The Bible is Bullshit

No, I meant HOW does it do it?
It reacts to chemical signals - something which can be built into a mechanical heart.

why dont you ask Superlumiunal that? He claims to be able to build a better one. I guess it depends on the parts he uses. some bolts, some gaskets....LOL.

why dont you ask Superlumiunal that?
I gave the answer: you didn't seem to be aware of it, hence your ridiculous claim.

He claims to be able to build a better one. I guess it depends on the parts he uses. some bolts, some gaskets....LOL.
And you think he's wrong because...?
You gave the answer?
It reacts to chemical signals - something which can be built into a mechanical heart.
Post #163 - which you at least partly read and replied to.

LOL. I have studied anatomy and medicine extensively so i have a good idea of how things work.;)
And yet you still make ridiculous claims.

And dont Troll me bro.
I'm not your bro' and if anyone's trolling it's you. YOU are the one making unfounded claims.

Post #163 - which you at least partly read and replied to.

No, I meant HOW does it do it?
It reacts to chemical signals -

I did say emotions, didnt I?

something which can be built into a mechanical heart.

Would you trade a human heart (at birth) for a mechanical heart?

I'm not your bro' and if anyone's trolling it's you. YOU are the one making unfounded claims.

Dont Troll me bro - Dont Taze me bro.;)

What unfounded claims?
Are you implying that chemicals released are not tied into emotions? You have to remember there are still quite a few unknowns. One of which i believe to have discovered.
So now you are going to repeat what i said and take credit? Nice.
Wrong. I stated it in post #163.

Are you implying that chemicals released are not tied into emotions?
I stated that they ARE.
And what do emotions do?
Release chemicals. Which the heart reacts to.

You have to remember there are still quite a few unknowns.
So what?

One of which i believe to have discovered.
Can you put that into English?

And you STILL haven't addressed this false claim:
cannot interact with the human emotion.
Deleted all the filler, unsubstantiated fluff and ad homs.

And you STILL haven't addressed this false claim:

The false claim alluded to:
cannot interact with the human emotion.

Why dont you show they can? and then we will work on the particulars.
"Can you put that into English?"

It is very clear. I have made a medical discovery, completed it a few years ago and drafted a dissertation.
Deleted all the filler, unsubstantiated fluff and ad homs.
There are NO ad homs. But I did point out your latest false claim: that I repeated something you said. And the other false claim that I denied something I has specifically stated.

The false claim alluded to:
cannot interact with the human emotion.
Why dont you show they can?
Wrong. I didn't "allude" to anything. I quoted your false claim.
Which you have yet to support.
Do you sincerely believe that we cannot make equipment that reacts to chemical changes?
Equipment that can't detect chemicals released into the body?
How do you imagine we actually know what chemicals are released if we can't detect and classify them?
"Can you put that into English?"

It is very clear. I have made a medical discovery, completed it a few years ago and drafted a dissertation.
No, it wasn't clear at all.
Your sentence
One of which i believe to have discovered.
was incomplete and made no sense.

It should have read
One of which i believe I have discovered.
if that's what you meant.

"Do you sincerely believe that we cannot make equipment that reacts to chemical changes?
Equipment that can't detect chemicals released into the body?
How do you imagine we actually know what chemicals are released if we can't detect and classify them?"

First Superluminal claims to be able to design a better heart. He made some semi coherent claims but nothing to support it.

Originally Posted by superluminal
Perfect heart? It's a total piece of CRAP! I'm an engineer. I could have designed a better, more durable, less fault-prone heart with legos and silly putty.

Now you are not backing this up and not even that one has been built by anyone. Do that and drop the BS, people are seeing this now.
"Do you sincerely believe that we cannot make equipment that reacts to chemical changes?
Equipment that can't detect chemicals released into the body?
How do you imagine we actually know what chemicals are released if we can't detect and classify them?"
Can you answer those questions?
They should be simple enough for someone who claims to
have studied anatomy and medicine extensively

First Superluminal claims to be able to design a better heart. He never responded further.
Now you are not backing this up and not even that one has been built by anyone. Do that and drop the BS, people are seeing this now.
I see.
Because you can't answer my questions (and support your false claim) you somehow think that me not replying for Supes is sufficient for you to spout more nonsense.
And I'll remind you one more time: the original claim about reacting (or not) to emotions was YOURS. It's up to you to back it up.
I'll give you a clue to help you - my questions that are quoted at the start of this post should be a hint.