The Broad Brush? Women and Men; Prejudice and Necessity

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A laptop is an object which a criminal desires so strongly that he would break into your car and steal it.
Best to keep them in the boot.
A second criminal could see vulnerable womens' bodies as objects to be taken if the opportunity arises.
There is a similarity in the attitude of the criminals, I'm sure you'd accept.

I wouldn't take the comparison so far as saying that women should be powered down and stored in the boot.
I accept that argument, which you formulated so well.
Fisking is fun

You're just some guy on the internet who just excused rape to me. I don't particularly care how you may think your self importance matters. It doesn't matter to me. So.. Considering I did put it into my own words and you didn't get it, why should I bother doing it again?

Because you haven't got it right so far. I want to see if you're capable. Let's see how far you get in this next part, for example:

But I haven't misrepresented you. You do think that rape is about sex

Fail. It took you just thirteen words to go off the rails.

No, it's just a general observation and especially in the manner in which you dismiss actual scientists who disagree with you and who are the ones who have studied rape in quite a bit of detail. What is it that you do again? Are your subjects of study even human? Or are you like Thornhill and Palmer who based their rape is about sex and biological on the scorpion fly?

Unfortunately, others disagree with them also, which I note you avoid like the plague. But you think biology cannot inform psychology at all? This constant duality in thinking of yours is fascinating. Tell me more.

Oh look, more evidence of your intellectual dishonesty..

Hey, I wasn't the one who said he was a "man who had taken up the mantle of defending rape" or whatever it was.

Assuming they are true? So rape apologist and rape denier.

Bells, for all I know, you're a dude living in his parents' basement. I don't know what happened to you, ultimately, and it has no place on here. Being attacked, whether you were or not, has nothing to do with this discussion. If it occurred, normally I'd presume that you'd take yourself out of such a discussion, as you have sometimes in the past when you describe yourself as being too close to an issue. Your experiences and background, whatever they may be, have nothing to do with this.

Yet more evidence of your intellectual dishonesty. Is this what I actually said? No. Instead of answering the question, you troll by trying to misrepresent what I actually said.

Well, if so, I could only have learned it from you.

Here is the question again.. "Which animal species uses sex as a weapon or tool to terrorise and harm others?" .. Come on GeoffP, this is an easy question for even a two bit biologist like you to be able to answer.

Well, the two-bit biologist already answered the one-bit lawyer. Does the one-bit lawyer not really understand? Or is s/he pretending not to?

Considering that you have been found to have edited your own posts in quoting them, you claim for context, but in reality you altered it when you quoted it so that it was completely different

Mmm well that's a lie. Not unusual. Next!

Did I say that it was gorillas, bonobos and chimps that lead a very solitary existence? No. I did not. I said "primates that lead a very solitary existence". You do know that the term "primates" covers other animals and not just gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees, yes?

In other words, "a couple that use forcible sex to breed - usually seen in primates that lead a very solitary existence"..

Then I'll ask again: which ones? Hmmmm? Which species use rape and "lead a very solitary existence". I provided several that do rape, among other sexual violence, and which don't "lead a very solitary existence". So support your argument... oh wait, you were just trolling again, weren't you? You don't actually have any evidence, as usual. (Sigh.) Next.

Which is actually wrong. Because what rape apologists like you often disregard when you use the biology argument is that babies, children, men, the elderly and women who cannot 'breed' are raped in equal numbers.

There's a variety of putative statistical (that means "the relative weight of numbers", essentially, just to help you out) problems here: how many of each? Would such densities actually detect minor 'biological' impulses? What kind of power exists for such detection? And on, and on. I have no doubt - as I've said several times already - that various human psychological systems are responsible for the vast majority of such crime. Any basal biological triggers would form a remnant of behaviour, and would not - which you've lied about several times already - form a unitary control, or even a small plurality. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt "social science" - to all appearances as biased a philosophy as "Christian science" - has the power, comprehension or political asperity to conduct any assay of it: witness the wild reactions from some pseudo-lawyers and/or people involved with social apparatus.

I'm sorry, are you going to try to argue that rape in war is not used as a weapon to humiliate, instill fear, subjugate, control and demoralise the enemy?

Another English failing. Or... well, I notice you didn't dare repost that quote of yours that I used to puncture your own proposition about wartime sexual assault being about power alone. I suspect this is 'diagnostic', shall we say.

And why do they do that, GeoffP?

I mean heaven forbid it's used to subjugate and terrorise the population because it is used as a form of ethnic cleansing and genocide.. Naw, can't be that, surely..

That was so badly constructed it's almost anti-English. "Heaven forbid it's used to subjugate and terrorise the population"? Are you off your nut?

So by that, I assume you take the raping of babies, children, men and the elderly is also biological because of "inappropriate breeding attempts or hybridization"..? Ermm.. Okay..

Glad you agree that it's a possibility. But before you agree: what does that mean? Hmm? What's Geoff mean by that?

You failed to read the giant clues that this was the case when Fraggle and Tiassa responded to him?

I should follow their work like some kind of Christopher Hitchens fanboy? Please. I like Fraggle but Tiassa drags on for ages without saying anything concrete.

But no, you jumped in and defended him, and kept doing so and continue to do so (remember your Hitler wanted trains to run on time, so he wasn't always wrong argument you tried to use to justify your defense of a poster who advocates rape?) even after his encouraging people to rape was pointed out to you.

Not let's try thinking again, shall we? What specifically did he say, and what specifically did I defend? (By the by, make this what I actually said and not what your agenda demands you represent it as.) Did I defend darkside as darkside, or point out that it is possible for darkside to say something that might be factual from time to time? Should I go back and search your posts and see if there's any point at which you agreed with him about anything so much as the time of day? Under your definition, you see, that would make you a defender of rapists.

You responded by commenting how you were responding to the questions about prison rape

Yup. I ridiculed what is rapidly becoming serial verbal abuse from you. I don't deny it at all. I might keep doing it. I guess in Bells’ world, only Bells exists. Hell, Schrodinger only had the one cat, right?

That's okay GeoffP. You see, I am the type of parent who will teach my sons that rape is never acceptable.

Awww, so now Bells thinks that dragging people's families into an argument is wrong... again. It's the damnedest thing how this just keeps happening, isn't it? We argue, and you drag my family into it. And then I back you off, and you rope-a-dope. So here's some ideas: stop painting me into your sick fantasies and stop bringing my family into the discussion. Oh and regarding your supposed "colleague": would you mind telling the cunt to not get involved in discussion he doesn't understand? Maybe he could concentrate on abusing his own family, say, instead of drawing idiotic assertions about someone else's. By the by: that's more libel at the end there.

Ah, righteous indignation. People who resort to biology to explain rape

Another fail. Only eleven words this time. Which people, Bells?

And yes GeoffP, it means that when the woman shaking your hand has a strong grip, it means she thinks you are a potential rapists. Biology says this is so.

No, no, Bells: this is evidence of something that cannot be. And so it must be dismissed. It's disgusting that they should even suggest such a thing. Do you think they should be shot, or only tarred and feathered?

Well no, because as you have clearly displayed and argued in this thread, the response to rape is too political for your liking. Even with evidence from scientists that you are wrong, to you, it is merely political.

Hah. Well, your admission comes late, but it is timely: your stance is political. There was no need for you to gripe about my position on this, but you did. And, using your criteria, this is what you don't like about what I've written - it has the tinge of something else. Done and done.

I see you are still misrepresenting what is said..?

Do you? I bet you don’t, really.

Well that is what a couple biologists claim it has to be. That white women react negatively towards black men during their ovulation period, so it must be an evolved biological response - you know, this is the response to you and your ilk who argue that men evolved to rape.

I'm impressed. That was a lot more words before you went off the rails. If you'd bothered to read, you'd have noticed that I've described it as a remnant effect, not a primary one and not one that was directionally selected to increase but rather decrease in frequency. So in fact, that means men are specifically evolving away from rape, presuming that the species had such a disposition in the first place, which means you proposed that absolutely backwards. Absolute fail.

Cute. That would be you. By "anti-rape", the author means those who argue that rape is not really a bad phenomenon. You know, they argue that rape is simply biological and thus, natural.
Well, Bells… then wouldn’t that still be you? You’re the one arguing that if biological it must be natural, and therefore not bad. I would never make such an idiotic leap of judgement, logic or morality, and so, like a fart, if it wasn’t me that dealt it, that leaves you. Is this what you want to say? What do you perceive of as ‘natural’? Do you really consider all things ‘natural’ to be ‘good’?

Well your side argues that if rape is biological

They do? Which side is this? Who has argued that rape is biological in toto?

then it must be natural

Whoa whoa – who’s arguing that, aside from you?

and if it is natural, then as that creationists argues, it must be as God intended..

