The Broad Brush? Women and Men; Prejudice and Necessity

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On what exactly , Elliot Rodger's mental condition, whether or not rape is strictly about power and never sex, abortion, or atheism?

I'll ask you again, when and where did she first mention that she was raped?

On what happens during a rape, and even the motivations of why a rape occurs and when/where/how. That's a large part of what has me so irritated in this thread - yes, that advice might help prevent a small number of rapes... but honestly, most of them don't follow the "date rape" pattern. I dearly, dearly wish they did, because then it WOULD be so simple to avoid them, to prevent them... but sadly that just isn't the case.

I'm not sure where it was first brought up, be it in this thread or otherwise.
And is that because it's not a man's duty to stop himself? Or that he is innately incapable?
It is a person's duty to stop themselves from committing ANY crime. Period.
I don't know, Bill, are you not smart enough to figure out the difference between choosing a method of protecting oneself and the societal argument that you are obliged to do so?
That's easy. You can choose a method to protect yourself. You are not obligated to do so.
Consider a male friend of mine. Some years ago, he bought a handgun because he really, really wanted one. Why? He didn't know, but if anyone fucked with him ....
Several years later, he got rid of the gun. He didn't need it. He didn't want it. He had become a walking lethal weapon.
But he chose to study several martial arts and dedicate himself to that path.
Good for him! Sounds like the same path I chose.

Are you going to tell him "ditch the martial arts, you idiot! Otherwise you're making the societal argument that people are obligated to defend themselves, and you have to become Bruce Lee."

So think about it for a moment. If people had better medical knowledge, then doctors wouldn't screw them up with bad prescriptions. Common sense says people should become doctors.
No. Again with the extremes. You can educate yourself medically without having to "become a doctor."
If people had a better comprehension of their computers, they wouldn't get conned into buying malware posing as a cure for malware. Common sense says people should become computer scientists.
No. Common sense says you shouldn't click on every thing that pops up on your screen.
If people had a better comprehension of nutrition, many would not be so obese, and thus not live under the elevated threat of heart attack and stroke. Common sense says people should become nutritionists.
I have to ask this with all seriousness - are you really that obtuse? You intentionally learn nothing about computers because you don't want to "become a computer scientist?" You know nothing about medicine, and like it that way, because otherwise you have to "become a doctor?" That's really how you live your life - in ignorance of all those things?

Meanwhile, shortly before I met that friend—or, as such, right after I moved to Oregon in 1991—a karate instructor was raped and beaten in the parking lot of her own school.
Yep. And Jim Fixx - one of the most fit people on the planet, and the person that started the US fitness craze - died of a heart attack at 52. Do you really think that's a reason to avoid exercise so you don't end up with heart disease?
But the idea that they should be circumstantially obliged to, so that the ill behaved don't have to behave better?
No one is saying that they are obligated. I am saying that people like your friend are wise, and it would be a good idea to emulate him.
Sorry, dude. You're advocating for rapists.
And you are advocating that women submit to rape. Shame on you.
On what happens during a rape, and even the motivations of why a rape occurs and when/where/how. That's a large part of what has me so irritated in this thread - yes, that advice might help prevent a small number of rapes... but honestly, most of them don't follow the "date rape" pattern. I dearly, dearly wish they did, because then it WOULD be so simple to avoid them, to prevent them... but sadly that just isn't the case.

Don’t get drunk, don’t get into bed with a guy, and don’t take off your cloths. What’s wrong with that advice?

This makes me a rape apologist and a misogynist? :bugeye:

I would also advise my children to not leave their drink unattended. To not accept drinks from people they don't know or trust. To be aware of their surroundings and avoid isolated areas. Wouldn't you?

Trooper said:

I didn't know that Bells was raped until she made this comment. The search engine isn't working. Where did she first mention this? Do you have the link?

• • •​

I'll ask you again, when and where did she first mention that she was raped?

It was first addressed in the topic post of the thread this one was split from.

