The christian Bible...

Everyone must make a choice as to whether or not to believe the bible or not. Personally, I find the support for its historical narrative and divine inspiration convincing and feel no need to force another to my conclusions.

Good point. Can we be christians together anyway?
Just so everyone knows, I don't even have him on ignore anymore. I know he says I'm a bold faced liar, but I'm just insisting we stay within arm's reach of the topic at hand. You are welcome to start a thread abou me being a bold-faced liar, and give evidence of it, Q, but not here.

I will do so here with or without your permission. Bite me. :D
He means that everyone utimately believes what they wish to, even atheists. However, and these are my comments, atheists believe what is most assuredly, false.

Not believing something is not the same thing as believing the opposite.
How disappointing. I thought the incest suggestion would get some attention at least. Have folks railing about how bad religion is, made the first son kill his brother. Something. Instead we have some off-topic ranting. No matter. I'll do chapter 5 next. Really, though, would this be easier if I simply posted the entire chapter at a time?
You cannot decide what to believe and what not to believe in the bible, Dan, that is not a choice for you to make. It is a choice your god makes for you if you decide to worship him, and OBEY him.

that is correct and God uses the basic rules of grammer which all thinking humans understand when instructing a person what he/she is to believe. You are missing the point completely. Jesus doesn't want his followers to think he is a literal door. The context clearly indicates this to be a metaphor for Jesus being the only path to God. You are using an infantile straw man argument.
that is correct and God uses the basic rules of grammer which all thinking humans understand when instructing a person what he/she is to believe. You are missing the point completely. Jesus doesn't want his followers to think he is a literal door. The context clearly indicates this to be a metaphor for Jesus being the only path to God. You are using an infantile straw man argument.

Again, it matters not what you want to believe in the bible, Dan, that is not for you to judge. YOU are the one being judged by the god you worship and obey. YOU are the one who will go to hell if you don't comply. There are quotes in the bible that back up what it is you're supposed to believe.

If you can produce quotes from the bible that direct you or anyone else to interpret the words differently, then I'm all for seeing them. Can you, Dan? If not, then it would be that you're using an infantile straw man argument.
Not believing something is not the same thing as believing the opposite.

perhaps not, but a universal negative is a bold claim which is impossible to support. Atheists claim no evidence exists in support for God but they accomplish this by simply ignoraning and dismissing all arguments and evidence to the contrary. It is no different that a person who has had a tragic experience and now blocks out certain realties of their past. Atheism is an abnormality, that thankfully, is self refuting and self limiting.

this one's easy, begats and old people. I have always wondered if years was mistranslated or something, and it should have been months. If not, Perhaps Man de-evolved into a creature that couldn't last as long. Either way, at the end, Noah and his kids are born.

More selective beliefs that form fit your fantasies? Will those fantasies change with your meds?
perhaps not, but a universal negative is a bold claim which is impossible to support. Atheists claim no evidence exists in support for God but they accomplish this by simply ignoraning and dismissing all arguments and evidence to the contrary.

You have no argument here, Dan, since your argument and evidence isn't based on the bible.
"YOU are the one who will go to hell if you don't comply"

your understanding of basic theology is as deficient as your common sense. There is no chance of my going to hell and it has nothing to do with "complying".
"YOU are the one who will go to hell if you don't comply"

your understanding of basic theology is as deficient as your common sense. There is no chance of my going to hell and it has nothing to do with "complying".

I get my understanding about YOUR religion from the bible, where do you get it from?
How disappointing. I thought the incest suggestion would get some attention at least. Have folks railing about how bad religion is, made the first son kill his brother. Something. Instead we have some off-topic ranting. No matter. I'll do chapter 5 next. Really, though, would this be easier if I simply posted the entire chapter at a time?

Hammie, you won't get comments on that from most atheists because they don't believe it really happened in the first place ;)
I get my understanding about YOUR religion from the bible, where do you get it from?

Tell us, then Q, what is your understanding of Genesis chapter 5?

Hammie, you won't get comments on that from most atheists because they don't believe it really happened in the first place ;)

Sooo, But Q states he has an understanding of my religion from the bible. He must have read it, right?:bugeye:
I read Moby Dick, but I don't believe it happened, but given a bit of text and it's context I can generally come to some thoughts about what the writer was trying to get across... How is this different? :shrug:
I get my understanding about YOUR religion from the bible, where do you get it from?

I bet you've never even the read the Bible. For sure, I know you haven't read the Qur'an. The closest you have probably come to doing either is flipping through the Bible's pages, reading a few verses here and there. Your knowledge on Christianity (actually, religion in general) is abysmal, especially in terms of scriptural understanding. The best you have done is copy and paste others' interpretations of the Bible, which is very unsettling - for me it is, anyway.
