The Bible is Bullshit

HA! Q. Awesome!

God's final design review for a human entertainment device. And the angels did sing...
It is, but not for any direct religious reason, except perhaps the sense of entitlement many Christians have towards raping the resources of the Earth.

We just don't pay lip service like most liberals do. God gave us the earth to use.

... I gave up all that mumbo jumbo cultish stuff up a long time ago.

Let us know how that works out for you. I get people like you weekly begging to be saved before they die. They ALL wish they would have done it sooner and sob hysterically for being such disappointments to Jesus their whole lives.

AND don't you dare compare yourself with joyce meyer. that woman would eat you for breakfast. so would hagee, but for very different if he ran out of chicken fried whatever.

:D She's a friend. So is Hagee.

So, if a murderer says the sinners prayer on their death bed they get to go to heaven and rub shoulders with Jesus?

Yep. It's happened to some pretty famous people.
Seriously though, the god of the xians and muslims or whoever, really is a tool. Sandy sees all of this AWESOMENESS in the bible, and Lori (much more rational) sees some sort of guiding plan or something, but if you just read the damned thin objectively, it's full of FAIL. EPIC FAIL.

It really is a disjointed conglomeration of stories and ramblings that even a dull child would toss in favor of "Elmo in Grouchland".
They ALL wish they would have done it sooner and sob hysterically for being such disappointments to Jesus their whole lives.
Even Hindus? And Muslims? And Native Americans? And Buddhists?

You're pretty arrogant and self righteous for a glorified used car salesman, ya know? Well, at least you have the advantage of knowing for sure that when you die you'll be on your knees giving real blowjobs to jebus and his pals for eternity, instead of just this lip service you give now. That has to be fairly comforting.
Lip service to what, environmentalism? Because Christian environmentalism is so rare it makes the news.

Yes, to the religion of earth worship. Most of the liberals who cry and moan the most about global warming do nothing about it. They don't contribute, they don't live as green as possible, and they are hypocrites. Most Christians I know don't "rape the earth". They live like normal Americans.
Yes, to the religion of earth worship. Most of the liberals who cry and moan the most about global warming do nothing about it. They don't contribute, they don't live as green as possible, and they are hypocrites. Most Christians I know don't "rape the earth". They live like normal Americans.
Look dippy. Most xians are republicans, the most Earth-ass-raping group in existence.
We just don't pay lip service like most liberals do. God gave us the earth to use.
M*W: The Earth is for all of us to use but not abuse.

Let us know how that works out for you. I get people like you weekly begging to be saved before they die. They ALL wish they would have done it sooner and sob hysterically for being such disappointments to Jesus their whole lives.
M*W: They are just as delusional as you are.

:D She's a friend. So is Hagee.
M*W: So what you are saying is that you're hung up with these religion opportunists. They might as well be selling snake oil. My guess is that you've been to one of their revivals and managed to meet them once. Maybe you've been the one hanging at their heals for a prayer. I feel sorry for you. Maybe I should feel sorry for them.
Yes, to the religion of earth worship. Most of the liberals who cry and moan the most about global warming do nothing about it. They don't contribute, they don't live as green as possible, and they are hypocrites. Most Christians I know don't "rape the earth". They live like normal Americans.
M*W: Sandy, what is your definition of a "normal American?"
They find the charred remains of witches burned on the stake and the fields of dead bodies all "enchanting"

LOL...what witches? Did you watch a made for t.v movie?

funny...the people in my life often seek me to resolve conflict.

He is trying to say KKK, but they were against Christians just like he is. He would fit right in with them. He also forgets Martin Luther King (MLK), Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton were\are Christians.

Christians would not burn crosses or call themselves Wizards. Luckily the Klan was stopped (by Christians).
Perfect heart? It's a total piece of CRAP! I'm an engineer. I could have designed a better, more durable, less fault-prone heart with legos and silly putty.

That has to be the most bizarre thing i have ever read...anywhere.

And dont tell me Sandy gets you so excited that you think like an imbecile. Explain that comment.
That has to be the most bizarre thing i have ever read...anywhere.

And dont tell me Sandy gets you so excited that you think like an imbecile. Explain that comment.

Leaky valves. AV nodes that malfunction. Arrhythmias of all kinds. Prone to stopping suddenly without notice. Need I go on?

An ALMIGHTY creator could have done a much more sound engineering job. Hell, a new ME graduate could do better. That's what I mean. As a design (which of course it isn't - it's an evolved organ) it sucks.

Ok? Care to discuss any of the other horribly "designed" pieces of gods handy work?
Being an engineer you may know that the heart is just a pump. If you can design something that light weight and can last for 90-100 years with no maintenance and can do this the whole time and is made from human tissue...i cannot believe i am even having a discussion like this.

In reality, you are comparing man made pumps to hearts. I doubt medically there is a true replacement and even then would not be made of tissue and cannot interact with the human emotion.

oh man....:facepalm: