The christian Bible...

It's not bullshit at all.
Children who are raised in a religious environment are predisposed to religion and are almost certain to be believers in the same religion as their parents and they are FAR more likely to be believers later in life than people from non-religious environments.
Of course they have a choice later in life but the "damage" has already been done.

are you sure? because everyone i know that's been raised in some religious household, including my own exposure to it at a young age, has rejected it, thank god. how could you not? it's so ridiculous. most people are so turned off by it that they run from it as soon as they hit 18 years of age and can. i think that most people who fill the church pews on sunday morning are stupid enough to think that's what will "get them to heaven". i mean, how mindless do you really need to be to become indoctrinated? to believe something just because someone else does or tells you that's what you should do? morons.
I am sure. Obviously people choose their friends, so did you.
How mindless ? As mindless as a little kid. Little children have no defense against indoctrination.
I am sure. Obviously people choose their friends, so did you.
How mindless ? As mindless as a little kid. Little children have no defense against indoctrination.

little kids grow up. are you saying that people have no responsibility for their own beliefs or actions? come on. everything is somebody else's fault? no...
But they all revolve around the same basic subject; God.
If you reject the key elements of God in the bible, how can you not reject the notion of God itself ?

I take it all books on photography are the same?

Also, What key elements? The things which prop up my beliefs are pretty unbiblical, to be honest with you. I believe that free will means we have a choice. To choose to believe God exists is one choice. To believe God made a worldwide flood is a different, seperate choice. You choose to not believe in God. I'm cool with that. I will be sad if I'm right and you're not, and indifferent if you're right and I'm not. Present me with what you consider to be the key elements of God and I'll discuss them with you.
Finally, Try to keep in mind... The Bible is a COLLECTION OF WRITINGS!!!!! It's less a book than a library. Some individual books are thought to have multiple authors-Isaiah, and Psalms being prime examples. Some books are thought to have been dictated, Paul's writings. It's commonly thought the first 5 books of the OT were written by Moses, or at his direction. This "It's all or nothing" drivel is weak garbage. The only reason you don't think so stems from the fact that you haven't done any study of the bible yourself.

My ex-pastors, who have studied the Bible, disagree with you. Their whole argument is that all of the Bible supports itself. "If you don't understand something, then keep reading...scripture will support itself..."

Now, from my own study, I see what they are saying. But, sometimes the arguments are very weak in the Bible to keep the scripture you have questions about afloat. So, you would say I don't understand it yet. Well, who does? Not only does the Bible have a translation problem, but there is no authority living today that can support the writings as truth...either in Genesis or in Revelations.

The bottom line is this: if you believe in God, but recognize the Bible has fault, then you are safe. But, if you believe in God, and demand the Bible is truth because you believe you have something figured out in scripture, you run the risk of pride and prejudice. If you don't believe in God, but recognize the Bible might be true if there were a God, you are agnostic. If you don't believe in God, and also that the Bible is fiction, you are atheist.

The most dangerous person is one who believes in God AND that the Bible is all true. If you do not believe this, then you have not been working for a church. My ex-pastor's wife (and the pastor himself somewhat) are dangerous people...mostly to Christians. They are good people, who have helped me and many others, but they are a double edged sword. Because of their unwavering faith, they hindered the the church body and hurt people who were "pouring oil on Christ" like Mary did to Jesus. And that is where I realized that if you believe you have it all figured out, I guarauntee you are wrong.

It is too painful for me to have unreasonable and blind faith. The life is too hard to live to have faith in a silent God because you find yourself lying to yourself. And I don't want to hear about how God spoke to you either because I read the story in the Bible where Gideon continually doubted it was God he was hearing.

36 Then Gideon said to God, “If you are truly going to use me to rescue Israel as you promised, 37 prove it to me in this way. I will put a wool fleece on the threshing floor tonight. If the fleece is wet with dew in the morning but the ground is dry, then I will know that you are going to help me rescue Israel as you promised.” 38 And that is just what happened. When Gideon got up early the next morning, he squeezed the fleece and wrung out a whole bowlful of water.

39 Then Gideon said to God, “Please don’t be angry with me, but let me make one more request. Let me use the fleece for one more test. This time let the fleece remain dry while the ground around it is wet with dew.” 40 So that night God did as Gideon asked. The fleece was dry in the morning, but the ground was covered with dew.

If God did that for this man, why not me when I was a believer for many years? There is no excuse that anyone can give, so don't be foolish and say something like "all in God's timing" or "if it's God's will" or "you didn't pray right". All that bullcrap is a man-made excuse. If you believe in God, you believe that he lives (and you think you even feel his presence) and will not let his sheep go astray when they ask for the glory of God's kingdom.

