The Broad Brush? Women and Men; Prejudice and Necessity

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The rapest is number 1... look how close his eyes are together.!!!
Wrong. As males, they are all potential rapists.
If a person wishes to become a martial artist, or a marksman, that's great.

But the idea that they should be circumstantially obliged to, so that the ill behaved don't have to behave better?

Sorry, dude. You're advocating for rapists.
Take away the sexual penetration aspects of rape and it becomes just another example of physical assault. Any measures potential assault victims can employ to defend against or discourage such attacks is to their advantage. Self defense training, home and public surveillance systems, avoiding being alone with questionable men or in unsafe environments, and getting a protection dog are a few that come to mind.

I know you want to hear us say that society needs to do more to condition it’s male members to not be rapists, misogynists, murderers, thieves and swindlers so that women will be less burdened with matters of personal security. I can’t imagine anyone participating in this thread that doesn’t share that sentiment and would love to see it happen ASAP, but just as Elliot Roger couldn’t wave his magic wand and make society bend to his wishes, neither can you. It’s as if you’re advising women to wait until utopia arrives instead of personally doing what ever they can to mitigate their victimization in the hear and now.

You want to equate Rodger's hatred of women with his hatred of men? Okay, how are they the same? And no, you don't get to stay superficial on this one; there is a functional difference that goes way beyond both aspects being hateful.
The hate Elliot Rodger had for women, their male partners, and society in general was derived from the delusional perception that each represented a roadblock to the realization of his ill conceived social order.

Given your insistence that people ignore the misogyny, yes, Trooper, you are a misogynist. Which makes a certain amount of sense; we usually use the term "self-loathing ______", or perhaps its antiquated predecessor, "ego dystonic ______". Self-loathing Jew, self-loathing homosexual, self-loathing woman. These, at least, are the ones that stick out. There are plenty of self-loathing people who fall under different descriptors, such as men, white men, Christians, &c., but these are usually brushed away in favor of other terms because they are closer to the center of statistical normalcy.

But, at the same time, I don't think that's necessarily the manifestation. It might have something to do with the etiology, but as you've already declared that this isn't about the issue for you but rather your sentiments toward Bells, well, I would need months with you on the couch to untangle that one, though in truth that wouldn't work because you so loathe me and I already consider you tragically and disgracefully dishonest, so it's probably better if you seek certified, professional counseling.
She ignores misogyny by suggesting motivations for it? She’s a self loathing woman for wanting to understand behavior rather than simply label it? Being a woman she’s had to personally deal with its consequences every day of her life to some degree. As man you’re either a casual observer or a perpetrator, but never a victim. So how does your experience trump hers in regards to understanding misogyny?
If he had a laptop strapped to his genitals, that would be an invitation to theft not rape, surely?

I hope you aren't equating stealing a laptop to the ravaging of this young man's body.
You know how predatory men are in Cardiff after about 20 pints.
Just because he chooses to dress in a low cut top is no reason why he should be treated as an object.
Bells said:
You just agreed with the guy who did. And very openly.


Kittamaru said:
Trooper... here's the thing... that is now the fifth or sixth person to think you have done just that... my wife, after reading through the thread, turned to me and asked simply why you and GeoffP seem intent on making this issue as muddy as possible... and she has absolutely zero vested interest in this site at all...

If all these people are getting that kind of vibe from you, then whether you intend it or not, perhaps, just perhaps, that is actually how you are coming across, and you should rethink what you are saying to ensure that your ACTUAL intent is clear.

My guess is that you and your wife are simple followers experiencing cognitive biases. I’ve asked you several times for evidence, but to no avail. It’s easier to jump on the bandwagon, isn't it?

I've defend Bells on several occasions when she was right. I’m defending GeoffP because he is right. He is not a rape advocate, or a misogynist, and neither am I.

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate

Bells and Tiassa are intellectually dishonest.

My guess is that you and your wife are simple followers experiencing cognitive biases. I’ve asked you several times for evidence, but to no avail. It’s easier to jump on the bandwagon, isn't it?

I've defend Bells on several occasions when she was right. I’m defending GeoffP because he is right. He is not a rape advocate, or a misogynist, and neither am I.

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate

Bells and Tiassa are intellectually dishonest.

You asked me for evidence, and someone else provided it already... or is that not admissible in your court?

Okay, how about turnabout:

Evidence that Bells and Tiassa are being intellectually dishonest, then. And I mean quotes and/or links as well as an explanation on why... it is quite the claim to make, after all.

