The christian Bible...

wait-so communion is vampirism and cannibalism, literally. bread and grape juice/wine just never made that jump for me. Sitting down and having communion, in memory of his blood shed for you, and eating the bread, in memory of his body broken for you, doesn't induce thoughts of eating and drinking Jesus, literally. Besides, I thought this was at the end of the sabbath day feast, something no churches I know of celebrate, sadly. This is called "majoring in the minors". If you believe the basics, and lump the grail on top of everything, then I'd say this belief is innocuous. If you believe the basics, but only if it's all vampiric cannibalism, then you may want to meditate on what the bible says more, and not so much on speculation.

i think that the bible is kind of "layered" in that i believe it can have different meanings to different people at different times regarding different things. the same scripture can have various different meanings and reveal various things to various people at various times, and that all of those things are true, even though they are not the same at all. in the case of communion, i would think that there is a meaning regarding end times events that is very different from the meaning regarding the crucifixion that took place two thousand years ago.
mynameisdan-check out chaos theory sometime. spooky stuff. tornado hits junkyard, leave behind a perfect, unpainted, functioning 747. Chances are slim, but they exist. If the chance is less than 1 in infinity, then it becomes a good probability if time and space are infinite. If God made man from mud, what the hell are we doing with a poison sack in our abdomen, waiting to go off? Kill switch?
Lori-endtimes events... At least let me get to Daniel or Matthew or Revelation for that. God will end things as he chooses, and things will mean what He meant them to. Our rightness or wrongness will be secondary. There are proponents of different heavenly rewards for different people, based on the talents parable and such, I'm not one of them. I just want to get to Heaven. I don't care if I shovel horseshit all day everyday for eternity. I'll just be trying to catch up with JC for the occasional Latte, maybe me and him can jam out to some awesome music. I'm just not stressing endtimes yet, hon. I'll try to when this thread gets there. If you want to do the endtimes tango now, however, how about a new thread, some references, and I'll come happily talk about things to come with you there.

No thoughts on Genesis Chapter 2, then?
Lori-endtimes events... At least let me get to Daniel or Matthew or Revelation for that. God will end things as he chooses, and things will mean what He meant them to. Our rightness or wrongness will be secondary. There are proponents of different heavenly rewards for different people, based on the talents parable and such, I'm not one of them. I just want to get to Heaven. I don't care if I shovel horseshit all day everyday for eternity. I'll just be trying to catch up with JC for the occasional Latte, maybe me and him can jam out to some awesome music. I'm just not stressing endtimes yet, hon. I'll try to when this thread gets there. If you want to do the endtimes tango now, however, how about a new thread, some references, and I'll come happily talk about things to come with you there.

No thoughts on Genesis Chapter 2, then?

my thoughts are..."on earth as it is in heaven". eternal life, communion with god, knowledge of good and evil, and a conscious choice to abide by his law.
mynameisdan-check out chaos theory sometime. spooky stuff. tornado hits junkyard, leave behind a perfect, unpainted, functioning 747. Chances are slim, but they exist. If the chance is less than 1 in infinity, then it becomes a good probability if time and space are infinite. If God made man from mud, what the hell are we doing with a poison sack in our abdomen, waiting to go off? Kill switch?

the tornado creating a jumbo jet from junk was penned by Sir Fred Hoyle as a complete reversal of his former view that abiogenesis was possible. It is not possible and Hoyle demonstrated this convincinly in this 1983 book The Intelligent Universe. Hoyle did not embrace Christianity but he did reject atheism because the facts do not support it. Of course the last Century's foremost atheist heavy weight philosopher Dr. Antony Flew has also flown the atheist coup.

The point of course is that highly improble events like abiogenesis are not saved by time and an infinite universe. They are simply impossible based upon ALL of the available scientific evidence we have today. Miller Urey experiments were complete failures and all thinking people know this. From all we know, the bibles assertion that "In the beginning, God Created the Heavens and the Earth", is still the best explanation we have for the origin of the Universe and life on earth.
Foreshadowing again-Thought that was upon tossing them out of the garden. Didn't Abel's sheep go for food?

We'll be there before you know it. It's hard to restrain yourself, ya know?
pescitarian-yay seafood, boo other meat? Interesting.

Anyone notice Eve's misquotation of what God said?
mynameisDan-infinity is bigger than you think. I'm of the opinion that our expanding universe is decidedly finite, thus things become impossible at some point. Chances of us figuring out where that really is? Slim to none, given that time is probably not infinite either.
I don't believe that I have to believe in anything except what I have stated, with the exception of the bit about angels, and our purpose. Just so you kitties know where I'm coming from.

Yes, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Clearly, your statement should then be, "I don't believe that I have to believe in anything except what suits my agenda."

Hence, your imagination and the sky are the limit to your beliefs, and to hell with Christianity. Typical. :rolleyes:
mynameisDan-infinity is bigger than you think. I'm of the opinion that our expanding universe is decidedly finite, thus things become impossible at some point. Chances of us figuring out where that really is? Slim to none, given that time is probably not infinite either.

Time is not infinite. The point is that known science (not conjecture) supports the law of biogenesis, Life only comes from prexisting life. This is exactly what the bible teaches. God created life, not time and chance.
pescitarian-yay seafood, boo other meat? Interesting.

Anyone notice Eve's misquotation of what God said?

it doesn't seem like we're as cruel to sea creatures as we are to other animals for consumption prior to slaughter. seems like they have a better life and it's not so commercialized (generally). what we do to animals on this planet is fucking sick. then again, what we do to the oceans to get our seafood is pretty sick too. what we do to the land to get our veggies. you gotta draw the line somewhere i suppose. protest everything and you die.

sorry, off topic a bit.

she was rationalizing.
Time is not infinite. The point is that known science (not conjecture) supports the law of biogenesis, Life only comes from prexisting life. This is exactly what the bible teaches. God created life, not time and chance.

So, you believe the bible word for word? What parts don't you believe and why?
Q-Thanks for your FASCINATING input. What would we do without you. :)

Dan-Biogenesis-Life from life, abiogenesis-life from no life, right? Which one is man out of dirt, woman out of rib. I thought God's big thing was "making something from nothing since infinity and beyond"

Lori-I'm all for the circle of life. Veggies grow fom dirt. Livestock eats veggies. I eat Livestock. I become dirt. Thus, the veggies used me, and I don't eat things that use me.

back to topic

God didn't tell her specifically, Adam did. I'm sure you have had some guy explain something to you which he thought was of little notice, and you found out later it was vital. Adam was kind of dumb about that whole exchange.