The Broad Brush? Women and Men; Prejudice and Necessity

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Bells said:
Are you of the belief that male erection and ejaculation is only indicative of pleasure? Or being turned on?

Bells said:
Note the running theme.. They aren't raping because they are horny.
Do you completely disagree with Jerry Coyne then?

"It is true that in recent decades the discussion of rape has been dominated by such notions, though one must remember that they originated not as scientific propositions but as political slogans deemed necessary to reverse popular misconceptions about rape."—Jerry Coyne

Why can't you just admit that the popular feminist slogan that 'rape is not about sex, but power' is only partially true? You don’t think that there are plenty rapists who use violence as a tool to force a non-consenting person to have sex?

Bells said:
Also.. Re Rodger..

If a guy wrote a manifesto like Rodger and instead of "women", he wrote Jews. And he rants and raves in the same way that Rodger raves about women, only he's doing it towards Jews.. And then one day, he takes some guns and tries to enter a Synagogue and then when he can't, goes out and simply shoots whomever he can. Is he anti-Semitic? Or is he just afraid of Jews and hates Christians more than he hates Jews because the people he does end up killing are Christians? When the anti-Semitic shooter went to a Jewish hall and shot and killed two Christian people outside, who were walking towards the hall for a talent show, and then got into his car and drove to a Jewish run old people's home and shot dead a young woman outside.. Would you claim he did not hate Jews because he killed more Christians instead of Jews?

Could you answer that please?

Elliot Rodger was a misogynist but is that all he was?

You have my apologies - I missed that

The comparative method is extremely useful. It uses natural variation and disparity to understand the patterns of life at all levels—from genes to communities—and the critical role of organisms in ecosystems.

Comparative biology: What we didn't know about penis anatomy

No one said that it was "all about sex". They’re saying that the sexual dimension of rape is painfully obvious, err!

"Given that rapists, in most reported cases, are sexually aroused and often reach orgasm, and that some convicted rapists admit to erotic motives, it is hard to disagree with Thornhill's and Palmer's claim that rape is at least partly a sexual act. But this claim is hardly new. Indeed, the sexual dimension of rape is painfully obvious. But Thornhill and Palmer assert that "academic feminists and sociologists" have consistently denied any sexual motivation for rape, insisting instead that "rape is not about sex, but about violence and power." It is true that in recent decades the discussion of rape has been dominated by such notions, though one must remember that they originated not as scientific propositions but as political slogans deemed necessary to reverse popular misconceptions about rape."

Of course there is a sexual motive in many cases of rape... if it was purely about abuse or control or power, they'd just beat the hell out of them instead and it'd be called assault and battery. The point is, though, that the comments being made in this thread about rape being all about having sex (such as by GeoffP) are absolute bupkis.
You have my apologies - I missed that

Of course there is a sexual motive in many cases of rape... if it was purely about abuse or control or power, they'd just beat the hell out of them instead and it'd be called assault and battery. The point is, though, that the comments being made in this thread about rape being all about having sex (such as by GeoffP) are absolute bupkis.

Where did GeoffP say that rape was only about having sex? Link, please.
So you agree that erection and ejaculation is not always connected to "sex"?

Do you completely disagree with Jerry Coyne then?

"It is true that in recent decades the discussion of rape has been dominated by such notions, though one must remember that they originated not as scientific propositions but as political slogans deemed necessary to reverse popular misconceptions about rape."—Jerry Coyne

Why can't you just admit that the popular feminist slogan that 'rape is not about sex, but power' is only partially true? You don’t think that there are plenty rapists who use violence as a tool to force a non-consenting person to have sex?
And why can't you just admit that all evidence about rapists point to the contrary. And by evidence about rapists, I mean studies conducted about rapists, using rapists and non-rapists as subjects and all those studies point to power, dominance, control being the main motivating factors for rape?

I get it, there is this underlying theme in this thread that feminists are bad, must be wrong, must be out to get men, etc.. And in arguing along those lines, I've seen people using a book that was so widely discredited because it was so unscientific and because as Coyne advised, the studies and what the authors relied on was flawed from the outset and the only way they could get the results they did was to play around with the studies.

There is also the fact that most of the studies that point to it being about sex rarely use actual rapists.. Do I think that rapists use violence as a tool to force others to have sex? Well duh! But what is the motivating factor behind it? The desire to have sex? Or something else? What goes on during the actual rape? How do rapists communicate with their victims? How do the victims feel during their rape? Why are rapists found to be more responsive to recordings of humiliation sex/rape in a non-consensual setting than non-rapists? What's the driving force behind that? What are they getting more out of? Just the sex? Or the humiliation and control of the rape scenario? When the soldiers fighting under Pinochet stuck live rats up women's vagina's, was it for their sexual gratification? Or was it primarily to control and humiliate the women held in those camps? Rape is about a rapist taking away any control the victim has over their own bodies. That is what rape is. And people want to declare that it has to be something else? So much so that one declared that rape isn't even the right term to describe it because it had to be something else? See, I don't get this desire to change the language or even the terminology. One day, I'll want to know what drives the desire to call it something else, to diminish it to be something else. But not today. Anywho..

Groth, for example, in studies involving actual rapists found the motivator was power, humiliation, control, subjugation. And he has conducted multiple studies on actual rapists. He is also the one who classified types of rapists, those classifications are still used today around the world.

So who is more believable? Two guys who studied scorpion flies? Or the guy (and others) who spent years studying hundreds of convicted rapists? I rather stick with what scientists who studied actual rapists found, instead of two blokes who spent a large chunk of their time whining about feminists, stating that women have to adopt strategies to prevent themselves from being raped or being attractive to rapists - to the point of suggesting that how a woman dresses factors in to whether she is raped or not and who 'use sleights of hand' with studies to support their contention and who completely disregard that not all rape victims are young and attractive women in their theory, or the other guy who whines about the fact that women who are too drunk or unconscious and thus, cannot consent to sex, is now classified as rape.. Yeah. I rather stick with the real scientists, thanks. :)

Elliot Rodger was a misogynist but is that all he was?
No one said that was the case. But what was the motivation that led him to the sorority house to kill as many "sluts" as he could? I guess it comes down to how many times did he have to say he wanted to kill women before anyone actually believes him?

They arrested another guy today, who threatened to do what Elliot was foiled in doing. And that was to kill more women.

So I'll ask again.. If a person writes a manifesto like Rodgers and instead of women, makes it about Jews and how he wants to kill all Jews, and then goes on a shooting rampage but ends up killing more Christians because he was unable to get inside a crowded Synagogue, is his motivation for his crime his anti-semitism? Or something else?
Bells said:
So you agree that erection and ejaculation is not always connected to "sex"?

I already answered that.

Bells said:
And why can't you just admit that all evidence about rapists point to the contrary. And by evidence about rapists, I mean studies conducted about rapists, using rapists and non-rapists as subjects and all those studies point to power, dominance, and control being the main motivating factors for rape?

Because Coyne is right, it’s painfully obvious.

Bells said:
I get it, there is this underlying theme in this thread that feminists are bad, must be wrong, must be out to get men, etc.

No, the underlying theme is your abusive and dishonest behavior.

Bells said:
Yeah. I rather stick with the real scientists, thanks

Groth is a psychologist.

Bells said:
So I'll ask again.. If a person writes a manifesto like Rodgers and instead of women, makes it about Jews and how he wants to kill all Jews, and then goes on a shooting rampage but ends up killing more Christians because he was unable to get inside a crowded Synagogue, is his motivation for his crime his anti-semitism? Or something else?

Did this hypothetical person of yours state that he hated and wanted to kill Christians, as well?

Elliot Rodgers admitted to hating men and women. He fantasized about killing both men and women. He was not only a misogynist, but a misanthropist, and mentally ill.
(Insert Title Here)

Capracus said:

Ownership? He never expressed the desire to own women, only to have their willing love and respect.

You don't understand ownership culture, do you?

He wasn't rewarded with a woman; the women he wanted "willing love and respect" from were prizes to him. Something to be won for his performance and perfection. This is a symptom of ownership culture.

Basically, ownership culture is a widely-practiced set of ideas and behaviors tacitly or explicitly expressed, in which one person or group of people assert ownership or other fundamental governance over other people.

In the Gay Fray, ownership culture emerged in such statements as, "No daughter/son of mine ....!" And, in truth, this isn't much different from the statistically normal from the more traditional, heterosexual version that so many from my generation remember: "No daughter of mine is gonna marry a nigger/kike/wetback/dago/&c."


A modern expression celebrated among some social conservatives is the "Purity Ball", in which fathers pledge to "cover" their daughters sexually. Or, as I put it in 2008:

The unregulated sexual property: It seems incomparably creepy to me to imagine ever saying to my daughter, “You will only have sex with people whom I approve of!”