In this thread:

#12 (Bells): Do you think it's hate speech for me to describe my rape? Was it "man hating bullshit"?

Response (Balerion, #13): "No, you simply leverage that to score points in conversation, like you have here.")​

#14 (PJdude): "are you really so fucked in the head to actually try and tell a fucking rape victim that as male whose never been raped that your the real victim of rape"

#17 (Bells): So my being raped is now leverage..

ibid: Since you know, you're the guy who just accused me of using being brutally raped as leverage against men.. How can you even whine that you think I have leverage because I was raped, as though it's a good leverage to have?

ibid: So you enjoy abusing women who just told you they have been recently raped in a thread about misogyny, rape, and violence against women?

#19 (Balerion): What, do you think being raped gives you special privilage to act like an idiot?

#20 (Bells): You mean the ones where you are whining that I am a rape victim and it somehow gives me some kind of leverage?

ibid: I have to ask because your current whine that I am a victim of rape, yes, I mentioned it again, has to be seen to be believed.

You know, now that I read through the first page of the thread (above), it's easy to see how you missed it.

Would you like me to review the subsequent pages of this thread?

Just out of curiosity, did you actually read Balerion's posts before backing him up?

#55 (Bells to Trooper): I have already been soundly abused and shamed for daring to even say what happened to me. He just stopped short of saying I deserved it.

Given that you have every appearance of not actually reading the posts you're responding to, yeah, we can see how this little blip on the radar slipped by you.

No, really, it's all over the thread. No, really, it's all over this thread, to the point that I stopped counting after the first page, and only paused to consider whether #55 was relevant, as you chose to not respond to it. Of course, when you're pursuing personal issues instead of actually attending the subject, well, it's pretty easy to see how you missed it.
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Don’t get drunk, don’t get into bed with a guy, and don’t take off your cloths. What’s wrong with that advice?

This makes me a rape apologist and a misogynist? :bugeye:

I would also advise my children to not leave their drink unattended. To not accept drinks from people they don't know or trust. To be aware of their surroundings and avoid isolated areas. Wouldn't you?
what's wrong is it is putting the onus of not having rape on the women. its saying the responsiblity is on rape victims to not be raped and not on rapists to you know not rape.
Tiassa said:
It was first addressed in the topic post of the thread this one was split from.

Are you sure because that topic was started on 06-02-14 and she made this comment to me on 05-31-14, as if I should have known?

Trooper said:
Well, I agree with Balerion. Bells is using the Elliot Rodger tragedy to push her own agenda. Why not just take the kid at his word? He told the whole world why he did it in his 137 page manifesto.

I agreed that Bells was using the Elliot Rodger tragedy to push her own agenda. The whole damn world was using it to push some agenda or another.


And this makes me a rape apologist and a misogynist?
And Just What Is Your Point?

Trooper said:

Are you sure because that topic was started on 06-02-14 and she made this comment to me on 05-31-14, as if I should have known?

Well pointed. Except, well, what is your point?

I agreed that Bells was using the Elliot Rodger tragedy to push her own agenda. The whole damn world was using it to push some agenda or another.

And I would agree that you're actually the one trying to use what he did to push your own agenda to justify misogyny. You're the one romanticizing Elliot Rodger.

But you do make the point: He told us why he did it. He did it because he did not get the blonde, female fucktoy he felt entitled to.

And when I responded to that swooning post, you simply changed the subject in order to focus on what women do wrong.

Of course, these are the sorts of problems one encounters when undertaking a political argument not for the weight of evidence, but the sentimental weight of your own spite.

You want to equate Rodger's hatred of women with his hatred of men? Okay, how are they the same? And no, you don't get to stay superficial on this one; there is a functional difference that goes way beyond both aspects being hateful.

And this makes me a rape apologist and a misogynist?

