Enmos- Your point was made succinctly. You have to believe some of the bible to be a christian, how do you discern what to believe? There are several schools of thought. Fundamentalists tend to say the whole thing is literal. Takes a bit of suspension of disbelief to do that, for me. Moderates-Like myself, believe in the basics JC's sacrifice. Maybe some historical old and new testament. I myself contend with many of paul's writings. Then there are liberal christians. They make me seem closed-minded. The bible is a wonderful story, but here is the TRUTH. They weird me out sometimes.
From my stand point. The Holy Spirit(God) is within us, guiding us along, when we choose to listen. For me? It's a voice from inside of the back of my head, whereas the other voices are from the middle/lower part. I'm crazy, though. In some societies I'd be a prophet. LOL
I hope that helps.