Social differentiation includes a pretty straightforward result: It is not healthy to integrate sexual socialization between generations within a family unit.

Generally speaking, it is not healthy for adults to pursue children for sexual purposes, nor vice versa. However, when that adult-child orbit occurs within a family unit, the harm potential increases by orders of magnitude.

And we see in the conservative outlook even more ownership of women tacitly asserted. What takes place inside her body is apparently subject to all sorts of other people's approval, be it the state, a parent, a spouse or partner, or some random church down the road.

Furthermore, as we are periodically reminded, there are plenty who still think of women in a context derived from coverture, such as Dick Black, the former military prosecutor who thinks rape is natural, and has publicly argued that a man cannot rape his wife. Underpinning both of those arguments is ownership culture that manifests in a man's claim to sexual rights over a woman's body.

I am sometimes puzzled by such propositions as, "He never expressed the desire to own women, only to have their willing love and respect". You might as well try to tell me it's not rape if he told her how much he loves her because her eyes said yes.

Think of what our world would be like if human beings were so straightforward and explicit as your proposition demands.

Indeed, things would never have gone so far as they have.
Where did GeoffP say that rape was only about having sex? Link, please.

His continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers study, which seem to indicate rape is primarily sexually motivated, implies such a statement. As for him actually saying it outright, I will re-read through the thread and get back to you on that; if I am mistaken, then I do apologize.
His continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers study, which seem to indicate rape is primarily sexually motivated, implies such a statement. As for him actually saying it outright, I will re-read through the thread and get back to you on that; if I am mistaken, then I do apologize.

I should think you damn well should, Kitta. Are you usually in the habit of believing something because Bells said it? And the continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers is from Bells, not me. Not once have I ever said that I accept the position that sexual assault is entirely genetic or biological. I'm a statistical geneticist. It is inimical to suggest a single source for any effect, and it is ridiculous of Sarkoja up there - backed up firmly by the likes of Tal Hajus - to claim I said or thought anything of the kind. It's even more ridiculous when the idiot can convince other people on the basis of invective. In fact, I don't even know that Thornhill and Palmer suggested that it was entirely genetic; again, it's an inimical statement to a statistical geneticist. Jesus Christ. I triple give up. I dare you, Bells, and Tiassa to locate this statement of mine; tell you what - if you can find it, I'll happily resign permanently from the forum. If you can't, how about whoever takes the challenge just step down? :) That seems fair, in the case of such an obvious faux-pas of mine, doesn't it? Of course... I understand if you're all too scared to try me on this. Discretion the better part and all that. (But really: Tsk tsk. No courage of ill convictions?)

Oh, and that study Bells cited with a total n = 20 would have nowhere near the power to pick up any atavistic impulses like the ones I'm describing. It's a pilot study at best. Twenty people might pick up the majority effect - social power issues - but not some residual biological promoter in a threshold system. Come on. If you don't understand the concepts, stay out.
Of course there is a sexual motive in many cases of rape... if it was purely about abuse or control or power, they'd just beat the hell out of them instead and it'd be called assault and battery. The point is, though, that the comments being made in this thread about rape being all about having sex (such as by GeoffP) are absolute bupkis.

Ironically, this is true.

And that's Bells making that assertion about the counterproposal. When she's not cooking up rapey scenarios about me herself, mind. But, on SF, that's all okay.
"It is true that in recent decades the discussion of rape has been dominated by such notions, though one must remember that they originated not as scientific propositions but as political slogans deemed necessary to reverse popular misconceptions about rape."—Jerry Coyne

Why can't you just admit that the popular feminist slogan that 'rape is not about sex, but power' is only partially true? You don’t think that there are plenty rapists who use violence as a tool to force a non-consenting person to have sex?

Coyne's warning is between the lines in that paragraph: people do talk about evolutionary psychology, and we've all heard the imprecations about it in lecture, ages ago. And he's right - stay away, because it's perilous, because of the rabid types, and because psychology itself is a cloud over animal impulse, as it should be. (That being said, it seems more likely that human psychology has selected against those impulses - and not for them, as Bells thinks - as the 'genes of our better natures'.) But are all the promoting factors completely gone? That's what I wonder, and what I've been trying to get across to the dunderheads.
I already answered that.
You did?.. Interesting.

Because Coyne is right, it’s painfully obvious.
As I said, I rather believe the people who have studied actual rapists.