Who are “that creationist(s)”? I thought the argument for partial biological impulses came from biologists, not creationists. Now you think they’re both? Okay, Bells: just step back for a minute and try to decide what it is you want to argue. Think about what you’re trying to say, and what kind of evidence suggests that. Form a hypothesis about the phenomenon. By the book, okay, counsellor?

But there was a very Christian politician who argued that any pregnancy that results from rape is what God intended, and as such, God must intend for women to be raped.. I mean I get how that would offend theists. It offends anyone with more than two brain cells.

Well, there’s no doubt you fit somewhere in that latter category, but is this very Christian politician now meant to be a biologist too? I’m sorry, but if he’s that committed to the social inequalities of formalised theism religion, then it’s my suspicion that he’d be as biased in his expectations and interpretations of science as, say, a ‘social scientist’ might be.

But the same contention is argued for rape is biological by those like you.

… ‘those like me’? Atheists? Tall people? The educated? North Americans? Males? The grammar is a bit occluded as well: “argued for rape is biological”. What do you mean by “rape is biological”? Specify.

Well of course it wouldn't to you. All those scientists are arguing against rape is biological and using fact and science to do so.

“Arguing against rape is biological”? Grammar again. Did you notice the other scientists suggesting there might be some kind of ESS-like influences on sexual assault? You brought them up earlier to tut-tut at them (ex: “Well that is what a couple biologists claim it has to be”) but there wasn’t really anything one could call a rebuttal. Now you're pretending this other side brings nothing to the table. It’s like sometimes you know that they exist and sometimes you don’t. I’m sure that’s not suspicious or deceptive or anything.

(That’s sarcasm, by the way: that’s how it’s done. Take some notes.)
Could you please explain why you presented it like you did, two different comments from two different books, but you presented it as though it was from the same work and worse yet, as though one followed on from the other?

Ah ah - first, I recall some uncited quotes in several of your posts, above. You need to fix these up first, then get back to Trooper.
"As for the morality of believing the not-sex theory, there is none. If we have to acknowledge that sexuality can be a source of conflict and not just wholesome mutual pleasure, we will have rediscovered a truth that observers of the human condition have noted throughout history. And if a man rapes for sex, that does not mean that he “just can’t help it” or that we have to excuse him, any more than we have to excuse the man who shoots the owner of a liquor store to raid the cash register or who bashes a driver over the head to steal his BMW. The great contribution of feminism to the morality of rape is to put issues of consent and coercion at center stage. The ultimate motives of the rapist are irrelevant."—Steven Pinker

Do you agree with Pinker, GeoffP? Also, do you think it’s true that evolutionary psychologists will need to rethink some of their assumptions, since geneticists have discovered that some genes are only around 10,000 years old and that our DNA is not identical to the people of 50,000 years ago, as they once believed? That the Stone Age brain is indeed malleable?

I'm not familiar with Pinker's work, but I agree that no one can "just not help" raping another any more, morally, than just not preventing themselves from stealing or killing - motive certainly is irrelevant. Even if there were a solid genetic promoter, you can't just claim the 'devil made [me] do it'. Given the natural history, an atavistic biological trigger or triggers is possible. Now, the untrained (i.e., Bells) see such a 'trigger' as being a single source. It's not. As a phenotype - and this is admittedly cold - sexual assault is nothing more than a binary (0/1) choice or character, sometimes termed a 'threshold trait'. Threshold traits are not single-source phenotypes - they may have numerous underlying factors including arrays of independently acting or segregating genes, environmental effects, genotype-by-environment interaction - perhaps even social ranking or status. This is something Bells does not or cannot grasp. It's not entirely her fault; she's certainly had no training in statistics. (But to wade into a discussion and make wild assertions, familial insults and personal attacks is unforgivable.)

Let's dissect her model: it would be interesting to know, since Bells refutes my proposition (mostly power but not exclusively), what her selected single cause for rape is. Power is not a cause. Even a demand for power is not a cause; what has caused the imbalance or lack of this individual power? Whatever that is would then be that effect which predisposes men to this power imbalance that results in sexual assault under her model. So what is this root cause of rape?

Bells earlier pretended to take huge offense by inferring that I said all men might conceivably rape. (This is inaccurate, but I don't think my real position on the matter is something Bells would follow anyway, or represent later in good faith.) Presumably, then, she thinks not all men would rape. All right: so which ones are the 'susceptible' ones? Which ones will, and which won't? Is it poverty? Social status? But these surely don't explain all cases either. If there is no such cause, then which men are the kind responsible? They cannot be all capable of the act, since that proposition (even falsely delivered by herself) makes her prone to throw a fit of angsty rage, or ragey something-or-other: it made her mad, that's the thing. So which men are responsible and why? What causes this power imbalance that can be corrected only via rape? Do rich and/or powerful men rape? Why or why not? Help me understand.
No different - there are laws against that, and it still happens.

Trooper was arguing that one should teach their children to be safe, and she was utterly correct. Philosophical finery is irrelevant to real-life examples, or so I'm told.
Trooper was arguing that one should teach their children to be safe, and she was utterly correct. Philosophical finery is irrelevant to real-life examples, or so I'm told.

You can teach your child to be safe all you want... the sad fact is, if he or she is walking home from school, the bus stop, a friends house, etc, even if its with a group of other kids their age (say a group of 12 year olds) they simply CANNOT stop some guy grabbing one of them and carrying em off... they don't have the physical strength.

The onus is on us, as adults, to watch out for them... and sadly, far too many people turn a blind eye.
I don’t think we have a rape gene, if that’s what you’re asking. Do you remember all the hype over the so-called warrior gene? Well, in a 1993 report "Understanding and Preventing Violence" the National Academy of Sciences concluded that there is no correlation between the XYY syndrome and violent behavior.

I have a few evolution books that mentioned rape, which I’ll thumb through, but my guess is that it’s really about entitlement.
Rape is, first and foremost, a power play. it's about dominance, power, and enforcing your own will on someone else.

Trying to pass it off as some form of altered reproductive desire is just foolish... if that were the case, then why do so many women who are raped and decide to keep the child end up having to raise it alone? Shouldn't the father wish to come back and ensure his offspring survives?
Because you haven't got it right so far. I want to see if you're capable. Let's see how far you get in this next part, for example:

Fail. It took you just thirteen words to go off the rails.
Once again, who and what are you again? Just some halfwit who thinks that rape is caused by biological triggers and that it's really just down to being about sex..

Unfortunately, others disagree with them also, which I note you avoid like the plague. But you think biology cannot inform psychology at all? This constant duality in thinking of yours is fascinating. Tell me more.
Because once again, the biological trigger model does not explain child rape, male victims of rape or elderly rape victims. And I know, you tried to explain it as being "inappropriate breeding attempts or hybridization", because really.. My god, how could you?.. But it has been proven time and again that rape is not just about sex or because they are horny (as you tried to argue that soldiers are just always horny apparently).

If your male ancestors had evolved to rape, or more to the point, to rape because it was beneficial for them to do so, then we would not be here. Because while it may benefit the male, it certainly never benefited the female to be raped. The result would be a corresponding reaction to prevent being raped. And no, the stronger gripping hands, being racist towards black people (because apparently only white women have this reaction, there is no such reaction for anyone who isn't white) and wanting to be alone but not really alone would not be it. There are some, like that dolt, who believe that women can actually stop their reproductive cycle if they are raped. Why does he think this? Because in part, he believes that rape is caused by biological triggers, so in his mind, he thinks that women have the innate ability to simply "shut it down" if they get pregnant from a rape, so in his mind, exemptions for rape victims in abortion legislation is not necessary.

Then of course, we come to the whole 'if it is caused by a biological trigger, how do women stop it?'.. In short, it once again places the onus on the victim to not be raped. I get why this is hard for you to understand, I get that you act like a 'belligerent arsehole' (wow, that does feel good!) because it doesn't fit into your theory so you just want to ignore it altogether and downplay it, but do try. When a rapist beats his or her victim and jams anything into their vagina, anus, mouth, not even their penis, some use bottles, some even use broken bottles in the vagina and anus especially, broom handles, their fingers or fists, a stick that was lying on the ground, a crowbar - I could go on and on - it's not because it's sexual, nor does it have a biological trigger. It is because that rapist wants to humiliate and completely control and over power his or her victim. It is about complete dominance over that victim.

