a YES or No to begin:

(1) Does God know everything?
(2) Does God know the future in full (all information)?
(3) Can God do anything? [Bascially, if I say "God has the ability to _______" I can fill in the blank with absolutly anything I think up.]
(4) Does God think?
(5) Does God feel all of the emotions humans feel?
(6) Do humans have abilities that God doesn't posses?

Remember: ONLY a YES or NO to begin, THEN we can converse about the answers, OK?


Those are profound questions and it would be erronous in fact sinful of me to simply answer in the format you want.

Answer 1. - Essentially yes, if you are meaning the past, present and the future then HE has/had already determined what the outcome will be. If you are looking at the immediate future or the present then necessarily no (but only for this time) because one of HIS qualities is JUSTICE which means ( in fact The Scriptures say it) that we have the freedom of choice ( isnt that what our forefather Adam wanted in the first place?). Right now we have the freedom to do whatever we want because when Adam chose to disobey HIM, a time was set by HIM to give Adam and his descendants to prove that we can make our own choices and actually be better off with our decisions.

Answer 2. - This is related to question 1, but Yes - if you mean the final outcome of everything. HE necessarily has decided to not use HIS abilities to determine the immediate future, unless, individuals (like me), ask HIM to.

Answer3. - This question answers itself.

Answer 4. - As HIS creations, we think, dont we? If we are modelled on the attributes of The Creator, then surely............., Get it?

Answer 5. - Absolutely not!! The Scriptures say that as men, we are lower then the angels, therefore to ask such a question is to presume yourself equal to GOD. But the Christ came down as a man, and He feels our emotions (this was one of the major reasons He came down ( Please dont confuse HE with He). Essentially The Creator knows what is good for you ( HE created you after all), so emotions are something that we are allowed to have as humans (it was HIS design until the devil came into the picture)

Answer 6. - Definitely Yes , you see Ability is classified under Godly Abilities and demonic abilities. If a human has demonic abilities, certainly that can not be of GOD.

Thank you for your interest - I have tried to be very brief - I hope there wont be any misunderstandings.

The Creator Loves You.!!!!

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Cottontop3000 said:
Lapdog, you are a joke. As long as you keep the view that anything really matters in an everlasting way, you will remain a joke.

Does your name suggest that you wear a wig?

you know I am just asking - weird name!!
Cottontop3000 said:
The Creator, if it exists, hates you! Can't you tell?

Dont confuse yourself with The Creator!!

It is you who hate me and people like me, I on the other hand love you like my brother and I urge you to turn away from the errors of your ways.

The creator loves You!!!!
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