No, the underlying theme is your abusive and dishonest behavior.
So you are arguing the rape not about power and control because of who you are arguing against?

Got it, thank you. See, we already knew that. We were curious as to how low some of you would go because of who you were arguing against. You've made it abundantly clear just how low you would go.

Groth is a psychologist.
And this makes his research less scientific? Ann Wolbert Burgess is a psychiatrist and his co-author and has written several works herself after years and years studying rape and rapists and child abusers and pedophiles. Is she not a scientist in your eyes? Lynda Lytle Holmstrom also, a co-author in many of the studies and books listed above, is a sociobiologist, is she not enough of a scientist to qualify and yes, she has also spent years studying rapists, rape and rape victims. I mean he (Groth) spent years and years studying rape and rapists, conducting various studies and considering he is the one who quite literally wrote the book on the classification of rape and rapists, not to mention child abusers, are you claiming his findings are not scientific? I suppose it's better to listen to a psychologist like Pinker who did not study rape and rapists for his opinion on rape and rapists and feminists and women?

You'd best start contacting law enforcement and all universities and colleges around the world, since Groth's research and his findings still sets the standard about the typology of rape and rapists, and tell them it's really about sex.

Does it make the research of the others who studied the responses of convicted rapists and non-rapists to sexual stimuli and who found that the rapists were the ones who responded to humiliation of the victim to be less scientific? Or do you think that studying scorpion flies gives a better understanding of rapists instead of studying rapists themselves?

Is the geneticist and others in his field and in the field of biology who correctly point out that there is no rape gene and no evidence of there having been a rape gene less scientific because they aren't buying into the sociobiology of Palmer and Thornhill and their ilk?

See, one of the most telling things about the sociobiologists and psychologists who have tried to argue about rape being sexual and having a biological trigger is that their biggest gripe in their written works is always against feminists and they always, always start going on about how women should somehow be preventing their own rapes by making themselves less appealing to their rapists by how they behave and how they dress. We often see that in rape apologists. Your constant parroting of their works and quoting their works .. Let me guess, it's because of who you are arguing against? Or do you actually believe as they do that men, women and children (regardless of age) bear some responsibility in making themselves less attractive to their rapist?

And those scientists who are studying rapists and looking at what they find arousing? Well, what would they know! Best to just blame it all on feminists and how feminists have forced society to deem women being too drunk or unconscious and thus, not able to consent, to be rape than to look at what actual rapists respond to.

When a person feels powerless in regard to controlling his life, he can defend against the discomfort of such an experience by asserting control over someone else.” - Nicholas Groth

Yeah, I get it, it's because of who you are arguing against. Which makes the responses of some of you in this thread even more craven and despicable.

Did this hypothetical person of yours state that he hated and wanted to kill Christians, as well?

Elliot Rodgers admitted to hating men and women. He fantasized about killing both men and women. He was not only a misogynist, but a misanthropist, and mentally ill.
As I said, if the manifesto was exactly the same, but instead of women, it was Jews. Would you still be splitting hairs?

I get it, it's all because of who you are arguing against. Because at some point in the future, you and others are going to have to look back on all of this and try to defend your stance and if all you are going to go on is 'no, the underlying theme is your abusive and dishonest behavior', then it's not really much by way of an excuse.

Rodger wanted to kill men because they had what he wanted and what he felt was his right to own and have. And that is beautiful blonde women. His killing the men he killed was simply because he was left with no other choice after he was unable to gain access to the inside of the sorority house. Since that was his primary target, which he explained often enough in his manifesto and his videos. The most popular sorority house full of the very women he could not own because they would not give him what he felt was his due. I wonder, if he had been able to get inside that sorority house, whether you'd still be singing the same tune because of who you are arguing against in this thread..
¡How Dare You Not Be Meek!

Bells said:

So you are arguing the rape not about power and control because of who you are arguing against?

Got it, thank you. See, we already knew that. We were curious as to how low some of you would go because of who you were arguing against. You've made it abundantly clear just how low you would go.

Remember that in the nineties the caveman theory of masculinity was raised as an attempted justification for a husband's infidelity. And while there is certainly an arguable biological component, that justifcation aimed to overcome history by ignoring it. That is, perhaps it is well enough to argue that men are biolgically impelled to infidelity, but the question necessarily arises, then, why they enter legally-binding monogamous contracts.