General Pinochet’s regime carried out many gruesome and horrific acts of sexual abuse against the victims. In fact, several detention sites were solely instituted for the purpose of sexually tormenting and humiliating the prisoners. Discothèque (La Venda Sexy) was another one of DINA’s main secret detention centers. Many of those who “disappeared” were initially held in this prison. The prison guards often raped both men and women. It was at this prison where internal repression operations were centralized. Militants anally raped male prisoners, while insulting them, in an attempt to embarrass them to their core.[23]

Women were the primary targets of gruesome acts of sexual abuse. According to the Valech Commission, almost every single female prisoner was a victim of repeated rape. Not only would military men rape women, they would also use foreign objects and even animals to inflict more pain and suffering. Women (and occasionally men) reported that spiders and live rats were often implanted on their genitals. One woman testified that she had been “raped and sexually assaulted with trained dogs and with live rats.” She was forced to have sex with her father and brother—who were also detained

Where is the sexual impetus here?

You have repeatedly argued that rape has to have a sexual impetus, a biological trigger. Can you please explain where that is the case in the quoted text above?

Hey, I wasn't the one who said he was a "man who had taken up the mantle of defending rape" or whatever it was.
Well you do. When you claim it is just about sex, that it is caused by biological triggers (without proof mind you and in the face of a virtual mountain of contradictory evidence), you are excusing it. Because if it is biological, then it is not something that can always be controlled by the rapist. Then we have the issue of where the victim can set it off, apparently at any time.

Bells, for all I know, you're a dude living in his parents' basement. I don't know what happened to you, ultimately, and it has no place on here. Being attacked, whether you were or not, has nothing to do with this discussion. If it occurred, normally I'd presume that you'd take yourself out of such a discussion, as you have sometimes in the past when you describe yourself as being too close to an issue. Your experiences and background, whatever they may be, have nothing to do with this.
See, you could try and get away with that excuse, but you can't. Because you know that I am not a dude living in his parents basement. Just as you knew that I had sons when you made the ridiculous comments about how you hoped I didn't have sons in a previous post. Just like I know how many children you have when I did not bring your children in this discussion..

Are you suggesting that in a discussion about rape, my rape has no place in it? How bizarre.. Is that because what happened to me does not fit into your sexual component or have a biological trigger, so you wish to downplay it?

Why should I remove myself from the discussion? What's the matter GeoffP? Are you trying to silence me entirely? See, that's the thing with people like you. You're quick fling spurious comments about rape, but you can't really support it when faced with actual rape victims.

Well, if so, I could only have learned it from you.
Oh is that what you call it now? What are you? 5?

Well, the two-bit biologist already answered the one-bit lawyer. Does the one-bit lawyer not really understand? Or is s/he pretending not to?
No, you did not answer it at all.

You referred to links that do not even touch on the subject, at all.

So here is the question again.

"Which animal species uses sex as a weapon or tool to terrorise and harm others?"

Mmm well that's a lie. Not unusual. Next!
I'm sorry, are you now denying when you edited your quotes of your own posts and tried to declare it was for context?

Then I'll ask again: which ones? Hmmmm? Which species use rape and "lead a very solitary existence". I provided several that do rape, among other sexual violence, and which don't "lead a very solitary existence". So support your argument... oh wait, you were just trolling again, weren't you? You don't actually have any evidence, as usual. (Sigh.) Next.
"Next"? Do you click your fingers in a 'Z' shape when you say that?

Male Japanese monkeys, the loris, orangutans, the galagos are also known to lead solitary lives, with some social interaction, the same with the aye-aye - all lead a solitary existence.

Also, "rape" does not exist in the animal kingdom. It is a human construct. I find it strange that you, a supposed biologist, would keep claiming that animals rape.

As a biologist, this should be something you should know already, shouldn't it?

You provided absolutely nothing whatsoever to answer the question of which animal species that uses sex as a weapon or tool to terrorise and harm others. None whatsoever.

There's a variety of putative statistical (that means "the relative weight of numbers", essentially, just to help you out) problems here: how many of each? Would such densities actually detect minor 'biological' impulses? What kind of power exists for such detection? And on, and on. I have no doubt - as I've said several times already - that various human psychological systems are responsible for the vast majority of such crime. Any basal biological triggers would form a remnant of behaviour, and would not - which you've lied about several times already - form a unitary control, or even a small plurality. Unfortunately, I seriously doubt "social science" - to all appearances as biased a philosophy as "Christian science" - has the power, comprehension or political asperity to conduct any assay of it: witness the wild reactions from some pseudo-lawyers and/or people involved with social apparatus.
See, there you go again, dismissing what other fields you deem to be beneath you have found after years of research.. And the complete dismissal and disregard for the mountain of evidence that completely contradicts you.

And that goes to the heart of your intellectual dishonesty. You argue for biological triggers and you bring it down to just being about sex, but you are incapable of supporting it, nor are you even capable of explaining it when faced with actual rape situations and with the experiences of rape victims. In doing so, you create excuses for rape, or why men rape, while openly ignoring that children, men and the elderly are also raped. That is dismissed because it does not fit into the model you are trying your best to argue. If it was about sex, then rapists would not be using objects to rape, generals would not be giving their soldiers viagra to force them to be able to rape to cause fear and terror and to control the enemy. If it was just about sex, male prisoners would not be controlling parts of the prison population by becoming virtual pimps and selling other male prisoners to garner favours while in prison, while terrorising the rest of the male prison population with threats of rape, to ensure their superiority within the population itself.

Another English failing. Or... well, I notice you didn't dare repost that quote of yours that I used to puncture your own proposition about wartime sexual assault being about power alone. I suspect this is 'diagnostic', shall we say.
What? The article from the BBC? It's already been quoted and posted around 3 times now. How many times do I need to post it?

I forget, you think that the forced rapes of women in warzones, was not used as a tool to control and subjugate the enemy, was not used to destabilise the enemy. No, to you, it all came down to sex and probably what you envision the desire to procreate. The procreation was encouraged to destroy the enemy - hence why mass rapes in war zones are deemed forms of genocide. It's not because of a biological trigger, nor does it have a sexual component to it. When women were mass raped in Bangladesh, some were hung from trees, with their breasts chopped off and mutilated, others were kept in rape camps, where a very large portion of them died from the rapes they were forced to endure by the Pakistani soldiers. Do you think that was just about sex? The women who fell pregnant and gave birth to Pakistani children were either killed or ostracised by their husbands or families, others were killed by the very children they gave birth to. Do you think all of this happened because the Pakistani soldiers were horny? That it was just sexual? That it was a biological trigger to spread the seed, so to speak? No GeoffP. It was used to bring down the enemy and to humiliate them and to control and exert power over them. Rape as a tool of war, is completely about dominance, subjugation, power, humiliation, control.. It's not just sex. I know you tried to argue that you know that soldiers are just horny all the time, and frankly, that you put it down to that says more about you than you may realise, but the reality of rape as a tool of war is much more horrific than just horny soldiers.

That was so badly constructed it's almost anti-English. "Heaven forbid it's used to subjugate and terrorise the population"? Are you off your nut?
I am not the one arguing that it is just down to sex and being sexual. You are.

So are you off your nut?

Glad you agree that it's a possibility. But before you agree: what does that mean? Hmm? What's Geoff mean by that?
Oh I don't agree that it is a possibility.

I think it is just yet another example of you trying to find an excuse for why men rape (while disregarding the simple fact that women and children also rape). And in this case, it is yet another excuse from you for why children, men and the elderly are raped. Frankly, not only do I disagree, I also think you are a sick and twisted man.

I should follow their work like some kind of Christopher Hitchens fanboy? Please. I like Fraggle but Tiassa drags on for ages without saying anything concrete.
Yet another excuse for your behaviour? Yet more lies? I shouldn't be surprised.

Not let's try thinking again, shall we? What specifically did he say, and what specifically did I defend? (By the by, make this what I actually said and not what your agenda demands you represent it as.) Did I defend darkside as darkside, or point out that it is possible for darkside to say something that might be factual from time to time? Should I go back and search your posts and see if there's any point at which you agreed with him about anything so much as the time of day? Under your definition, you see, that would make you a defender of rapists.
Go back and read it, GeoffP. It has only been mentioned and discussed enough that you are now just trolling by demanding more and more evidence, when it has already been provided. Plus, considering how you whine that everyone is putting things out of context when it's quoted, why don't you go back and read it to make sure that if I quote it, it's not out of context?

Yup. I ridiculed what is rapidly becoming serial verbal abuse from you. I don't deny it at all. I might keep doing it. I guess in Bells’ world, only Bells exists. Hell, Schrodinger only had the one cat, right?
Interesting. After repeated denials that you had done it, now you claim that you don't deny it. You do realise just how dishonest you sound, yes? You should go into politics. I bet you'd give Ken Buck a run for his money.

Awww, so now Bells thinks that dragging people's families into an argument is wrong... again. It's the damnedest thing how this just keeps happening, isn't it? We argue, and you drag my family into it. And then I back you off, and you rope-a-dope. So here's some ideas: stop painting me into your sick fantasies and stop bringing my family into the discussion. Oh and regarding your supposed "colleague": would you mind telling the cunt to not get involved in discussion he doesn't understand? Maybe he could concentrate on abusing his own family, say, instead of drawing idiotic assertions about someone else's. By the by: that's more libel at the end there.
Firstly, you are the one who dragged my sons into this, not I. You are also the one who abused my family, my parenting style, you inferred that I was abusing my children..

