The biggest joke in biology: AIDS

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Distorted opinion

Here i express my opinion, i have a friend that´s inmmunologist, he told me recently speaking about this theme, that much medication used for HIV is horrible at protein production level for all cells in body, cause much machinery blocked for viral production is the same used for our bodies for protein production. No matter if HIV and AIDS exits i prefer take some precautions at sexual level and i think is not bad, i dont wanna die young no matter if HIV or AZT kill me.
Here i express my opinion, i have a friend that´s inmmunologist, he told me recently speaking about this theme, that much medication used for HIV is horrible at protein production level for all cells in body, cause much machinery blocked for viral production is the same used for our bodies for protein production. No matter if HIV and AIDS exits i prefer take some precautions at sexual level and i think is not bad, i dont wanna die young no matter if HIV or AZT kill me.

Your best precaution is to stay away from the goddam AIDS doctors.
Get real.
There is huge controversy over the existence of AIDS. They always say that people never die directly from AIDS, and really from some other diease that attacks their weekend immune system. How convenient indeed.
Then there is the window period crap. You have HIV even though your test might appear negative all the time. So keep testing. How garbo is that?

Doctors will never admit that there is no such thing as AIDS because they would be burnt at the steak for misdiagnosing people all those times.
Not to mention the money lost from giving people medication that keeps them alive without killing them so they can keep on taking it and shoving more ends in to the pharmacy's pockets.

There are more than 60 conditions that can cause false positives.

Send the same sample to several labs and the results won't look like each other at all.
Well, it's in keeping in line with the symptoms that indicate the significant negative ego distortion deez two constantly exhibit.

Of course "they know" and the rest of you are mindless sheep.

Funny how such a mindset is obvious compensation to anyone not experiencing it, yet so unbelievably undetectable by the individual undertaking the folly.

Fancy, that.


Of course it never occurs to these uhm.. *clears throat*, egodisfunctoids... that endorsing the opposite of what is generally accepted is no more "correct" that the thing itself. To them, it's not a possibility that for instance "aids doesn't exist". It's fact. A reasonable person would at least consider the possibility they are wrong. Of course they may be right. Perhaps aids does not exist. I have never seen it nor known anyone directly who had it, at least that I'm aware of. I have not studied it under a microscope, I have only read and heard about it.

It would occur to me that for there are many, many things in my life that I've never experienced directly that are probably true regardless. Of course I do not KNOW of them, but most of them are of little consequence.

Did you know that there aren't any stars, and the earth is the center of the universe, but there isn't really a universe, we're just a TV show for vapor creatures from the 123414th dimension. It's true, and you're a fool not to believe me. My argument is superior because I say so.


What else don't we know that you know that reveals what mindless sheep anyone who isn't you is?
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Wes, I already have a good idea what kind of tripe you allow to overcome genuine scientific research in your mind. Thank you for showing it to us again.
There are more than 60 conditions that can cause false positives.
Name ONE, and link the scientific paper that shows that this condition will give a false positive. There are over 60, so it shouldn't be difficult.
I'm confused still, does it exist or doesn't it? Is it a virus or not?

Hi sderenzi,
AIDS exists, people die from it. It's a condition, a syndrome, not a virus.
It is caused by HIV, which is a virus.

Being HIV positive doesn't mean that you have AIDS, but it means you are likely to develop AIDS in the future, perhaps years away.

lixluke and MetaKron are pushing a conspiracy theory. Their logic is exemplified by lixluke's post:
lixluke said:
Those are all very nice pictures, but they cannot be HIV as the virus has never been isolated or found anywhere.
You see that lixluke dismisses evidence against his view simply because it is against his view. People like this are called crackpots because they maintain their stance regardless of evidence against it.
Actually, Lixluke dismisses evidence because it isn't evidence. No person on Earth can truthfully say that a picture is that of a particular virus if that virus has not been isolated. I don't know what rules of science you use, Pete, but I can infer from your statements that they have more to do with compliance with authority than the ability to present the relevant facts.

A lot of these people don't know the difference between refuting a dissident statement and abusing the dissident. Pete certainly doesn't.
I see that you're also dismissing it because you "know" that HIV has never been isolated.

Someone provides you evidence against that view, and you immediately dismiss it without consideration because you "know" the truth. That's not science.
I don't know, Metakron. Do you? Have you tried finding out?
Or are so convinced that HIV doesn't exist that you're not going to bother examining apparent evidence to the contrary?
I don't know, Metakron. Do you? Have you tried finding out?
Or are so convinced that HIV doesn't exist that you're not going to bother examining apparent evidence to the contrary?

That's just the point. You are willing to be pretty vigorous in support of evidence that you don't understand.
Pete has been 'vigorous' in this thread? He seems rather calm to me.

Would you really like to know how viruses are isolated, Metakron?
I don't think you do. I believe it's a rhetorical question. I believe that if your question were answered that you'd simply brush it off as you've brushed off everything else you don't care to understand in every other discussion that's taken place.

I'll give you a hint, photographs really aren't very important in the scheme of things. But they do impress laymen. It's sorta like space exploration. You get the pseudos who focus on the images that NASA publishes and thinks that space exploration is all about examining photographs. But it's not.
Pretty vigorous?!? :rolleyes:

I'm not the one pretending to have expert understanding of a specialised field.
Careful, Pete, you've allowed an exclamation point to enter your dialogue. You are now entering 'vigorous' territory. Metakron will use this as evidence of your collusion with the bully and hiv lobby.
invert nexus and you exist? what proof is there? Do I exist? what proof is there? Do I have soul? Is there proof I have soul? this world even real? what proof is there!!!
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