In the present, it is obvious that some are trying to ignore history. The biological is the biological is the biological. Great. If one wants to argue and believe this, they can, but no amount of "proof" can stand if it requires the absence of history, and no amount of justifying human males as rapey savages will stand as long as it necessarily excludes the observable fact of society.

There is a news item circulating right now about a baby requiring organ reconstruction following a rape.

So ... he just fucked an eight month old baby into critical condition. Biological explanations ... go. And do be sure to explain why that primal, reproductive urge would have caused the accused, Julio Iturralde, to desire the baby instead of the twenty-five year-old woman he was with.


Hansen, Hilary. "Baby Needs Organ Reconstruction After Alleged Rape". The Huffington Post June 16, 2014. June 17, 2014.
Who in the hell would continue a conversation with a dishonest twisting troll? Not I.
His continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers study, which seem to indicate rape is primarily sexually motivated, implies such a statement. As for him actually saying it outright, I will re-read through the thread and get back to you on that; if I am mistaken, then I do apologize.

No, GeoffP was the one who initially brought up Thornhill and Palmer:

I have certainly come across forced copulation and rape from the biological perspective. I don't say that Palmer and Thornhill, for example, are completely right - reviews of their book also describe their univariate stance as extremist - but it stands to reason that some residual impulse of this behaviour must exist. Atavisms occur in a variety of species and it seems very intuitive that sexual assault has some grounding in this. A thing isn't a modern phenomenon just because it's taken up as a social narrative, Bells.

Then responded to Trooper's question as to whether he agreed with Thornhill and Palmer, regardless of all evidence to the contrary and no genetic evidence to support this:

Trooper said:

Do you agree with Thornhill and Palmer, that rape is an evolved adaptation? That it may have provided an evolutionary advantage? Was elevated levels aggression a reproductive advantage?
In the distant past, it seems likely under some circumstances: but social evolution in humans probably generated strong negative consequences for it, when it was detected. In species without sociality or language, what purpose does rape serve except to abrogate mate choice? Language was probably helpful in detecting and punishing rape... but language is also turned against women in this respect also.

And I quoted their works and the response from the scientific community which discredited their work and then Trooper was the one who started commenting their work and quoting Pinker and mentioning it as though their opinion was correct. Just a final note about Thornhill and Palmer and their views of rape in their book..

"the problem of rape could be solved simply by teaching women that rape is a wonderful experience." - Thornhill and Palmer (Page 152)

Kind of says it all. And that quote was one of Coyne's biggest gripes with their book..

GeoffP said:
I should think you damn well should, Kitta. Are you usually in the habit of believing something because Bells said it? And the continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers is from Bells, not me. Not once have I ever said that I accept the position that sexual assault is entirely genetic or biological. I'm a statistical geneticist. It is inimical to suggest a single source for any effect, and it is ridiculous of Sarkoja up there - backed up firmly by the likes of Tal Hajus - to claim I said or thought anything of the kind. It's even more ridiculous when the idiot can convince other people on the basis of invective. In fact, I don't even know that Thornhill and Palmer suggested that it was entirely genetic; again, it's an inimical statement to a statistical geneticist. Jesus Christ. I triple give up. I dare you, Bells, and Tiassa to locate this statement of mine; tell you what - if you can find it, I'll happily resign permanently from the forum. If you can't, how about whoever takes the challenge just step down? That seems fair, in the case of such an obvious faux-pas of mine, doesn't it? Of course... I understand if you're all too scared to try me on this. Discretion the better part and all that. (But really: Tsk tsk. No courage of ill convictions?)

Oh, and that study Bells cited with a total n = 20 would have nowhere near the power to pick up any atavistic impulses like the ones I'm describing. It's a pilot study at best. Twenty people might pick up the majority effect - social power issues - but not some residual biological promoter in a threshold system. Come on. If you don't understand the concepts, stay out.
Firstly, can you be more insulting to Kitta? I know Kitta is intelligent enough to make up his own mind.

Actually, smart guy, there have been various studies on the response of male rapists and non-rapists with similar results. Groth's study of 133 offenders and 92 victims found that rape was classified as either power rape or anger rape - where if you look at the typology of rape, humiliation, control and power is the underlying theme. In McCabe and Wauchope's studies of rapists, study 1 was the study of the types of behaviours exhibited by 130 men charged with rape. While study 2 discussed in their paper (which is quoted above), involved the study of court transcripts of the cases of 50 accused rapists. The idea behind that study was to determine the behaviour and even what was said during rapes by the men accused of rape. The findings support the typology of rape as found by Groth from his work in the 70's. Groth's typology is still used to this day around the world. But hey, what would he know, right?