Did I even mention your family? No. I did comment that it's probably for the best that you did not have daughters, because really, imagine if she is ever raped and having to come to you for some kind of support or understanding, or if she ever needs an abortion? Because you are hardly a compassionate or understanding human being. Perhaps your dragging my actual sons into it, inferring that I was a bad and abusive parent is your response to that, then so be it. But don't try to claim that when you make such comments, that I was the one abusing your family. You know I have two sons. We have traded enough parenting PM's for you to be lying if you are going to claim that you did not know. Just as I know how many children you have by those very PM's.

So when you make comments that infer that I am actually abusing my sons, don't try to then claim that I am abusing or dragging your family into it. Since you were the one who did that repeatedly. But nice try. Too bad it failed for you, huh?

Another fail. Only eleven words this time. Which people, Bells?
Well the ones mentioned in this thread so far, aside from you, Thornhill, Palmer, Pinker..

No, no, Bells: this is evidence of something that cannot be. And so it must be dismissed. It's disgusting that they should even suggest such a thing. Do you think they should be shot, or only tarred and feathered?
Well of course it is, because it is downright stupid.

Unless of course you are going to claim that a study that looked at how tightly a woman gripped a steering wheel at different times of the month is indicative of a biological reaction to the possibility of rape? Good luck with that one!

Hah. Well, your admission comes late, but it is timely: your stance is political. There was no need for you to gripe about my position on this, but you did. And, using your criteria, this is what you don't like about what I've written - it has the tinge of something else. Done and done.
Ah, so my contention that rape is about power, domination, control, subjugation, to instill fear is based solely on a political stance?

See, you aren't really helping your cause here at all.

Because once again, your gripe that you feel it is simply politics, is usually the gripe that rape apologists often have against rape laws, because to such individuals, rape is natural and simply biological. Like Pinker who whined that rape is now so political, that having sex with a woman who is too drunk to be able to consent is now legally classified as rape. Do you agree with this contention also?

Do you? I bet you don’t, really.
And you are still doing it.

I'm impressed. That was a lot more words before you went off the rails. If you'd bothered to read, you'd have noticed that I've described it as a remnant effect, not a primary one and not one that was directionally selected to increase but rather decrease in frequency. So in fact, that means men are specifically evolving away from rape, presuming that the species had such a disposition in the first place, which means you proposed that absolutely backwards. Absolute fail.
Ah, so in arguing that it is a remnant effect, you are claiming that men are evolving away from rape. How do you figure that? Because of declining rape numbers?

And how does this factor for female rapists?

You see GeoffP, your argument falls flat on its face repeatedly.. Because you are only looking at male rapists who rape women or sometimes, other men. But what about female rapists, who rape men, women and children? Can you please provide the biological impetus for that in human evolution? What is the biological impetus for a woman to rape a woman or a child? Or a man to rape another man or a child? Or are you going to claim that it's just another case of "inappropriate breeding attempts or hybridization"? Because so far, you have ignored this altogether. Are you ignoring it because it does not fit into your "alternate model"?

Well, Bells… then wouldn’t that still be you? You’re the one arguing that if biological it must be natural, and therefore not bad. I would never make such an idiotic leap of judgement, logic or morality, and so, like a fart, if it wasn’t me that dealt it, that leaves you. Is this what you want to say? What do you perceive of as ‘natural’? Do you really consider all things ‘natural’ to be ‘good’?
I'm not the one arguing that, GeoffP. I get that you are enough of a dishonest hack to try and claim that, but I am not actually the one arguing that. Rape apologists are the ones who argue this all the time.

They do? Which side is this? Who has argued that rape is biological in toto?
Going to deny your own argument?

Whoa whoa – who’s arguing that, aside from you?
Once again, intellectual dishonesty.. Really not looking too good for you now..

Who are “that creationist(s)”? I thought the argument for partial biological impulses came from biologists, not creationists. Now you think they’re both? Okay, Bells: just step back for a minute and try to decide what it is you want to argue. Think about what you’re trying to say, and what kind of evidence suggests that. Form a hypothesis about the phenomenon. By the book, okay, counsellor?
Wow, talk about continued misrepresentation and trolling. Keep it up.

Well, there’s no doubt you fit somewhere in that latter category, but is this very Christian politician now meant to be a biologist too? I’m sorry, but if he’s that committed to the social inequalities of formalised theism religion, then it’s my suspicion that he’d be as biased in his expectations and interpretations of science as, say, a ‘social scientist’ might be.
More lying, misrepresentation and intellectual dishonesty. You're on a roll.

… ‘those like me’? Atheists? Tall people? The educated? North Americans? Males? The grammar is a bit occluded as well: “argued for rape is biological”. What do you mean by “rape is biological”? Specify.
As above.

“Arguing against rape is biological”? Grammar again. Did you notice the other scientists suggesting there might be some kind of ESS-like influences on sexual assault? You brought them up earlier to tut-tut at them (ex: “Well that is what a couple biologists claim it has to be”) but there wasn’t really anything one could call a rebuttal. Now you're pretending this other side brings nothing to the table. It’s like sometimes you know that they exist and sometimes you don’t. I’m sure that’s not suspicious or deceptive or anything.
I would say a book with dozens of scientists offering rebuttals would classify? And the numerous books, articles and studies to show how Thornhill and Palmer, for example, are wrong would qualify.

But what do they know? I mean, here you are, GeoffP, supposed biologist who has spent a few pages whining that classifying rape to be about power, dominance, control, subjugation, used as a tool of war, prison rapes being about power and control and dominance and fear is a political reaction to rape.. That it's too political. You are conceited enough to assume that you are the best. Continue to live with that fantasy.

(That’s sarcasm, by the way: that’s how it’s done. Take some notes.)
Once again, why do I want to take notes from the guy who is doing his best to create excuses for rape in the most repugnant ways imaginable?
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Once again, who and what are you again? Just some halfwit who thinks that rape is caused by biological triggers and that it's really just down to being about sex..

And that again, is a lie, Bells. Again, if you don't have the statistical knowledge - or intellectual honesty - to try and seek an accurate representation, there's really no hope for you.

And so we're done here. I'm going to finish off this post to highlight your inadequacies - again - but the main take-home point of the thread isn't that rape is entirely about power, or nearly entirely about power with atavistic (another word Bells doesn't understand) behavioural regressions or impulses: it's about the ability of certain moderators to troll, break SF rules, write what they please without reference to the facts or the contrary argument, and simply walk away with it. This is illustrative of the intellectual problems, though:

If your male ancestors had evolved to rape, or more to the point, to rape because it was beneficial for them to do so, then we would not be here.

No, shithead. Our distant ape ancestors probably shared forced copulation with several other primates because it was beneficial for them to do so. In humans, such behaviour has certainly been selected against and should be nearly extinct. However, this is not known; it is unknown to what extent genes responsible for such behaviour - by whatever tangent they act - are fixed for non-violent variants.

Pretty simple, no? Yet, I know you don't get that, because you're indescribably stupid. I didn't bother to read the rest of your post, because it assuredly contains the same mix of lies, twisting of language, assertion, character assassination and probably the justification of harassment. I can only presume you're working your way up to something worse, and it's better not to waste time on deviant personalities.

I noticed one or two responsible mods on the thread; lonely vigil, boys? Good luck.
Kittamaru said:
Rape is, first and foremost, a power play. It’s about dominance, power, and enforcing your own will on someone else.

Yes, but they’re overpowering women to have sex.

"Most of us have long known that rape is about sex and power and a thousand other things as well, and that rape is not a monolithic constant but varies in incidence and meaning from culture to culture and epoch to epoch."—Natalie Angier

“On the other, we have neo-Nietzschean feminists and postmodernists, who think that the will to power is the main human motive. The Darwinians are miffed when the postmodernists describe sex in terms of power relationships. The postmodernists get incensed when the evolutionists evaluate power relationships in terms of the numbers of babies produced.

An especially heated argument has broken out over the meaning and causes of rape. Since Susan Brownmiller made the crime of rape a central part of feminist theory with her 1975 book Against Our Will, many social scientists and feminists have come to view rape strictly as a crime of violence, with no element of sexual desire -- and, in the larger scheme of things, as one way that patriarchal societies keep women in their place. But throughout the 1990's, evolutionary psychologists have increasingly urged that rape be seen as a male reproductive strategy.”—Mart Cartmill

"More generally, I suspect that it's a mistake to argue about the causes of rape -- or homicide, suicide, or war. We define those acts by their properties and their effects, not by their causes, and there's no reason to think that acts that share an effect also share a cause. For example, all homicides by definition have the same effect -- a human death -- but they don't all have the same cause. Killing can be motivated by almost any emotion, from anger to pity. Seeking the cause of murder, war, or rape may be a fundamental mistake, like asking for the cause of things that weigh 10 pounds."—Mart Cartmill

I think that I agree more with Cartmill that it’s a mistake to argue about the causes of rape.

