The christian Bible...

I think most of genesis falls into the "stories told around the fire" category, myself. God may have inspired some or all of them, but I have written plenty of sappy poetry inspired by flowers. It was nice, and superficially accurate, but not really so much. Original sin-to me, is a story. A baby is not born sinful. The day the baby can put together concepts of good and not good, and chooses to do not good, it's innocence is gone. To me, it's all about transgression done deliberately and willfully. "I know God wants me to stay away from the tree, or that's what I've been told, but this guy has a point, and knowledge is always good, right?" That's chapter 3 in a nutshell to me.
I don't believe when Jesus said that "I am the door" that he literally meant he was a slab of wood swinging on two hinges. I understand that the bible includes metaphors, poetry and other literary devices. What I believe is that bible is historically accurrate and divinely inspired. I accept its view on astronomy, geology, biology as well as history.

Then, you are as clearly hypocritical as any other pseudo-Christian who decides whatever they want to believe as opposed to what their god commands them to believe.
I think most of genesis falls into the "stories told around the fire" category, myself. God may have inspired some or all of them, but I have written plenty of sappy poetry inspired by flowers. It was nice, and superficially accurate, but not really so much. Original sin-to me, is a story. A baby is not born sinful. The day the baby can put together concepts of good and not good, and chooses to do not good, it's innocence is gone. To me, it's all about transgression done deliberately and willfully. "I know God wants me to stay away from the tree, or that's what I've been told, but this guy has a point, and knowledge is always good, right?" That's chapter 3 in a nutshell to me.

To you, it's about what you want to believe and not what you're supposed to believe, yes, we know.
To you, it's about what you want to believe and not what you're supposed to believe, yes, we know.

In all fairness, that's true of 99.9% of theists. And that's ignoring that there are multiple different religions, some of which are similar but not quite the same.
Then, you are as clearly hypocritical as any other pseudo-Christian who decides whatever they want to believe as opposed to what their god commands them to believe.

I don't understand this comment in light of what I stated. I believe all of the bible, but I understand that not all parts of the bible are meant literally. Genesis 1 is meant to be understood literally, as are chapters 2 and 3. But there is poetry in the psalms that is not literal as well as some of the statements of the prophets and Jesus himself.
In all fairness, that's true of 99.9% of theists. And that's ignoring that there are multiple different religions, some of which are similar but not quite the same.

So atheists believe what they don't want to believe or what they are forced to believe?
also, we don't have the knowledge, experience, and understanding that our future will bring. there is always the probability that what we learn tomorrow will have an effect on what we're trying to interpret today. i think that as far as the bible is concerned, it will all come full circle. we won't understand it completely until the bitter end. and the odds are that all of us won't understand all of it ever. i just don't think it's meant to be that way. i do though see a lot of parallels between the beginning of it (genesis), and the end of it (revelation). for example, the fall of man and the mark of the beast are a lot alike. both i believe to be genetic manipulations, and both induced by the same lie.
I don't understand this comment in light of what I stated. I believe all of the bible, but I understand that not all parts of the bible are meant literally. Genesis 1 is meant to be understood literally, as are chapters 2 and 3. But there is poetry in the psalms that is not literal as well as some of the statements of the prophets and Jesus himself.

It doesn't matter what you want to believe Dan, the bible and your god command you to believe in the bible. This isn't negotiable. Hell would be your end if you don't. Simple, really.
also, we don't have the knowledge, experience, and understanding that our future will bring.

So what? What does that have to do with believing in the bible?

there is always the probability that what we learn tomorrow will have an effect on what we're trying to interpret today.

There is nothing to interpret, the bible is clear in what you are supposed to believe. If you decide otherwise, you are not a Christian.
Enmos-It would be one thing if there was something which pointed to the bible and called it infallibly written. Besides Q, I mean. Maybe I could take him a little bit seriously. Even Q mistranslates verses, and takes them out of context to try and get his gigs in. But I digress.

Anyone have any thoughts on Chapter 4? Cain/Abel/Seth... Brotherly murder in the name of religion...
not just murder... Cain lies to God about comitting the murder! Yet God does not kill Cain! Just kicks him eastward to the land of Nod. Why does the bible mention that turkey Lamech, at all?
Enmos-It would be one thing if there was something which pointed to the bible and called it infallibly written. Besides Q, I mean. Maybe I could take him a little bit seriously. Even Q mistranslates verses, and takes them out of context to try and get his gigs in.

You are a bold faced liar, Sir. How very non-Christian of you.
Q-How astute of you to observe, where'd the women come from? The bible mentions daughters, but genetics has shown that incest turns out poorly. Another reason I have trouble with genesis. Toss out morality pertaining to incest, if Adam and Eve were the first generation, Where did Cain get a wife from? Either a) Unmentioned humans existed, or B) what's closer than a wife, but a wife-sister?
I think most of genesis falls into the "stories told around the fire" category, myself. God may have inspired some or all of them, but I have written plenty of sappy poetry inspired by flowers. It was nice, and superficially accurate, but not really so much. Original sin-to me, is a story. A baby is not born sinful. The day the baby can put together concepts of good and not good, and chooses to do not good, it's innocence is gone. To me, it's all about transgression done deliberately and willfully. "I know God wants me to stay away from the tree, or that's what I've been told, but this guy has a point, and knowledge is always good, right?" That's chapter 3 in a nutshell to me.

Everyone must make a choice as to whether or not to believe the bible or not. Personally, I find the support for its historical narrative and divine inspiration convincing and feel no need to force another to my conclusions.
Just so everyone knows, I don't even have him on ignore anymore. I know he says I'm a bold faced liar, but I'm just insisting we stay within arm's reach of the topic at hand. You are welcome to start a thread abou me being a bold-faced liar, and give evidence of it, Q, but not here.
Everyone must make a choice as to whether or not to believe the bible or not. Personally, I find the support for its historical narrative and divine inspiration convincing and feel no need to force another to my conclusions.

You cannot decide what to believe and what not to believe in the bible, Dan, that is not a choice for you to make. It is a choice your god makes for you if you decide to worship him, and OBEY him.