The christian Bible...

azriel-34 posts and banned. VERY interesting. Are there any currently banned atheists? Just curious whose sock you are.

swarm-see enmos's post

enmos-that's right.
Read Matthew chapters 7-8. Matt. 8:11,12
Many will come from the East and the West and sit at the feast in the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and then the subjects of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I don't know what church you're going to but that doesn't sound saved to me.

11 And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world—from east and west—and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. 12 But many Israelites—those for whom the Kingdom was prepared—will be thrown into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Jesus says that many Gentiles will make it into heaven, but many Israelites will be thrown in "hell". Not "the subjects of the kingdom"

Bottom line, in context Jesus is saying that many people who the world thought were unworthy of heaven will be worthy. And on the other side of the coin, many people who the world thought were worthy of heaven will be unworthy. In other words, don't judge because most people don't know shit.
no, i'm not joking. you know, drinking the blood of christ...the blood goes into the cup, i think is representative of the body of christ, his church. i don't really know how christ's blood will get into his bride, but the religious ceremony of communion seems vampiristic.
no, i'm not joking. you know, drinking the blood of christ...the blood goes into the cup, i think is representative of the body of christ, his church. i don't really know how christ's blood will get into his bride, but the religious ceremony of communion seems vampiristic.

Do they actually drink blood ? No.
So how is it vampiristic ?
no, i'm not joking. you know, drinking the blood of christ...the blood goes into the cup, i think is representative of the body of christ, his church. i don't really know how christ's blood will get into his bride, but the religious ceremony of communion seems vampiristic.

If you read the Bible, you would know that Jesus asked the disciples to perform this ritual in memory of him. Jesus knew he was going to die, and used the bread and wine as representations, only as a euphamism. The point he was hoping people would remember is not of drinking blood, but of receiving salvation by his sacrifice of blood.

Communion is performed, not to drink a represented cup of blood, but a cup of salvation through the blood of Christ. You are taking "this is my blood..." out of context and too literally. Jesus hardly spoke straight up.

Now, I might agree with your point if you said God was a vampire, because it is written that God demands the sacrifice of blood to erase sin.
well, this is what i think...

the cup (the holy grail) is a vessel. the body is a vessel. the body of christ also means the church. the church is his bride. i think that the communion ritual represents a time when the perfected blood of christ will enter the body of christ (his church) and this will perpetuate an eternal millenial kingdom of our lord jesus. it's the secret of the holy grail.
Do they actually drink blood ? No.
So how is it vampiristic ?

well, based upon my post above, don't you think that the ritual of communion has vampiristic overtones? especially when the outcome is eternal life? think about it for a minute. it definitely does. so then, is vampirism evil? even if i didn't bring up this whole holy grail theory, to say that it is, is really arbitrary.
I think it is nonsense. It's just symbolism.
And vampires don't exist..

Unless you are talking about these critters:

well, this is what i think...

the cup (the holy grail) is a vessel. the body is a vessel. the body of christ also means the church. the church is his bride. i think that the communion ritual represents a time when the perfected blood of christ will enter the body of christ (his church) and this will perpetuate an eternal millenial kingdom of our lord jesus. it's the secret of the holy grail. context of scripture, communion is not that, but if Jesus were alive today, he'd probably agree with you.

This is one reason I don't think modern Christianity is on track, and makes me think either the Bible is wrong and right and God exists, or God doesn't exist and the Bible is just mythological. From my experience, I choose the latter.
I think it is nonsense. It's just symbolism.
And vampires don't exist..

Unless you are talking about these critters:


you can't verify that. and symbolism is supposed to mean something. i don't think that the ceremony of communion is meaningless. it represents a means of bringing the communion that we had with god in the garden of eden back.

it's why he gave us a christ. to restore that relationship. context of scripture, communion is not that, but if Jesus were alive today, he'd probably agree with you.

This is one reason I don't think modern Christianity is on track, and makes me think either the Bible is wrong and right and God exists, or God doesn't exist and the Bible is just mythological. From my experience, I choose the latter.

yeah, i think that for the purpose of malintent, people have used the bible for a religion, not for what it's meant. and even those with good intentions have closed minds. ever since christ died the religious have tried to own him, and i dare say they are in for a rude awakening upon his return. ha ha i can't wait.
wait-so communion is vampirism and cannibalism, literally. bread and grape juice/wine just never made that jump for me. Sitting down and having communion, in memory of his blood shed for you, and eating the bread, in memory of his body broken for you, doesn't induce thoughts of eating and drinking Jesus, literally. Besides, I thought this was at the end of the sabbath day feast, something no churches I know of celebrate, sadly. This is called "majoring in the minors". If you believe the basics, and lump the grail on top of everything, then I'd say this belief is innocuous. If you believe the basics, but only if it's all vampiric cannibalism, then you may want to meditate on what the bible says more, and not so much on speculation.
you can't verify that. and symbolism is supposed to mean something. i don't think that the ceremony of communion is meaningless. it represents a means of bringing the communion that we had with god in the garden of eden back.

it's why he gave us a christ. to restore that relationship.

I can't verify what ? That vampires don't exist ?

You can't verify that they do exist either.
More creatures who's non-existence can't be verified are:
And countless more.
Should I believe in all of them ?
I can't verify what ? That vampires don't exist ?

You can't verify that they do exist either.
More creatures who's non-existence can't be verified are:
And countless more.
Should I believe in all of them ?

no, you just can't say that they don't exist because you don't know for sure.
A first cause doesn't have to be anything particularly meaningful. I don't know how my car works, but something must bring it to life, and I will call that thing the Key. Well, everyone knows the key is just incidental to how an internal combustion engine works.

this analogy bears no resemblance to the simple and obvious argument that everything which has a beginning has a cause. The existance of an automobile bears testimony to its beginning. It was designed and created by an intelligent source, so was the key.
Enmos-there are those who believe that communion is the method to salvation, which is no sillier, to me, to believing that no-one is saved without being dunked in water, which is a quiet belief of a large protestant portion of christianity. Lori tastes like something close to catholicism, to me, though. Catholics believe many interesting things which I don't attempt to understand. If they believe that some ritual is required of them for salvation, so be it. Not a burden I can dance with, myself.

No comments on chapter 2? Where are the atheists? Adam's father was dirt. Nobody caught that? Eden as a historical place? No rains, just mist from the Earth? Eve is Adam's rib? It begs to be picked apart. How disappointing.

Skinwalker-Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. If you didn't like me seperating each post individually, tell me what would be better, and how to do it. The last 2 posts could have joined, but they were absolutely seperate from the previous three, which could have joined. Sometimes I think of things later, ya know?