Either God doesn't exist, or the Bible is false sometimes. But, no one is qualified to say which parts are true or false. That is the point of this rambling that you did not hear the first time I said it.
little kids grow up. are you saying that people have no responsibility for their own beliefs or actions? come on. everything is somebody else's fault? no...

Most people that grow up with a religious upbringing remain religious.
jayleew-I have been run out of 4 baptist churches for believing what I believe. I think you have hit the nail on the head. The thoughtful christian has to admit that christianity is just a good bet. I think Satan considers mindless literalist fundamentalist christians to be some of his greatest assets. I tend to rail against them far worse than I do at Atheists. They have turned off their brains, Atheists just have a different opinion.
I take it all books on photography are the same?
They all revolve around the same basic subject, yes.
Other than that you can't really use that as an analogy because camera's are know to exist beyond any doubt.

Also, What key elements? The things which prop up my beliefs are pretty unbiblical, to be honest with you. I believe that free will means we have a choice. To choose to believe God exists is one choice. To believe God made a worldwide flood is a different, seperate choice. You choose to not believe in God. I'm cool with that. I will be sad if I'm right and you're not, and indifferent if you're right and I'm not. Present me with what you consider to be the key elements of God and I'll discuss them with you.
Do you believe that God created the Earth and heavens etc including animals and plants ?
Do you believe that Adam and Eve we're created by God as the first humans on Earth ?
Do you believe that God has brought on the Great Flood ?
Do you believe that God has impregnated virgin Mary and that Jesus was his "son".
Do you believe that God carved out the ten commandments ?
Do you believe that the God of the Old testament is the God of the new testament ?
Most people that grow up with pet dogs want to own dogs as adults. Indoctrination is unavoidable, unless we socialize childcare like the Nazis.
Most people that grow up with a religious upbringing remain religious.

most people are stupid mindless drones who question nothing because they're too busy jacking off, eating junk food, doing drugs, and watching tv.
i mean who can't see through religion? honestly? well sadly enough the answer is...lots of people! and it's both sides. the religious buy it, and the atheists buy it just as much, because it's their arguement. no one wants to have to use their brains, open their mind and their heart. no one wants the truth. they just want to make it through in comfort.
i mean who can't see through religion? honestly? well sadly enough the answer is...lots of people! and it's both sides. the religious buy it, and the atheists buy it just as much, because it's their arguement. no one wants to have to use their brains, open their mind and their heart. no one wants the truth. they just want to make it through in comfort.

Huh ? Atheists buy it because it's their argument ? lol No.
They all revolve around the same basic subject, yes.
Other than that you can't really use that as an analogy because camera's are know to exist beyond any doubt.

You answered the wrong question. Do all books on photography say the same things about photography? The existence of photography is known, so you'd think there would just be one book on it.

Do you believe that God created the Earth and heavens etc including animals and plants ? Yes
Do you believe that Adam and Eve we're created by God as the first humans on Earth ? Yes
Do you believe that God has brought on the Great Flood ? Yes
Do you believe that God has impregnated virgin Mary and that Jesus was his "son". Yes
Do you believe that God carved out the ten commandments ? Yes
Do you believe that the God of the Old testament is the God of the new testament ?

To be fair, I simply answered Yes or No. I didn't explain any of it from what I believe or why. I would like to point out that I do not blieve these are necessary for salvation, either. :p
but all it really takes is some common sense, an open heart, and some intentions that are good and honest to see that jesus had it going on, and he still does.

Sorry Lori, but if all it took was common sense and good intentions, there would be no religions. However, if you're going to be a Christian, you have to tow the Christian line and that means obeying god and the bible. Anything else is just faking it.

I would like to point out that I do not blieve these are necessary for salvation, either.

It doesn't matter what you personally believe about gaining salvation, that's not what the bible states. Salvation comes from worshiping and obeying god and his commands. Hell will be your destiny if you don't, plain and simple.
Most people that grow up with pet dogs want to own dogs as adults. Indoctrination is unavoidable, unless we socialize childcare like the Nazis.

Indoctrination is only unavoidable for those children whose parents do not allow them to think for themselves, and tell them what to believe and what not to believe. It has nothing to do with dogs.
Huh ? Atheists buy it because it's their argument ? lol No.

oh now, i have heard so many people defend their atheism by referencing the stupidity of religion. so if that's the case, they buy it as much as the theists.

what would happen if they say to themselves, the religious have it all wrong?
i like to call it "throwing the baby jesus out with the bathwater".
jayleew-I have been run out of 4 baptist churches for believing what I believe.

Of course, you are a blasphemer as you don't obey gods commands.

The thoughtful christian has to admit that christianity is just a good bet. I think Satan considers mindless literalist fundamentalist christians to be some of his greatest assets. I tend to rail against them far worse than I do at Atheists. They have turned off their brains, Atheists just have a different opinion.

You are no Christian, then. You've made up your own religion which has nothing to do with Christianity.