The christian Bible...

Lori-I'm all for the circle of life. Veggies grow fom dirt. Livestock eats veggies. I eat Livestock. I become dirt. Thus, the veggies used me, and I don't eat things that use me.

me too. i just don't like the abuse. we don't have to abuse and waste and pollute and disrespect. i protest that with my diet. now if someone were to hunt down an animal that had a nice life prior to the hunt and killed it to eat, then i would have no problem with that. then again, i'm not keen on killing...

i don't know! i don't know! a raw vegan diet cures diabetes you know...for real. there's a documentary out right now called raw for 30 days. check it.
Just so every one knows... Q has a hard time thinking of original things. Thus, he demands that all holy books are literal, that he might argue against them better. He's cute when he's blustery like this. Be careful, he might get mad and start typing in ALL CAPS. That will show them, right, Q? Everything he has said in this thread has had 1 part truth 20 parts insult. Don't take him seriously enough to get involved in actual discussion. My advice, every time he offends you with nonsense insults, put him on ignore until you feel better.
Just so every one knows... Q has a hard time thinking of original things. Thus, he demands that all holy books are literal, that he might argue against them better. He's cute when he's blustery like this. Be careful, he might get mad and start typing in ALL CAPS. That will show them, right, Q? Everything he has said in this thread has had 1 part truth 20 parts insult. Don't take him seriously enough to get involved in actual discussion. My advice, every time he offends you with nonsense insults, put him on ignore until you feel better.

Q is the only person in over a decade of discussions here that i've ever put on ignore, and he remains there. i tried, and i gave up. :shrug:
Just so every one knows... Q has a hard time thinking of original things. Thus, he demands that all holy books are literal, that he might argue against them better. He's cute when he's blustery like this. Be careful, he might get mad and start typing in ALL CAPS. That will show them, right, Q? Everything he has said in this thread has had 1 part truth 20 parts insult. Don't take him seriously enough to get involved in actual discussion. My advice, every time he offends you with nonsense insults, put him on ignore until you feel better.

I don't see your point, Hammy. It's clear to anyone that your beliefs have nothing to do with Christianity or the bible but are instead fantasies you've created based on kindergarten fairy tales.

So, why bother?
Q is the only person in over a decade of discussions here that i've ever put on ignore, and he remains there. i tried, and i gave up.

The more they believe in their god fantasies, the more they ignore. :rolleyes:
so, anything else on chapter 3? If not, I'm surprised. Original sin tends to be a BIG DEAL to a lot of people. I'm surprised that some of the more recent attendees to the thread haven't used this opportunity to let us all know exactly how christians are supposed to believe each verse.
Thus, he demands that all holy books are literal, that he might argue against them better.

Clearly, Ham is lying to make his less than ill-informed point. I don't demand anything at all, which I've told you time and again, but I think you're ignorance to that is probably related to your meds, or you're just incredibly ignorant.

It is plain to anyone who has read the bible that gods commands are to be obeyed. As a non-believer, even that is blatantly obvious. But, since you base your entire beliefs on kindergarten fairy tales, rather than the bible which you most likely haven't even opened, it's little wonder you're so ill informed.

The rest of your post is infantile gibberish and not worthy a response.
Lori-It comes across as far more open-minded and intelligent, too. For fun, Respond to whatever question you wish had been asked, and apply it to Q. Q-Good Question. I guess Unicorns and dragons are possible, biblically. It doesn't seem to specify.

See? Wasn't that fun?
so, anything else on chapter 3? If not, I'm surprised. Original sin tends to be a BIG DEAL to a lot of people. I'm surprised that some of the more recent attendees to the thread haven't used this opportunity to let us all know exactly how christians are supposed to believe each verse.

as much as it sucks to suffer, and it certainly does, i think it's served a great purpose for those of us who think so and are willing to learn and to repent. i think a time will come when the curse will be removed, and we'll be restored, and it would be nice if we didn't have to make the same mistake again right?
So, you believe the bible word for word? What parts don't you believe and why?

I don't believe when Jesus said that "I am the door" that he literally meant he was a slab of wood swinging on two hinges. I understand that the bible includes metaphors, poetry and other literary devices. What I believe is that bible is historically accurrate and divinely inspired. I accept its view on astronomy, geology, biology as well as history.