The Bible is Bullshit

Why such hatred, phlogistician? Lori may be a bit special in her thinking, but she's a sweet and kind person as far as I can tell. If there really is some mental illness there, you can't very well accuse her of lying. I believe she really believes what she says.

Where have I said I hated Lori? I haven't, that's just Lori playing her violin to the score of 'persecution complex'.

And of course she has a mental illness. She reckons she hears God's voice. FFS, how much evidence do you need?
Where have I said I hated Lori? I haven't, that's just Lori playing her violin to the score of 'persecution complex'.

And of course she has a mental illness. She reckons she hears God's voice. FFS, how much evidence do you need?

i'm not playing a violin, and i never said you hated me either. your accusations and inclinations speak for themselves.

and for the 87th time, i have never been diagnosed with any mental illness. you waffle constantly between accusing me of being mentally ill and being a liar. fact is, regardless of the two accusations being contradictory, there is no evidence of either such thing. you just enjoy insulting people.
Seriously though, the god of the xians and muslims or whoever, really is a tool. Sandy sees all of this AWESOMENESS in the bible, and Lori (much more rational) sees some sort of guiding plan or something, but if you just read the damned thin objectively, it's full of FAIL. EPIC FAIL.

It really is a disjointed conglomeration of stories and ramblings that even a dull child would toss in favor of "Elmo in Grouchland".

not necessarily a guiding plan...more like the story of my life. not that i'm comparing myself with god or jesus, but when i read the stories in the bible, about what god put the characters through, i can relate to that because of what i've experienced in my own life. also, when i read the scriptures, i can relate them to myself and to my life. there was a time when god told me to open up the bible, and go to specific scripture, and he said point blank, "this is you".
i'm not playing a violin, and i never said you hated me either. your accusations and inclinations speak for themselves.

and for the 87th time, i have never been diagnosed with any mental illness. you waffle constantly between accusing me of being mentally ill and being a liar. fact is, regardless of the two accusations being contradictory, there is no evidence of either such thing. you just enjoy insulting people.

saying you can hear the voice of an invisible person that there is absolutly 0 proof of ever exsisting would be terms by definition of being having a mental illness
Lori does not have a mental illness in the commonly understood meaning of the phrase. However the one-way switch in her brain has been activated by some external event and no ammount of reasoning will ever switch it back. All humans have this switch. With some it's never activated. With others it becomes active some time in later life. These are the Born Again Christians who can be as dangerous as the fanatical Muslims or Jews whose switches have already been thrown. Religion is the most dangerous form of "madness" known to human beings. It has caused nearly every conflict in history and continues to do so today. Hitler killed 6 million Jews just because of who they were. Show me a religious person and I'll show you a completely closed mind devoid of any ability to question what is going on about them. There appears to be a difference between mildly religious people who will debate with you and the ones where the switch has been thrown. It would be fascinating to investigate their brains using modern scanners just to see if a pattern defect could be found. This sort of experiment would never be allowed I'm sorry to say as the results may prove devasting for religionists. It always surprises me why the Turin shroud will not be offered for a full forensic analysis. It seems the Church are afraid to do this. Only tiny samples were taken decades ago with inconclusive results.

In conclusion I cannot say if or when my switch will be thrown. It usually happens close to death for a lot of people because of fear of the unknown. I'm still waiting.
Lori does not have a mental illness in the commonly understood meaning of the phrase. However the one-way switch in her brain has been activated by some external event and no ammount of reasoning will ever switch it back. All humans have this switch. With some it's never activated. With others it becomes active some time in later life. These are the Born Again Christians who can be as dangerous as the fanatical Muslims or Jews whose switches have already been thrown. Religion is the most dangerous form of "madness" known to human beings. It has caused nearly every conflict in history and continues to do so today. Hitler killed 6 million Jews just because of who they were. Show me a religious person and I'll show you a completely closed mind devoid of any ability to question what is going on about them. There appears to be a difference between mildly religious people who will debate with you and the ones where the switch has been thrown. It would be fascinating to investigate their brains using modern scanners just to see if a pattern defect could be found. This sort of experiment would never be allowed I'm sorry to say as the results may prove devasting for religionists. It always surprises me why the Turin shroud will not be offered for a full forensic analysis. It seems the Church are afraid to do this. Only tiny samples were taken decades ago with inconclusive results.

