The biggest joke in biology: AIDS

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So, no one up to the challenge of showing that other viruses (say, ebola)exist but somehow AIDS is a sham?

There is no such thing as AIDS.

I would love for anybody to show me actual isolated evidence for this mythological creature they call, HIV.

Any doctor diagnosing a patient with AIDS is clearly a blithering idiot. All of these diagnosis are some form of other disease. If anybody you know has been diagnosed with AIDS, tell them to sue the doctor on the grounds of medical malpractice and total stupidity. If the patient was properly diagnosed, they probably could have been appropriately treated. Now they are 6 feet under.

I'll give you $1000 if you let me inject you with live HIV. It's just imaginary after all... that's $1000 bucks for free!

It's too bad your type has so much dominance over science now. You've set the world back hundreds of years.

Yeah. Let's go back to the good old days when your kind of scientists dominated:


Those are all very nice pictures, but they cannot be HIV as the virus has never been isolated or found anywhere.

Hiv is one of the best known viruses out there...
Here's a diagrom of the virus.

And a better picture. (The ones I posted earlier were hiv virus attacking cells and budding from them. These are actual hiv viruses. You can even see the capsid inside the protein shell.)


And a link you might try reading. If you're really interested. (There are better links, but I don't feel like doing a lot of digging for information for you. I doubt you're going to read it anyway.)

Maybe what happened here is you heard someone arguing that AIDS is a lie. That hiv doesn't cause AIDS. This is what Metakron is arguing. He is trying to claim that the medication for AIDS causes all the symptoms and deaths.
This is incredibly an incredibly stupid argument. But miles above yours.
Hiv does exist.
It is also correlated with AIDS to a very strong degree. Mountainhare spoke of Koch's postulates. Look them up. Learn something.

(By the way. Did you know that the very first vaccine (Jenner's smallpox vaccine) was tested on an 8 year old boy? Quite bold, I'd say. The ethics are quite debatable. Also, Salk injected his children and wife with his polio vaccine... Those kooky scientists...)
I take solace in believing that cool skill has AIDs and is in denial, taking on this belief system so as to be able to answer the question "do you have AIDs?" with "no".
AIDs really is the biggest joke in biology, it's a sight gag, picture cool skill shitting himself to death, his strained anus eventually prolapsing and forming a trunkbutt right before he passes away in the most grisly and humiliating way imaginable.
You see the comedy.
Wasn't Gallo a known quack with a history of falsified malpractice?

Gallo didn't discover HIV. What he is doesn't change what HIV is.

Do a pubmed search. Type in AIDS. you find thousands of articles. Is everybody in on the conspiracy?

Are you implying that HIV and AIDS are real?

1-You have HIV.
2-I do?
1-Yes. You might not feel anything now, but that is how it works. You might not feel anything for months or years. But you have it.
2-I feel fine and healthy.
1-You have HIV. You better start taking medication now before it is toooo late. Don't mind the side effects. If they make you sick for a long period of time without killing you, don't worry. That is just the AIDS manifesting. You'll be just fine. Muhuhahahaha!!!!

Many people in Africa do not have the benefit of being able to take AIDS medication. They die in a typical pattern.

Before there was medication people infected with HIV died. In the same typical pattern. With medication it takes longer.

The disease will manifest itself with or without AIDS medication. AIDS medication can merely prolong your life.
Invert, even the manufacturers of AZT acknowledge in their literature that AZT causes the symptoms of AIDS. How is it incredibly stupid to go to their website, read their information on the drug, and repeat what they say?

Yes, Monkey, Africans die in a typical pattern. The trouble is, this "typical pattern" has changed little in a hundred years. They die of cholera, dysentery, typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, and starvation. One of the most "AIDS-ridden" places is Zimbabwe where the president is deliberately starving a quarter of the population to death. Of course it is incredibly stupid to bring up facts.
Surely you will have no difficulties explaining the following:

Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS) was a rare form of relatively benign cancer that tended to occur in older people. But by March 1981 at least eight cases of a more aggressive form of KS had occurred amongst young gay men in New York.2

Or the following:
At about the same time there was an increase, in both California and New York, in the number of cases of a rare lung infection Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)3. In April this increase in PCP was noticed at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta. A drug technician, Sandra Ford, noticed a high number of requests for the drug pentamine, used in the treatment of PCP:

