The Creator Loves You

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enton said:
Could you please don't use the word "christian" abusively?
No, because it pisses you and jadon off, and I get a laugh out of that. It's funny to me.
Hapsburg said:
No, because it pisses you and jadon off, and I get a laugh out of that. It's funny to me.
I think you need to go to the home for the senile.
Why? I'm not senile, I'm just pissed.
There's about a 50-someodd-year age difference between me (15) and senility (67).
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Hapsburg said:
Why? I'm not senile, I'm just pissed.
There's about a 50-someodd-year age difference between me (16) and senility (67).

Shouldnt you be in school? Oh wait, your going to get your GED :rolleyes:
GED? What?
No, I'm just in sophomore year in high school.
Why the hell is this a problem with you?
Please, just don't get Hapsburg started on one of his cussing escapades. He's already taught me some nifty new phrases but I wont be able to use them unless someone is trying to take my life.
Godless said:
Spare the bullet Haps, he's not even worth that.

*That you are a comic book figure with the depth to match*

The idiot is not comparable to a comic book figure, a comic book at least brings forth good entertainment this dim-wit has not brought forth nothing but farts in the wind. It's begining to stink of crap around here.


Classical psychology: People who boast and brag are born cowards - their main weapons are their mouths which stink of the filth that issues forth from it - you see their oral cavity also doubles as their anal cavity.

And 'aimless' - check your oral cavity. perhaps ...........

People who boast and brag are born cowards - their main weapons are their mouths which stink of the filth that issues forth from it - you see their oral cavity also doubles as their anal cavity.

Originally Posted by Jadon aka Angelic Being


And by the way, Ladies Melt Like Butter In my Hands.

I was trying to say that if I wanted to, I could be invoved in a Sexual Relationship with any Woman I want...

(Q) said:
People who boast and brag are born cowards - their main weapons are their mouths which stink of the filth that issues forth from it - you see their oral cavity also doubles as their anal cavity.


Dunce, boasting and bragging are of things that has never been proven usually.

You refer to things that are facts concerning me - and that was a response to super or someone - if you really want to know what I was meaning then here goes:

There are guys that do get on much easier with the girls. I am one of them. This is not my fault but in my immature days I would commit the occasional sin. But as a responsible adult now, I have put all that behind me and so I 'battle' the temptations of the flesh every day but I shall never fall to it again until marriage because I have FAITH.

Thank You.
There are guys that do get on much easier with the girls. I am one of them. This is not my fault but in my immature days I would commit the occasional sin. But as a responsible adult now, I have put all that behind me and so I 'battle' the temptations of the flesh every day but I shall never fall to it again until marriage because I have FAITH.
Honestly though just how good you are with the ladies, or how really cool your alleged 6 pack abds are really has nothing to do with the issues. However they do infact sidetract you from answering the real questions here. Please do us all a favor and get over yourself for a second and answer a few questions.
Horseman42 said:
Honestly though just how good you are with the ladies, or how really cool your alleged 6 pack abds are really has nothing to do with the issues. However they do infact sidetract you from answering the real questions here. Please do us all a favor and get over yourself for a second and answer a few questions.

I am waiting for Michael to reply.

Has anyone heard from him lately? I just arrived from a two day retreat and I am mystified over his 'absence'.
He transsubstantiated into another plane of existence. That's the simple explanation for you christians.
Dunce, boasting and bragging are of things that has never been proven usually.

The evidence is irrefutable, you are a dullard and a braggart and by YOUR own words, were born a coward, with an anal cavity for an oral cavity.

btw - how does shit taste with that foot?

There are guys that do get on much easier with the girls. I am one of them.

Yeah, gay men.

Women get along better with gay men and can form true lasting friendships because the guy will never want anything more than that. They are also generally more on a girl level because they know all about hand creams, makeup and other girly things.
Jadon aka Angelic Being said:

And by the way, Ladies Melt Like Butter In my Hands.

I was trying to say that if I wanted to, I could be invoved in a Sexual Relationship with any Woman I want.
but then you wake up.
Tho1:22 "he who speakth of it, hath never done it, but he who lay silent hath done it a multitude of times."
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