As I said, and as someone who has studied genetics, you should know this, there is no scientific evidence to support you. None whatsoever. Just opinions of some sociobiologists and psychologist who clearly state their bias (as in they clearly say it).

And as I said earlier, sociobiologists who argue your point always, and I mean always, bring it back to rape prevention for the woman and they always ignore and disregard that young fertile women are only a portion of rape victims and they always ignore child rape victims, male rape victims and the elderly who are rape victims and they also always ignore that women and children also rape.. Why? Because it does not fit into their theory.

GeoffP, for all of your anger and your feelings of how you are being unfairly treated.. I'll be honest with you.. I would love it if there was a biological trigger, something in our genes or our make up to support your claim GeoffP. Because it would be a step forward in trying to eradicate rape. It would be something tangible that could be addressed. Believe me, I would. Because then it would mean that I would not be in a position where I am terrified of being alone in my own house, terrified to fall asleep, terrified of the risk of having my children in the house in case he comes back, terrified to the point of cold sweats and violent stomach spasms because of any noise I hear outside my house or even in my house, terrified of going out by myself, always looking over my shoulder, feelings of paranoia when I am driving if I see a car that looks like his car or someone that looks like him, feelings of shame, guilt, of feeling dirty, of still remembering every single vivid detail of what happened to me, of how it felt, of how it sounded, how it smelled, the lighting, the sounds of birds and my dog barking outside, the sound of the filter of my fish tank during it all, how my couch felt underneath me during it, how his beard felt under my fingers when I tried to push his face away with my hands, how his polo shirt felt, the texture of it under the tips of my fingers and the palm of my hands when I tried to push against him, how the hairs on his upper thighs felt against my skin, how his lips and his teeth felt against my hands as I tried to shove his face away and how they felt against my skin when he licked and bit me and whispered in my ear, how his body felt on my body, how his breath smelled of the subway roll he'd eaten before - I had a panic attack when my father bought subway for lunch two days ago, because the smell.. My parents are now living with me until my partner comes home because I fall apart at the seams when I am alone in my own house. And all of that is just the tip of the iceberg. I get the shakes and have to stop myself from screaming in terror when my own kids whisper in my ear and kiss me because the way he did it to me feels so similar. My life is utterly destroyed GeoffP. Believe me, I would give everything for you to be correct.. Because then, it would mean that I might have had a chance. And I had no chance.

So you can whine and bitch that oh the reaction is political. That I'm the rabid type, the dunderhead, the feminist, the bitch, the idiot, the retard, and all the other names you all have come up for me. Because really, what you all are is small fry. Fighting the fight because of who you are fighting against. The reality is that none of you have any proof whatsoever. All you have is a theory. None of the sociobiologists who claim as you do have actually studied rapists. Not one. Those who have studied rapists, all conclude that the motivating factor is power and control and humiliation. But what could they know? Naw, much better to just blame feminists, blame the political influence of feminists, blame women for not taking enough steps to prevent being raped (while ignoring that men and children of all ages are also raped just as often) and just claim that men have an evolutionary advantage to rape, that it was in our make up - just make it about the male rapist and ignore that women also rape.. Just ignore same sex rape. Ignore the many elderly people of either sex who are raped and obviously convey no evolutionary advantage. Same with children and same sex rape. If we block of all of them out and focus just on men and women who are of fertile age, sure, you could be right. But the giant fucking spanner in the works is that rape is complex, and that rape victims are not just fertile women of child bearing age. And that the majority of rapes are actually against others, ie not women of child bearing age, but others like children, men and the elderly.

So whine, bitch, act like a tosser because waaahhhh Bells is saying this or that, people dare disagree with you, anyone who disagrees with you must be under the control of Bells or Tiassa or feminists or political ideology and that you must ignore the power and control proof because it does not support your alternate theory of rape, that how dare anyone disagree when because you tried to argue if rape is really the right word for rape... Waaaaahh.. We are still left with the giant spanners in your theory and the fact that you can't even support it with studies on rapists and rape itself. QQ some more. It is what you do best, after all.
Who in the hell would continue a conversation with a dishonest twisting troll? Not I.

