The biggest joke in biology: AIDS

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Diagnostic tests

It is possible to diagnose HIV infection by isolating the virus itself from a blood sample or by demonstrating the presence of HIV antigen in the blood. Viral culture, however, is expensive, not widely available, and slow-it takes 28 days to complete the viral culture test. More common are blood tests that work by detecting the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus. These tests are inexpensive, widely available, and accurate in detecting 99.9% of AIDS infections when used in combination to screen patients and confirm diagnoses.

It is indicated that, It is possible to diagnose HIV infection by isolating the virus itself from a blood sample.

Anyway, can you tell me something about low hematocrit? Whether low hematocrit is noted at initial stages or at later stages after AIDS infection?
It is indicated that, It is possible to diagnose HIV infection by isolating the virus itself from a blood sample.

Anyway, can you tell me something about low hematocrit? Whether low hematocrit is noted at initial stages or at later stages after AIDS infection?

Low hematocrit is caused by AZT poisoning.
Nope. Not me.
I called you incredibly stupid because of that very stupidity that you demonstrated when characterizing scientific papers as 'gobbledygook'.
I knew that you were going to, so I wasn't surprised.
That's not the issue.

You're just an incredibly stupid person.
And the thing is that you're obviously intentionally stupid. You have a brain and are intelligent about some issues. But you are blind, purposefully blind, in so many other areas.
This is one of them.

That's why there is absolutely no point in discussing this with you.
At all.
The only point would be if someone impressionable appeared to be swayed by your emotional arguments. Then, rather than addressing you, the point would be to present the evidence to that impressionable someone and let them judge for themselves.

But, since nobody seems to be listening to you at this juncture, there's no need to even bother with you.

Bye bye.


Hmm. I am curious though. Why is it that you feel comfortable believing the material presented by the manufacturers of AZT but don't feel comfortable believing the voluminous literature on hiv and aids?
I actually know why. It's because you judge based on emotion rather than logic.
But I wonder if you are able to see the hypocrisy of your stance?

You might as well not even have tried all that, Invert.
Low hematocrit is caused by AZT poisoning.

Can't it be a symptom of disease?

Can cell's (RBCs, WBCs) swelling/microcytosis be possible on low hemtocrit making them to be lesser effective and short lived? Cytolysis, bleeding may be other possibilties due to increased swelling?

Whether all or most virus diseases are related to low hematocrit?
Can't it be a symptom of disease?

Can cell's (RBCs, WBCs) swelling/microcytosis be possible on low hemtocrit making them to be lesser effective and short lived? Cytolysis, bleeding may be other possibilties due to increased swelling?

Whether all or most virus diseases are related to low hematocrit?

I am not the ultimate authority on this, but I have read of no example ever of a scientist claiming that low hematocrit in AIDS patients was caused by anything but the use of AZT. In the very first trials of AZT several patients needed multiple blood transfusions. The first trial was so badly run that the patients knew who had the placebo and who had the real medicine. Some of the placebo patients were given the actual AZT by patients who had it. For some reason only the tin-foil hat types seem to think that this tainted the results in any way (sarcasm).

There is a lot of hand-waving at the "volumes of literature" that supposedly support the HIV disease hypothesis. Unfortunately for the truth, if it doesn't support the official liine, it doesn't get published. This makes the science of AIDS worse and worse because it excludes a lot of real information. The picture of AIDS is getting more and more wrong all the time.

AIDS as a viral disease was invented when enough information about the immune system became available for people to know why they were healthier when they used supplements like vitamin C and selenium. Around that time they also were becoming aware of how destructive atomic radiation was. "HIV" was invented as a diversion. Now if anyone is sick from exposure to radioactive materials, it's "HIV disease" and they're lying about never having had sex with men who have had sex with men. If selenium supplements keep them healthy, they "never were sick in the first place." They'll keep yanking us around like this for as long as we let them.
I am not the ultimate authority on this, but I have read of no example ever of a scientist claiming that low hematocrit in AIDS patients was caused by anything but the use of AZT. In the very first trials of AZT several patients needed multiple blood transfusions. .

Low Hct is also indicated as a symptom of AIDS;

Although CBCs are used on more than just AIDS patients, they can help the doctor determine if an AIDS patient has an advanced form of the disease. Specific AIDS-related signs in a CBC include a low hematocrit, a sharp decrease in the number of blood platelets, and a low level of a certain type of white blood cell called neutrophils.

AZT may be effecting Hct furthur, if it is already low? I want to understand Hct changes on natural progression of disease(how?).

Anyway, can WBCs are swell and become less effective?
Low Hct is also indicated as a symptom of AIDS;

AZT may be effecting Hct furthur, if it is already low? I want to understand Hct changes on natural progression of disease(how?).

Anyway, can WBCs are swell and become less effective?

They snuck in low hematocrit as a symptom of HIV disease. It is actually a symptom of AZT use.
The quality of your replies is deteriorating. Are people saying that you look a bit tired?

If you could read you'd understand that I've already determined that it's absolutely pointless to discuss with you. You've intentionally blinded yourself here.
The only reason to even post a rebuttal to your nonsense would be to help out an innocent third party who might be falling for your emotional tripe.

As I said. You're hopeless.
The quality of my replies reflect the quality of your ability to understand them.
They snuck in low hematocrit as a symptom of HIV disease. It is actually a symptom of AZT use.

Ok, as such, how such symptom can be related with progression of disease?

Someone(medically studies) recently thought following alternative but biochemic based healing agent linking following indications with AIDS which may or may not be possible(I can't say, but this type of inflammatory response is to be understood) But alas we lost him.