I would also advise some caution... if you quote rhetoric or obvious sarcasm/cynicism, then I can just as easily show where you or GeoffP or Billvon or myself or, literally, pretty much anyone else on this site has used the same to showcase where someone is being blatantly absurd...
Trooper said:
Where did GeoffP say that rape was only about having sex? Link, please.

Kittamaru said:
His continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers study, which seem to indicate rape is primarily sexually motivated, implies such a statement. As for him actually saying it outright, I will re-read through the thread and get back to you on that; if I am mistaken, then I do apologize.

GeoffP said:
I should think you damn well should, Kitta. Are you usually in the habit of believing something because Bells said it? And the continued quotation of Thornhill and Palmers is from Bells, not me. Not once have I ever said that I accept the position that sexual assault is entirely genetic or biological. I'm a statistical geneticist.

You're committing libel. The onus is on you to prove that GeoffP is infact a rape advocate and a misogynist.
Wrong. As males, they are all potential rapists.

Well according to some, we are meant to be able to find visual cues. Because rapists apparently give off signs.

The study consisted of images of 32 men. I only posted 6.

Only one person got it right.

Now imagine if you will, going to a party. A responsible person will be able to pick out the potential rapists from a room full of people. If you can't pick out from 6 people, in this case, males, how are you going to be able to pick out from a roomful of people?

So the assertion that a responsible woman will not involve herself with a rapist, especially a man she meets at a party because he could be a rapist, but how can you know? As a guy, do you know what a female or male rapist looks like? Can you pick the girls or guys who could rape you, from a crowded room, say like at a party? What if a woman buys you a drink? Do you refuse because she could rape you?

Can you pick the rapist in a roomful of strangers? If you can't pick them out of 6, what chance do you have with 32, for example?

There is nothing extraordinary about the faces of those 6 men to indicate that they could be rapists. Had they been women, there would be nothing that would have set them apart as being rapists either.

And that's the kicker.

I laugh when I hear some of the rape prevention theories bandied around in this thread. It sets the bar for paranoia so high, that really, why would you want to leave the house at all? Your rapist is more likely to be the person you sleep next to every night who one day turns around, instigates sex, you say no and they don't stop, than just some random stranger. Sometimes they get violent, other times not.
I think that it is impossible to tell which person is most likely to be a rapist from a photo.
It seems valid to take cues from behaviour.

Although, having just googled images of rapists, it seems to me that an unusual proportion of them are extremely ugly.
Could be that police photography does not show people at their best, but some of these warrant Ugly Bug Ball lifetime invitations.

But an uglyometer won't help you much. It's the clean cut good looking ones with kind faces that are the biggest threat.
You're committing libel. The onus is on you to prove that GeoffP is infact a rape advocate and a misogynist.

You are the one committing libel, and poorly at that:

Of course there is a sexual motive in many cases of rape... if it was purely about abuse or control or power, they'd just beat the hell out of them instead and it'd be called assault and battery. The point is, though, that the comments being made in this thread about rape being all about having sex (such as by GeoffP) are absolute bupkis.

Where am I claiming that GeoffP is a rape advocate or a misogynist? I have simply attacked the idea that rape is a purely biological function, as well as the idea that the burden is entirely on women to defend themselves.
I think that it is impossible to tell which person is most likely to be a rapist from a photo.
It seems valid to take cues from behaviour.

Although, having just googled images of rapists, it seems to me that an unusual proportion of them are extremely ugly.
Could be that police photography makes most people ugly mind you.

You know why they tell you not to smile when they take passport photos? It's because if you go on the run or do something criminal, that is the photo they release to the press to apprehend you and they technically make you look guilty before you're even tried, Due to how unsettling a non-smiling face is.

My guess is that you and your wife are simple followers experiencing cognitive biases. I’ve asked you several times for evidence, but to no avail. It’s easier to jump on the bandwagon, isn't it?

I've defend Bells on several occasions when she was right. I’m defending GeoffP because he is right. He is not a rape advocate, or a misogynist, and neither am I.

Intellectually-honest and intellectually-dishonest debate

Bells and Tiassa are intellectually dishonest.
the thing is no they aren't. you and geoff and trying to play ignorant and pretend you don't understand the implications and connatations of what your saying. but the thing your both clearly adults who've mastered turning on a computer. I'm sorry that your both offended by the fact that your assumed to have mastered a middleschool level of communication and get that communication is more than just the words you say; that you know what your responding and how your responding effect the unspoken part of communication.
Bells said:
It is used often enough. My rapist won't even make it into a court room. The deal was done before it even got to court. He was deemed too mentally unstable to face trial, but not mentally unstable enough to have 50/50 custody of his kids or to work, etc, so the charges were dropped. Go figure that one out. I have seen that happen too many times to count.