Understanding the Evil That Men Do by Matt Cartmill

Theories of Rape

Causes of sexual violence

Ta-ta. :wave:
And that again, is a lie, Bells. Again, if you don't have the statistical knowledge - or intellectual honesty - to try and seek an accurate representation, there's really no hope for you.
See GeoffP, you have been incapable of remaining honest in this whole discussion, from when you misrepresented your own quote - which I had quoted in full and which you edited and altered to change it to represent context.. Because your quote in full was not enough? - to your denial of your own unfounded arguments which you are incapable of supporting, to your outright lies, to your rape denial - which I can only assume is because it does not fit into the "alternate theory" you have about rape, you are the one who has not been honest in this discussion.

Contrary to what you may believe, because you say so is not good enough. You provided absolutely nothing to support your case. You attempted to apply rape to the animal kingdom. It does not even apply. Rape is sex without consent. That is what it is. By your declaration that it exists in the animal kingdom, you are falsely declaring that sexual consent as a human construct also exists within the animal kingdom. It does not. Do you understand this?

So when you 1) whine that rape and arguments against rape are too political, you demean it. You automatically bring it down with such complaints because you are already trying to change it from what it is. 2) When you declare that rape is the result of biological triggers and you then apply the sexual component to it, you not only provide an out for a rapist, but you downrank it even further. 3) Your argument also fails to account for rape victims that do not fall into a particular age and sex range. As such, if men evolved to have a genetic disposition to rape, or as you now try to argue, that they are evolving from that, it still fails to address the fact that children and women rape. It also fails to account for same sex rapes, rapes of babies and children and the elderly - for whom there is absolutely no evolutionary benefit to rape.

But most importantly, when you demand that it has to be about sex, or sexual and that it has to have a biological trigger, you automatically create an atmosphere whereby a rape victim will feel some blame, some responsibility for what happened to them. Most importantly, that it is something that can be prevented. You can argue that it does not until the cows come home. But the reality is very very different, and you see that in this very thread, from Trooper, Captain Kremmen and even authors like Pinker, Thornhill and Palmer, who discuss rape prevention strategies. And it is always inevitable when the discussion switches to rape is about sex or is somehow biological. I have seen lawyers try to argue biological triggers in court and I have seen them try to argue that it is just about sex and in doing so, they create an atmosphere whereby the victim could have done something to prevent it.. Either by her dress, not drinking, not getting into bed with her rapist, etc. This is inevitable. If it was just sexual or about sex, or if there was a biological impetus to rape, then rapists would not rape their victims with objects or try to kill them. It certainly would not explain gang rapes, because if there is anything that does not follow a genetic impetus, whereby one would assume the desire to spread one's seed, gang rapes blow that out of the water entirely.

There was a reason why I asked you which animal species aside from humans use sex as a tool to terrorise or harm others. Because the only ones to do that are human beings. No other animal uses sex as a means to control and terrorise others. Certain primates use violence and killings to terrorise and control neighbouring populations, such as chimpanzees that launch attacks on monkeys, killing their off-spring and eating their brains and they do this by hunting in packs. But they do not use sex to terrorise or harm others. They use violence and killings to control and terrorise, not sex. Human beings, on the other hand, use rape to terrorise and harm others, to control others. No other animal does that.

One of the biggest off switches for the rape has biological triggers or has a sexual impetus is the way in which this has been researched. In short, it hasn't really. There is no evidence of a rape gene. And many proponents of what you so fully support have been quick to point to the studies that were completed on women and their supposed physical reactions while ovulating. The research done was sloppy. Absolutely sloppy. For example, regarding the handgrip test:

All of the studies involve small numbers, typically of college students at American universities (and even more narrowly, of psychology students), and all involve responses to highly subjective stimuli. When you examine the literature cited in these papers, you discover that different investigators get different results — the handgrip study even admits up front that there are conflicting results, with other papers finding no differences in performance across the menstrual cycle. None test anything to do with inheritance, none try (or even can) look at the genetic basis of the behaviors they are studying. Yet somehow evolutionary psychologists conclude that “women may have been selected during human evolution to behave in ways that reduce the likelihood of conception as a consequence of rape.”

Another way to look at it is that they are hypothesizing that women are more likely to behave in ways that invite physical attack and brutal abuse when they aren’t ovulating. That is a remarkable assertion. It also carries the strange implication that the consequences of rape can be measured by the likelihood of immediate fertilization, rather than by the toll of physical injury and emotional trauma, a peculiar thing for psychologists to neglect.

Your contention that rape is caused by biological triggers or has a sexual impetus and that this is something that men evolved to have and are now evolving away from (again, your unsupported and unfounded contention) fails even more spectacularly when you consider how our ancestors and human beings evolved. A female or a woman is less likely to want to remain within the company of a male who rapes her and other women and females in her near vicinity unless she is held there by force.

The biggest issue with your theory is the absolute lack of evidence. You can accuse me of not having statistical knowledge as much as you want, but you have absolutely no proof to back up your claims in this thread (nor in the rape thread)..

But the thing that really irks me, as a geneticist, about evolutionary psychology is that they have generally completely failed to use the extensive tools of modern genetics that have actually allowed us to test .

The hypothesis that rape is an adaptation is not inherently ridiculous. Some people might actually consider it likely; though the complexity of the psychology rape and sexual violence, and the huge influence of society expectation and openness toward rape, along with the not-insignificant numbers of male date-rape victims, makes it seem unlikely to me that a ‘spread your seed’ hypothesis can account for rape in any comprehensive way.

For instance, suppose we found a unique rush of hormones that often accompanied coercive sex and sexual violence. Suppose we also found a particular regulatory pathway that triggered this unique combination of biochemical markers, that this pathway was co-expressed with sexual violence throughout different human populations, and, under very carefully controlled conditions, triggering this regulatory pathway increased sexual violence or willingness to rape a woman. This would show that there was a direct genetic underpinning to rape. Suppose we then looked for evidence of selection on this pathway, either in recent human history or in deeper evolutionary time, and found that selection in the direction of promoting this pathway had been acting. We would then have a firm, well researched piece of science strongly indicating that rape was a adaptively selected genetic trait.

Now, we don’t have that. Of course we don’t have that, what we have is vague pontificating without any supporting evidence. No evolutionary psychologist has sat down and attempted to find neurological or biochemical associations of sexual violence (though neuroscientists have, even if some of it looks a bit dodgy to my untrained eye), or to attempt to look at genetic variation in the sort of traits that are associated with rape.

But it is not as if this sort of research is impossible to do: geneticists do it all the time. There are definite, established experiments you can do to test whether the is a strong genetic influence on a trait: we can control for strong societal effects like class by just looking at the difference in trait co-occurrence between identical and non-identical twins. If you can predict obesity far better by knowing the obesity status of a identical twin than you can by knowing the status of a non-identical twin, you know that genetics is in play. This has been done in depth for obesity (e.g. here), and we know that there is a definite genetic effect there (and it appears to be far stronger than you might expect); we have found a couple of genes, notable FTO and MC4R, that contribute to obesity after population structure (class, location etc) are controlled for. In general, our ability to predict obesity based on genetics along is getting close to our ability to predict obesity based on class: as a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation, the bottom 25% socioeconomically have around a 3-fold increase in obesity risk, whereas the increase for the highest 25% in terms of genetic risk have a 2-fold increase (based on data from these three papers); expect both of these numbers to go up as we understand both the cultural and the biological underpinning better.

MC4R is a particularly good example, it is the strongest genetic effect we have, accounting for around 6% of variation in obesity, it is important in the biology of feeling full, and has been shown to have been under increasing purifying selection during human evolution (i.e. mutations that stop you feeling full are weeded out by natural selection, see this paper). This is an example of finding a gene that contributes to behaviour (in this case, overeating), showing that it has been under evolutionary selection (in this case, to stop you overeating), and has a known, measured mechanism. We also have an estimate of how much it influences behaviour: the figure of 6% for a given genetic contribution is pretty damn large by the standards of genetic variation, compared to probably about 10% for known effects of class (based on the same paper I cited above, which is from a German town of Aachen – both figures will of course vary from population to population). The vast majority of variation is still unexplained, for virtually every human trait. Anyone who says that they can explain human variation, be it in terms of genetics of in terms of culture or society, is deluded.
The Difference

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is how divorced the methods of bad evolutionary psychology, which basically amount of speculation and just-so stories with a few case-studies thrown in, differ from the methods of those that study the genetics and evolution of complex traits. It is very informative to compare the tentative conclusions of profession geneticists, many of whom have made explicit calculations of the genetic contribution to human biology, and the overarching and overconfident conclusions of the popular evolutionary psychologists, who are mostly unconstrained by hard biological data.