"It (healing agent) destroys old-senile worn out cells, esp. RBCs, WBCs
and macrophages in the liver by taking away their water. Therefore, its
deficiency results into excessive useless circulating; wandering cells
in blood vessels and causes spherocytosis. Cells are enlarged but with
poor performance. They block capillary ends and cause local ischemic
and necrotic changes.
Its deficiency causes separation of old cells from growing tissues.
They circulate in the body and become antigenic in nature. Thus the
body produces auto-immune bodies against these cells. Therefore, it is
useful in auto-immune disorders.."Third stage of inflammation, with lumpy or bloody discharge.

Btw, whether lips an tongue colour(fiery red, pale or beefy red) and taste changes after getting AIDS?
If you could read you'd understand that I've already determined that it's absolutely pointless to discuss with you. You've intentionally blinded yourself here.
The only reason to even post a rebuttal to your nonsense would be to help out an innocent third party who might be falling for your emotional tripe.

As I said. You're hopeless.
The quality of my replies reflect the quality of your ability to understand them.

Well, it's a lot more fun to watch your mentality failing than mine, I'll give you that.
I'm sure it's more satisfying for you. You've once again shown that you judge yourself based upon how you scale up to your 'betters'. You derive quite a bit of your self-respect from your 'you against them' stance, yes?

I am sure you often observe this 'failing of mentality' as people eventually decide that you're not worth more than a passing moment's consideration. That your value is simply as a carrot receptacle and nothing more.
However, you should take into account that your interpretation is quite flawed. No matter how much personal satisfaction you derive from proving to people that you're a worthless piece of shit, it still leaves you, in the end, as a worthless piece of shit.

Another point to note. Your mentality has no further to fall, does it? Your entire argument consists of putting your fingers over your ears and shouting gobbledygook.
Well Kumar
Since you have a interest and the conversation really begs due to the denial of diease or the actuall existance of the diease.
Weather HIV is a diease or not people are dying and dying in a manner of which is not caused by direct violence, which strongly such the presence of a diease.
The cause of most all diease is a result of the planets and stars, viral diease is governed by the planets. When observing such dieases from this understanding a dieases does not have to have a physcial body(that is one composed of DNA or RNA) for sickness or ill nature to take place. A good example was put forth by Russian scientist would after observation of human DNA could find not appearant reason within the genetic code for the cause of aging or death, in other worlds death is the result of events other than those of DNA failure.
However most recongnized diease has a physcial body of DNA which is catagorized amoungest a group, forming 70 familes of viral diease. All memebers of these families can be seperated to a given planet or star that intially brought about their formation. (The formation of virus by planets occurs mainly because these gravitional bodies controll earth chemistry). Planets not only controll the chemistry of organisims but also that of atoms, such as zinc or calcium.
Because of gravitional effect by planetary bodies illness or the general state of well being / health of a individual or group of individuals in a given region may deteriorate or gain in preformance. Understanding such infulence of the planets presents the possiblity that illness may occur with a physcial body of virus (DNA) or that the preformance of a given organ in the human body may stop causing illness, Example if HIV is actully the fallure of the immune system to operate and rid the body of forgien matter, the cause of the failed immune system may be because the immune system does respond to the gravition influence of a given planetary body.

HIV has been recongized as a physcial diease one that has a gentic code of DNA, that sequence of DNA is produce by the planet Saturn. Most of the information about HIV as well points to Saturn as the creator of the viruses physical body, it does not matter if man actully made the diease in a labortory as man cound not make such a diease with out the effects of the planet Saturn. HIV is a virus that is dependant on the Atomic Element ZINC that is with in the immune cells and reproductive system it needs this catalyst to reproduce, Zinc is a atomic element whose prime chemisrty is controlled by Saturn as well.
Understanding this one might ask well HIV did not exist before a given date so what has caused the change to bring about the formation of HIV, There are several circumstance surrounding the creation of the virus, one is a interuption in the magnetic feild of earth, the other is the gravitional reaction of the earths Moon and the planet Saturn occuring in August of the year 1912, along with the disappeance of the storm eye on Saturn. These combining effects have cause changes in gravitional effects on our planet. For example the Storm eye of Saturn has disappeared, the storm eye of saturn is actually a planetary bodie that cause a storm in the saturn atmosphere making the storm look like a eye. the disappearance of that storm eye meant something has happened to the planetary body that is in side Saturns atmosphere, The question existed for a long time, recently a Satilite was sent to Saturn by NASA and what was discovered was a odd formation of material at Saturns south pole, this is the remains of the once planetary body that formed the strom eye on Saturn. So with the distruction of that planetary body in Saturns atmosphere the gravitional influence on earth has changed causing a new cycle of gravitional influence, most likly shifting to a near by moon such as the moon Iapetus. the change has brought about the creation of new cycles forming the HIV virus.
The Earth moon effects chemistry rather strongly and so when both Saturn and the Moon of earth are close such as in 1912 the chemistry allows the formation of active chemisrty capable of froming a virus rather than just energizing or making active a DNA or RNA molecule.
So it appears that the destruction of Saturns internal planetary body that was responsible for the storm eye of saturn occurred or started around the same date and collasped completely some time after, the storm eye of starun has be missing for more that 30 years.
In addition in the year 1912 the earths magentic pole crossed the spin axis of the earth causing irregularites and a decrease in the earths overall magnetic feild.

HIV is also a virus that inters the nucleous of the cell, of which only certain planetary bodies have such a capablity, Saturn is one of them.

HIV is a product of Saturn and the energy manifestaions of Saturn, and so in the treatment of HIV it is this frequency of energy that must be blocked or changed, I would suggest the effect of a magnetic feild for daily life at a attempt to change the gentic sequence to a longer or shorter lenght of DNA causing mutation and burn out.

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