The biggest joke in biology: AIDS

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Lixluke, you're an idiot.

I know someone who is HIV positive. He's had the tests and all.

What's your theory as to what he has? I suppose it's psychosomatic, ya?
Well that is interesting i did not even know that, how did it come up on board for me to notice it.

Oh well, guess it does not matter does not look like theres much conversation.

Are the rest of the topics that old as well?:eek:

Well Kumar
Since you have a interest and the conversation really begs due to the denial of diease or the actuall existance of the diease.
Weather HIV is a diease or not people are dying and dying in a manner of which is not caused by direct violence, which strongly such the presence of a diease.
The cause of most all diease is a result of the planets and stars, viral diease is governed by the planets. When observing such dieases from this understanding a dieases does not have to have a physcial body(that is one composed of DNA or RNA) for sickness or ill nature to take place. A good example was put forth by Russian scientist would after observation of human DNA could find not appearant reason within the genetic code for the cause of aging or death, in other worlds death is the result of events other than those of DNA failure.
However most recongnized diease has a physcial body of DNA which is catagorized amoungest a group, forming 70 familes of viral diease. All memebers of these families can be seperated to a given planet or star that intially brought about their formation. (The formation of virus by planets occurs mainly because these gravitional bodies controll earth chemistry). Planets not only controll the chemistry of organisims but also that of atoms, such as zinc or calcium.
Because of gravitional effect by planetary bodies illness or the general state of well being / health of a individual or group of individuals in a given region may deteriorate or gain in preformance. Understanding such infulence of the planets presents the possiblity that illness may occur with a physcial body of virus (DNA) or that the preformance of a given organ in the human body may stop causing illness, Example if HIV is actully the fallure of the immune system to operate and rid the body of forgien matter, the cause of the failed immune system may be because the immune system does respond to the gravition influence of a given planetary body.

HIV has been recongized as a physcial diease one that has a gentic code of DNA, that sequence of DNA is produce by the planet Saturn. Most of the information about HIV as well points to Saturn as the creator of the viruses physical body, it does not matter if man actully made the diease in a labortory as man cound not make such a diease with out the effects of the planet Saturn. HIV is a virus that is dependant on the Atomic Element ZINC that is with in the immune cells and reproductive system it needs this catalyst to reproduce, Zinc is a atomic element whose prime chemisrty is controlled by Saturn as well.
Understanding this one might ask well HIV did not exist before a given date so what has caused the change to bring about the formation of HIV, There are several circumstance surrounding the creation of the virus, one is a interuption in the magnetic feild of earth, the other is the gravitional reaction of the earths Moon and the planet Saturn occuring in August of the year 1912, along with the disappeance of the storm eye on Saturn. These combining effects have cause changes in gravitional effects on our planet. For example the Storm eye of Saturn has disappeared, the storm eye of saturn is actually a planetary bodie that cause a storm in the saturn atmosphere making the storm look like a eye. the disappearance of that storm eye meant something has happened to the planetary body that is in side Saturns atmosphere, The question existed for a long time, recently a Satilite was sent to Saturn by NASA and what was discovered was a odd formation of material at Saturns south pole, this is the remains of the once planetary body that formed the strom eye on Saturn. So with the distruction of that planetary body in Saturns atmosphere the gravitional influence on earth has changed causing a new cycle of gravitional influence, most likly shifting to a near by moon such as the moon Iapetus. the change has brought about the creation of new cycles forming the HIV virus.
The Earth moon effects chemistry rather strongly and so when both Saturn and the Moon of earth are close such as in 1912 the chemistry allows the formation of active chemisrty capable of froming a virus rather than just energizing or making active a DNA or RNA molecule.
So it appears that the destruction of Saturns internal planetary body that was responsible for the storm eye of saturn occurred or started around the same date and collasped completely some time after, the storm eye of starun has be missing for more that 30 years.
In addition in the year 1912 the earths magentic pole crossed the spin axis of the earth causing irregularites and a decrease in the earths overall magnetic feild.

HIV is also a virus that inters the nucleous of the cell, of which only certain planetary bodies have such a capablity, Saturn is one of them.

HIV is a product of Saturn and the energy manifestaions of Saturn, and so in the treatment of HIV it is this frequency of energy that must be blocked or changed, I would suggest the effect of a magnetic feild for daily life at a attempt to change the gentic sequence to a longer or shorter lenght of DNA causing mutation and burn out.


I sincerely hope , that you are joking .........:p:m:

Looks like your on another one of your god trips.

And once again you are coming up short on proof.

It is your suggestion that HIV is a lie an the entire medical community on a global scale are all conspiring to claim there is this disease which is ACTUALLY KILLING PEOPLE. Oh by the way Dwayne, it's disease not diease. The first time it was mispelled I was cool, the 2nd time ok, the 5th time no more. I mean I think either you can't spell that word or your keyboard only allows the second S.

You have the burden to prove to us how this is not real. You are claiming knowledge once again that you can not back up.

You ought to be real sure when you make such a statement because you are relying on the information to be accurate, my guess is your source is not accurate and you are being duped. Please do the research before you make such a ridiculous claim.

It is really irresponsible in my opinion.

Thank you.
Well japple

Some things are just out of the order of thinking of the general sciences, some refer to thiis study as occult, rather than insect.

But i would in vite you to View and observe the effects of fall season this year, death without physcial diseases.

Is may spell ok in this post?

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