The biggest joke in biology: AIDS

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but now that you sequenced it...I will you prove that the sequence is that of HIV? What if there some government conspiracy? and sequence is that of E.coli?

it doesn't fit in the phylogeny of E coli.
it doesn't fit in the phylogeny of E coli.

cant u tell blank sarcasm? I know retrovirus isnt even for E. coli its bacteria so it has nothing to do with HIV. I was just trying to say how obsurd it is to state that HIV does not exist (even if he/she/it was joking).
Your wish is my command, oh master of coolness and skill.



I asked for actual HIV.
Not images of your mom's breasts.

Those are all very nice pictures, but they cannot be HIV as the virus has never been isolated or found anywhere.
Now that we agree about the cold hard facts that AIDS does not exist, we can try to get a better understanding by studying how to fight the real diseases out there.
To all of the nutjobs here:

Please provide evidence that viruses exist.

Then provide proof of the more common ones such as flu or the group that causes viral meningitis.
Now that we agree about the cold hard facts that AIDS does not exist, we can try to get a better understanding by studying how to fight the real diseases out there.

Funny, I've never seen anyone agree with you, ever.

Nor have I ever seen you deal with cold hard facts.

Must be a mirror.
IT maybe TRUE...

they say... the reason aids.. the virus... is so difficult to fight, is because it doesnt allow for antegens to be made of it by the white blood cells....
i.e.. it like a slippery virus... white blood cells have alot of trouble grabbing it and eating it.

yet... the test they use to see if you have aids... is a test for an antegen which they have also said doesnt exist....

strange... yet i have not devoted enough time to studing it, to be able to be sure.... so i reserve some doubts.

but it is true... they dont test for the virus... they test for something that they say shouldnt be there at all..

so, i am skeptical.

it smells of organized eugenics...

yet... they say every chimpanzee has aids... but they are immune.

the flu comes from chickens.
sars from cats..
bird flu...
swine flu...
and aids from chimps...

we should NOT play with animals is the moral of the story.


some humans have the plague, and they're immune to it.

It's possible for a virus to live on you, yet you still not be affected by it.
There is no such thing as AIDS.

I would love for anybody to show me actual isolated evidence for this mythological creature they call, HIV.

Any doctor diagnosing a patient with AIDS is clearly a blithering idiot. All of these diagnosis are some form of other disease. If anybody you know has been diagnosed with AIDS, tell them to sue the doctor on the grounds of medical malpractice and total stupidity. If the patient was properly diagnosed, they probably could have been appropriately treated. Now they are 6 feet under.

Clearly the blithering idiot is staring back at you from the mirror.
The biggest joke in biology: claiming that AIDS doesn't exist, without knowing any biology.
Gallo didn't discover anything. He stole some information and samples from the French, lied about it to Congress, and made a "specific" test from the mixed blood samples of three patients. The father of AIDS lied to Congress, got caught and was forced to admit it, then he went on to make millions from the use of a test that had no standard to calibrate it against.
We are quite aware that the HIV virus was discovered in the pasteur institute.

That does, however, not refute the existence of HIV or AIDS.
Wasn't Gallo a known quack with a history of falsified malpractice?

We are quite aware that the HIV virus was discovered in the pasteur institute.

That does, however, not refute the existence of HIV or AIDS.
Are you implying that HIV and AIDS are real?

1-You have HIV.
2-I do?
1-Yes. You might not feel anything now, but that is how it works. You might not feel anything for months or years. But you have it.
2-I feel fine and healthy.
1-You have HIV. You better start taking medication now before it is toooo late. Don't mind the side effects. If they make you sick for a long period of time without killing you, don't worry. That is just the AIDS manifesting. You'll be just fine. Muhuhahahaha!!!!
I guess that means that reality is relative to the person. If he is falsely diagnosed with a terminal disease high might change his belief reality to get sick and die.

While if he saw himself as healthy, there would be no prob.
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