"A doctor was treating a gay man in his 20s who had pneumonia. Two weeks later, he called to ask for a refill of a rare drug that I handled. This was unusual - nobody ever asked for a refill. Patients usually were cured in one 10-day treatment or they died"

or this:

Just five months later, in December 1981, it was clear that the disease affected other population groups, when the first cases of PCP were reported in injecting drug users. At the same time the first case of AIDS was documented in the UK.

or this:
It was also becoming clear that AIDS was not a disease that just occurred in the USA. Throughout 1982 there were separate reports of the disease occurring in a number of European countries.38

Meanwhile in Uganda, doctors were seeing the first cases of a new, fatal wasting disease. This illness soon became known locally as 'slim'

Apparently the disease didn't always exist in africa. What a blow to your theory.

or explain this:

By this time, doctors working in parts of Zambia and Zaire had already noticed the emergence of a very aggressive form of Kaposi's sarcoma. This cancer was endemic in Central Africa, but previously it had progressed very slowly and responded well to treatment, whereas the new cases looked very different and were often fatal.
LixLuke: Do you have a theory explaing why the medical establishment believes HIV exists and leads to AIDS?

Perhaps they are all fools or charlatans. Might it be a conspiracy fostered by the pharmceutical industry?

For a long time now, the medical establishment has seemed to be reliable. At least they managed to cure me and people I have known. I might have survived my problems without medical intervention, but I am sure that some of my friends would be long dead now if not for some excellent doctors.

My dad would have been dead 10 years ago, you have to excuse Luke 'cause he grew up on cheetos and twinkies he bought with WIC checks:)
Monkey, you might as well be saying "Ha! Boot to the head!" It would seem that you have a lower opinion of your audience than I do.

There is no stinking blow to my theory here. "Slim" my ass. Tuberculosis causes wasting. Whoever acted like it was something new must have started a practice in Africa without working with someone who already knew the place and without seeing the necessity to learn anything about what went on there.

The PCP organism is present in more than half the population. One thing that can cause it to appear as a disease is exposure to solvents, a problem so severe that the federal government actually did something about it. It can only be positively proven by biopsy and sometimes not even then. Gay men inhaled a fair amount of the industrial solvent amyl nitrite, a substance that is not even good to get on your skin, let alone much more delicate lung tissue.

Kaposi's sarcoma? Once they defined it and looked for it, the more they looked for it the more they found. There is always a rich harvest of "new cases" to be found in new populations. Trouble is, if they could find it in the new population, it had been there for years.
Monkey, you might as well be saying "Ha! Boot to the head!" It would seem that you have a lower opinion of your audience than I do.

There is no stinking blow to my theory here. "Slim" my ass. Tuberculosis causes wasting. Whoever acted like it was something new must have started a practice in Africa without working with someone who already knew the place and without seeing the necessity to learn anything about what went on there.

The PCP organism is present in more than half the population. One thing that can cause it to appear as a disease is exposure to solvents, a problem so severe that the federal government actually did something about it. It can only be positively proven by biopsy and sometimes not even then. Gay men inhaled a fair amount of the industrial solvent amyl nitrite, a substance that is not even good to get on your skin, let alone much more delicate lung tissue.

Kaposi's sarcoma? Once they defined it and looked for it, the more they looked for it the more they found. There is always a rich harvest of "new cases" to be found in new populations. Trouble is, if they could find it in the new population, it had been there for years.

You are not adressing the issues.
1. They were not finding it in new populations, they found a discrepancy in already documented populations. A new phenomenon arose.
2. HIV has been described, sequenced, put in an evolutionary tree, tied to AIDS statistically, with in vitro data and in vivo data, in thousands of peer reviewed papers.

You denial doesn't make a big impression considering the vast set of scientific data that exists on HIV.

It's rather similar to hear someone deny evolution.
This whole thread is completely baffling to me. What type of proof is lixluke looking for? Apparently he/she is just posting a thread to incite argument?
Get real.
There is huge controversy over the existence of AIDS. They always say that people never die directly from AIDS, and really from some other diease that attacks their weekend immune system. How convenient indeed.
Then there is the window period crap. You have HIV even though your test might appear negative all the time. So keep testing. How garbo is that?

Doctors will never admit that there is no such thing as AIDS because they would be burnt at the steak for misdiagnosing people all those times.
Not to mention the money lost from giving people medication that keeps them alive without killing them so they can keep on taking it and shoving more ends in to the pharmacy's pockets.
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