As I said, you have no proof.

And so we're done here. I'm going to finish off this post to highlight your inadequacies - again - but the main take-home point of the thread isn't that rape is entirely about power, or nearly entirely about power with atavistic (another word Bells doesn't understand) behavioural regressions or impulses: it's about the ability of certain moderators to troll, break SF rules, write what they please without reference to the facts or the contrary argument, and simply walk away with it. This is illustrative of the intellectual problems, though:

No, shithead. Our distant ape ancestors probably shared forced copulation with several other primates because it was beneficial for them to do so. In humans, such behaviour has certainly been selected against and should be nearly extinct. However, this is not known; it is unknown to what extent genes responsible for such behaviour - by whatever tangent they act - are fixed for non-violent variants.

Pretty simple, no? Yet, I know you don't get that, because you're indescribably stupid. I didn't bother to read the rest of your post, because it assuredly contains the same mix of lies, twisting of language, assertion, character assassination and probably the justification of harassment. I can only presume you're working your way up to something worse, and it's better not to waste time on deviant personalities.

I noticed one or two responsible mods on the thread; lonely vigil, boys? Good luck.

The main take home point of the thread is that you have repeatedly failed to substantiate your claims with any hard proof. At all. Just your pontificating that it has to be true. There is absolutely no genetic proof to support your contention. None whatsoever.

Providing Thornhill and Palmer's work did not help your cause at all either.. Because as I explained repeatedly, people who make claims such as yours always resort to commenting on the woman's responsibility to simply not be raped and as such, her behaviour is called into question and most of all, it is the continued complaint about how rape is characterised and treated in society and it is always diminished in its effects on the victims.

Biologist Randy Thornhill and anthropologist Craig Palmer believe that human rape 'arises from men's evolved machinery for obtaining a high number of mates in an environment where females choose mates'. At the heart of their argument, as of all evolutionary psychology, is the claim that although we live in a space world, our skulls still house Stone Age minds. Human behaviours, Thornhill and Palmer argue, were originally designed by natural selection to facilitate the reproduction of our genes in our ancestral world. Many behaviours, such as rape, which may have been adaptive then, still haunt us now.

In humans, as in most animals, males and females have developed different reproductive strategies. Men are adapted to mate as frequently and with as many women as possible. Women, on the other hand, are designed to be monogamous and to ensure that their mate stays with them as long as possible. Rape, Thornhill and Palmer argue, is a consequence of these differences. Men rape because it helps spread their genes. The good professors are unsure whether men possess specific brain circuits that tell them to rape, or whether such coercion is the unfortunate outcome of a relentless male desire for casual sex. Either way, they insist that men rape because nature has designed them that way.

If men rape to increase their chance of fatherhood, women are traumatised by rape because it 'lowers their reproductive success'. Rape is painful, apparently, because it 'reduces a woman's ability to choose the timing and circumstances for reproduction, as well as her ability to choose the man who fathers her offspring'. And there I was thinking that the pain of rape had much to do with violence and forcible sex. Thornhill and Palmer, however, will have none of this. Rapists, they argue, do not as a rule use overmuch violence because they don't want to threaten their victim's chance of getting pregnant. Even more contentiously they believe that the trauma of rape decreases with more violent attacks, as injured women are more likely to be believed that they didn't 'ask for it'. The more battered a woman is, the less trauma she endures? It truly is an Alice-Through-The-Looking-Glass world that Thornhill and Palmer inhabit.

Much of the book is a polemic against social science and feminist theories of rape, in particular the belief that rape is a crime of violence, not sex. Social scientists, claim Thornhill and Palmer, are motivated by ideology which has blinded them to Darwinian truth. This rant might have more substance if Thornhill and Palmer's own arguments were not so flimsy and inchoate.

Take, for instance, the claim that natural selection has furnished men with behaviours that makes it easier for them to commit rape. One such possible adaptation is a 'psychological mechanism that help males evaluate the vulnerability of potential rape victims'. Another mechanism may help 'motivate men who lack sexual access to females (or who lack sufficient resources) to rape'. As evidence of the first mechanism, Thornhill and Palmer point to that fact that 'men are most likely to rape when rape's proximate benefits exceed the chances of injury and punishment'. The fact that 'rape is disproportionately committed by males with lower socioeconomic status' is, they suggest, evidence for the second kind of mechanism. The trouble is, you don't need a PhD in evolutionary biology to know that rapists are less likely to strike if they think they will be injured or caught, or that poor, resourceless men are more likely to commit crime, whether burglary or rape. You only insist that such behaviours are natural adaptations if, like Thornhill and Palmer, you are blind enough to believe that all behaviours must be evolved.

Thornhill and Palmer buttress their dubious 'scientific' arguments with even more dubious anecdotes. Men, they claim, get hot under the collar when their partner is raped because 'it reduces his confidence that he sired the mate's previous offspring, and his confidence that he will be the sire of the next offspring if his mate becomes pregnant at the time of the rape.' As evidence they drag up a hoary old tale of an orangutan which had raped a female cook at a primate research centre Indonesia. The woman's husband seemed unconcerned. 'Why should my wife or I be concerned?', he is supposed to have asked. 'It was not a man'. The husband, Thornhill and Palmer tell us, 'reasoned that since the rapist was not human, the rape should not provoke shame or rage.' Neither the husband nor the victim, they suggest, 'seemed to suffer greatly'. It seems astonishing that two learned professors should seriously believe that being sexually attacked by an ape would be of little concern to a woman. It seems even more astonishing that they should attempt to sustain their argument with the kind of salacious anecdote that used to pepper Victorian travellers' accounts of exotic cultures and their sexual mores.

Thornhill and Palmer end the book with as series of proposals to combat rape from an evolutionary viewpoint. Like the rest of their work, these are a mix of the banal, the bizarre and the reactionary. Evolution psychology, they tell us, has come to the conclusion that 'punishment can influence the frequency of rape' and that 'long incarceration' is most effective because it 'removes the offender from everyday male-male status pursuits that young men spend so much time practising.' Now, why didn't I think of that before?

Thornhill and Palmer want all young men to receive 'an evolutionarily informed educational program' which 'gets them to acknowledge the power of their sexual impulses.' Teenagers should be taught 'why they get an erection just by looking at a photo of a naked woman' and why they might 'mistake a woman's friendly comment or her tight blouse as an invitation to have sex.' They must complete such a course before they can get a driving licence. Why evolutionary knowledge about rape should make young men better drivers, Thornhill and Palmer don't explain. But if they truly believe that such an educational programme will curb young men's sexual desires, then they must have long forgotten what it's like to be a teenage boy. The last way to change a teenager's mind is by force-feeding him an adult education programme.

Thornhill and Palmer have advice for women too: don't dress provocatively and don't wear too much make up. A woman's behaviour, they insist, plays an important part in encouraging rape. Thankfully, they accept that the 'seclusion of women' is 'understandably abhorrent to many people', but they worry that 'the common practice of unsupervised dating in isolated environments such as automobiles, often accompanied by alcohol consumption, has placed women in environments conducive to rape to an extent unparalleled in history.' Perhaps, they suggest, young couples should be chaperoned a bit more. Don't wear sexy dresses. Don't get drunk. Don't have a grope in the car. And this from a book that is supposedly ideology-free.

Welcome to the natural consequences of what you have been arguing for.

To reiterate, there is no genetic proof that supports your claims in this thread.

None whatsoever.

You can claim that I am stupid, that I obviously do not know what I am talking about, and all the rest of the accusations you have made. Firstly, that won't get you anywhere and secondly, it still does not take absolve you of your behaviour in this thread. Not only did you attempt to make excuses for rape, but you also attempted to shame me because I dared to discuss it and you then attempted to deny that it even happened to me, you lied and misrepresented your own posts by editing them when quoting them, you have also consistently been unable to provide any proof to support your argument. You have been incapable of answering very basic questions and you have based your "alternate theory" on god knows what, because your theory, if you are to be taken even remotely seriously, completely and utterly leaves out the very simple fact that it's not just men who rape.

So when you stamp your feet in anger and declare my stupidity and all the rest that you have just ranted about like a child, it still results in your being completely incapable of backing up your assertions and of answering very basic questions about your theory. I provided you with real life examples of how and what rape victims were made to suffer and I asked you what the biological trigger would be and what sexual impetus would there be for those crimes. And you can't answer? After pages of your demanding that there has to be a biological trigger and a sexual impetus, you can't even assign it correctly? You can't even back it up?

