The christian Bible...

Enmos-My first knowledge of George Washington was that he cut down a cherry tree and admitted it. If that is false, why should I believe anything told to me about George Washington?
Well that is kind of vague.. can you get into a bit more detail ?

well, if i were to speculate, i would say that his purpose would involve eternal life. a creation that enters into it voluntarily and with knowledge of good and evil with the consequences being life and death, developing an understanding within it that law and the consequences of it are perfect and always work for the greater good, thereby convincing the creation to adhere to it always and voluntarily. my opinion is that right now creation is in a dark age, due to this infliction we call sin and the consequences of it being so unavoidable. with it inherently instilled in us like some birth defect we suffer. we experience both the consequence of good and of evil and learn the difference. i think we'll be delivered from this defect through a perfected bloodline...genetically by blood we will be saved (the blood of christ), and without sin we will live for eternity.
Enmos-My first knowledge of George Washington was that he cut down a cherry tree and admitted it. If that is false, why should I believe anything told to me about George Washington?

No you got that backwards. If I told you about the cherry tree among other things about George Washington, and the story about the cherry tree turns out to be a lie why would you believe any of the other stories I told you about him ?
Not for me, anyway, that was personally accurate as I stated it, but you got the substance. Why should I?
Not for me, anyway, that was personally accurate as I stated it, but you got the substance. Why should I?

No you misunderstand. I'm saying that you should be critical of a source that has told you lies or inaccuracies.
I am not saying that you should dismiss all sources that talk about the subject.
well, if i were to speculate, i would say that his purpose would involve eternal life.
a creation that enters into it voluntarily and with knowledge of good and evil with the consequences being life and death, developing an understanding within it that law and the consequences of it are perfect and always work for the greater good, thereby convincing the creation to adhere to it always and voluntarily.
my opinion is that right now creation is in a dark age, due to this infliction we call sin and the consequences of it being so unavoidable.
with it inherently instilled in us like some birth defect we suffer.
we experience both the consequence of good and of evil and learn the difference.
i think we'll be delivered from this defect through a perfected bloodline...genetically by blood we will be saved (the blood of christ), and without sin we will live for eternity.
Uh ok, but I simply asked you what teachings you use the bible for.
Enmos-define critical. My dad told me about Santa Claus until I nailed him on it when I was four. Should I disbelieve him about walking across the street AFTER looking both ways?
well, it just seems like so many times people talk about god as if he's some human, or an old dude wheeling planets and lightning bolts around in the sky, and like what he does is magic, and i don't think that he's anything remotely like that and i don't believe in magic.

How can someone believe in God, yet not magic? If you believe God exists, what do you call extraoridnary events that are supposedly the act of God?

I define magic as a paranormal event and a paranormal event as anything outside the normal laws of physics.

But, I don't believe in magic or the paranormal, so I don't believe in God. I find it interesting to entertain the ideas of these things, but still don't believe.
Huh ? I don't see how that says anything about you using the bible to teach something.

OOOHHHH. no, not ME using the bible to teach something, but the holy spirit of god using the bible to teach me something. he's used the bible and lots of other things, including people and forum. but it's all biblical, or relating to the bible. it's been like an interactive experience with me, and i think that it's supposed to be that way for everyone, not just some textbook.
This Christian Bible is generally a book filled with ethics, rhetoric, other philosophies, and myths. It teaches a way to live your life.
OOOHHHH. no, not ME using the bible to teach something, but the holy spirit of god using the bible to teach me something. he's used the bible and lots of other things, including people and forum. but it's all biblical, or relating to the bible. it's been like an interactive experience with me, and i think that it's supposed to be that way for everyone, not just some textbook.

Sorry, but the holy spirit is not reading the bible to you at bedtime, right ?
YOU are reading the bible. And YOU interpret it.
True, but it is a unique collection of value to a select group of people who are not able to define a system of morals and beliefs themselves. Not completely new (some of it is even copied), but it is a different way of life that some people need, and others shouldn't have.
How can someone believe in God, yet not magic? If you believe God exists, what do you call extraoridnary events that are supposedly the act of God?

I define magic as a paranormal event and a paranormal event as anything outside the normal laws of physics.

But, I don't believe in magic or the paranormal, so I don't believe in God. I find it interesting to entertain the ideas of these things, but still don't believe.

nothing is outside the law. we just haven't discovered or understand all of it.
Sorry, but the holy spirit is not reading the bible to you at bedtime, right ?
YOU are reading the bible. And YOU interpret it.

i sure as hell did not get those ideas from just reading the bible. it's been so much more complicated and trippy than that. dude, i've had some fucked up experiences. some that just about caused me to lose my mind. ok, that did, but those experiences served a purpose, i'm a lot better off for it now, and it is also obvious to me that what i've experienced is validated in the scripture.