Given your insistence that people ignore the misogyny, yes, Trooper, you are a misogynist. Which makes a certain amount of sense; we usually use the term "self-loathing ______", or perhaps its antiquated predecessor, "ego dystonic ______". Self-loathing Jew, self-loathing homosexual, self-loathing woman. These, at least, are the ones that stick out. There are plenty of self-loathing people who fall under different descriptors, such as men, white men, Christians, &c., but these are usually brushed away in favor of other terms because they are closer to the center of statistical normalcy.

But, at the same time, I don't think that's necessarily the manifestation. It might have something to do with the etiology, but as you've already declared that this isn't about the issue for you but rather your sentiments toward Bells, well, I would need months with you on the couch to untangle that one, though in truth that wouldn't work because you so loathe me and I already consider you tragically and disgracefully dishonest, so it's probably better if you seek certified, professional counseling.
Trooper said:
I agreed that Bells was using the Elliot Rodger tragedy to push her own agenda. The whole damn world was using it to push some agenda or another.

I keep getting told by the likes of you that I am pushing an agenda, but none of you are able to even tell me what that agenda happens to be. If the agenda is to end misogyny, then what an awful thing to embark on! No wonder you're so pissed.

You're a rape apologist and a misogynist for a variety of reasons, some of which pertain to your belief that women are somehow able to act or behave a certain way to prevent themselves from being raped, while disregarding that the greater majority of rapes are committed by people the victim knows and trusts. What you advocate for is pretty much being always on hyper alert. Always prepared. Always afraid. You're as bad as Billvon and his 'just don't marry someone who will rape you'.. Ermm okay, because people who rape have it tattooed on their foreheads for everyone to know? By your reckoning, if a girl gets drunk, if she's taken her clothes off to get into bed with a guy she knows or is in a relationship with, then she's asked for it.

billvon said:
Yep. And Jim Fixx - one of the most fit people on the planet, and the person that started the US fitness craze - died of a heart attack at 52. Do you really think that's a reason to avoid exercise so you don't end up with heart disease?
Depends.. Especially if you are male.

And you are advocating that women submit to rape. Shame on you.
Nah. He's saying that putting the onus on women to not be raped instead of putting the onus on the rapist to not rape is what makes you a rape apologist.

But I get how you would find that confusing.

Considering you are saying that if women don't want to be raped, they should simply be more responsible and not marry a potential rapist and all..

Use good judgment in what parties to attend. What to wear. Who to date. What to drink and how much. What to tell people they talk to. How to let people know when they are worried about someone's attention. How to escape risky situations. How to defend themselves.

Or don't take my word for it. Here are some suggestions from the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network:

So you think a woman's clothing is an invitation to a rapist? Best tell the 80+ something grannies who are raped in their homes while they are in their nighties that they are being too risque and should instead dress differently.

Who to date? Well, in that regard, all are potential rapists. Even you. What to drink and how much? Do you tell men this as well as a rape preventative measure? So if a woman gets drunk in her own home with her spouse and he rapes her, she's partially responsible for putting it out there? What to tell people they talk to? Frankly, why talk to people at all, after all, no one knows who is the rapist.

There was this study conducted a while ago, where they put up men's faces and asked subjects to pick out the rapist. There were rapists and non-rapists. Your belief that you can tell who a rapist is or will be in the future is misguided and frankly down right idiotic. The potential female victim was completely unable to pick the rapist.


Which one, out of those 6 is the rapist?

I've posted this study before and no one has been able to pin point it.

Certainly, you can cheat and look it up or you may have seen it before. But no one was able to pinpoint the rapist without having seen this study before. Why is that?

Because a rapist is not going to walk around advertising that they are rapists. They don't look like rapists. Your rapist looks like your father, your brother, your wife, daughter, son, uncle or aunt, your doctor, your best friend, the guy who sells you the paper, the local police officers, your boss, your colleagues, etc.

Now, would you leave your drink with your best friend? After all, he/she does not look like a rapist, but they could very well be a rapist. What about your doctor? Your local priest?

Trained psychologists can see the signs, as you previously stated. Advice from such a person would be an excellent way. Getting a very small subset of their training would help identify such people.
So we should all be going to see trained psychologists to be taught how to spot potential rapists?