Calling me stupid still does not lessen your inadequacies, GeoffP. And that I think is your problem here. Well that and the fact that you aren't being allowed to get away with it.

Let me leave you with this. From a geneticist, just to make sure you understand just how and why those like you fail in this particular debate:

For instance, suppose we found a unique rush of hormones that often accompanied coercive sex and sexual violence. Suppose we also found a particular regulatory pathway that triggered this unique combination of biochemical markers, that this pathway was co-expressed with sexual violence throughout different human populations, and, under very carefully controlled conditions, triggering this regulatory pathway increased sexual violence or willingness to rape a woman. This would show that there was a direct genetic underpinning to rape. Suppose we then looked for evidence of selection on this pathway, either in recent human history or in deeper evolutionary time, and found that selection in the direction of promoting this pathway had been acting. We would then have a firm, well researched piece of science strongly indicating that rape was a adaptively selected genetic trait.

Now, we don’t have that. Of course we don’t have that, what we have is vague pontificating without any supporting evidence. No evolutionary psychologist has sat down and attempted to find neurological or biochemical associations of sexual violence (though neuroscientists have, even if some of it looks a bit dodgy to my untrained eye), or to attempt to look at genetic variation in the sort of traits that are associated with rape.

Is that clear enough for you, smart guy?
A woman who doesn't want to be raped should use common sense and never get married.
That's not common sense by definition.

However, a woman should use common sense and not marry violent, irresponsible and/or criminal men. Fortunately most make such sensible decisions - which is why that particular bit of sense is, in fact, common. This, of course, does not excuse rape.

Other common sense issues:

A woman should use common sense and not leave her guns lying around where anyone can access them. Fortunately most people make such sensible decisions. This, of course, does not excuse criminals who would use those guns to kill her.

A woman should use common sense and not wander around the highway when drunk. Fortunately most people make the sensible decision not to do that. This, of course, does not excuse someone who sees her and decides to ram her.

A woman should use common sense and not carry her money hanging out of her back pocket. Fortunately most people make the sensible decision to not do that. This, of course, does not excuse someone who steals her money from her.

A woman should use common sense and not leave her keys in the ignition in public parking lots. Fortunately most people make the sensible decision to not do that. This, of course, does not excuse someone who steals her car.
Irony, and Then Some

Trooper said:

I think that I agree more with Cartmill that it’s a mistake to argue about the causes of rape.

The irony of your argument, that it's a mistake to argue about the causes of rape and therefore we should settle on the most superficial assertion for a cause of rape, is genuinely toxic.

Of course, one really can appreciate the perversity of Cartmill's approach:

One common criticism of evolutionary psychology notes that its explanations bear little resemblance to actual human motives. That is certainly true in this case: Men who rape women don't usually have babies in mind, and women don't resist rapists out of a desire to defend their female reproductive strategies. But Thornhill and Palmer dismiss that objection, and criticize the social sciences in general for failing to distinguish between proximate and ultimate causes. That distinction is essential to any Darwinian explanation of behavior. A tomcat on the prowl for females is not trying to make kittens. But the reason why tomcats want what they want -- the ultimate, evolutionary cause of their sexual urges -- is that copulation results in offspring.

In that respect, men are not different from tomcats. Human appetites, including the wish to dominate others, may be the proximate cause of rape and other human behaviors; but Darwinian theory implies that natural selection has made our appetites what they are because having those particular appetites contributes to successful reproduction. Here, I think Thornhill and Palmer are right, and their critics are missing the point.

But it seems to me that Thornhill and Palmer have themselves omitted an important element of Darwinian theory. The fact that rape sometimes results in offspring doesn't say anything about its adaptive value. Natural selection isn't simply a matter of successful reproduction, but of differential reproductive success -- not just making babies, but making more babies than the competition. If rape is adaptive, rapists should have more babies than nonrapists.

What Cartmill overlooks when comparing people to cats and orangutans is that humans exist in societies.

And these paragraphs:

For me, the most offensive parts of A Natural History of Rape were the authors' Darwinian explanations of women's resistance to rape. Females, they claim, resist rape not because it violates their bodies, but because it violates their reproductive strategy -- that is, it keeps them from gaining a competitive edge over other females through their choices of mates. According to the authors, "[t]he females who outreproduced others and thus became our ancestors were individuals who were highly distressed by rape." Thornhill and Palmer suggest that the cuts and bruises a woman gets when she resists rape may serve a reproductive function: Showing evidence that she resisted sex with another man may keep her male provider from ditching her as an unreliable mate and a bad reproductive investment.

Other evolutionary psychologists have gone even farther down that road. Some suggest that violent resistance to rape is a form of sexual selection: By putting up a fight, the victim ensures that her offspring will be descended from only the very strongest and fittest rapists. To their credit, Thornhill and Palmer reject that ugly little theory, but I couldn't tell why; it sounds about as plausible as a lot of their own speculations.

One can easily respond with natural selection: The females who outreproduced others and thus became our ancestors were the individuals who survived.

Perhaps most telling, however, is Cartmill's need for static artifice:

I don't see how knowing the ultimate, evolutionary causes of the evil that men do can add anything to those prescriptions. Human nature is what it is, no matter how it got to be that way. To figure it out, we have to look at the present, not speculate about the past.

We might fall back to the old line about those who fail to learn from history, but I think it might be a bit more to the point to simply note that over forty years after Brown's summation of Freudianism, Cartmill does not so much fail as arbitrarily reject one of the most innate of human traits: "The doctrine of the universal neurosis of mankind," writes Brown of Freud's accounting for human irrationality, "if we take it seriously, therefore compels us to entertain the hypothesis that the pattern of history exhibits a dialectic not hitherto recognized by historians, the dialectic of neurosis."

If it doesn't matter how we got here, then wherever we are is the Center of the Universe, or, to be more exact, nowhere at all.

Furthermore, it's not the evil that men do. Men are people. People are, for various reasons, occasionally violent. Understanding the shape and motivation of that violence is all the difference in the world.

Rape is a particularly pointed form of violence. To some eyes it is surpassed only by murder; others behold it as what you do when murder fails to satisfy. The evil that men do, in this context, is a statsistical outcome; men are not the only ones that rape, yet just as the Gay Fray saw the sufficiently invisible lesbian, we arrive in the rape question at the sufficiently invisible female rapist. It is, I admit, a bit strange, perhaps compelling as a plot twist even if not so much as an argument.

The vast majority of rapists will justify or excuse themselves. Some will blame the victims, others oblige the survivors to be thankful for being raped—oh, it's because I love you so much, baby.

If this was just about sexual expression or breeding, the rapists' minds would not need that ego defense. The significance of sexual symbolism is not lost on the rapists; their minds calculate the pathways of comission and justification in contexts derived from the same larger societal culture as the contexts in which rape victims and survivors struggle to endure and eventually recover themselves.

Furthermore, it's always worth treading carefully around notions that involve suggestions of "inappropriate breeding attempts or hybridization" when it comes to the rape of reproductively nonviable human beings; the implications spill way beyond the borders of rape questions.

As I suggested a couple months ago:

When we reduce another person to a mere tool or symbol to facilitate our personal gratification, there's more going on than just a moose humping a knot, or a hormonally charged cat celebrating a successful and useless hunt.


Cartmill, Matt. "Understanding the Evil That Men Do". The Chronicle of Higher Education. June 2, 2000.

Brown, Norman O. Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytic Meaning of History. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1959.
Yes, but they’re overpowering women to have sex.

So then why do men incapable of having sex rape? Why to men rape other men? Why do women rape? Why do women rape other women? Why do people rape others using instruments? Such as the Glen Ridge Rape

The victim was then orally raped. She was forced to bend over and the boys took turns vaginally penetrating her. The victim was then penetrated with a broom by two of those present, and she was penetrated with a baseball bat. The broom and bat were covered with plastic bags coated with Vaseline.

Or how about this case, in which several boys rape another boy with a broomstick?

In a summary of the incident, highlighted by, Eramo said Mondol and his two other teenage teammates forced their way into a cabin where freshmen were staying and said: "We're going to pick someone. It's going to be you. It's going to be you," while pointing at different students in the room.

One of his 16-year-old teammates then grabbed a broom and forced a freshman to the floor on his hands and knees and used the broom to rape him. Citing witness reports, Eramo said Mondol tried to stop the assault at one point but he changed his mind.

"I want to have a crack at that,'' he reportedly said. "If you do it again, I will lift up the broomstick,'' he is also alleged to have said.]/quote]

If you take a look around, you will find many, MANY cases like this... and in many of them, such as my second example, actual intercourse never seems to take place.