In conclusion I cannot say if or when my switch will be thrown. It usually happens close to death for a lot of people because of fear of the unknown. I'm still waiting.

what switch?

what external event?

i am not religious.

i am not fanatical.

i am not dangerous.

as a matter of fact, it was my questioning of things around me that led to spiritual events and interactions, that changed my mind, and changed my life. i have not and will not cease to question. i believe that's why we're here.
than en entity either way its a moot point it still applys

not necessarily. not if god exists and a spiritual realm exists. did you know that schizophrenia has no known cause? it's just a label for something that's not understood.
not necessarily. not if god exists and a spiritual realm exists. did you know that schizophrenia has no known cause? it's just a label for something that's not understood.

i did know that i also know that people with it cant function in a normal manner..

if its a spiritual world your still saying something that there is 0 proof of existing is talking to you by definition is a mental illness
what switch?

This is just a way of explaining to you that anyone who has blind faith, as you do, that it's like a switch going off in your brain. You say you question everything but you are coming up with the wrong answers.

what external event?

You say reading events in the bible mirrors your life. You have obviously had some unhappy thing happen to you. Would you like to tell us about them.

i am not religious.

Interesting answer. What are you then

i am not fanatical.

Hearing Gods voice in your head suggests otherwise

i am not dangerous.

Maybe not in a physical sense, but your belief system suggests that you make decisions based on what you believe and not necessariliy what is rational. This makes you dangerous.
what switch?

This is just a way of explaining to you that anyone who has blind faith, as you do, that it's like a switch going off in your brain. You say you question everything but you are coming up with the wrong answers.

i don't have blind faith, and the answers are not wrong.

what external event?

You say reading events in the bible mirrors your life. You have obviously had some unhappy thing happen to you. Would you like to tell us about them.

everyone has unhappy things happen to them, and that's not why i know god.

i am not religious.

Interesting answer. What are you then

i'm a human being like everybody else. i'm a middle class, middle aged woman.

i am not fanatical.

Hearing Gods voice in your head suggests otherwise

no it doesn't. perhaps you should look up the term fanatical.

i am not dangerous.

Maybe not in a physical sense, but your belief system suggests that you make decisions based on what you believe and not necessariliy what is rational. This makes you dangerous.

what i believe is rational, and i am not dangerous. what i've experienced has actually made me more stable and loving, stronger, with peace of mind.
i did know that i also know that people with it cant function in a normal manner..

if its a spiritual world your still saying something that there is 0 proof of existing is talking to you by definition is a mental illness

i function in a normal manner (based on what i think your definition of a normal manner is).
i don't have blind faith, and the answers are not wrong.

The answers are unproven and that's the whole point. Hence the term blind faith.
i am not religious.

Interesting answer. What are you then ”

i'm a human being like everybody else. i'm a middle class, middle aged woman.

Why are you trying decouple your belief in God from being religious? Are you in some way embarressed at the crazy antics of the outwardly religious bible belt? If this is the case I admire and salute you.
sandy said:
Let us know how that works out for you. I get people like you weekly begging to be saved before they die. They ALL wish they would have done it sooner and sob hysterically for being such disappointments to Jesus their whole lives.

It's worked really well for me, Sandy. In fact, I have never felt more free in my life.

ALL? Just how many dying people do you badger before they die?

You realize your religion is about violence? That's not cool in my book and certainly something I would not cry about for being "such a disappointment" Hell, I'm more pearly white than the Biblical God and believe me, I'm not tooting my own horn. Even the Bible describes God as a violent bully who throws fits (kills whatever it takes) to get what he wants. No thanks.
Ms. sandy said:
Let us know how that works out for you. I get people like you weekly begging to be saved before they die. They ALL wish they would have done it sooner and sob hysterically for being such disappointments to Jesus their whole lives.
Dying can be scary, terminal illness tends to affect your judgement as well. It takes courage to face your own death without the help of after life mythology, I'm not surprised at all if some people pussy out.
Lori does not have a mental illness in the commonly understood meaning of the phrase. However the one-way switch in her brain has been activated by some external event and no ammount of reasoning will ever switch it back. All humans have this switch.

Interesting analogy. However, we have control of this switch. Damn thing broke on me a few years back because I was constantly having to turn it back on every day, and when I finally got it repaired, I found I liked the switch better in the off position.