Here is a good list excerpted from the RadicalRedHead website, from a woman who has been raped and now advocates rape prevention:

1) He invades your space: A potential rapist often invades your space-visually, verbally and physically. The night Brian Hoffman raped me, I noticed he constantly stared at me the entire night. He was visually invading my space.

2) He seems distracted: He may ignore your wishes by acting distracted. Trust me, his hearing is just fine. For example, You tell him youre ready to call it a night but he orders you another drink instead, and then says, "Oh, I thought you said you wanted another." Dont be fooled by this.

3) He wants you alone: He can be subtle about isolating you. If youre getting bad vibes, stick with your group, and make sure you have your own ride home.

4) He wants you wasted: Alcohol and drugs are a factor in around 90% of assaults. Of course this doesn't mean that you are at fault. However, they make you vulnerable and provide an excuse for his behavior.
One, two, three and four could be anyone you know, your spouse for example. He stares at you because he thinks you look great and he told you this before you left the house, he's distracted because well, that's what he is always like, especially when out, he wants you all to himself because it's date night, a night out without the kids and you can talk to each other for once without being interrupted, he gets you wasted because you need to let your hair down and relax and how often do you get a chance to get wasted?

OK. That would likely work to reduce the odds of your being raped, per the advice of a woman who actually was raped.
And I was not?

And I will remind them that you advocate that women submit to rapists, and to weigh your advice accordingly. That's just as accurate.
How have I said or advocated that women submit to rapists?

What? Because I don't think women should be living in terror of rape 24/7, I advocate that women submit to rapists?


No, but it's a great strawman.
Not really. As an actual survivor of rape, I think you're creepy as fuck, I get bad vibes about you and I see you as a potential threat to women.:shrug:
This should be super easy (without cheating). Billvon has stated that we should just be able to tell these things.
Bells said:
Well pointed. Except, well, what is your point?

I’m a woman, an attractive woman. I am very aware of misogynistic behavior, trust me.

My comment was factitious, and on the abortion issue, at that. She took from that, that I was a rape advocate, and would enjoy watching another woman get raped, that I would actually cheer it on. That is highly offensive, not to mention extremely odd. IOW, she portrayed me as a rape advocate even before she started that topic on misogyny.

Tiassa said:
And I would agree that you're actually the one trying to use what he did to push your own agenda to justify misogyny. You're the one romanticizing Elliot Rodger.

I am in no way romanticizing a mass murderer or in any way justifying misogyny. I don’t understand why you would say that?

Tiassa said:
The attitudes Chu describes are pervasive in our society.

I don’t understand why you think it’s fair to equate Elliot Rodger to all men in our society.

Tiassa said:
Given your insistence that people ignore the misogyny, yes, Trooper, you are a misogynist.

I left out all of your unnecessary insults, but honestly, I don’t see how you can call me a rape advocate and misogynist with a clear conscience.

Bells said:
You're a rape apologist and a misogynist for a variety of reasons, some of which pertain to your belief that women are somehow able to act or behave a certain way to prevent themselves from being raped, while disregarding that the greater majority of rapes are committed by people the victim knows and trusts.

That’s inaccurate. I said that political correctness should not trump common sense and good judgment. That advice is something that any responsible parent would give to a daughter.

Everything else that you said was highly uncalled for, extremely offensive, and not worthy of a response.
That’s inaccurate. I said that political correctness should not trump common sense and good judgment. That advice is something that any responsible parent would give to a daughter.

Everything else that you said was highly uncalled for, extremely offensive, and not worthy of a response.
you keep talking bout responsibilty but only for the victims. the idea that the rapists should be responsible and you not rape seems to be alien. I'm a guy and the shit you keep saying makes me feel dirty. let me put it to you this way if i was in a bar and you were in my group and you said that I wouldn't let a woman be alone with you. Your making the exact same arguments all the assholes use to diminish the harm caused to victims of trauma and abuse and that's not ok.
My guess is number Six, my wife says Number 2, but she wouldn't be surprised to have it happen from any of them.