If it were "all about sex"... why does this happen so often?
There was a reason why I asked you which animal species aside from humans use sex as a tool to terrorise or harm others. Because the only ones to do that are human beings. No other animal uses sex as a means to control and terrorise others. Certain primates use violence and killings to terrorise and control neighbouring populations, such as chimpanzees that launch attacks on monkeys, killing their off-spring and eating their brains and they do this by hunting in packs. But they do not use sex to terrorise or harm others. They use violence and killings to control and terrorise, not sex. Human beings, on the other hand, use rape to terrorise and harm others, to control others. No other animal does that.

Violent Chimps​

During a series of genocidal massacres in Rwanda and Burundi that at one point left 10,000 human bodies floating ashore on Lake Victoria, a Harvard anthropologist traveled to war-weary Central Africa to investigate the origins of human violence. But instead of studying the fighting Hutu and Tutsi tribes, professor of anthropology Richard Wrangham plunged into the "time machine" of the rainforests to examine Homo sapiens' closest genetic relatives, the chimpanzees and pygmy chimpanzees, or bonobo apes.

In a new book, Demonic Males (Houghton Mifflin), which Wrangham wrote with science writer Dale Peterson, he reveals how he found a glimmer of hope that humanity could reduce its violence and overcome its five-million-year rap sheet of murder and war. Wrangham bases his optimism on the discovery that bonobos create peaceful societies in which males and females share power--while the biologically similar chimpanzees live in patriarchal groups in which males regularly rape, beat, kill, and sometimes even drink the blood of their own kind.


Although bonobo males are occasionally aggressive, they are usually discouraged from killing or raping by tight-knit bands of females that gang up on and attack aggressive males. The glue for these closely bonded groups of females is regular female-to-female, missionary-position sex, Wrangham writes. Such female-to-female sexual bonding is thought to be unique in the nonhuman animal world.

Wrangham avoids drawing close parallels between bonobos and human beings. He doesn't believe, for example, that lesbianism is the answer to human warfare. Instead, he takes a broader look at the species' behavior patterns, seeing female bonding and alliance-building in general as a weapon against the dominance of violent males. "I believe that Fyodor Dostoevsky got it right in The Brothers Karamazov, when he wrote that we all have a demon in us," Wrangham says. "And I can only hope that by understanding this, we can reduce this demon a little bit."​

Interesting article - just sayin'...
In the complete absence of any biological component to the rape phenomenon, I'm curious - why are women twice as likely to get pregnant when raped vs engaging in consensual sex? Even after factoring out use of birth control, etc.:

The Results

Twenty-six of the women who had been raped became pregnant—a pregnancy rate of 6.42%, which increased to 8% when adjusted for contraceptive use.

If you think that this is a low pregnancy rate, you are wrong. Contrary to what most people think, humans are among the most infertile of species. The most widely cited research article on this topic was a study of the relationship between pregnancy and the timing of intercourse among women who were trying to conceive and were not using any birth control. Naturally, the researchers found that the odds of their getting pregnant changed with the stage of their menstrual cycles. Among the “regular cyclers,” a woman’s chances of conceiving ranged from a high of 9% if they had sex on day 13 of their cycle to 0% when they were having their period. Over the entire cycle, however, a woman’s chances getting pregnant from one act of intercourse was only 3.1%. This finding is consistent with other studies of human fertility.

In short, women are at least twice as likely to conceive as a result of rape than by consensual sex.​

The original article from the journal Human Nature by Jonathan and Tiffani Gottschall can be found here but I'm not in a position to pay $39.95 for it. Maybe someone else has access?

In any event, this is the abstract:

Human Nature
2003, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp 1-20

Are per-incident rape-pregnancy rates higher than per-incident consensual pregnancy rates?
Jonathan A. Gottschall, Tiffani A. Gottschall

Is a given instance of rape more likely to result in pregnancy than a given instance of consensual sex? This paper undertakes a review and critique of the literature on rape-pregnancy. Next, it presents our own estimation, from U.S. government data, of pregnancy rates for reproductive age victims of penile-vaginal rape. Using data on birth control usage from the Statistical Abstract of the United States, we then form an estimate of rapepregnancy rates adjusted for the substantial number of women in our sample who would likely have been protected by oral contraception or an IUD. Our analysis suggests that per-incident rape-pregnancy rates exceed per-incident consensual pregnancy rates by a sizable margin, even before adjusting for the use of relevant forms of birth control. Possible explanations for this phenomenon are discussed, as are its implications to ongoing debates over the ultimate causes of rape.​

Makes one wonder...
Georgie's Broad Brush

And Then There Was George

Dr. Jen Gunter, a rape survivor and OB/GYN, responds to conservative icon George Will:

I was specifically moved to write to you because the rape scenario that you describe somewhat incredulously is not unfamiliar to me. Not because I’ve heard it in many different iterations (I have sadly done many rape kits), but because it was not unlike my own rape. The lead up was slightly different, but I too was raped by someone I knew and did not emerge with any obvious physical evidence that a crime had been committed. I tried to push him away, I said “No!” and “Get off” multiple times,” but he was much stronger and suddenly I found my hands pinned behind my back and a forearm crushing my neck and for a few minutes I found it hard to breathe. I was 22, far from home, scared, and shocked and so at some point I just stopped kicking and let him finish. Sound familiar? For several weeks I didn’t even think about it as a rape because that was easier than admitting the truth. Again, sound familiar?

When a man who is much stronger than you holds you down (Hey baby don’t fight, you know you want it) and forces your legs open the violence and power of those movements is horrifically violating and utterly disempowering. You think you screamed NO! at the top of your lungs but you were so scared and so shocked that when you went from yelling no! to pleading no to silently weeping no is hard to remember. Implied violence Mr. Will is a terrifying thing indeed.

You labor under the fear (as some men do) that there is an epidemic of false rape. That good young men will go to jail for consent withdrawn after the fact. And while false accusations likely do happen (the Duke Lacrosse case is a recent, well-known example) these are the exception and not the rule and each time a male with a platform spouts off about a false epidemic of rape it only makes it harder for women who have been violated to come forward.

And your confusion about the under reporting statistics? First a woman has to get over her fear of her assailant and the shame imparted by society and then she has to deal with the police. There are no Special Victims Units like you see on T.V. protectively shepherding women through the process of facing assailants. And if fear and shame and being disbelieved by law enforcement were not enough of a deterrent think about having your pubic hair combed for your rapist’s DNA while you are dripping with his ejaculate. And you have the gall to wonder why some women might not immediately (if ever) report a rape? I am a 47 year-old financially and professionally secure woman in a stable, loving relationship and it took 25 years and your jackass column to get me to speak up about my rape. How easy do you think it is for a scared 20 year-old to call 911 or walk into a police station and say, “I was just raped?”

This weekend I was out dancing and experienced what I think you referred to as “micro-aggressions.” I had my buttocks pinched three times and my breasts groped twice. I was called a “bitch” and a “50-year-hag” when I politely declined hopeful suitors. Whether it is a cat call or a grope these actions represent sexual aggression and Mr. Will they have little to do with sex and everything to do with aggression. I wish someone taught those 40-something-year-old men in college that verbal assaults are not the appropriate response to “no thank you” and that pinching a women’s behind is not a mating ritual.

There is no woman who I have ever met personally or as an OB/GYN who thinks that surviving a rape confers some sort of privilege. I am genuinely curious if you interviewed a few young women hoping to earn their college rape badge or is that just a conclusion you reached looking at the issue of sexual assault through the myopic lens of misogyny?

One wonders of Mr. Will really thought he was being innovative, or if he actually knew how sloppy and lazy he was being and just didn't care.

Of course, one also wonders if one really wants to know the answer.


Gunter, Jen. "An OB/GYN writes to George Will about college rape". June 11, 2014. June 16, 2014.

Deutsch, Barry. "Street Harassment". Ampersand. September 1, 2010. June 16, 2014.

See Also:

Will, George F. "Colleges become the victims of progressivism". The Washington Post. June 6, 2014. June 16, 2014.
One wonders of Mr. Will really thought he was being innovative, or if he actually knew how sloppy and lazy he was being and just didn't care.

Of course, one also wonders if one really wants to know the answer.

The answer is quite simple - Mr. Will's comment "Consider the supposed campus epidemic of rape, a.k.a. 'sexual assault.'" indicates that he is channeling his inner chimpanzee. After all, it is only "natural" to believe that "Females are essentially reproductive commodities over which males compete." and "Males may appear to dictate mating efforts, but the promiscuous, mate-soliciting female is the driving force in the mating system of the species."

He should take a page from the bonobo's book (maybe we all should):

Bonobo society, unlike that of chimpanzees, is best characterized as female centered and egalitarian, with sex substituting for aggression. Females occupy prominent, often ruling positions in society, and the high points of bonobo intellectual life are found not in cooperative hunting or strategies to achieve dominance but in conflict resolution and sensitivity to others.
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