The Bible is Bullshit

But that does not show that a human made heart has been produced that is better than a natural heart.:confused:
It wasn't meant to.
It was to point out how ridiculous your claim was.

One more time: I'm not answering for Supes (he can do that well enough himself when he logs back in). It's your claim that an artificial heart can't react to emotions I'm disputing.
What do you mean "with"?
I've pointed out that emotions equate to chemical release and that we can detect those chemicals and manufacture equipment to react to them.
In other words you're wrong.
Lets examine your evidence.
For what?
Do you deny that we can detect those chemicals?
Do you deny that we can make equipment that will react when those chemicals are detected?
I remind you again that the original claim was yours.
Where's YOUR evidence?
Also, remember the initial claim. We dont want to forget or obfuscate what we are discussing here.
And again:
One more time: I'm not answering for Supes (he can do that well enough himself when he logs back in). It's your claim that an artificial heart can't react to emotions I'm disputing.

You've done little BUT obfuscate.
LOL...what witches? Did you watch a made for t.v movie?

He is trying to say KKK, but they were against Christians just like he is. He would fit right in with them.

What other events in recent American history do you deny occurring, John?

He also forgets Martin Luther King (MLK), Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton were\are Christians.

Really? I thought they were Mormons?

Christians would not burn crosses or call themselves Wizards. Luckily the Klan was stopped (by Christians).

Yes, aren't we all ever so lucky to have had the Klan Kausing Konflict?

Kristians would never Kause Konflict.
What the hell are you talking about?

HA! So now you question the last denial of the denial previous to your first denial? What do you think you're doing, John. That's really not playing cricket by the Marquess of Queensbury rules, is it?
Of course not.:confused:
So we're one step towards having a heart that reacts to emotions.

That will require you to provide an example.
What do you think happens in order for us to detect a chemical? The equipment reacts to that chemical.
How about an easy one: litmus paper.
How about any of these?
Or more simply, if we haven't got things that react to specific chemicals how do we tell one from another?
What about bomb detectors that react to Semtex?