See, that right there is why you fail in this debate. Because when you are faced with an actual rape, you can't support your contention or the theory you support. Why? Because the theory you have been such a fangirl of in this thread only applies to men who rape fertile sexually mature women. No one else.
Body Counts, Culinary Expression, and Other Notes

Bells said:

And as I said earlier, sociobiologists who argue your point always, and I mean always, bring it back to rape prevention for the woman and they always ignore and disregard that young fertile women are only a portion of rape victims and they always ignore child rape victims, male rape victims and the elderly who are rape victims and they also always ignore that women and children also rape.. Why? Because it does not fit into their theory.

It is a disconnection occurring between science and social policy. If the science supports this biological trigger argument, then the U.S. is in terrible trouble, because we have no device in place to deal with it. That is to say, sure, maybe men need to be locked up, but the law doesn't allow it.

Indeed, in the biological trigger argument, it seems the onus should not be so much on the women as the men. After all, as Billvon argued:

However, a woman should use common sense and not marry violent, irresponsible and/or criminal men. Fortunately most make such sensible decisions - which is why that particular bit of sense is, in fact, common. This, of course, does not excuse rape."

Now, setting aside that his argument of "common sense" translates to "adherence to unfounded myth" instead of "obvious course according to reliable outcomes", we might then consider the men's selection of rape targets.

If this is about men being fundamentally inclined toward rape, then we might say that instead of putting the onus on women to select better men, it is up to the rapey men to find the women who will allow them to conduct themselves as such.

But no. In this argument, it is simply unfair to put that burden on men.

These advocatesmight think they're smart, but in the end they are simply disgusting and, more importantly, dangerous.

Here, I think, is an aspect our neighbors are overlooking: If it's ever, say, Trooper's turn to be fucked and beaten into a bloody pulp in an alley, should we treat her with the same cruel hatred she shows rape survivors today?

The thing is that as much as we might think such a moment would bring us satisfaction, it doesn't. Poetic justice that ends up with the class asshole finding a Slurpee poured down his shorts is one thing, but there is no justice, poetic or otherwise, in the idea of Trooper being fucked and beaten into code blue. It is always easy to dispense self-righteous, hateful advice if one entertains the notion that they are somehow immune. But I sincerely doubt that, should it ever be Trooper's turn, or perhaps someone close to her, that she will cling to this misogyny she's undertaken for the sake of how she does or doesn't like someone else.

When I think of the rape survivors I've known over the years, two tragedies stick out in my mind, and one is relatively recent.

The recent one is the realization that women's expectation of sexual violence is real enough that it's true, some women stop considering rape by its name. And, it's also true that, whatever psychological disruptions rape may cause are frequently masked within that social context. That is to say, as I've gotten older, the damage expressed by rape survivors generally seems to lessen with age, barring extraordinary circumstances.

And, yes, one can say what he or she will about the suggestion of "extraordinary circumstances" in rape. That is, one might say, "So, this happened, and I can't sleep, and it's tearing me up", but age and guile, or perhaps, as morbid as it sounds, practice, generally means I'm not sitting up all night, back to back with a rape survivor, guarding against Satan itself emerging from the shadows in the corner of the room.

But the longer knowledge is the more important one, and, for me, stems from a tale that involves sitting back to back all night in a room with a delusional rape survivor fearing the Devil would emerge from the shadows. Look, it might sound coldly analytical from the outside perspective, but the survivors I've known who have recovered most strongly are the ones who had genuine, loving support, people who would give their lives if necessary to create a safe realm for their wounded friends and family to heal.

And those who faltered? Those who didn't make it through? Those we can no longer call rape survivors?

You know the punch line, and it's not funny at all. Trooper? Geoff? Billvon? It's enough to give a person religion, if only so they might pray, "God help the rape survivor in their company."

The ones who didn't make it through drowned in the flood of blame and hatred against the victim, and asphyxiated in the toxic justifications awarded the rapist.

Body counts are one thing. This is life and we are human. But the idea of body counts just because some men want to improve their chances of getting some tail?

If I cut your throat with a kitchen knife, is it murder, or culinary expression? Maybe I could stomp your head in with futból spikes; it's not murder, but a sports celebration. Shoot you with a rifle? It's not murder, but a successful hunt.
You don't understand ownership culture, do you?

He wasn't rewarded with a woman; the women he wanted "willing love and respect" from were prizes to him. Something to be won for his performance and perfection. This is a symptom of ownership culture.

Basically, ownership culture is a widely-practiced set of ideas and behaviors tacitly or explicitly expressed, in which one person or group of people assert ownership or other fundamental governance over other people.
So the whole peacock routine that most men in our culture engage in at various times in their lives is somehow not a competition for the prize of female affection and its associated bonuses? Even Elliot Rodger with his compromised social IQ had sense enough to figure that one out.