You should consider putting your law degree to good use. This should have never happened. That’s not how the legal system works. The sad, unavoidable truth is that women have to decide what's more important. Putting an abusive man in jail is important. He could do this again to another woman.

Presumption of sanity and burden of proof

Sanity is a rebuttable presumption and the burden of proof is on the party denying it; the standard of proof is on a balance of probabilities, that is to say that mental incapacity is more likely than not. If this burden is successfully discharged, the party relying upon it is entitled to succeed. In Lord Denning's judgement in Bratty v Attorney-General for Northern Ireland 1963 AC 386, whenever the defendant makes an issue of his state of mind, the prosecution can adduce evidence of insanity. However, this will normally only arise to negate the defence case when automatism or diminished responsibility is in issue. In practical terms, the defence will be more likely to raise the issue of mental incapacity to negate or minimise criminal liability. In R v Clarke 1972 1 All E R 219 a defendant charged with a shoplifting claimed she had no mens rea because she had absent-mindedly walked out of the shop without paying because she suffered from depression. When the prosecution attempted to adduce evidence that this constituted insanity within the Rules, she changed her plea to guilty, but on appeal the Court ruled that she had been merely denying mens rea rather than raising a defence under the Rules and her conviction was quashed. The general rule was stated that the Rules apply only to cases in which the defect of reason is substantial.

Nature and quality of the act

This phrase refers to the physical nature and quality of the act, rather than the moral quality. It covers the situation where the defendant does not know what he is physically doing. Two common examples used are:

The defendant cuts a woman's throat under the delusion that he is cutting a loaf of bread,

The defendant chops off a sleeping man's head because he has the deluded idea that it would be great fun to see the man looking for it when he wakes up.

The judges were specifically asked if a person could be excused if he committed an offence in consequence of an insane delusion. They replied that if he labours under such partial delusion only, and is not in other respects insane, "he must be considered in the same situation as to responsibility as if the facts with respect to which the delusion exists were real". This rule requires the court to take the facts as the accused believed them to be and follows Hadfield's Trial, above. If the delusions do not prevent the defendant from having mens rea there will be no defence. In R v Bell 1984 Crim. LR 685 the defendant smashed a van through the entrance gates of a holiday camp because, "It was like a secret society in there, I wanted to do my bit against it" as instructed by God. It was held that, as the defendant had been aware of his actions, he could neither have been in a state of automatism nor insane, and the fact that he believed that God had told him to do this merely provided an explanation of his motive and did not prevent him from knowing that what he was doing was wrong in the legal sense.

"Competency to stand trial hinges on a defendant's current mental state at the time of trial. It is generally a low-level standard that requires merely that a defendant understands the proceedings against him -- that he is being tried for a crime, and the relative roles of prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge -- and be able to assist his attorney in his defense. The low standard reflects the attempt to provide as many people as possible a day in court, while excluding those individuals who are so sick as to be completely unable to comprehend the proceedings or to assist their attorneys. There is a common misconception that if an individual is found incompetent, it is the same as being found not guilty. In reality, if the defendant is deemed incompetent, there is no trial, and no conviction or acquittal. A finding of incompetence merely signals a hiatus in the criminal proceedings. In the majority of cases, a mentally ill defendant deemed incompetent receives treatment until he is deemed "restored to competence," and returns to court." The insanity defense has nothing to do with a defendant's current mental status; to be found not guilty by reason of insanity, a judge or jury must evaluate the defendant's state of mind at the time of the offense.

The M'Naghten rules
Yeah... sadly the real world doesn't always work like that Trooper... else there would be a LOT more people like that behind bars
Kittamaru said:
Where am I claiming that GeoffP is a rape advocate or a misogynist?

Are we in agreement then, that GeoffP is not a rape advocate or a misogynist?
Are we in agreement then, that GeoffP is not a rape advocate or a misogynist?

Ah, the fallacy of bifurcation... classic.

There is no such agreement at this time.

An interesting ploy to try and trap me though... either I disagree with your statement, and thus need to back my claim-by-disagreement that GeoffP IS a "rape advocate or misogynist", or I agree with your statement and as such "provide evidence" of some misdeed by Bells and Tiassa.

Clever... but not nearly clever enough.
*chuckles* "Well, then," Jesus said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God."

A lesson in political dictation if ever there was one.
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