Pretty good indicator there - you really cannot tell WHO it is from looking at em.
Nah. He's saying that putting the onus on women to not be raped instead of putting the onus on the rapist to not rape is what makes you a rape apologist.
Ah. And since I don't do that, I guess that makes you a liar.
Considering you are saying that if women don't want to be raped, they should simply be more responsible and not marry a potential rapist and all..
Nope. Never said that.
So you think a woman's clothing is an invitation to a rapist?
Nope. Never said that.
Best tell the 80+ something grannies who are raped in their homes while they are in their nighties that they are being too risque and should instead dress differently.
You can if you like.
Who to date? Well, in that regard, all are potential rapists. Even you.
And you, since women rape as well.
What to drink and how much? Do you tell men this as well as a rape preventative measure?
Definitely. In fact, not getting too drunk is a good way to reduce the odds of ANY violent attack - for men and women alike.
So if a woman gets drunk in her own home with her spouse and he rapes her, she's partially responsible for putting it out there?
There was this study conducted a while ago, where they put up men's faces and asked subjects to pick out the rapist. There were rapists and non-rapists. Your belief that you can tell who a rapist is or will be in the future is misguided and frankly down right idiotic.
Cool, since I never claimed that.
The potential female victim was completely unable to pick the rapist.
I could show you pictures of six cars and ask you to tell me which one had the drunk driver in it. You would be unable to as well.

Do you wear a seatbelt?
Because a rapist is not going to walk around advertising that they are rapists. They don't look like rapists. Your rapist looks like your father, your brother, your wife, daughter, son, uncle or aunt, your doctor, your best friend, the guy who sells you the paper, the local police officers, your boss, your colleagues, etc.
Yes. And the cars that drunk drivers drive often look like any other cars. And thieves often look like ordinary people. And serial killers often look like the guy next door.
Still, if you use those facts to decide that you can do nothing to help yourself - and you tell people they are victims with no control over their own destinies - you will get people raped (and assaulted, and killed.) Decide if that's what you want to do.
Now, would you leave your drink with your best friend? After all, he/she does not look like a rapist, but they could very well be a rapist. What about your doctor? Your local priest?
Depends how well I know them. Have I known them all my life? Then the odds are very low that they will try to drug me. Were they just convicted of rape? Then the odds are high. Again, common sense.
So we should all be going to see trained psychologists to be taught how to spot potential rapists?
Not unless you want to. Up to you.
And I was not?
If you mean that your rape taught you more about rape than her rape taught this woman - you would have to take that up with her. She disagrees with your "just be a victim" approach, and would be much more suited to the conversation than I would be.
How have I said or advocated that women submit to rapists?
You have said over and over again that there is NO WAY to protect yourself against rape. You ridicule the very idea. The only remaining choice is to submit.

But I will ask you directly. If a woman is at risk of being raped - should she act to protect herself?

Not really. As an actual survivor of rape, I think you're creepy as fuck, I get bad vibes about you and I see you as a potential threat to women.:shrug:
OK by me. You clearly hate my guts. And given your stated views on the subject - that is absolutely fine with me.
I’m a woman, an attractive woman. I am very aware of misogynistic behavior, trust me.
What do your looks have to do with it?

You are aware of misogynistic behaviour but you do all that you can to excuse it?

My comment was factitious, and on the abortion issue, at that. She took from that, that I was a rape advocate, and would enjoy watching another woman get raped, that I would actually cheer it on. That is highly offensive, not to mention extremely odd.
Well you did.


In fact, you fully supported the person who abused me for saying I was raped, who accused me of benefiting from it in some way because apparently it is leverage. I'm a fairly good judge of character and the sad thing is that you have lived up to it, horribly well. And frankly, I don't know if you are dishonest enough to be arguing as you are because of who you are arguing with or because you are twisted enough to believe what you are saying.