In the Gay Fray, ownership culture emerged in such statements as, "No daughter/son of mine ....!" And, in truth, this isn't much different from the statistically normal from the more traditional, heterosexual version that so many from my generation remember: "No daughter of mine is gonna marry a nigger/kike/wetback/dago/&c."
Or pick some legitimate reason for parental angst such as drug addiction, gang affiliation or criminal enterprise that would negatively impact the family’s reputation. Most families feel they have a stake in the performance of its members, that some irrationally substantiate that concern does not delegitimize the real sense of familial investment.

I am sometimes puzzled by such propositions as, "He never expressed the desire to own women, only to have their willing love and respect". You might as well try to tell me it's not rape if he told her how much he loves her because her eyes said yes.
But that description of ER’s motives fits his stated intentions. There is no documented case of him ever attempting to sexually or emotionally dominate the women he desired. From his perspective it was women who were dominant, it was women who had the power to reward or punish the men they evaluate. In his eyes they were akin to corrupt leaders doling out favors to undeserving cronies, and this continued injustice for him was too much to endure.
I think, what kills me more than anything in this thread... is that there seems to be some idea that women are, somehow, both entirely responsible for getting raped (they wanted it, they did something to provoke it, they dressed provocatively, et al) and that men are simply "acting as biology demands to ensure the future of the species"...

I just... what? I'm sorry, when did we, as Homo Sapiens, become a bunch of knuckle-dragging, group-orgy, beings of pure biological urge? I thought we were supposed to be intellectual and sentient beings capable of recognizing basal desires and finding socially proper and functionally equitable ways to satisfy them...

When did that supposedly change?
No, GeoffP was the one who initially brought up Thornhill and Palmer:

Bringing up the extreme case is not the same as continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers study. Are you going to blame this on your English too?

Then responded to Trooper's question as to whether he agreed with Thornhill and Palmer, regardless of all evidence to the contrary and no genetic evidence to support this:

Bringing up the extreme case is not the same as continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers study. You cite them every other post. And have done so again.

"the problem of rape could be solved simply by teaching women that rape is a wonderful experience." - Thornhill and Palmer (Page 152)

Kind of says it all. And that quote was one of Coyne's biggest gripes with their book..

Firstly, can you be more insulting to Kitta? I know Kitta is intelligent enough to make up his own mind.

Yes, I could be more insulting to Kittamaru. This is what you want?

Actually, smart guy, there have been various studies on the response of male rapists and non-rapists with similar results. Groth's study of 133 offenders and 92 victims found that rape was classified as either power rape or anger rape - where if you look at the typology of rape, humiliation, control and power is the underlying theme.

So cite the multivariate statistics behind it. But again, 133 is not a huge sample size and in this case it's all offenders. No out-group.

As I said, and as someone who has studied genetics, you should know this, there is no scientific evidence to support you.

Sorry, but as an expert, a different size and sampling system is needed to completely exclude the possibility of atavistic impulse. Moreover, I haven't seen the relative significance of means relating to the alternate hypothesis. I can't rely on you for this, seemingly.

I very much doubt any of them have proposed my point as such.

Well, this is presently unknown. If I took the abstracts you're reporting as absolutely representative, and if I were being a little short-sighted about power, I'd say there is no support. But based on the above, the proper way to describe is not effectively tested. If you have more studies, I would say "present them" but the discussion is clearly done.

So you can whine and bitch that oh the reaction is political. That I'm the rabid type, the dunderhead, the feminist, the bitch, the idiot, the retard, and all the other names you all have come up for me.

Well, yes, when you try to characterise me as an apologist for rape, that's about what you earn.

So whine, bitch, act like a tosser because waaahhhh Bells is saying this or that, people dare disagree with you

So don't demonise others in a discussion. Simple.

Kittamaru said:
I think, what kills me more than anything in this thread... is that there seems to be some idea that women are, somehow, both entirely responsible for getting raped (they wanted it, they did something to provoke it, they dressed provocatively, et al) and that men are simply "acting as biology demands to ensure the future of the species"...

The fucking WHAT NOW? Who the hell is arguing that? Ah, I get it: unsubstantiated and misread generalisation. Yeah, I've seen that before. Nice one. Out.

Oh, and someone explain statistics to Tiassa.
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