The Creator Loves You

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I don't care what love means to christians like you or christians at all - imperfect beings being them all.
Avatar said:
Without death there would be no life and no progress, without death there would be no evolution. If stars didn't "die", humans wouldn't appear, and why would anyone in their sane mind think that humans are the ultimate creation of the universe? Earth still has 4 billion years of evolution before it is engulfed by the Sun.
~4 billion years took for a single celled organism to evolve into a scientist, there are 4 billion years more for the scientist to go.

The Scriptures does not say that we are the ultimate creation - it would be silly of anyone to assume so!. But The Scriptures does point out that there will we Christians will be given a new uncorruptible ( in the physical sense) body, more advanced then the one we have now.

Evolution states this will be a very long process, But The Scriptures state this will be an instantaneous - soon to happen - process.
Cottontop3000 said:
If we don't kill ourselves off before this can happen. I think if we want to survive another 4 billion years, in any form, we have two choices to make:

1.) Change the ways we think about certain things like god and religion, or we will fulfill the prophecy of Armaggedon whether there is a god or not, thinking that Armageddon will happen no matter what we do, so why try to avoid it.

2.) Get off Earth soon and colonize the Moon or Mars, so that if we do succeed at Armageddon here, at least there will be some of us to carry on and thus overcome our deficiencies in another fashion.


You ahve been introduced into a culture with a biased view about THE CREATOR - have you ever considered that????
Scriptures are just that - paper and ink,
thoughts of men now dead and dust,
don't ask death, ask yourself,
and don't read myths as facts of life,
myth is poetry, a metaphor,
a communication of unconsciousness with the conscious mind.
Angelic Being said:
This is a different argument that I will discuss later under the heading- Miracles.
I know, I know, God works in mysterious ways, right? Look, your religion has an answer for everything, even if they really have no idea, that's why it's so popular. First they teach you that the person with answers is superior to the person who doesn't know, then they tell you all the answers. They create the need then fill it- like any good drug dealer.
Avatar said:
The problem of now existing religions is that they are stuck in their metaphors. God is a metaphor, paradise is a metaphor and so is hell.
But now that they have one holy land and no other, and now that god was creature looking like an old hairy man who told to kill all the male children of the enemy camp /giggles/
That is the problem: reading mythology as prose and fact, not as poetry and misticism, from there come all the problems, clashes and ills of modern society.
And the people try to imitate the god of 2000 years ago, not be themselves gods of today.

Again, very good atheistic argument - but if you were really unbiased you would certainly know not to confuse mythology with The Scriptures .

On one side we have people who have a distorted belief about the Bible Teachings and on the other we have people who dont believe the Bible at all!

There are valid important reasons for these two groups - what I am saying is that why are we blaming The Creator if we dont understand HIM at all???
spidergoat said:
Good point, Avatar, but I would go further. God isn't the only metaphor that distorts our view of reality, it's no different from nationalism and in fact all culture in general. The motivation that makes one cheer for a football team is the same that leads to war. Pride in one's cultural heritage is the same thing that leads to war. Family values are the same thing that leads to war...

'He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword' - Warring is not a Christian Teaching.
Horseman42 said:

I was trying to be civil with you honestly, but to suggest that atheists are liars is not only highly presumtuous but also hypicritical of you!

First off how do you know what I believe and what I don't believe. Even if I believe something false you say I don't really believe it. HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?! This is being presumtuous assuming I know something that I may not.

Secondly you are an atheist of sorts as well. How can I say this, simple. You yourself don't believe in many, many different gods. There are over 40,000 different gods out there and you disbelieve in 39,999 of them, and we can agree on this fact. This makes you atheistic towards every god, but one! Now how would you feel if someone came up to you and said that Baal was the only true god, and that you were only in denial of the fact that he exists? This is what you are saying to us.

As an asside please stop preaching about the trinity. It's like telling us that Santa's sleigh is really green not red.

Again you get me wrong!! - I was referring to the those that created the idea of atheism - not you certainly.

The idea is a brilliant one introduced by brilliant minds but the one behind it all is the devil- the liar.
Angelic Being said:
Again, very good atheistic argument - but if you were really unbiased you would certainly know not to confuse mythology with The Scriptures .

On one side we have people who have a distorted belief about the Bible Teachings and on the other we have people who dont believe the Bible at all!

There are valid important reasons for these two groups - what I am saying is that why are we blaming The Creator if we dont understand HIM at all???
You maybe not, I maybe do.
I have no bias, only knowledge.
Silas said:
Cue cool skill pointing out that AB received a great deal more gratuitously offensive insults than he/she gave out. And cue me pointing out the same thing. I'm sorry, but I am getting increasingly tired of the double standards around here.

Hapsburg, just because it's not face to face does not give you the right to heap abuse on someone. Neither does winning an argument. Be a man, take the higher ground.

Angelic Being - that's one hell of an egotistical name! Beware of the sin of Pride, Christian!

The name is purely symbolic - what double standards? Christians will always be 'persecuted' - IT IS WRITTEN.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angelic Being said:
'He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword' - Warring is not a Christian Teaching.
Doesn't matter if it's a teaching or not. No one follows the teaching. They aren't supposed to. There's justification for anything in the bible, and forgiveness for everything.
spidergoat said:
If they are the same, then there is no three, but it's supremely silly to ask if a holy trinity is scientifically possible.

Exactly - then why do people profess in something not scientifically possible( Now there is something we are scientifically sure about!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Their perception is dual - good and bad, god and man,
there is right and wrong and the nature is wrong.
Afraid of the truth creating their own
to comfort their weakness and suit their fears.
Avatar said:
Scriptures are just that - paper and ink,
thoughts of men now dead and dust,
don't ask death, ask yourself,
and don't read myths as facts of life,
myth is poetry, a metaphor,
a communication of unconsciousness with the conscious mind.

Yeah, yeah.

I came across something like that in ' the great big book of philosophy'.

Dangerous stuff really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angelic Being said:
Exactly - then why do people profess in something not scientifically possible( Now there is something we are scientifically sure about!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh lord, that's not what I meant. It's not that I'm sure it's scientifically impossible. I meant it is not a question that science can determine anything about one way or another.
spidergoat said:
I know, I know, God works in mysterious ways, right? Look, your religion has an answer for everything, even if they really have no idea, that's why it's so popular. First they teach you that the person with answers is superior to the person who doesn't know, then they tell you all the answers. They create the need then fill it- like any good drug dealer.

Again, I am certainly not superior to you or anyone else for that matter - in fact I prefer to be cosidered 'lower' then you - I have to be humble!!!
Angelic Being said:
Yeah, yeah.

I came across something like that in ' the great big book of philosophy'.

Dangerous stuff really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like a forbidden fruit. :m:
There is one more tree in the garden of Eden.
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