I am in no way romanticizing a mass murderer or in any way justifying misogyny. I don’t understand why you would say that?

Mass murder is a crime against the masses. Elliot Rodger was not only a misogynist, but a spree killer. He hated humanity. He hated men and women. He killed men and women. He felt powerless and disconnected from society. He was a social outcast, who resorted to narcissistic defense mechanisms; denial, distortion, and projection. He was mentally ill.

"Oh, you popular kids, you've never accepted me. I hate of all you. Humanity is a disgusting, depraved species. You never showed me any mercy. So, I will show you none."

We have a fundamental need for inclusion, do we not? Chronic rejection is linked to aggressive and anti-social behavior. Social exclusion can cause people to lose the will to regulate their own behavior. Perhaps, if society were more inclusive, pathological and unhealthy behavior could be reduced.

It wasn't just about women, Bells. He was right, though. Women do reward aggressive and obnoxious behavior, reinforcing the idea that manhood is attained through power. Most of them are drawn to men who demonstrate confidence, stubbornness, and risk-taking tendencies, i.e. the high Machs. Why? Because therein lies "the challenge".

Damn those women and poor Elliot, shut out by nasty women who didn't want to have sex with him or be his girlfriend.. Who demeaned him by not giving him what he felt was his absolute right - a beautiful blonde woman.

Trooper said:
Malicious envy seems like the primary motive to me. Isn't that why Cain allegedly murdered Abel? Elliot Rodgers wanted to obtain honor himself and he couldn't bear to see others succeed. He not only envied people, he longed for revenge. He wanted to feel the sheer bliss of schadenfreude. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer mentioned schadenfreude as the most evil sin of human feelings, famously saying "To feel envy is human, to savor schadenfreude is diabolic."

"Life is a competition and a struggle."

He’s right. It is.
You didn't just romanticise it. You danced the tango around it with a rose between your teeth.

I don’t understand why you think it’s fair to equate Elliot Rodger to all men in our society.
Well considering you and Billvon have spent so much time telling us how women should be acting towards all men in society if she wants to prevent being raped, you know, your whole 'don't trust' people spiel, you really need to ask that question?

I left out all of your unnecessary insults, but honestly, I don’t see how you can call me a rape advocate and misogynist with a clear conscience.
Very very easily.

You have done so much to defend misogyny and advocate for women to prevent being raped, and that's just the tip of the ice berg, you have sadly made it too easy. That is how you are presenting yourself here. As I noted to my colleagues in the back room, this thread his interesting because we are quite literally watching an event unfold whereby we are seeing people bend so far backwards that you're all digging a trench with the back of your head as you do the 'must argue because of who it is, not what it is' limbo. And I don't know whether to laugh or be absolutely disgusted. Perhaps a bit of both?

That’s inaccurate. I said that political correctness should not trump common sense and good judgment. That advice is something that any responsible parent would give to a daughter.
Well duh!

No, really, duh. You're not saying anything that people have not heard before. As you said, it's common sense. And men, women and children exercising this basic level of common sense are still being raped by people they know and trust. What? Do you actually think you are providing this great revelation? You're not. Unfortunately, what you are doing is placing the onus on the woman to not be raped with the expectation that if she does all of what you suggest, she is somehow reducing her chances. 1 in 6 women are rape victims. So what's the deal?

Everything else that you said was highly uncalled for, extremely offensive, and not worthy of a response.
Really? Now you know how we feel when we read the claptrap that you and others have posted when it comes to rape prevention advocacy.

It's easy to simply ignore 70% or so of rapes and demand that women alter their behaviour if they want to avoid being raped with the implication that if they fail to comply, then they are somehow deserving or were asking for it. I mean we're down to what women wear now from Billvon. How low are you people willing to go?

The dark ages called. They have suggested you stop stealing their material about rape, women and misogyny. In short, you are an intelligent woman. Why are you arguing for and supporting such stupid points? I get it, it's because of who you are arguing against. But really? At some point, that will stop being an excuse for your misogyny.
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